239 research outputs found

    A simplified binary artificial fish swarm algorithm for 0–1 quadratic knapsack problems

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    Available online 8 October 2013.This paper proposes a simplified binary version of the artificial fish swarm algorithm (S-bAFSA) for solving 0–1 knapsack problems. This is a combinatorial optimization problem, which arises in many fields of optimization. In S-bAFSA, trial points are created by using crossover and mutation. In order to make the points feasible, a random heuristic drop item procedure is used. The heuristic add item is also implemented to improve the quality of the solutions, and a cyclic reinitialization of the population is carried out to avoid convergence to non-optimal solutions. To enhance the accuracy of the solution, a local search is applied on a predefined number of points. The method is tested on a set of benchmark 0–1 knapsack problems.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Selective Task offloading for Maximum Inference Accuracy and Energy efficient Real-Time IoT Sensing Systems

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    The recent advancements in small-size inference models facilitated AI deployment on the edge. However, the limited resource nature of edge devices poses new challenges especially for real-time applications. Deploying multiple inference models (or a single tunable model) varying in size and therefore accuracy and power consumption, in addition to an edge server inference model, can offer a dynamic system in which the allocation of inference models to inference jobs is performed according to the current resource conditions. Therefore, in this work, we tackle the problem of selectively allocating inference models to jobs or offloading them to the edge server to maximize inference accuracy under time and energy constraints. This problem is shown to be an instance of the unbounded multidimensional knapsack problem which is considered a strongly NP-hard problem. We propose a lightweight hybrid genetic algorithm (LGSTO) to solve this problem. We introduce a termination condition and neighborhood exploration techniques for faster evolution of populations. We compare LGSTO with the Naive and Dynamic programming solutions. In addition to classic genetic algorithms using different reproduction methods including NSGA-II, and finally we compare to other evolutionary methods such as Particle swarm optimization (PSO) and Ant colony optimization (ACO). Experiment results show that LGSTO performed 3 times faster than the fastest comparable schemes while producing schedules with higher average accuracy

    Optimal Customer Targeting for Sustainable Demand Response in Smart Grids1

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    AbstractDemand Response (DR) is a widely used technique to minimize the peak to average consumption ratio during high demand periods. We consider the DR problem of achieving a given curtailment target for a set of consumers equipped with a set of discrete curtailment strategies over a given duration. An effective DR scheduling algorithm should minimize the curtailment error - the difference between the targeted and achieved curtailment values - to minimize costs to the utility provider and maintain system reliability. The availability of smart meters with fine-grained customer control capability can be leveraged to offer customers a dynamic range of curtailment strategies that are feasible for small durations within the overall DR event. Both the availability and achievable curtailment values of these strategies can vary dynamically through the DR event and thus the problem of achieving a target curtailment over the entire DR interval can be modeled as a dynamic strategy selection problem over multiple discrete sub-intervals. We argue that DR curtailment error minimizing algorithms should not be oblivious to customer curtailment behavior during sub-intervals as (expensive) demand peaks can be concentrated in a few sub-intervals while consumption is heavily curtailed during others in order to achieve the given target, which makes such solutions expensive for the utility. Thus in this paper, we formally develop the notion of Sustainable DR (SDR) as a solution that attempts to distribute the curtailment evenly across sub-intervals in the DR event. We formulate the SDR problem as an Integer Linear Program and provide a very fast -factor approximation algorithm. We then propose a Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme (PTAS) for approximating the SDR curtailment error to within an arbitrarily small factor of the optimal. We then develop a novel ILP formulation that solves the SDR problem while explicitly accounting for customer strategy switching overhead as a constraint. We perform experiments using real data acquired from the University of Southern Californias smart grid and show that our sustainable DR model achieves results with a very low absolute error of 0.001-0.05 kWh range

    Where Quantum Complexity Helps Classical Complexity

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    Scientists have demonstrated that quantum computing has presented novel approaches to address computational challenges, each varying in complexity. Adapting problem-solving strategies is crucial to harness the full potential of quantum computing. Nonetheless, there are defined boundaries to the capabilities of quantum computing. This paper concentrates on aggregating prior research efforts dedicated to solving intricate classical computational problems through quantum computing. The objective is to systematically compile an exhaustive inventory of these solutions and categorize a collection of demanding problems that await further exploration

    Landscape Analysis of a Class of NP-Hard Binary Packing Problems

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from MIT Press via the DOI in this record.This paper presents an exploratory landscape analysis of three NP-hard combinatorial optimisation problems: the number partitioning problem, the binary knapsack problem, and the quadratic binary knapsack problem. In the paper, we examine empirically a number of fitness landscape properties of randomly generated instances of these problems. We believe that the studied properties give insight into the structure of the problem landscape and can be representative of the problem difficulty, in particular with respect to local search algorithms. Our work focuses on studying how these properties vary with different values of problem parameters. We also compare these properties across various landscapes that were induced by different penalty functions and different neighbourhood operators. Unlike existing studies of these problems, we study instances generated at random from various distributions. We found a general trend where some of the landscape features in all of the three problems were found to vary between the different distributions. We captured this variation by a single, easy to calculate, parameter and we showed that it has a potentially useful application in guiding the choice of the neighbourhood operator of some local search heuristics.This work was supported by King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and partially supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council [grant number EP/N017846/1]
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