4 research outputs found

    Middleware Support for Generic Actuation in the Internet of Mobile Things

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    As the Internet of Things is expanding towards applications in almost any sector of our economy and daily life, so is the demand of employing and integrating devices with actuation capabilities, such as smart bulbs, HVAC,smart locks, industrial machines, robots or drones. Many middleware platforms have been developed in orderto support the development of distributed IoT applications and facilitate the sensors-to-cloud communication andedge processing capabilities, but surprisingly very little has been done to provide middleware-level, support andgeneric mechanisms for discovering the devices and their interfaces, and executing the actuation commands, i.e.transferring them to the device. In this paper, we present a generic support for actuation as an extension ofContextNet, our mobile-cloud middleware for IoMT. We describe the design of the distributed actuation supportand present a proof of working implementation that enables remote control of a Sphero mobile BB-8 toy

    Self-configuration and self-optimization process with Taguchi method in hybrid optical wireless network

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    In this paper, an alternative improvement is proposed which is the adaptive wireless access networks-based optical backhaul convergence that will greatly promote to use the existing resource of MANET (mobile ad hoc network). However, these characteristics itself acts as a drawback to the MANET applications such as the random distribution of nodes and continuously changing topology. MiNiTab statistical software was used to model the effect of the parameter variation to predict the field quality through the design of experiments while OMNeT++ network simulation was created to visualize the effect of QoS performance study in response with varying speed scenario. The result shows that the proposed ESCMDR scheme can obtain robustness and outperformed compared to the nonTaguchi previous study when it is used in random waypoint mobility model in any speed of sources. The work is based on Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) and Packet Loss Probability (PLP) metric under the varying speed scenario. It results in better QoS network PDR of 28.9% improvement, with 83.56% improvement on average PLP. The paper shows that the MANET QoS performance constrained can be addressed with the self-configured data rate of integrated optimization with Taguchi method on AODV-UU (Adhoc On Demand Distance Vector-Uppsala University) routing technique

    A middleware solution for wireless iot applications in sparse smart cities

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    The spread of off-the-shelf mobile devices equipped with multiple wireless interfaces together with sophisticated sensors is paving the way to novel wireless Internet of Things (IoT) environments, characterized by multi-hop infrastructure-less wireless networks where devices carried by users act as sensors/actuators as well as network nodes. In particular, the paper presents Real Ad-hoc Multi-hop Peer-to peer-Wireless IoT Application (RAMP-WIA), a novel solution that facilitates the development, deployment, and management of applications in sparse Smart City environments, characterized by users willing to collaborate by allowing new applications to be deployed on their smartphones to remotely monitor and control fixed/mobile devices. RAMP-WIA allows users to dynamically configure single-hop wireless links, to manage opportunistically multi-hop packet dispatching considering that the network topology (together with the availability of sensors and actuators) may abruptly change, to actuate reliably sensor nodes specifically considering that only part of them could be actually reachable in a timely manner, and to upgrade dynamically the nodes through over-the-air distribution of new software components. The paper also reports the performance of RAMP-WIA on simple but realistic cases of small-scale deployment scenarios with off-the-shelf Android smartphones and Raspberry Pi devices; these results show not only the feasibility and soundness of the proposed approach, but also the efficiency of the middleware implemented when deployed on real testbeds

    Gestão da qualidade dos dados em contexto de dados abertos : caso de estudo de Lisboa

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    Project Work presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceNos últimos anos foi verificado um aumento considerável do entusiamo em relação à temática dos dados abertos. Dados Abertos são dados que estão disponíveis publicamente e que podem ser acedidos, utilizados e redistribuídos gratuitamente. No entanto, a reutilização destes dados para a criação de novos produtos e novos serviços tem como base a qualidade dos mesmos. A falta de qualidade dos dados abertos que são disponibilizados publicamente pode comprometer o objetivo da sua reutilização. É neste contexto que foi desenvolvido este trabalho de projeto, que consiste no desenvolvimento de uma framework que tenha como resultado a indicação de diversos parâmetros da qualidade dos Dados Abertos que são disponibilizados no Portal de Dados Abertos da cidade de Lisboa. A análise da literatura será iniciada com uma descrição dos conceitos de Smart Cities, da influência da ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT) e do surgimento do conceito de Dados Abertos dentro do contexto das Smart Cities. Será também efetuado um estudo da temática dos Dados Abertos, nomeadamente sobre a qualidade dos mesmos, a sua gestão e metodologias para a avaliação e melhoria dessa mesma qualidade, de modo a que possam ser retiradas métricas de avaliação para serem aplicadas sobre os dados do Portal de Dados Abertos da cidade de Lisboa. Após a aplicação dessas métricas, serão apresentados os resultados, de modo a que exista uma boa ideia do estado atual da qualidade dos dados que são disponibilizados no Portal de Dados Abertos da cidade de Lisboa, dentro dos parâmetros estudados. Com base neste estudo serão deixadas indicações e orientações para que se consigam resultados ainda melhores em futuras investigações sobre este tema, nomeadamente com o estudo de outros parâmetros que não serão investigados neste trabalho de Projeto.In recent years there has been a considerable increase in the enthusiasm for open data. Open Data is data that is publicly available and can be accessed, used and redistributed free of charge. However, the reuse of this data for the creation of new products and new services is based on their quality. The lack of quality of open data that is made publicly available may undermine the purpose of its reuse. It is in this context that this project work was developed, which consists on the development of a framework that results in the indication of several parameters of the Open Data quality that are available in the Open Data Portal of the city of Lisbon. The literature review will begin with a description of Smart Cities concepts, the ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT) influence and the emergence of the Open Data concept within Smart Cities context. Will be carried out an Open Data study, the quality of the data, its management and methodologies for the evaluation and improvement of its quality, so that, evaluation metrics can be taken to be applied to the data of the Portal of Open Data of the city of Lisbon. After applying these metrics, there will be a presentation of the results, so that we can see the current state of data quality that are available in the Open Data Portal of the city of Lisbon, within the studied parameters. Based on this study, indications and guidelines will be left to obtain even better results in future research on this topic, namely with the study of other parameters that will not be investigated in this Project work