487 research outputs found

    Improving accuracy of Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging using hidden markov model and morphological analysis for Myanmar Language

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    In Natural Language Processing (NLP), Word segmentation and Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging are fundamental tasks. The POS information is also necessary in NLP’s preprocessing work applications such as machine translation (MT), information retrieval (IR), etc. Currently, there are many research efforts in word segmentation and POS tagging developed separately with different methods to get high performance and accuracy. For Myanmar Language, there are also separate word segmentors and POS taggers based on statistical approaches such as Neural Network (NN) and Hidden Markov Models (HMMs). But, as the Myanmar language's complex morphological structure, the OOV problem still exists. To keep away from error and improve segmentation by utilizing POS data, segmentation and labeling should be possible at the same time.The main goal of developing POS tagger for any Language is to improve accuracy of tagging and remove ambiguity in sentences due to language structure. This paper focuses on developing word segmentation and Part-of- Speech (POS) Tagger for Myanmar Language. This paper presented the comparison of separate word segmentation and POS tagging with joint word segmentation and POS tagging

    Mimicking Word Embeddings using Subword RNNs

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    Word embeddings improve generalization over lexical features by placing each word in a lower-dimensional space, using distributional information obtained from unlabeled data. However, the effectiveness of word embeddings for downstream NLP tasks is limited by out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words, for which embeddings do not exist. In this paper, we present MIMICK, an approach to generating OOV word embeddings compositionally, by learning a function from spellings to distributional embeddings. Unlike prior work, MIMICK does not require re-training on the original word embedding corpus; instead, learning is performed at the type level. Intrinsic and extrinsic evaluations demonstrate the power of this simple approach. On 23 languages, MIMICK improves performance over a word-based baseline for tagging part-of-speech and morphosyntactic attributes. It is competitive with (and complementary to) a supervised character-based model in low-resource settings.Comment: EMNLP 201

    Methods and algorithms for unsupervised learning of morphology

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    This is an accepted manuscript of a chapter published by Springer in Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing. CICLing 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8403 in 2014 available online: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-54906-9_15 The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.This paper is a survey of methods and algorithms for unsupervised learning of morphology. We provide a description of the methods and algorithms used for morphological segmentation from a computational linguistics point of view. We survey morphological segmentation methods covering methods based on MDL (minimum description length), MLE (maximum likelihood estimation), MAP (maximum a posteriori), parametric and non-parametric Bayesian approaches. A review of the evaluation schemes for unsupervised morphological segmentation is also provided along with a summary of evaluation results on the Morpho Challenge evaluations.Published versio


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    Information technologies have now matured to the point of enabling researchers to create a repository of language resources, especially for those languages facing the crisis of endangerment. The development of an online platform of corpora, made possible by recent advances in data storage, character-encoding and web technology, has profound consequences for the accessibility, quantity, quality and interoperability of linguistic field data. This is of particular significance for Formosan languages in Taiwan, many of which are on the verge of extinction. As a response to the recognition of this burgeoning problem, the key objectives of the establishment of the NTU Corpus of Formosan Languages aim to document and thus preserve valuable linguistic data, as well as relevant ethnological and cultural information. This paper will introduce some of the theoretical bases behind this initiative, as well as the procedures, transcription conventions, database normalization, in-house system and three special features in the creation of this corpus

    Dependency parsing of Turkish

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    The suitability of different parsing methods for different languages is an important topic in syntactic parsing. Especially lesser-studied languages, typologically different from the languages for which methods have originally been developed, poses interesting challenges in this respect. This article presents an investigation of data-driven dependency parsing of Turkish, an agglutinative free constituent order language that can be seen as the representative of a wider class of languages of similar type. Our investigations show that morphological structure plays an essential role in finding syntactic relations in such a language. In particular, we show that employing sublexical representations called inflectional groups, rather than word forms, as the basic parsing units improves parsing accuracy. We compare two different parsing methods, one based on a probabilistic model with beam search, the other based on discriminative classifiers and a deterministic parsing strategy, and show that the usefulness of sublexical units holds regardless of parsing method.We examine the impact of morphological and lexical information in detail and show that, properly used, this kind of information can improve parsing accuracy substantially. Applying the techniques presented in this article, we achieve the highest reported accuracy for parsing the Turkish Treebank
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