33,982 research outputs found

    Willingness to Comply with Corporate Law: An Interdisciplinary Teaching Method in Higher Education

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    Using an innovation training project, an interdisciplinary cross-sectional teaching strategy was developed to enhance students’ willingness to comply with the law. Thirty-five business, finance and accounting teachers examined the effects of ethical education on 484 university students’ willingness to comply with corporate law. Ethical education was based on building students’ ethical decisions on three court judgments in the new Spanish Corporate Governance Code. The ethical training was carried out by developing and applying social justice counter arguments. This perspective allowed students to imagine what decisions other person could have taken if they had managed the company ethically. The results suggest that ethics education in higher education can improve the willingness to comply the law. This methodology can be applied to interdisciplinary departments teaching ethics in business, finance and accounting

    A Framework for Measuring Return on Investment for Healthcare Simulation-Based Training

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    In the healthcare sector, providing high-quality service in a safe environment for both patient and staff is an obvious and ultimate major objective. Training is an essential component for achieving this important objective. Most organizations acknowledge that employee simulation-based training programs are an important part of the human capital strategy, yet few have effectively succeeded in quantifying the real and precise ROI of this type of investment. Therefore, if the training is perceived as a waste of resources and its ROI is not clearly recognized, it will be the first option to cut when the budget cut is needed. The various intangible benefits of healthcare simulation-based training are very difficult to quantify. In addition, there was not a unified way to count for the different cost and benefits to provide a justifiable ROI. Quantifying the qualitative and intangible benefits of medical training simulator needed a framework that helps to identify and convert qualitative and intangible benefits into monetary value so it can be considered in the ROI evaluation. This research is a response to the highlighted importance of developing a comprehensive framework that has the capability to take into consideration the wide range of benefits that simulation-based training can bring to the healthcare system taking into consideration the characteristics of this specific field of investment. The major characteristics of investment in this field include the uncertainty, the qualitative nature of the major benefits, and the diversity and the wide range of applications. This comprehensive framework is an integration of several methodologies and tools. It consists of three parts. The first part of the framework is the benefits and cost structure, which pays special attention to the qualitative and intangible benefits by considering the Value Measurement methodology (VMM) and other previously existing models. The second part of the framework is important to deal with the uncertainty associated with this type of investment. Monte Carlo simulation is a tool that considered multiple scenarios of input sets instead of a single set of inputs. The third part of the framework considers an advanced value analysis of the investment. It goes beyond the discounted cash flow (DCF) methodologies like net present value (NPV) that consider a single scenario for the cash flow to Real Options Analysis that consider the flexibility over the lifetime of the investment when evaluating the value of the investment. This framework has been validated through case studies

    What Drives Students' Loyalty-Formation in Social Media Learning Within a Personal Learning Environment Approach? The Moderating Role of Need for Cognition

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    Our study analyzes an educational experience based on the integrated use of social media within a higher education course under a personal learning environment approach and investigates the factors that determine students' loyalty to social media learning. We examined the moderating role of need for cognition (NFC) in students' formation of attitudes, satisfaction, and loyalty toward this learning experience. The results indicate that NFC has an influence on these variables, significantly moderating how loyalty toward social media learning is formed. For high-NFC students, satisfaction with the learning experience is the most important variable to explain loyalty; whereas for low-NFC students, attitudes have a stronger effect. Different strategies are suggested, according to the learners' NFC levels, for increasing the use of social media in personal learning environments. Practical implications for improving the integration of such informal resources into formal education are discussed.Junta de Andalucía – Programa Andaluz de I + D P12 SEJ 259

    A descriptive case study: Investigating the implementation of web based, automated grading and tutorial software in a freshman computer literacy course

