26 research outputs found

    Design and calibration of turbulent boundary layer wall-shear stress sensor

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    Turbulent flow measurements are one of the most difficult tasks in fluid me- chanics, in particular the characterization of the wall-shear stress. In water media there is little research in the topic. Complete characterization of the shear stress measurements in water environment can really suppose an ad- vance in the design of pipes, pumps even external surfaces of marine vehicles. The aim of this thesis is to design a device capable of calibrating wall-shear stress sensors in water media. This device will be a plane wave tube (PWT). With the aid of a loudspeaker an oscillatory turbulent boundary layer will be excited at the tube wall and consequently a wall-shear stress will be gen- erated. Measurements will be taken using a hot-film sensor and a microphone. After the design and manufacture of the PWT. Some recommendations and suggestions about the next steps in the research will be proposed. In the near future static and dynamic calibration could be performed.Ingenier铆a Aeroespacial (Plan 2010

    Kinematics, motion analysis and path planning for four kinds of wheeled mobile robots

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    Sensor Network Based Collision-Free Navigation and Map Building for Mobile Robots

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    Safe robot navigation is a fundamental research field for autonomous robots including ground mobile robots and flying robots. The primary objective of a safe robot navigation algorithm is to guide an autonomous robot from its initial position to a target or along a desired path with obstacle avoidance. With the development of information technology and sensor technology, the implementations combining robotics with sensor network are focused on in the recent researches. One of the relevant implementations is the sensor network based robot navigation. Moreover, another important navigation problem of robotics is safe area search and map building. In this report, a global collision-free path planning algorithm for ground mobile robots in dynamic environments is presented firstly. Considering the advantages of sensor network, the presented path planning algorithm is developed to a sensor network based navigation algorithm for ground mobile robots. The 2D range finder sensor network is used in the presented method to detect static and dynamic obstacles. The sensor network can guide each ground mobile robot in the detected safe area to the target. Furthermore, the presented navigation algorithm is extended into 3D environments. With the measurements of the sensor network, any flying robot in the workspace is navigated by the presented algorithm from the initial position to the target. Moreover, in this report, another navigation problem, safe area search and map building for ground mobile robot, is studied and two algorithms are presented. In the first presented method, we consider a ground mobile robot equipped with a 2D range finder sensor searching a bounded 2D area without any collision and building a complete 2D map of the area. Furthermore, the first presented map building algorithm is extended to another algorithm for 3D map building

    Map-Based Localization for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Navigation

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    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) require precise pose estimation when navigating in indoor and GNSS-denied / GNSS-degraded outdoor environments. The possibility of crashing in these environments is high, as spaces are confined, with many moving obstacles. There are many solutions for localization in GNSS-denied environments, and many different technologies are used. Common solutions involve setting up or using existing infrastructure, such as beacons, Wi-Fi, or surveyed targets. These solutions were avoided because the cost should be proportional to the number of users, not the coverage area. Heavy and expensive sensors, for example a high-end IMU, were also avoided. Given these requirements, a camera-based localization solution was selected for the sensor pose estimation. Several camera-based localization approaches were investigated. Map-based localization methods were shown to be the most efficient because they close loops using a pre-existing map, thus the amount of data and the amount of time spent collecting data are reduced as there is no need to re-observe the same areas multiple times. This dissertation proposes a solution to address the task of fully localizing a monocular camera onboard a UAV with respect to a known environment (i.e., it is assumed that a 3D model of the environment is available) for the purpose of navigation for UAVs in structured environments. Incremental map-based localization involves tracking a map through an image sequence. When the map is a 3D model, this task is referred to as model-based tracking. A by-product of the tracker is the relative 3D pose (position and orientation) between the camera and the object being tracked. State-of-the-art solutions advocate that tracking geometry is more robust than tracking image texture because edges are more invariant to changes in object appearance and lighting. However, model-based trackers have been limited to tracking small simple objects in small environments. An assessment was performed in tracking larger, more complex building models, in larger environments. A state-of-the art model-based tracker called ViSP (Visual Servoing Platform) was applied in tracking outdoor and indoor buildings using a UAVs low-cost camera. The assessment revealed weaknesses at large scales. Specifically, ViSP failed when tracking was lost, and needed to be manually re-initialized. Failure occurred when there was a lack of model features in the cameras field of view, and because of rapid camera motion. Experiments revealed that ViSP achieved positional accuracies similar to single point positioning solutions obtained from single-frequency (L1) GPS observations standard deviations around 10 metres. These errors were considered to be large, considering the geometric accuracy of the 3D model used in the experiments was 10 to 40 cm. The first contribution of this dissertation proposes to increase the performance of the localization system by combining ViSP with map-building incremental localization, also referred to as simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). Experimental results in both indoor and outdoor environments show sub-metre positional accuracies were achieved, while reducing the number of tracking losses throughout the image sequence. It is shown that by integrating model-based tracking with SLAM, not only does SLAM improve model tracking performance, but the model-based tracker alleviates the computational expense of SLAMs loop closing procedure to improve runtime performance. Experiments also revealed that ViSP was unable to handle occlusions when a complete 3D building model was used, resulting in large errors in its pose estimates. The second contribution of this dissertation is a novel map-based incremental localization algorithm that improves tracking performance, and increases pose estimation accuracies from ViSP. The novelty of this algorithm is the implementation of an efficient matching process that identifies corresponding linear features from the UAVs RGB image data and a large, complex, and untextured 3D model. The proposed model-based tracker improved positional accuracies from 10 m (obtained with ViSP) to 46 cm in outdoor environments, and improved from an unattainable result using VISP to 2 cm positional accuracies in large indoor environments. The main disadvantage of any incremental algorithm is that it requires the camera pose of the first frame. Initialization is often a manual process. The third contribution of this dissertation is a map-based absolute localization algorithm that automatically estimates the camera pose when no prior pose information is available. The method benefits from vertical line matching to accomplish a registration procedure of the reference model views with a set of initial input images via geometric hashing. Results demonstrate that sub-metre positional accuracies were achieved and a proposed enhancement of conventional geometric hashing produced more correct matches - 75% of the correct matches were identified, compared to 11%. Further the number of incorrect matches was reduced by 80%

