1,935 research outputs found

    If the Current Clique Algorithms are Optimal, so is Valiant's Parser

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    The CFG recognition problem is: given a context-free grammar G\mathcal{G} and a string ww of length nn, decide if ww can be obtained from G\mathcal{G}. This is the most basic parsing question and is a core computer science problem. Valiant's parser from 1975 solves the problem in O(nω)O(n^{\omega}) time, where ω<2.373\omega<2.373 is the matrix multiplication exponent. Dozens of parsing algorithms have been proposed over the years, yet Valiant's upper bound remains unbeaten. The best combinatorial algorithms have mildly subcubic O(n3/log3n)O(n^3/\log^3{n}) complexity. Lee (JACM'01) provided evidence that fast matrix multiplication is needed for CFG parsing, and that very efficient and practical algorithms might be hard or even impossible to obtain. Lee showed that any algorithm for a more general parsing problem with running time O(Gn3ε)O(|\mathcal{G}|\cdot n^{3-\varepsilon}) can be converted into a surprising subcubic algorithm for Boolean Matrix Multiplication. Unfortunately, Lee's hardness result required that the grammar size be G=Ω(n6)|\mathcal{G}|=\Omega(n^6). Nothing was known for the more relevant case of constant size grammars. In this work, we prove that any improvement on Valiant's algorithm, even for constant size grammars, either in terms of runtime or by avoiding the inefficiencies of fast matrix multiplication, would imply a breakthrough algorithm for the kk-Clique problem: given a graph on nn nodes, decide if there are kk that form a clique. Besides classifying the complexity of a fundamental problem, our reduction has led us to similar lower bounds for more modern and well-studied cubic time problems for which faster algorithms are highly desirable in practice: RNA Folding, a central problem in computational biology, and Dyck Language Edit Distance, answering an open question of Saha (FOCS'14)

    Error-tolerant Finite State Recognition with Applications to Morphological Analysis and Spelling Correction

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    Error-tolerant recognition enables the recognition of strings that deviate mildly from any string in the regular set recognized by the underlying finite state recognizer. Such recognition has applications in error-tolerant morphological processing, spelling correction, and approximate string matching in information retrieval. After a description of the concepts and algorithms involved, we give examples from two applications: In the context of morphological analysis, error-tolerant recognition allows misspelled input word forms to be corrected, and morphologically analyzed concurrently. We present an application of this to error-tolerant analysis of agglutinative morphology of Turkish words. The algorithm can be applied to morphological analysis of any language whose morphology is fully captured by a single (and possibly very large) finite state transducer, regardless of the word formation processes and morphographemic phenomena involved. In the context of spelling correction, error-tolerant recognition can be used to enumerate correct candidate forms from a given misspelled string within a certain edit distance. Again, it can be applied to any language with a word list comprising all inflected forms, or whose morphology is fully described by a finite state transducer. We present experimental results for spelling correction for a number of languages. These results indicate that such recognition works very efficiently for candidate generation in spelling correction for many European languages such as English, Dutch, French, German, Italian (and others) with very large word lists of root and inflected forms (some containing well over 200,000 forms), generating all candidate solutions within 10 to 45 milliseconds (with edit distance 1) on a SparcStation 10/41. For spelling correction in Turkish, error-tolerantComment: Replaces 9504031. gzipped, uuencoded postscript file. To appear in Computational Linguistics Volume 22 No:1, 1996, Also available as ftp://ftp.cs.bilkent.edu.tr/pub/ko/clpaper9512.ps.

    Learning bidimensional context dependent models using a context sensitive language

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    International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 1996, Viena (Austria)Automatic generation of models from a set of positive and negative samples and a-priori knowledge (if available) is a crucial issue for pattern recognition applications. Grammatical inference can play an important role in this issue since it can be used to generate the set of model classes, where each class consists on the rules to generate the models. In this paper we present the process of learning context dependent bidimensional objects from outdoors images as context sensitive languages. We show how the process is conceived to overcome the problem of generalizing rules based on a set of samples which have small differences due to noisy pixels. The learned models can be used to identify objects in outdoors images irrespectively of their size and partial occlusions. Some results of the inference procedure are shown in the paper.Peer Reviewe

