23,928 research outputs found

    Development and implementation of a mobile AR-Based assistance system on the Android-platform for the SmartFactory kl

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    Campos GarcĂ­a, R. (2011). Development and implementation of a mobile AR-Based assistance system on the Android-platform for the SmartFactory kl. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/11632.Archivo delegad

    Essentials of Augmented Reality Software Development under Android Patform

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    Liitreaalsus on ĂŒha enam arenev tehnoloogia. Lisaks meelelahutuseleon liitreaalsus leidnud kasutust nii meditsiinis, sĂ”javĂ€es, masinaehituses kui ka teistes suurtes ettevĂ”tluse ning riigiga seotud valdkondades. Arendusmeeskondade eesmĂ€rk on saavutada vĂ”imalikult hea jĂ”udlus ning visuaalsed tulemused nende poolt toodetavas tarkvaras sĂ”ltumata kasutuspiirkonnast. Liitreaalsuse tarkvara pĂ”hitehnoloogia sĂ”ltub vĂ€gapalju meeskonnale kĂ€ttesaadavatest ressurssidest. See tĂ€hendab, et paremate vĂ”imalustega organisatsioonid saavad lubada endale tipptehnoloogiaid ning oma arendusmeeskondi, mille abil on neil vĂ”imalus implementeerida uusi liitreaalsuse tarkvaralahendusi. Samal ajal on aga tavalised firmad piiratud aja, meeskonna ja raha poolest, mis omakorda sunnib neid kasutama turul olemasolevaid lahendusi - tööriistakomplekte.Sellest lĂ€htuvalt keskendub kĂ€esolev töö vajalikele teadmistele, mida lĂ€heb vaja erinevate liitreaalsuse tööriistakomplektide kasutamisel. Selleks, et luua edukalt valmis liitreaalsuse tarkvara, on vĂ€lja valitud kindlad raamistikud, millest koostatakse ĂŒlevaade, mida testitakse ning vĂ”rreldakse. Lisaks sellele Ă”petatakse uurimise kĂ€igus selgeks ka mĂ”ned pĂ”hiteadmised liitreaalsuse arendamiseks Androidi platvormi nĂ€itel.Augmented Reality (AR) is an emerging technology. Besides entertainment, AR also is found to be used in medicine, military, engineering and other major fields of enterprise and government. Regardless of the application area, development teams usually target to achieve best performance and visual results in the AR software that they are providing. In addition, the core technology used behind a particular AR software depends a lot on resources available to the team. This means, that organizations with large resources can afford to implement AR software solutions using cutting-edge technologies build by their own engineering units, whereas ordinary companies are usually limited in time, staff and budget. Hence, forcing them to use existing market solutions - toolkits.From this perspective, this thesis work focuses on providing the basics of working with AR toolkits. In order to succeed in building an AR software, particular toolkits are selected to be reviewed, tested and compared. Moreover, during the investigation process some essentials of the AR development under Android platform are also studied

    Multi-3D-Models Registration-Based Augmented Reality (AR) Instructions for Assembly

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    This paper introduces a novel, markerless, step-by-step, in-situ 3D Augmented Reality (AR) instruction method and its application - BRICKxAR (Multi 3D Models/M3D) - for small parts assembly. BRICKxAR (M3D) realistically visualizes rendered 3D assembly parts at the assembly location of the physical assembly model (Figure 1). The user controls the assembly process through a user interface. BRICKxAR (M3D) utilizes deep learning-trained 3D model-based registration. Object recognition and tracking become challenging as the assembly model updates at each step. Additionally, not every part in a 3D assembly may be visible to the camera during the assembly. BRICKxAR (M3D) combines multiple assembly phases with a step count to address these challenges. Thus, using fewer phases simplifies the complex assembly process while step count facilitates accurate object recognition and precise visualization of each step. A testing and heuristic evaluation of the BRICKxAR (M3D) prototype and qualitative analysis were conducted with users and experts in visualization and human-computer interaction. Providing robust 3D AR instructions and allowing the handling of the assembly model, BRICKxAR (M3D) has the potential to be used at different scales ranging from manufacturing assembly to construction

