251 research outputs found

    A Methodology and Simulation-Based Toolchain for Estimating Deployment Performance of Smart Collective Services at the Edge

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    Research trends are pushing artificial intelligence (AI) across the Internet of Things (IoT)-edge-fog-cloud continuum to enable effective data analytics, decision making, as well as the efficient use of resources for QoS targets. Approaches for collective adaptive systems (CASs) engineering, such as aggregate computing, provide declarative programming models and tools for dealing with the uncertainty and the complexity that may arise from scale, heterogeneity, and dynamicity. Crucially, aggregate computing architecture allows for 'pulverization': applications can be decomposed into many deployable micromodules that can be spread across the ICT infrastructure, thus allowing multiple potential deployment configurations for the same application logic. This article studies the deployment architecture of aggregate-based edge services and its implications in terms of performance and cost. The goal is to provide methodological guidelines and a model-based toolchain for the generation and simulation-based evaluation of potential deployments. First, we address this subject methodologically by proposing an approach based on deployment code generators and a simulation phase whose obtained solutions are assessed with respect to their performance and costs. We then tailor this approach to aggregate computing applications deployed onto an IoT-edge-fog-cloud infrastructure, and we develop a corresponding toolchain based on Protelis and EdgeCloudSim. Finally, we evaluate the approach and tools through a case study of edge multimedia streaming, where the edge ecosystem exhibits intelligence by self-organizing into clusters to promote load balancing in large-scale dynamic settings

    Computer-Aided Design for Safe Autonomous Vehicles

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    This paper details the design of an autonomous vehicle CAD toolchain, which captures formal descriptions of driving scenarios in order to develop a safety case for an autonomous vehicle (AV). Rather than focus on a particular component of the AV, like adaptive cruise control, the toolchain models the end-to-end dynamics of the AV in a formal way suitable for testing and verification. First, a domain-specific language capable of describing the scenarios that occur in the day-to-day operation of an AV is defined. The language allows the description and composition of traffic participants, and the specification of formal correctness requirements. A scenario described in this language is an executable that can be processed by a specification-guided automated test generator (bug hunting), and by an exhaustive reachability tool. The toolchain allows the user to exploit and integrate the strengths of both testing and reachability, in a way not possible when each is run alone. Finally, given a particular execution of the scenario that violates the requirements, a visualization tool can display this counter-example and generate labeled sensor data. The effectiveness of the approach is demonstrated on five autonomous driving scenarios drawn from a collection of 36 scenarios that account for over 95% of accidents nationwide. These case studies demonstrate robustness-guided verification heuristics to reduce analysis time, counterexample visualization for identifying controller bugs in both the discrete decision logic and low-level analog (continuous) dynamics, and identification of modeling errors that lead to unrealistic environment behavior

    Design and Validation of Cyber-Physical Systems Through Co-Simulation: The Voronoi Tessellation Use Case

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    This paper reports on the use of co-simulation techniques to build prototypes of co-operative autonomous robotic cyber-physical systems. Designing such systems involves a mission-specific planner algorithm, a control algorithm to drive an agent performing its task; and the plant model to simulate the agent dynamics. An application aimed at positioning a swarm of unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) in a bounded area, exploiting a Voronoi tessellation algorithm developed in this work, is taken as a case study. The paper shows how co-simulation allows testing the complex system at the design phase using models created with different languages and tools. The paper then reports on how the adopted co-simulation platform enables control parameters calibration, by exploiting design space exploration technology. The INTO-CPS co-simulation platform, compliant with the Functional Mock-up Interface standard to exchange dynamic simulation models using various languages, was used in this work. The different software modules were written in Modelica, C, and Python. In particular, the latter was used to implement an original variant of the Voronoi algorithm to tesselate a convex polygonal region, by means of dummy points added at appropriate positions outside the bounding polygon. A key contribution of this case study is that it demonstrates how an accurate simulation of a cooperative drone swarm requires modeling the physical plant together with the high-level coordination algorithm. The coupling of co-simulation and design space exploration has been demonstrated to support control parameter calibration to optimize energy consumption and convergence time to the target positions of the drone swarm. From a practical point of view, this makes it possible to test the ability of the swarm to self-deploy in space in order to achieve optimal detection coverage and allow unmanned aerial vehicles in a swarm to coordinate with each other

    MacroSwarm: A Field-based Compositional Framework for Swarm Programming

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    Swarm behaviour engineering is an area of research that seeks to investigate methods and techniques for coordinating computation and action within groups of simple agents to achieve complex global goals like pattern formation, collective movement, clustering, and distributed sensing. Despite recent progress in the analysis and engineering of swarms (of drones, robots, vehicles), there is still a need for general design and implementation methods and tools that can be used to define complex swarm behaviour in a principled way. To contribute to this quest, this article proposes a new field-based coordination approach, called MacroSwarm, to design and program swarm behaviour in terms of reusable and fully composable functional blocks embedding collective computation and coordination. Based on the macroprogramming paradigm of aggregate computing, MacroSwarm builds on the idea of expressing each swarm behaviour block as a pure function mapping sensing fields into actuation goal fields, e.g. including movement vectors. In order to demonstrate the expressiveness, compositionality, and practicality of MacroSwarm as a framework for collective intelligence, we perform a variety of simulations covering common patterns of flocking, morphogenesis, and collective decision-making

    A Collective Adaptive Approach to Decentralised k-Coverage in Multi-robot Systems

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    We focus on the online multi-object k-coverage problem (OMOkC), where mobile robots are required to sense a mobile target from k diverse points of view, coordinating themselves in a scalable and possibly decentralised way. There is active research on OMOkC, particularly in the design of decentralised algorithms for solving it. We propose a new take on the issue: Rather than classically developing new algorithms, we apply a macro-level paradigm, called aggregate computing, specifically designed to directly program the global behaviour of a whole ensemble of devices at once. To understand the potential of the application of aggregate computing to OMOkC, we extend the Alchemist simulator (supporting aggregate computing natively) with a novel toolchain component supporting the simulation of mobile robots. This way, we build a software engineering toolchain comprising language and simulation tooling for addressing OMOkC. Finally, we exercise our approach and related toolchain by introducing new algorithms for OMOkC; we show that they can be expressed concisely, reuse existing software components and perform better than the current state-of-the-art in terms of coverage over time and number of objects covered overall

    Heterogeneous models and analyses in the design of real-time embedded systems - an avionic case-study

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    The development of embedded systems according to Model-Driven Development relies on two complementary activities: system mod- eling on the one hand and analysis of the non-functional properties, such as timing properties, on the other hand. Yet, the coupling be- tween models and analyses remains largely disregarded so far: e.g. how to apply an analysis on a model? How to manage the analysis process? This paper presents an application of our research on this topic. In particular, we show that our approach makes it possible to combine heterogeneous models and analyses in the design of an avionic system. We use two languages to model the system at di erent levels of abstraction: the industry standard AADL (Ar- chitecture Analysis and Design Language) and the more recent implementation-oriented CPAL language (Cyber-Physical Action Language). We then combine di erent real-time scheduling analy- ses so as to gradually de ne the task and network parameters and nally validate the schedulability of all activities of the system
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