    Serious Game Engineering and Lighting Models for the Realistic Emulation of 5G Systems

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    [ES] La quinta generaci贸n de comunicaciones m贸viles, 5G, promete ser una revoluci贸n tecnol贸gica que vaya m谩s all谩 de multiplicar la velocidad de transmisi贸n de datos de sus predecesoras. Pretende soportar una gran cantidad de dispositivos y alcanzar latencias muy cercanas a 1 milisegundo. Para satisfacer estos ambiciosos requisitos, se han investigado nuevas tecnolog铆as habilitadoras. Una de ellas es el uso de las bandas de ondas milim茅tricas (mmW) en las cuales hay una gran cantidad de espectro disponible. Para predecir las caracter铆sticas del canal radio y evaluar las prestaciones de la 5G de forma fiable en las bandas mmW se requieren modelos de canal complejos. Concretamente, los modelos de propagaci贸n m谩s precisos son los basados en trazado de rayos, pero su alto costo computacional los hacen inviables para la caracterizaci贸n del canal radio en escenarios complejos. Por otro lado, en los 煤ltimos a帽os, la tecnolog铆a de videojuegos ha desarrollado potentes herramientas para modelar la propagaci贸n de la luz en escenarios superrealistas. Dada la cercan铆a espectral entre el espectro visible y las ondas mmW, la presente Tesis ha estudiado la aplicaci贸n de las herramientas de modelado de propagaci贸n de la luz de los motores de juego para el modelado del canal radio en mmW. Esta Tesis propone un modelo de estimaci贸n de las p茅rdidas de propagaci贸n en mmW llamado "Modelo de Intensidad de Luz'' (LIM). Usando este modelo, basado en los procesos de iluminaci贸n realizados por los motores de juego, los transmisores de se帽al se sustituyen por focos de luz y la intensidad lum铆nica recibida en un punto se traduce a potencia de se帽al en milim茅tricas a trav茅s de una funci贸n polin贸mica sencilla. Una de las ventajas de usar los motores de juego es su gran capacidad y la facilidad que tiene el usuario para crear escenarios superrealistas que representen fielmente la geometr铆a de escenarios donde se quiera evaluar el canal radio. De esta forma se pueden obtener estimaciones precisas de las p茅rdidas de propagaci贸n. La estimaci贸n de las p茅rdidas de propagaci贸n con LIM ha sido comparada con campa帽as de medida en las bandas de 28 GHz y 73 GHz y con otros modelos de propagaci贸n. Como resultado, el error de estimaci贸n de LIM es menor que los modelos estoc谩sticos actuales y es comparable con el modelo de trazado de rayos. Y, adem谩s, el coste computacional de LIM comparado con el trazado de rayos es 130 veces menor, lo que posibilita el uso de LIM en escenarios altamente complejos para la estimaci贸n del canal radio en tiempo real. Los motores de juego permiten caracterizar de forma diferente la interacci贸n de los materiales con la luz configurando el mapa de normales de sus superficies y sus funciones de dispersi贸n y reflexi贸n. En esta Tesis se ha determinado la caracterizaci贸n de varios materiales que mejor se ajusta a medidas de laboratorio realizadas en un escenario controlado en la banda de 28 GHz. El modelo de LIM empleando materiales con esta caracterizaci贸n 贸ptima reduce m谩s de un 50\% su error de estimaci贸n con respecto a la aplicaci贸n de LIM con los materiales por defecto, mientras que su coste computacional sigue siendo 26 veces menor que el modelo de trazado de rayos. Finalmente, se ha desarrollado sobre un motor de juego una primera versi贸n de plataforma para la emulaci贸n de los sistemas 5G que es el punto de partida para un emulador completo de 5G. Esta plataforma no s贸lo contiene el modelo de LIM sino que incluye varios casos de uso de la 5G en entornos superrealistas. La plataforma, que se basa en el concepto de "Serious Game Engineering", rompe las limitaciones de los simuladores de redes m贸viles en cuanto a las capacidades de visualizaci贸n e interacci贸n del usuario con los componentes de la red en tiempo real.[CA] La cinquena generaci贸 de comunicacions m貌bils, 5G, promet ser una revoluci贸 tecnol貌gica que vaja m茅s enll脿 de multiplicar la velocitat de transmissi贸 de dades de les seues predecessores. Pret茅n suportar una gran quantitat de dispositius i aconseguir lat猫ncies molt pr貌ximes a 1 mil路lisegon. Per a satisfer aquests ambiciosos requisits, s'han investigat noves tecnologies habilitadores. Una d'elles 茅s l'煤s de les bandes d'ones mil路lim猫triques (mmW) en les quals hi ha una gran quantitat d'espectre disponible. Per a predir les caracter铆stiques del canal r脿dio i avaluar les prestacions de la 5G de forma fiable en les bandes mmW es requereixen models de canal complexos. Concretament, els models de propagaci贸 m茅s precisos s贸n els basats en tra莽at de rajos, per貌 el seu alt cost computacional els fan inviables per a la caracteritzaci贸 del canal r脿dio en escenaris complexos. D'altra banda, en els 煤ltims anys, la tecnologia de videojocs ha desenvolupat potents eines per a modelar la propagaci贸 de la llum en escenaris superrealistes. Donada la proximitat espectral entre l'espectre visible i les ones mmW, la present Tesi ha estudiat l'aplicaci贸 de les eines de modelatge de propagaci贸 de la llum dels motors de joc per al modelatge del canal radie en mmW. Aquesta Tesi proposa un model d'estimaci贸 de les p猫rdues de propagaci贸 en mmW anomenat "Model d'Intensitat de Llum'' (LIM). Usant aquest model, basat en els processos d'il路luminaci贸 realitzats pels motors de joc, els transmissors de senyal se substitueixen per focus de llum i la intensitat lum铆nica rebuda en un punt es tradueix a pot猫ncia de senyal en mil路lim猫triques a trav茅s d'una funci贸 polin貌mica senzilla. Una dels