474 research outputs found

    Contribution à la convergence d'infrastructure entre le calcul haute performance et le traitement de données à large échelle

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    The amount of produced data, either in the scientific community or the commercialworld, is constantly growing. The field of Big Data has emerged to handle largeamounts of data on distributed computing infrastructures. High-Performance Computing (HPC) infrastructures are traditionally used for the execution of computeintensive workloads. However, the HPC community is also facing an increasingneed to process large amounts of data derived from high definition sensors andlarge physics apparati. The convergence of the two fields -HPC and Big Data- iscurrently taking place. In fact, the HPC community already uses Big Data tools,which are not always integrated correctly, especially at the level of the file systemand the Resource and Job Management System (RJMS).In order to understand how we can leverage HPC clusters for Big Data usage, andwhat are the challenges for the HPC infrastructures, we have studied multipleaspects of the convergence: We initially provide a survey on the software provisioning methods, with a focus on data-intensive applications. We contribute a newRJMS collaboration technique called BeBiDa which is based on 50 lines of codewhereas similar solutions use at least 1000 times more. We evaluate this mechanism on real conditions and in simulated environment with our simulator Batsim.Furthermore, we provide extensions to Batsim to support I/O, and showcase thedevelopments of a generic file system model along with a Big Data applicationmodel. This allows us to complement BeBiDa real conditions experiments withsimulations while enabling us to study file system dimensioning and trade-offs.All the experiments and analysis of this work have been done with reproducibilityin mind. Based on this experience, we propose to integrate the developmentworkflow and data analysis in the reproducibility mindset, and give feedback onour experiences with a list of best practices.RésuméLa quantité de données produites, que ce soit dans la communauté scientifiqueou commerciale, est en croissance constante. Le domaine du Big Data a émergéface au traitement de grandes quantités de données sur les infrastructures informatiques distribuées. Les infrastructures de calcul haute performance (HPC) sont traditionnellement utilisées pour l’exécution de charges de travail intensives en calcul. Cependant, la communauté HPC fait également face à un nombre croissant debesoin de traitement de grandes quantités de données dérivées de capteurs hautedéfinition et de grands appareils physique. La convergence des deux domaines-HPC et Big Data- est en cours. En fait, la communauté HPC utilise déjà des outilsBig Data, qui ne sont pas toujours correctement intégrés, en particulier au niveaudu système de fichiers ainsi que du système de gestion des ressources (RJMS).Afin de comprendre comment nous pouvons tirer parti des clusters HPC pourl’utilisation du Big Data, et quels sont les défis pour les infrastructures HPC, nousavons étudié plusieurs aspects de la convergence: nous avons d’abord proposé uneétude sur les méthodes de provisionnement logiciel, en mettant l’accent sur lesapplications utilisant beaucoup de données. Nous contribuons a l’état de l’art avecune nouvelle technique de collaboration entre RJMS appelée BeBiDa basée sur 50lignes de code alors que des solutions similaires en utilisent au moins 1000 fois plus.Nous évaluons ce mécanisme en conditions réelles et en environnement simuléavec notre simulateur Batsim. En outre, nous fournissons des extensions à Batsimpour prendre en charge les entrées/sorties et présentons le développements d’unmodèle de système de fichiers générique accompagné d’un modèle d’applicationBig Data. Cela nous permet de compléter les expériences en conditions réellesde BeBiDa en simulation tout en étudiant le dimensionnement et les différentscompromis autours des systèmes de fichiers.Toutes les expériences et analyses de ce travail ont été effectuées avec la reproductibilité à l’esprit. Sur la base de cette expérience, nous proposons d’intégrerle flux de travail du développement et de l’analyse des données dans l’esprit dela reproductibilité, et de donner un retour sur nos expériences avec une liste debonnes pratiques

