8 research outputs found

    Development of Transformations from Business Process Models to Implementations by Reuse

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    This paper presents an approach for developing transformations from business process models to implementations that facilitates reuse. A transformation is developed as a composition of three smaller tasks: pattern recognition, pattern realization and activity transformation. The approach allows one to reuse the definition and implementation of pattern recognition and pattern realization in the development of transformations targeting different business process modeling and implementation languages. In order to decouple pattern recognition and pattern realization, the approach includes a pattern language to represent the output of the pattern recognition task, which forms the input of the pattern realization task

    Transforming Internal Activities of Business Process Models to Services Compositions

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    As a service composition language, BPEL imposes as constraint that a business process model should consist only of activities for interacting with other business processes. BPEL provides limited support for implementing internal activities, i.e. activities that are performed by a single business process without involvement of other business processes. BPEL is hence not suitable to implement internal activities that include complex data manipulation. There are a number of options to make BPEL able to implement such internal activities. In this paper we analyse those options based on their feasibility, efficiency, reusability, portability and merging. The analysis indicates that delegating internal activities’ functionality to other services is the best option. We therefore present an approach for transforming internal activities to service invocations. The application of this approach on a business process model results in a service composition model that consists only of activities for interaction

    Combining formal verification environments and model-driven engineering

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    Les méthodes formelles (comme les prouveurs interactifs) sont de plus en plus utilisées dans la vérification de logiciels critiques. Elles peuvent compter sur leurs bases formelles solides ainsi que sur leurs sémantiques précises. Cependant, elles utilisent des notations complexes qui sont souvent difficiles à comprendre. D'un autre côté, l'Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles nous propose des langages de descriptions, comme les diagrammes de classes, utilisant des notations intuitives mais qui souffrent d'un manque de bases formelles. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons de faire interagir les deux domaines complémentaires que sont les méthodes formelles et l'ingénierie dirigée par les modèles. Nous proposons une approche permettant de transformer des types de données fonctionnels (utilisés dans les prouveurs interactifs) en diagrammes de classes et vice-versa. Afin d'atteindre ce but, nous utilisons une méthode de transformation dirigée par les modèles.Formal methods (such as interactive provers) are increasingly used in the verification of critical software. This is so because they rely on their strong formal basis and precise semantics. However, they use complex notations that are often difficult to understand. On the contrary, the tools and formalisms provided by Model Driven Engineering offer more attractive syntaxes and use intuitive notations. However, they suffer from a lack of formal foundations. In this thesis, we are interested in combining these two complementary domains that are formal methods and Model Driven Engineering. We propose an approach allowing to translate functional data types (used in interactive provers) into class diagrams and vice versa. To achieve this goal, we use a model-driven transformation method

    A platform-independent aspect-oriented model and patterns to support model transformations

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    Model Driven Architecture (MDA) separates application logic from specific implementation technology to improve the reusability, portability and maintainability of the software system. However, current software system also needs to deal with other important concerns that are called crosscutting concerns that explicitly addressed by Aspect-oriented Programming (AOP). In this dissertation, we propose a model-driven approach to assess the benefits of AOP for MDA in order to provide increased modularity and to support related quality attributes. Even though research has been conducted toward modeling crosscutting concerns, these approaches found to be either language dependent or provide no support for aspectual behavior. This work has two contributions. First, we complement current works by proposing a language-independent extension to the UML metamodel to explicitly capture crosscutting concerns. The second contribution is to provide well-defined and automated model transformations to work with different models at various levels of abstraction and preserve their consistency

    A framework for integrated process and object life cycle modeling

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    Método para el modelado y especificación de procesos de negocio colaborativos

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    El modelado y la especificación de los procesos de negocio colaborativos constituyen un desafío importante para que las empresas puedan establecer colaboraciones Business-to-Business. El objetivo de esta tesis es definir y proponer un método robusto y sistemático que de soporte al desarrollo de procesos colaborativos, desde el modelado de los mismos, hasta la especificación de dichos procesos y de las interfaces de las empresas que conforman el sistema de información Business-toBusiness, en una tecnología particular. El método está basado en la filosofía del desarrollo conducido por modelos y fundamentalmente, en los principios y guías de la Arquitectura Conducida por Modelos. Como parte de este método, se propone el lenguaje de modelado UP-ColBPIP, para dar soporte al análisis y diseño de los procesos colaborativos. El lenguaje está basado en el concepto de protocolos de interacción para definir procesos colaborativos independientes de la tecnología. Además, se propone un método y una herramienta para definir y ejecutar transformaciones de modelos de procesos colaborativos en especificaciones basadas en un estándar Business-toBusiness. Finalmente, se definen las transformaciones que posibilitan generar, a partir de modelos definidos con UP-ColBPIP, soluciones tecnologías con dos tipos diferentes de estándares Business-to-Business.Fil: Villareal, Pablo David. Universidad Tecnológica. Nacional. Facultad Regional Santa Fe; Argentina.Peer ReviewedLa presente publicación corresponde a una tesis presentada para cumplir con los requisitos exigidos por la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional – Facultad Regional Santa Fe para obtener el grado Académico de Doctor en Ingeniería con Mención en Sistemas de Informació