avantatges d'usar els motors de joc 茅s la seua gran capacitat i la facilitat que t茅 l'usuari per a crear escenaris superrealistes que representen fidelment la geometria d'escenaris on es vulga avaluar el canal r脿dio. D'aquesta forma es poden obtindre estimacions precises de les p猫rdues de propagaci贸. L'estimaci贸 de les p猫rdues de propagaci贸 amb LIM ha sigut comparada amb campanyes de mesura en les bandes de 28~GHz i 73~GHz i amb altres models de propagaci贸. Com a resultat, l'error d'estimaci贸 de LIM 茅s menor que els models estoc脿stics actuals i 茅s comparable amb el model de tra莽at de rajos. I, a m茅s, el cost computacional de LIM comparat amb el tra莽at de rajos 茅s 130 vegades menor, la qual cosa possibilita l'煤s de LIM en escenaris altament complexos per a l'estimaci贸 del canal r脿dio en temps real. Els motors de joc permeten caracteritzar de forma diferent la interacci贸 dels materials amb la llum configurant el mapa de normals de les seues superf铆cies i les seues funcions de dispersi贸 i reflexi贸. En aquesta Tesi s'ha determinat la caracteritzaci贸 de diversos materials que s'ajusta millor a mesures de laboratori realitzades en un escenari controlat en la banda de 28 GHz. El model de LIM emprant materials amb aquesta caracteritzaci贸 貌ptima redueix m茅s d'un 50 % el seu error d'estimaci贸 respecte a l'aplicaci贸 de LIM amb els materials per defecte, mentre que el seu cost computacional continua sent 26 vegades menor que el model de tra莽at de rajos. Finalment, s'ha desenvolupat sobre un motor de joc una primera versi贸 de plataforma per a l'emulaci贸 dels sistemes 5G que 茅s el punt de partida per a un emulador complet de 5G. Aquesta plataforma no solament cont茅 el model de LIM sin贸 que inclou diversos casos d'煤s de la 5G en entorns superrealistes. La plataforma, que es basa en el concepte de "Serious Game Engineering", trenca les limitacions dels simuladors de xarxes m貌bils quant a les capacitats de visualitzaci贸 i interacci贸 de l'usuari amb els components de la xarxa en temps real.[EN] The fifth generation of mobile communications, 5G, promises to be a technological revolution that goes beyond multiplying the data transmission speed of its predecessors. It aims to support a large number of devices and reach latencies very close to 1 millisecond. To meet these ambitious requirements, new enabling technologies have been researched. One of these is the use of millimetre-wave bands (mmW) in which a large amount of spectrum is available. Complex channel models are required to predict radio channel characteristics and reliably evaluate 5G performance in the mmW bands. Specifically, the most accurate propagation models are those based on ray tracing, but their high computational cost makes them unfeasible for radio channel characterization in complex scenarios. On the other hand, in recent years, video game technology has developed powerful tools to model the propagation of light in super realistic scenarios. Given the spectral closeness between the visible spectrum and the mmW waves, the present Thesis has studied the application of light propagation modeling tools from game engines for radio channel modeling in mmW. This Thesis proposes a model for estimating propagation losses in mmW called "Light Intensity Model'' (LIM). Using this model, based on the lighting processes performed by the game engines, the signal transmitters are replaced by light sources and the light intensity received at a point is translated into signal strength in mmW through a simple polynomial function. One of the advantages of using the game engines is their great capacity and the ease with which the user can create super realistic scenarios that faithfully represent the geometry of scenarios where the radio channel is to be evaluated. In this way, accurate estimates of propagation losses can be obtained. The estimation of propagation losses with LIM has been compared with measurement campaigns in the 28 GHz and 73 GHz bands and with other propagation models. As a result, the LIM estimation error is smaller than the current stochastic models and is comparable with the ray tracing model. In addition, the computational cost of LIM compared to ray tracing is 130 times lower, allowing the use of LIM in highly complex scenarios for real-time radio channel estimation. The game engines allow to characterize in a different way the interaction of the materials with the light configuring the normal map of their surfaces and their scattering and reflection functions. In this Thesis it has been determined the characterization of several materials that best fits to laboratory measurements made in a controlled scenario in the 28 GHz band. The LIM model using materials with this optimal characterization reduces by more than 50% its estimation error with respect to the application of LIM with default materials, while its computational cost remains 26 times lower than the ray tracing model. Finally, a first version of a platform for the emulation of 5G systems has been developed on a game engine, which is the starting point for a complete 5G emulator. This platform not only contains the LIM model but also includes several 5G use cases in super realistic environments. The platform, which is based on the concept of "`Serious Game Engineering", breaks the limitations of mobile network simulators in terms of visualization capabilities and user interaction with network components in real time.Inca S谩nchez, SA. (2019). Serious Game Engineering and Lighting Models for the Realistic Emulation of 5G Systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/132695TESI

