138 research outputs found

    Enforcement and regulation in relation to TV broadcasting in Pakistan

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    In 2002, private broadcasters started their own TV transmissions after the creation of the Pakistan Electronic Media Authority. This thesis seeks to identify the challenges to the Pakistan public and private electronic media sectors in terms of enforcement. Despite its importance and growth, there is a lack of research on the enforcement and regulatory supervision of the electronic media sector in Pakistan. This study examines the sector and identifies the action required to improve the current situation. To this end, it focuses on five aspects: (i) Institutional arrangements: institutions play a key role in regulating the system properly. (ii) Legislative and regulatory arrangements: legislation enables the electronic media system to run smoothly. It needs some more improvement as proposed in the thesis. (iii) International efforts: these efforts are very positive to enforce the broadcasting regulation at international level. It will also have a gradual effect on the national market. (iv) Current enforcement challenges: some current media enforcement issues are analysed for the first time in this thesis. (v) Regulatory Reforms: after the development of the technology, the broadcasting sector is now facing some significant regulation issues. These five aspects are examined in Chapters 2 to 4 respectively. These three chapters constitute the main part of the thesis

    Radio evolution: conference proceedings

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    Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    California Voting and Suburbanization Patterns: Implications for Transit Policy, MTI Report 12-05

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    Public transit is an environmentally friendly transportation mode that usually focuses on transporting people within and to the city center. However, over the last 60 years, population and employment has been suburbanizing. As the median voter lives further from the city center, and thus enjoys fewer benefits from accessing public transit, does this reduce such a voter’s propensity to support public investment in public transit improvements? We analyze voting patterns on 20 transit-related ballot propositions from state-wide elections in California between 1990 and 2010. Controlling for demographic, socio-economic and political ideological factors, we focus on the role of suburbanization as a possible causal factor in determining public support for public transit investment. The results provide a rich picture of the attitudes towards transportation policy among California voters, and will help policy makers to better understand citizen preferences and to better predict how future trends will shift support towards or against transit. Finally, we suggest ways policy makers can use urban land markets to increase support for trans

    The evolution of an alumni association's web site: decisions, mistakes, and successes

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    This study investigated the evolution of the web site of a large southern university's alumni association from the fall of 1995 through the spring of 1999. It looked at how the alumni association developed and evolved their web policies regarding content and design. This included what material they pbulished and the layout of the site and the navigational schema. It looked closely at those people who have been involved with the web site and how each person influenced changes. There is not one path to follow in creating a strong web presence for an organization, but this study aimed to identify a set of steps to follow in creating and maintaining a large, effective, dynamic, interactive web site

    Impact of internet marketing on the profitability of the hospitality sector in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa

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    The application of internet marketing techniques has been widespread in the hospitality sector worldwide, with many hotels crafting websites for marketing purposes. However, there is still a debate and speculation on the impact of internet marketing on business performance and profitability. Given the well-recognised value of internet marketing in the hospitality and tourism industry, this study sought to examine the impact of internet marketing on the profitability of the hospitality sector in South Africa and to establish factors which influence internet marketing usage. In order to achieve these objectives, a perceptual survey was conducted in graded hotels and lodges in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. Multiple linear regression analysis and hierarchical regression analysis were used to determine the relationship between internet marketing and business profitability as well as the relationship between organisational and environmental factors and internet marketing usage. Based on the findings of this study, it is concluded that the use of internet marketing can positively influence business profitability. It is also concluded that internet marketing experience moderates the relationship between internet marketing usage and business profitability. The results also indicate that factors such as technological competence, managerial support, level of star grading and alliances significantly influence internet marketing usage. Thus, from the findings of this study, it was concluded that hotels and lodges can enhance their profitability through internet marketing usage

    Learning networks and moodle use in online courses: a social network analysis study

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Ciências da Educação Especialidade em Tecnologias, Redes e Multimédia na Educação e FormaçãoThis research presents a case study on the interactions between the participants of the forums of four online undergraduate courses from the perspective of social network analysis (SNA). Due to lack of studies on social networks in online learning environments in higher education in Portugal we have choose a qualitative structural analysis to address this phenomenon. The context of this work was given by the new experiences in distance education (DE) that many institutions have been making. Those experiences are a function of the changes in educational paradigms and due to a wider adoption of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) from schools as well as to the competitive market. Among the technologies adopted by universities are the Learning Management Systems (LMSs) that allow recording, storing and using large amounts of relational data about their users and that can be accessed through Webtracking. We have used this information to construct matrices that allowed the SNA. In order to deepen knowledge about the four online courses we were studying we have also collect data with questionnaires and interviews and we did a content analysis to the participations in the forums. The three main sources of data collection led us to three types of analysis: SNA, statistical analysis and content analysis. These types of analysis allowed, in turn, a three-dimensional study on the use of the LMS: 1) the relational dimension through the study of forums networks and patterns of interaction among participants in those networks, 2) the dimension relative to the process of teaching and learning through content analysis of the interviews; 3) and finally the dimension related to the participants' perceptions about the use of LMS for educational purposes and as a platform for creating social networks through the analysis of questionnaires.With the results obtained we carried out a comparative study between the four courses and tried to present a reflection on the Online Project of the University as well as possible causes that led to what was observed. We have finished with a proposal of a framework for studying the relational aspects of online learning networks aimed at possible future research in this area
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