14 research outputs found

    NoC Topology Synthesis for Supporting Shutdown of Voltage Islands in SoCs

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    In many Systems on Chips (SoCs), the cores are clustered in to voltage islands. When cores in an island are unused, the entire island can be shutdown to reduce the leakage power consumption. However, today, the interconnect architecture is a bottleneck in allowing the shutdown of the islands. In this paper, we present a synthesis approach to obtain customized application-speciïŹc Networks on Chips (NoCs) that can support the shutdown of voltage islands. Our results on realistic SoC benchmarks show that the re- sulting NoC designs only have a negligible overhead in SoC active power consumption (average of 3%) and area (average of 0.5%) to support the shutdown of islands. The shutdown support provided can lead to a signiïŹcant leakage and hence total power savings

    Energy Efficient Network Generation for Application Specific NoC

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    Networks-on-Chip is emerging as a communication platform for future complex SoC designs, composed of a large number of homogenous or heterogeneous processing resources. Most SoC platforms are customized to the domainspecific requirements of their applications, which communicate in a specific, mostly irregular way. The specific but often diverse communication requirements among cores of the SoC call for the design of application-specific network of SoC for improved performance in terms of communication energy, latency, and throughput. In this work, we propose a methodology for the design of customized irregular network architecture of SoC. The proposed method exploits priori knowledge of the application2019;s communication characteristic to generate an energy optimized network and corresponding routing tables

    A DRAM Centric NoC Architecture and Topology Design Approach

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    Most communication traffic in today\u2019s System on Chips (SoC) is DRAM centric. The NoC should be designed to efficiently handle the many-to-one communication pattern, funneling to and from the DRAM controller. In this paper, we motivate the use of a separate network for the DRAM traffic and justify the power overhead and performance improvement obtained, when compared to traditional solutions. We also show how the topology of this DRAM network can be designed and optimized to account for the funnel-shaped pattern. Our experiments on a realistic SoC multimedia benchmark shows a large reduction in power consumption and improvement in performance when compared to existing solutions

    Bringing NoCs to 65nm

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    Very deep submicron process technologies are ideal application fields for NoCs, which offer a promising solution to the scalability problem. This article sheds light on the benefits and challenges of Noc-Based interconnect design in nanometer CMOS. The author present experimental results from fully working 65-NM Noc Designs and a detailed scalability analysis

    An efficient task mapping algorithm with power-aware optimization for network on chip

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    More and more cores are integrated onto a single chip to improve the performance and reduce the power consumption of CPU without the increased frequency. The cores are connected by lines and organized as a network, which is called network on chip (NOC) as the promising paradigm of the processor design. However, it is still a challenge to enhance performance with lower power consumption. The core issue is how to map the tasks to the different cores to take full advantages of the on-chip network. In this paper, we proposed a novel mapping algorithm with power-aware optimization for NOC. The traffic of the tasks will be analyzed. The tasks of the same application with high communication with the others will be mapped to the on-chip network as neighborhoods. And then the tasks of different applications are mapped to the cores step by step. The mapping of the tasks and the cores is computed at run-time dynamically and implement online. The experimental results showed that this proposed algorithm can reduce the power consumption in communication and the performance enhanced

    An Application-Specific Design Methodology for On-chip Crossbar Generation

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    Designing a power-efficient interconnection architec- ture for MultiProcessor Systems-on-Chips (MPSoCs) satisfying the application performance constraints is a nontrivial task. In order to meet the tight time-to-market constraints and to effec- tively handle the design complexity, it is essential to provide a computer-aided design tool support for automating this task. In this paper, we address the issue of “application-specific design of optimal crossbar architecture” satisfying the performance re- quirements of the application and optimal binding of the cores onto the crossbar resources. We present a simulation-based design approach that is based on the analysis of the actual traffic trace of the application, considering local variations in traffic rates, temporal overlap among traffic streams, and criticality of traffic streams. Our approach is physical design aware, where the wiring complexity of the crossbar architecture is also considered during the design process. This leads to detecting timing violations on the wires early in the design cycle and to having accurate estimates of the power consumption on the wires. We apply our methodology onto several MPSoC designs, and the synthesized crossbar plat- forms are validated for performance by cycle-accurate SystemC simulation of the designs. The crossbar matrix power consumption values are based on the synthesis of the register transfer level models of the designs, obtained using industry standard tools. The experimental case studies show large reduction in communication architecture power consumption (45.3% on average) and total wirelength (38% on average) for the MPSoC designs when com- pared with traditional design approaches. The synthesized cross- bar designs also lead to large reduction in transaction latencies (up to 7×) when compared with the existing design approaches

    NoC Synthesis Flow for Customized Domain Specific Mutliprocessor Systems-on-Chip

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    The growing complexity of customizable single-chip multiprocessors is requiring communication resources that can only be provided by a highly-scalable communication infrastructure. This trend is exemplified by the growing number of network-on-chip (NoC) architectures that have been proposed recently for system-on-chip (SoC) integration. Developing NoC-based systems tailored to a particular application domain is crucial for achieving high-performance, energy-efficient customized solutions. The effectiveness of this approach largely depends on the availability of an ad hoc design methodology that, starting from a high-level application specification, derives an optimized NoC configuration with respect to different design objectives and instantiates the selected application specific on-chip micronetwork. Automatic execution of these design steps is highly desirable to increase SoC design productivity. This work illustrates a complete synthesis flow, called Netchip, for customized NoC architectures, that partitions the development work into major steps (topology mapping, selection, and generation) and provides proper tools for their automatic execution (SUNMAP, xpipescompiler). The entire flow leverages the flexibility of a fully reusable and scalable network components library called xpipes, consisting of highly-parameterizable network building blocks (network interface, switches, switch-to-switch links) that are design-time tunable and composable to achieve arbitrary topologies and customized domain-specific NoC architectures. Several experimental case studies are presented In the work, showing the powerful design space exploration capabilities of the proposed methodology and tools