    Technology Directions for the 21st Century

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    New technologies will unleash the huge capacity of fiber-optic cable to meet growing demands for bandwidth. Companies will continue to replace private networks with public network bandwidth-on-demand. Although asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) is the transmission technology favored by many, its penetration will be slower than anticipated. Hybrid networks - e.g., a mix of ATM, frame relay, and fast Ethernet - may predominate, both as interim and long-term solutions, based on factors such as availability, interoperability, and cost. Telecommunications equipment and services prices will decrease further due to increased supply and more competition. Explosive Internet growth will continue, requiring additional backbone transmission capacity and enhanced protocols, but it is not clear who will fund the upgrade. Within ten years, space-based constellations of satellites in Low Earth orbit (LEO) will serve mobile users employing small, low-power terminals. 'Little LEO's' will provide packet transmission services and geo-position determination. 'Big LEO's' will function as global cellular telephone networks, with some planning to offer video and interactive multimedia services. Geosynchronous satellites also are proposed for mobile voice grade links and high-bandwidth services. NASA may benefit from resulting cost reductions in components, space hardware, launch services, and telecommunications services

    Thermionic energy conversion system design Final technical report

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    Performance evaluation of plutonia fueled multicell thermionic converte

    Proceedings of the Second International Mobile Satellite Conference (IMSC 1990)

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    Presented here are the proceedings of the Second International Mobile Satellite Conference (IMSC), held June 17-20, 1990 in Ottawa, Canada. Topics covered include future mobile satellite communications concepts, aeronautical applications, modulation and coding, propagation and experimental systems, mobile terminal equipment, network architecture and control, regulatory and policy considerations, vehicle antennas, and speech compression