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    Students in higher education require satisfactory computer skills to be successful. While today’s students may have greater exposure to technology, research shows that their actual computer knowledge and skills are superficial and narrow. As a result, the freshman computer literacy course remains an important curricular component. This study investigates the implementation of an innovative Web-based technology for delivering software proficiency training for Microsoft Office. Building upon decades of end-user computing satisfaction and technology acceptance research, the purpose of the study is to describe the instructor and student experiences that result from the implementation and use of MyITLab educational software. The nature of the study is descriptive, rather than evaluative, with the following goals: (a) to describe instructors’ experiences with the software, (b) to identify patterns of technology usage and utility, and (c) to elucidate levels of computing satisfaction and technology acceptance among users. The study applies a mixed-method, single-unit, embedded case study design to focus the inquiry on an introductory computer applications course, offered in the Fall 2011 semester at a college in western Canada. The embedded units consist of five instructors, with 322 students enrolled across 10 sections. Data were analyzed from course documents, classroom observations, instructor interviews, and a student survey that produced 149 satisfactory responses. The survey was constructed by adapting instruments based on the Wixom and Todd (2005) integrated research model and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model. Results of the study are summarized into five assertions: 1) MyITLab effectively eliminates or, at least, reduces instructor grading workloads for assignments, 2) MyITLab provides students with frequent corrective feedback on assignments, 3) the step-by-step presentation of instructions in MyITLab may not solely meet the needs of solution-based learning outcomes, 4) instructors should be trained on MyITLab to maximize the software’s utility, and 5) the MyITLab solution bank of acceptable responses should be expanded to reduce potential grading inaccuracies. An enhanced Wixom and Todd (2005) model is also presented for future research of educational software. Lastly, the reader is encouraged to reconsider the information presented and generalize it for their own purposes

    Towards a model for managing uncertainty in logistics operations – A simulation modeling perspective

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    Uncertainty rules supply chains. Unexpected changes constantly occur on all levels; strategically through globalization, introduction of novel technology, mergers and acquisitions, volatile markets, and on an operational level through demand fluctuations, and events such as late arrival of in-bound material, machine equipment breakdown, and quality problems. The problem with uncertainty is increasing as the focus on cost reductions and efficiency in the industry tends to stretch supply chains to become longer and leaner, thus making them more vulnerable to disturbances. The aim of this thesis is to explore strategies for evaluating and managing uncertainties in a logistics context with the objectives; “to propose a method for modeling and analyzing the dynamics of logistics systems with an emphasize on risk management aspects”, and “to explore the impact of dynamic planning and execution in a logistics system”. Three main strategies for handling uncertainties are being discussed; robustness, reliability, and resilience. All three strategies carry an additional cost that must be weighed against the cost and risk of logistical disruptions. As an aid in making this trade-off, a hybrid simulation approach, based on discrete-event simulation and Monte Carlo simulation, is proposed. A combined analytical, and simulation approach is further used to explore the impact of dynamic planning and execution in a solid waste management case. Finally, a draft framework for how uncertainty can be managed in a logistics context is presented along with the key reasons why the proposed simulation approach has proven itself useful in the context of logistics systems

    A Systemic Approach to Next Generation Infrastructure Data Elicitation and Planning Using Serious Gaming Methods

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    Infrastructure systems are vital to the functioning of our society and economy. However, these systems are increasingly complex and are more interdependent than ever, making them difficult to manage. In order to respond to increasing demand, environmental concerns, and natural and man-made threats, infrastructure systems have to adapt and transform. Traditional engineering design approaches and planning tools have proven to be inadequate when planning and managing these complex socio-technical system transitions. The design and implementation of next generation infrastructure systems require holistic methodologies, encompassing organizational and societal aspects in addition to technical factors. In order to do so, a serious gaming based risk assessment methodology is developed to assist infrastructure data elicitation and planning. The methodology combines the use of various models, commercial-off-the-shelf solutions and a gaming approach to aggregate the inputs of various subject matter experts (SMEs) to predict future system characteristics. The serious gaming based approach enables experts to obtain a thorough understanding of the complexity and interdependency of the system while offering a platform to experiment with various strategies and scenarios. In order to demonstrate its abilities, the methodology was applied to National Airspace System (NAS) overhaul and its transformation to Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen). The implemented methodology yielded a comprehensive safety assessment and data generation mechanism, embracing the social and technical aspects of the NAS transformation for the next 15 years

    Leadership Skills, Promoting Flow and Generating Profit: A Study of Millennial Managers Through Gamification

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    An increased number or organizations are shifting away from traditional hierarchical, command and control business strategies which focus solely on generating profit to focusing on both people and profit. In this study, Csíkszentmihályi’s flow state (1975/2000) is considered to correspond with the people side of the social enterprise model, where organizations focus on both people and profit. Csíkszentmihályi (1990) describes the flow experience as a mental state which occurs when a person is motivated and fully immersed in an activity, resulting in feelings of energized focus and profound enjoyment. The current study analyzed secondary data from 1,184 millennial managers that played FLIGBY, a business simulation gamifying various leadership skills, flow in the workplace, and related profita outcomes. The results demonstrated strong collinearity between the eight leadership skills of interest, resulting in the factor load of a new singular variable. The new variable was found to have a predictive relationship between promoting flow and generating profit
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