10,213 research outputs found

    Strategies for sustainable socio-economic development and mechanisms their implementation in the global dimension

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    The authors of the book have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to effectively use modern approaches to developing and implementation strategies of sustainable socio-economic development in order to increase efficiency and competitiveness of economic entities. Basic research focuses on economic diagnostics of socio-economic potential and financial results of economic entities, transition period in the economy of individual countries and ensuring their competitiveness, assessment of educational processes and knowledge management. The research results have been implemented in the different models and strategies of supply and logistics management, development of non-profit organizations, competitiveness of tourism and transport, financing strategies for small and medium-sized enterprises, cross-border cooperation. The results of the study can be used in decision-making at the level the economic entities in different areas of activity and organizational-legal forms of ownership, ministries and departments that promote of development the economic entities on the basis of models and strategies for sustainable socio-economic development. The results can also be used by students and young scientists in modern concepts and mechanisms for management of sustainable socio-economic development of economic entities in the condition of global economic transformations and challenges

    Contributions to behavioural freight transport modelling

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    Implementing Web GIS for Monitoring Carbon Sequestration in Sustainable Agroforestry Projects

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    This project implemented an internet-based GIS to support effective monitoring and evaluation of agroforestry systems on carbon sequestration on small scale farms in East Africa. Small scale agriculture is one of the main economic activities practiced by farmers in East Africa. The demand for more farm produce out of the diminishing land exerts pressure on existing farms, resulting in land degradation and consequently environmental degeneration in the region. Striking a balance between conservation goals and agricultural needs is not easy. There is a need to utilize technological advancements like GIS to establish appropriate farming practices that ensure improved and sustained farm productivity, as well as to conserve the environment. Quantifying and monitoring sequestered carbon not only provides revenue through certified carbon credits, but also a means of evaluating the impact of agroforestry methods on the environment. This project was undertaken to support the Vi Agroforestry Programme’s implementation of agroforestry projects, and to assess the amount of carbon sequestered. An internet-based GIS system was designed to share spatial data and information to project stakeholders and other audiences. The system primarily supports decision making in adopting sustained farming practices, and provides a reliable means of keeping track of agroforestry techniques and quantifying the amount of sequestered carbon at each project

    Planning and Scheduling Optimization

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    Although planning and scheduling optimization have been explored in the literature for many years now, it still remains a hot topic in the current scientific research. The changing market trends, globalization, technical and technological progress, and sustainability considerations make it necessary to deal with new optimization challenges in modern manufacturing, engineering, and healthcare systems. This book provides an overview of the recent advances in different areas connected with operations research models and other applications of intelligent computing techniques used for planning and scheduling optimization. The wide range of theoretical and practical research findings reported in this book confirms that the planning and scheduling problem is a complex issue that is present in different industrial sectors and organizations and opens promising and dynamic perspectives of research and development

    Optimization for Decision Making II

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    In the current context of the electronic governance of society, both administrations and citizens are demanding the greater participation of all the actors involved in the decision-making process relative to the governance of society. This book presents collective works published in the recent Special Issue (SI) entitled “Optimization for Decision Making II”. These works give an appropriate response to the new challenges raised, the decision-making process can be done by applying different methods and tools, as well as using different objectives. In real-life problems, the formulation of decision-making problems and the application of optimization techniques to support decisions are particularly complex and a wide range of optimization techniques and methodologies are used to minimize risks, improve quality in making decisions or, in general, to solve problems. In addition, a sensitivity or robustness analysis should be done to validate/analyze the influence of uncertainty regarding decision-making. This book brings together a collection of inter-/multi-disciplinary works applied to the optimization of decision making in a coherent manner

    Layout planning of logistics network for medical instruments based on third-party logistics

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    Supply Chain Risk Management Study of the Indonesian Seaweed Industry