    Adaptive architecture-transparent policy control in a distributed graph reducer

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    The end of the frequency scaling era occured around 2005 as the clock frequency has stalled for commodity architectures. Thus performance improvements that could in the past be expected with each new hardware generation needed to originate elsewhere. Almost all computer architectures exhibit substantial and growing levels of parallelism, exploiting which became one of the key sources of performance and scalability improvements. Alas, parallel programming proved much more difficult than sequential, due to the need to specify coordination and parallelism management aspects. Whilst low-level languages place the burden on the programmers reducing productivity and portability, semi-implicit approaches delegate the responsibility to sophisticated compilers and run-time systems. This thesis presents a study of adaptive load distribution based on work stealing using history and ancestry information in a distributed graph reducer for a nonstrict functional language. The results contribute to the exploration of more flexible run-time-system-level parallelism control implementing a semi-explicit model of parallelism, which offers productivity and high level of abstraction by delegating the responsibility of coordination to the run-time system. After characterising a set of parallel functional applications, we study the use of historical information to adapt the choice of the victim to steal from in a work stealing scheduler. We observe substantially lower numbers of messages for data-parallel and nested applications. However, this heuristic fails in cases where past application behaviour is not resembling future behaviour, for instance for Divide-&-Conquer applications with a large number of very fine-grained threads and generators of parallelism that move dynamically across processing elements. This mechanism is not specific to the language and the run-time system, and applies to other work stealing schedulers. Next, we focus on the other key work stealing decision of which sparks that represent potential parallelism to donate, investigating the effect of Spark Colocation on the performance of five Divide-&-Conquer programs run on a cluster of up to 256 PEs. When using Spark Colocation, the distributed graph reducer shares related work resulting in a higher degree of both potential and actual parallelism, and more fine-grained and less variable thread size. We validate this behaviour by observing a reduction in average fetch times, but increased amounts of FETCH messages and of inter-PE pointers for colocation, which nevertheless results in improved load balance for three of the five benchmark programs. The results show high speedups and speedup improvements for Spark Colocation for the three more regular and nested applications and performance degradation for two programs: one that is excessively fine-grained and one exhibiting limited scalability. Overall, Spark Colocation appears most beneficial for higher numbers of PEs, where improved load balance and higher degree of parallelism have more opportunities to pay off. In more general terms, we show that a run-time system can beneficially use historical information on past stealing successes that is gathered dynamically and used within the same run and the ancestry information dynamically reconstructed at run time using annotations. Moreover, the results support the view that different heuristics are beneficial for applications using different parallelism patterns, underlining the advantages of a flexible architecture-transparent approach.The Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance (SICSA

    Profiling a parallel domain specific language using off-the-shelf tools

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    Profiling tools are essential for understanding and tuning the performance of both parallel programs and parallel language implementations. Assessing the performance of a program in a language with high-level parallel coordination is often complicated by the layers of abstraction present in the language and its implementation. This thesis investigates whether it is possible to profile parallel Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) using existing host language profiling tools. The key challenge is that the host language tools report the performance of the DSL runtime system (RTS) executing the application rather than the performance of the DSL application. The key questions are whether a correct, effective and efficient profiler can be constructed using host language profiling tools; is it possible to effectively profile the DSL implementation, and what capabilities are required of the host language profiling tools? The main contribution of this thesis is the development of an execution profiler for the parallel DSL, Haskell Distributed Parallel Haskell (HdpH) using the host language profiling tools. We show that it is possible to construct a profiler (HdpHProf) to support performance analysis of both the DSL applications and the DSL implementation. The implementation uses several new GHC features, including the GHC-Events Library and ThreadScope, develops two new performance analysis tools for DSL HdpH internals, i.e. Spark Pool Contention Analysis, and Registry Contention Analysis. We present a critical comparative evaluation of the host language profiling tools that we used (GHC-PPS and ThreadScope) with another recent functional profilers, EdenTV, alongside four important imperative profilers. This is the first report on the performance of functional profilers in comparison with well established industrial standard imperative profiling technologies. We systematically compare the profilers for usability and data presentation. We found that the GHC-PPS performs well in terms of overheads and usability so using it to profile the DSL is feasible and would not have significant impact on the DSL performance. We validate HdpHProf for functional correctness and measure its performance using six benchmarks. HdpHProf works correctly and can scale to profile HdpH programs running on up to 192 cores of a 32 nodes Beowulf cluster. We characterise the performance of HdpHProf in terms of profiling data size and profiling execution runtime overhead. It shows that HdpHProf does not alter the behaviour of the GHC-PPS and retains low tracing overheads close to the studied functional profilers; 18% on average. Also, it shows a low ratio of HdpH trace events in GHC-PPS eventlog, less than 3% on average. We show that HdpHProf is effective and efficient to use for performance analysis and tuning of the DSL applications. We use HdpHProf to identify performance issues and to tune the thread granularity of six HdpH benchmarks with different parallel paradigms, e.g. divide and conquer, flat data parallel, and nested data parallel. This include identifying problems such as, too small/large thread granularity, problem size too small for the parallel architecture, and synchronisation bottlenecks. We show that HdpHProf is effective and efficient for tuning the parallel DSL implementation. We use the Spark Pool Contention Analysis tool to examine how the spark pool implementation performs when accessed concurrently. We found that appropriate thread granularity can significantly reduce both conflict ratios, and conflict durations, by more than 90%. We use the Registry Contention Analysis tool to evaluate three alternatives of the registry implementations. We found that the tools can give a better understanding of how different implementations of the HdpH RTS perform

