116 research outputs found

    On multipartite invariant states II. Orthogonal symmetry

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    We construct a new class of multipartite states possessing orthogonal symmetry. This new class defines a convex hull of multipartite states which are invariant under the action of local unitary operations introduced in our previous paper "On multipartite invariant states I. Unitary symmetry". We study basic properties of multipartite symmetric states: separability criteria and multi-PPT conditions.Comment: 6 pages; slight corrections + new reference

    More Structural Characterizations of Some Subregular Language Families by Biautomata

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    We study structural restrictions on biautomata such as, e.g., acyclicity, permutation-freeness, strongly permutation-freeness, and orderability, to mention a few. We compare the obtained language families with those induced by deterministic finite automata with the same property. In some cases, it is shown that there is no difference in characterization between deterministic finite automata and biautomata as for the permutation-freeness, but there are also other cases, where it makes a big difference whether one considers deterministic finite automata or biautomata. This is, for instance, the case when comparing strongly permutation-freeness, which results in the family of definite language for deterministic finite automata, while biautomata induce the family of finite and co-finite languages. The obtained results nicely fall into the known landscape on classical language families.Comment: In Proceedings AFL 2014, arXiv:1405.527

    Classification with unknown class-conditional label noise on non-compact feature spaces

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    We investigate the problem of classification in the presence of unknown class-conditional label noise in which the labels observed by the learner have been corrupted with some unknown class dependent probability. In order to obtain finite sample rates, previous approaches to classification with unknown class-conditional label noise have required that the regression function is close to its extrema on sets of large measure. We shall consider this problem in the setting of non-compact metric spaces, where the regression function need not attain its extrema. In this setting we determine the minimax optimal learning rates (up to logarithmic factors). The rate displays interesting threshold behaviour: When the regression function approaches its extrema at a sufficient rate, the optimal learning rates are of the same order as those obtained in the label-noise free setting. If the regression function approaches its extrema more gradually then classification performance necessarily degrades. In addition, we present an adaptive algorithm which attains these rates without prior knowledge of either the distributional parameters or the local density. This identifies for the first time a scenario in which finite sample rates are achievable in the label noise setting, but they differ from the optimal rates without label noise

    Cohomology of preimages with local coefficients

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    Let M,N and B\subset N be compact smooth manifolds of dimensions n+k,n and \ell, respectively. Given a map f from M to N, we give homological conditions under which g^{-1}(B) has nontrivial cohomology (with local coefficients) for any map g homotopic to f. We also show that a certain cohomology class in H^j(N,N-B) is Poincare dual (with local coefficients) under f^* to the image of a corresponding class in H_{n+k-j}(f^{-1}(B)) when f is transverse to B. This generalizes a similar formula of D Gottlieb in the case of simple coefficients.Comment: This is the version published by Algebraic & Geometric Topology on 4 October 200

    Model categories in deformation theory

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    The aim is the formalization of Deformation Theory in an abstract model category, in order to study several geometric deformation problems from a unified point of view. The main geometric application is the description of the DG-Lie algebra controlling infinitesimal deformations of a separated scheme over a field of characteristic 0

    Bootstrapping for Significance of Compact Clusters in Multidimensional Datasets

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    This article proposes a bootstrap approach for assessing significance in the clustering of multidimensional datasets. The procedure compares two models and declares the more complicated model a better candidate if there is significant evidence in its favor. The performance of the procedure is illustrated on two well-known classification datasets and comprehensively evaluated in terms of its ability to estimate the number of components via extensive simulation studies, with excellent results. The methodology is also applied to the problem of k-means color quantization of several standard images in the literature and is demonstrated to be a viable approach for determining the minimal and optimal numbers of colors needed to display an image without significant loss in resolution. Additional illustrations and performance evaluations are provided in the online supplementary material

    Geometrical Insights for Implicit Generative Modeling

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    Learning algorithms for implicit generative models can optimize a variety of criteria that measure how the data distribution differs from the implicit model distribution, including the Wasserstein distance, the Energy distance, and the Maximum Mean Discrepancy criterion. A careful look at the geometries induced by these distances on the space of probability measures reveals interesting differences. In particular, we can establish surprising approximate global convergence guarantees for the 11-Wasserstein distance,even when the parametric generator has a nonconvex parametrization.Comment: this version fixes a typo in a definitio
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