    Multimodal augmented reality tangible gaming

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    This paper presents tangible augmented reality gaming environment that can be used to enhance entertainment using a multimodal tracking interface. Players can interact using different combinations between a pinch glove, a Wiimote, a six-degrees-of-freedom tracker, through tangible ways as well as through I/O controls. Two tabletop augmented reality games have been designed and implemented including a racing game and a pile game. The goal of the augmented reality racing game is to start the car and move around the track without colliding with either the wall or the objects that exist in the gaming arena. Initial evaluation results showed that multimodal-based interaction games can be beneficial in gaming. Based on these results, an augmented reality pile game was implemented with goal of completing a circuit of pipes (from a starting point to an end point on a grid). Initial evaluation showed that tangible interaction is preferred to keyboard interaction and that tangible games are much more enjoyable

    Augmented Reality Meets Tangibility: A New Approach for Early Childhood Education

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    Augmented Reality (AR) has been recognised as one of the promising technologies for the gaming industry. In this study, the authors intend to apply AR technology to develop an interactive educational game. This paper presents an AR featured educational game specifically designed for 4-7 years old pre-school children. The principal objective of this game is to enable children to learn various abstract concepts, such as colour mixing, mathematics and 2D-3D geometrical shape recognition. This game allows users to interact with both onscreen (intangible) and physical objects (tangible) at the same time; different interaction forms including the touch screen (click) and AR game (rotate) are designed for better interaction with the real world and learning. This paper focuses on the details of the design and interactive behaviour. Furthermore, beyond the needs of children, this game also serves for parents through the Token Economy method; parents can control the kids’ contacting time with portable devices, and track and modify their everyday learning patterns. A pilot study implementing mix method was used to gather user’s feedback is also described in this paper

    Integrating virtual reality and augmented reality in a collaborative user interface

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    Application that adopts collaborative system allows multiple users to interact with other users in the same virtual space either in Virtual Reality (VR) or Augmented Reality (AR). This paper aims to integrate the VR and AR space in a Collaborative User Interface that enables the user to cooperate with other users in a different type of interfaces in a single shared space manner. The gesture interaction technique is proposed as the interaction tool in both of the virtual spaces as it can provide a more natural gesture interaction when interacting with the virtual object. The integration of VR and AR space provide a cross-discipline shared data interchange through the network protocol of client-server architecture

    Augmented Reality Technology in Teaching about Physics: A systematic review of opportunities and challenges

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    The use of augmented reality (AR) allows for the integration of digital information onto our perception of the physical world. In this article, we present a comprehensive review of previously published literature on the implementation of augmented reality in physics education, at the school and the university level. Our review includes an analysis of 96 papers from the Scopus and Eric databases, all of which were published between January 1st, 2012 and January 1st, 2023. We evaluated how AR has been used for facilitating learning about physics. Potential AR-based learning activities for different physics topics have been summarized and opportunities, as well as challenges associated with AR-based learning of physics have been reported. It has been shown that AR technologies may facilitate physics learning by: providing complementary visualizations, optimizing cognitive load, allowing for haptic learning, reducing task completion time and promoting collaborative inquiry. The potential disadvantages of using AR in physics teaching are mainly related to the shortcomings of software and hardware technologies (e.g., camera freeze, visualization delay) and extraneous cognitive load (e.g., paying more attention to secondary details than to constructing target knowledge)

    Towards a Low-Cost Monitor-Based Augmented Reality Training Platform for At-Home Ultrasound Skill Development

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    Ultrasound education traditionally involves theoretical and practical training on patients or on simulators; however, difficulty accessing training equipment during the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for home-based training systems. Due to the prohibitive cost of ultrasound probes, few medical students have access to the equipment required for at home training. Our proof of concept study focused on the development and assessment of the technical feasibility and training performance of an at-home training solution to teach the basics of interpreting and generating ultrasound data. The training solution relies on monitor-based augmented reality for displaying virtual content and requires only a marker printed on paper and a computer with webcam. With input webcam video, we performed body pose estimation to track the student's limbs and used surface tracking of printed fiducials to track the position of a simulated ultrasound probe. The novelty of our work is in its combination of printed markers with marker-free body pose tracking. In a small user study, four ultrasound lecturers evaluated the training quality with a questionnaire and indicated the potential of our system. The strength of our method is that it allows students to learn the manipulation of an ultrasound probe through the simulated probe combined with the tracking system and to learn how to read ultrasounds in B-mode and Doppler mode