    HPCCP/CAS Workshop Proceedings 1998

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    This publication is a collection of extended abstracts of presentations given at the HPCCP/CAS (High Performance Computing and Communications Program/Computational Aerosciences Project) Workshop held on August 24-26, 1998, at NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California. The objective of the Workshop was to bring together the aerospace high performance computing community, consisting of airframe and propulsion companies, independent software vendors, university researchers, and government scientists and engineers. The Workshop was sponsored by the HPCCP Office at NASA Ames Research Center. The Workshop consisted of over 40 presentations, including an overview of NASA's High Performance Computing and Communications Program and the Computational Aerosciences Project; ten sessions of papers representative of the high performance computing research conducted within the Program by the aerospace industry, academia, NASA, and other government laboratories; two panel sessions; and a special presentation by Mr. James Bailey

    Simulation of networks of spiking neurons: A review of tools and strategies

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    We review different aspects of the simulation of spiking neural networks. We start by reviewing the different types of simulation strategies and algorithms that are currently implemented. We next review the precision of those simulation strategies, in particular in cases where plasticity depends on the exact timing of the spikes. We overview different simulators and simulation environments presently available (restricted to those freely available, open source and documented). For each simulation tool, its advantages and pitfalls are reviewed, with an aim to allow the reader to identify which simulator is appropriate for a given task. Finally, we provide a series of benchmark simulations of different types of networks of spiking neurons, including Hodgkin-Huxley type, integrate-and-fire models, interacting with current-based or conductance-based synapses, using clock-driven or event-driven integration strategies. The same set of models are implemented on the different simulators, and the codes are made available. The ultimate goal of this review is to provide a resource to facilitate identifying the appropriate integration strategy and simulation tool to use for a given modeling problem related to spiking neural networks.Comment: 49 pages, 24 figures, 1 table; review article, Journal of Computational Neuroscience, in press (2007

    The 4th Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science

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    A parallel transformations framework for cluster environments.

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    In recent years program transformation technology has matured into a practical solution for many software reengineering and migration tasks. FermaT, an industrial strength program transformation system, has demonstrated that legacy systems can be successfully transformed into efficient and maintainable structured C or COBOL code. Its core, a transformation engine, is based on mathematically proven program transformations and ensures that transformed programs are semantically equivalent to its original state. Its engine facilitates a Wide Spectrum Language (WSL), with low-level as well as high-level constructs, to capture as much information as possible during transformation steps. FermaT’s methodology and technique lack in provision of concurrent migration and analysis. This provision is crucial if the transformation process is to be further automated. As the constraint based program migration theory has demonstrated, it is inefficient and time consuming, trying to satisfy the enormous computation of the generated transformation sequence search-space and its constraints. With the objective to solve the above problems and to extend the operating range of the FermaT transformation system, this thesis proposes a Parallel Transformations Framework which makes parallel transformations processing within the FermaT environment not only possible but also beneficial for its migration process. During a migration process, many thousands of program transformations have to be applied. For example a 1 million line of assembler to C migration takes over 21 hours to be processed on a single PC. Various approaches of search, prediction techniques and a constraint-based approach to address the presented issues already exist but they solve them unsatisfactorily. To remedy this situation, this dissertation proposes a framework to extend transformation processing systems with parallel processing capabilities. The parallel system can analyse specified parallel transformation tasks and produce appropriate parallel transformations processing outlines. To underpin an automated objective, a formal language is introduced. This language can be utilised to describe and outline parallel transformation tasks whereas parallel processing constraints underpin the parallel objective. This thesis addresses and explains how transformation processing steps can be automatically parallelised within a reengineering domain. It presents search and prediction tactics within this field. The decomposition and parallelisation of transformation sequence search-spaces is outlined. At the end, the presented work is evaluated on practical case studies, to demonstrate different parallel transformations processing techniques and conclusions are drawn
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