    Syntax Error Handling in Scannerless Generalized LR Parsers

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    This thesis is about a master's project as part of the one year master study 'Software-engineering'. This project is about methods for improving the quality of reporting and handling of syntax errors that are produced by a scannerless generalized left-to-right rightmost (SGLR) parser, and is done at Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam. SGLR is a parsing algorithm developed as part of Generic Language Technol- ogy Project at SEN1, one of the themes at CWI. SGLR is based on the GLR algorithm developed by Tomita. SGLR parsers are able to recognize arbitrary context-free grammars, which enables grammar modularization. Because SGLR does not use a separate scan- ner, also layout and comments are incorporated into the parse tree. This makes SGLR a powerful tool for code analysis and code transformations. A drawback is the way SGLR handles syntax errors. When a syntax error is detected, the current implementation of SGLR halts the parsing process and reports back to the user the point of error detection only. The text at the point of error detection is not necessarily the text that has to be changed to repair the error. This thesis describes three kinds of information that could be reported to the user, and how they could be derived from the parse process when an error is detected. These are: - The structure of the already parsed part of the input in the form of a partial parse tree. - A listing of expected symbols; those tokens or token sequences that are accept- able instead of the erroneous text. - The current parser state which could be translated into language dependent informative messages. Also two ways of recovering from an error condition are described. These are non-correcting recovery methods that enable SGLR to always return a parse tree that can be unparsed into the original input sentence. - A method that halts parsing but incorporates the remainder of the input into the parse tree. - A method that resumes parsing by means of substring parsing. During the course of the project the described approaches have been imple- mented and incorporated in the implementation of SGLR as used by the Meta- Environment, some fully, some more or less prototyped

    Automatic error recovery for LR parsers in theory and practice

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    This thesis argues the need for good syntax error handling schemes in language translation systems such as compilers, and for the automatic incorporation of such schemes into parser-generators. Syntax errors are studied in a theoretical framework and practical methods for handling syntax errors are presented. The theoretical framework consists of a model for syntax errors based on the concept of a minimum prefix-defined error correction,a sentence obtainable from an erroneous string by performing edit operations at prefix-defined (parser defined) errors. It is shown that for an arbitrary context-free language, it is undecidable whether a better than arbitrary choice of edit operations can be made at a prefix-defined error. For common programming languages,it is shown that minimum-distance errors and prefix-defined errors do not necessarily coincide, and that there exists an infinite number of programs that differ in a single symbol only; sets of equivalent insertions are exhibited. Two methods for syntax error recovery are, presented. The methods are language independent and suitable for automatic generation. The first method consists of two stages, local repair followed if necessary by phrase-level repair. The second method consists of a single stage in which a locally minimum-distance repair is computed. Both methods are developed for use in the practical LR parser-generator yacc, requiring no additional specifications from the user. A scheme for the automatic generation of diagnostic messages in terms of the source input is presented. Performance of the methods in practice is evaluated using a formal method based on minimum-distance and prefix-defined error correction. The methods compare favourably with existing methods for error recovery

    Approximating Language Edit Distance Beyond Fast Matrix Multiplication: Ultralinear Grammars Are Where Parsing Becomes Hard!

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    In 1975, a breakthrough result of L. Valiant showed that parsing context free grammars can be reduced to Boolean matrix multiplication, resulting in a running time of O(n^omega) for parsing where omega <= 2.373 is the exponent of fast matrix multiplication, and n is the string length. Recently, Abboud, Backurs and V. Williams (FOCS 2015) demonstrated that this is likely optimal; moreover, a combinatorial o(n^3) algorithm is unlikely to exist for the general parsing problem. The language edit distance problem is a significant generalization of the parsing problem, which computes the minimum edit distance of a given string (using insertions, deletions, and substitutions) to any valid string in the language, and has received significant attention both in theory and practice since the seminal work of Aho and Peterson in 1972. Clearly, the lower bound for parsing rules out any algorithm running in o(n^omega) time that can return a nontrivial multiplicative approximation of the language edit distance problem. Furthermore, combinatorial algorithms with cubic running time or algorithms that use fast matrix multiplication are often not desirable in practice. To break this n^omega hardness barrier, in this paper we study additive approximation algorithms for language edit distance. We provide two explicit combinatorial algorithms to obtain a string with minimum edit distance with performance dependencies on either the number of non-linear productions, k^*, or the number of nested non-linear production, k, used in the optimal derivation. Explicitly, we give an additive O(k^*gamma) approximation in time O(|G|(n^2 + (n/gamma)^3)) and an additive O(k gamma) approximation in time O(|G|(n^2 + (n^3/gamma^2))), where |G| is the grammar size and n is the string length. In particular, we obtain tight approximations for an important subclass of context free grammars known as ultralinear grammars, for which k and k^* are naturally bounded. Interestingly, we show that the same conditional lower bound for parsing context free grammars holds for the class of ultralinear grammars as well, clearly marking the boundary where parsing becomes hard