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    Die Supply Chain von Algen in Indonesien, insbesondere Karrageen und Agarprodukte, ist mit Störungen innerhalb der Unternehmen und in externen Netzwerken konfrontiert wie z. B. Quantität, Qualität, Preis und Infrastruktur. Sobald eine Störung in einem Teil der Supply Chain auftritt, kann diese die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette beeinflussen. Um eine nachhaltige Algenindustrie sicher zu stellen, bedarf es einer langzeitigen Planung. Hierbei kann das Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) helfen. SCRM umfasst vier kritische Stufen: Identifikation der Algen-Supply Chains, Identifikation und Kategorisierung der Risiken, Einschätzen der Risiken und Vermeidung der Risiken. Um die Algen-Supply Chains zu identifizieren, wurden Feldforschung, Tiefeninterviews und Literaturrecherchen durchgeführt. Die Feldstudie wurde in den Provinzen Süd-Sulawesi, West-Java, Ost-Java, Banten und West-Nusa Tenggara durchgeführt. Anschließend wurden die Algen-Supply Chains mit der Software Umberto NXT Universal 7.0 modelliert, um ein besseres Verständnis von den Material- und Energieflüssen zwischen den Hauptakteuren zu erhalten. Um die Risiken zu identifizieren und zu kategorisieren wurden Literaturrecherchen durchgeführt und die Delphi Methode angewandt, um potentielle Quellen der Risiken, ihre Gründe und ihre Effekte zu analysieren. Zur Einschätzung der Risiken wurde ein semi-quantitativer Ansatz gewählt, welcher auf Face-to-face Interviews zurückgreift. Dementsprechend wurde eine Risikokarte erstellt, welche die Wahrscheinlichkeiten und Effekte von ungünstigen Ereignissen widerspiegelt. Basierend auf den vorherigen Ergebnissen wurde die Intensität der Risiken in die folgenden fünf Kategorien unterteilt: vernachlässigbare, geringe, kritische, sehr kritische und katastrophale Risiken. Drei alternative Strategien zur Vermeidung der Risiken werden vorgeschlagen: der Bau einer kleinen Algen-Fabrik, große Algen-Herstellung und industrielle Algen-Cluster, welche direkt am Algenanbau angegliedert sein müssen. Um die Strategien zu bewerten wurde die Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluation (PROMETHEE) angewandt, welche der multikriteriellen Entscheidungsanalyse zuzurechnen ist. Die Vermeidungsstrategien berücksichtigen  Nachhaltigkeitskriterien (Ökologie, Wirtschaft, Soziales) und Risikokriterien. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Algen-Supply Chains mit vertikaler Kooperation, aus Algen-Lieferanten (Farmer, lokale Händler, Großhändler und Exporteure) und Algen-Herstellern (Carrageen- und Agarunternehmen) bestehen. Die meisten Algen-Farmer sind unabhängige Farmer, die die Möglichkeit haben die Algen entweder an lokale Händler oder andere je nach Präferenz verkaufen können. Lokale Händler spielen eine entscheidende Rolle hinsichtlich der finanziellen Unterstützung der Farmer, der technischen Informationen und des Marktzugangs. Indonesische Carrageen- und Agarhersteller weisen ein kontinuierliches Marktwachstum auf, insbesondere als Familienunternehmen. Die Risiken der Algen-Supply Chain werden in zwei Hauptkategorien unterteilt: interne und externe Risiken. Interne Risiken werden weiterhin in zwei Gruppen untergliedert: interne Unternehmensrisiken, welche aus Prozess- und Steuerungsrisiken bestehen, sowie externe Unternehmensrisiken, die Supply- und Nachfragerisiken umfassen. Externe Supply Chain Risiken, die aus externen Netzwerkketten resultieren, sind Risiken hinsichtlich regulatorischer Fragen, der Finanzierung, Infrastruktur als auch soziale und umweltbezogene Risiken. Als kritischstes Risiko für die Carrageen-Supply Chain wurde die mangelnde Qualität von E.cottonii rohgetrockneten Algen identifiziert. Weitere kritische Risiken der Agar-Supply Chain sind Quantitätsunsicherheiten, die Knappheit von Gracilaria roh getrockneten Algen sowie negative Umweltauswirkungen des Abwassers. Aus  der Fallstudie zu halb-raffinierten Karrageen resultierte das Clustern von Algen-Verarbeitungsbetrieben als ist die beste Risikovermeidungsstrategie sowohl für große als auch kleine Unternehmen. Nichtsdestotrotz kann sich das Clustern negativ auf die lokale Umwelt auswirken.

    Part 1

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    Traceability can be a tool for safety and quality assurance for food perishables as well as for process optimization and economic gain. However, it is often considered mere bureaucracy and an economic burden. Such is prevalent in small and medium-sized enterprises. As they constitute most of food sector, the adoption of traceability systems is quite slow and mostly to satisfy legal requirements. To determine the main advantages and disadvantages of traceability models, implementation and technologies, a literature review and Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) focused analysis was performed in the part I of this study. In Part II, a low cost open-source traceability focused on food safety and quality is developed. It is based on HACCP flowcharts to define gateways for quality evaluation and encompasses external verification and product history maintenance. Economic gains, more quality and safety, better efficiency and a more direct contact with consumers are some of the main advantages. High implementation costs, poorly defined benefits, lack of compatibility, consumer focused perspective and exposure of sensitive information are some of the main issues. This study serves to expose these issues and suggest solutions, aiming to encourage the adoption of traceability systems, with last-end benefits to producers, retailers, and consumers.This study is within the activities of project PrunusPós—Otimização de processos de armazenamento, conservação em frio, embalamento ativo e/ou inteligente, e rastreabilidade da qualidade alimentar no póscolheita de produtos frutícolas (Optimization of processes of storage, cold conservation, active and/or intelligent packaging, and traceability of food quality in the postharvest of fruit products), Operation n.º PDR2020-101-031695 (Partner), Consortium n.º 87, Initiative n.º 175 promoted by PDR2020 and co-financed by FEADER under the Portugal 2020 initiative.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio