91 research outputs found

    Asynchronous techniques for system-on-chip design

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    SoC design will require asynchronous techniques as the large parameter variations across the chip will make it impossible to control delays in clock networks and other global signals efficiently. Initially, SoCs will be globally asynchronous and locally synchronous (GALS). But the complexity of the numerous asynchronous/synchronous interfaces required in a GALS will eventually lead to entirely asynchronous solutions. This paper introduces the main design principles, methods, and building blocks for asynchronous VLSI systems, with an emphasis on communication and synchronization. Asynchronous circuits with the only delay assumption of isochronic forks are called quasi-delay-insensitive (QDI). QDI is used in the paper as the basis for asynchronous logic. The paper discusses asynchronous handshake protocols for communication and the notion of validity/neutrality tests, and completion tree. Basic building blocks for sequencing, storage, function evaluation, and buses are described, and two alternative methods for the implementation of an arbitrary computation are explained. Issues of arbitration, and synchronization play an important role in complex distributed systems and especially in GALS. The two main asynchronous/synchronous interfaces needed in GALS-one based on synchronizer, the other on stoppable clock-are described and analyzed

    RTL Design Quality Checks for Soft IPs

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    Soft IPs are architectural modules which are delivered in the form of synthesizable RTL level codes written in some HDL (hardware descriptive language) like Verilog or VHDL or System Verilog. They are technology independent and offer high degree of modification flexibility. RTL is the complete abstraction of our design. Since SOC complexity is growing day by day with new technologies and requirement, it will be very much difficult to debug and fix issues after physical level. So to reduce effort and increase efficiency and accuracy it is necessary to fix most of the bugs in RTL level. Also if we are using soft IP, then our bug free IP can be used by third party. So early detection of bugs helps us not to go back to entire design and do all the process again and again. One of the important issue at RTL level of a design is the Clock Domain Crossing (CDC) problem. This is the issue which affects the performance at each and every stage of the design flow. Failure in fixing these issues at the earlier stage makes the design unreliable and design performance collapses. The main issue in real time clock designs are the metastability issue. Although we cannot check or see these issues using our simulator but we have to make preventions at RTL level. This is done by restructuring the design and adding required synchronizers. One more important area of consideration in VLSI design is power consumption. In modern low power designs low power is a key factor. So design consuming less power is preferred over design consuming more power. This decision should be made as early as possible. RTL quality check helps us on this aspect. Using different tools power estimation can be performed at RTL stage which saves lots of efforts in redesigning. This project aims at checking clock domain crossing faults at RTL stage and doing redesign of circuit to eliminate those faults. Also an effort is made to compare quality of two designs in terms of delay, power consumption and area

    Inter-module Interfacing techniques for SoCs with multiple clock domains to address challenges in modern deep sub-micron technologies

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    Miniaturization of integrated circuits (ICs) due to the improvement in lithographic techniques in modem deep sub-micron (DSM) technologies allows several complex processing elements to coexist in one IC, which are called System-on-Chip. As a first contribution, this thesis quantitatively analyzes the severity of timing constraints associated with Clock Distribution Network (CDN) in modem DSM technologies and shows that different processing elements may work in different dock domains to alleviate these constraints. Such systems are known as Globally Asynchronous Locally Synchronous (GALS) systems. It is imperative that different processing elements of a GALS system need to communicate with each other through some interfacing technique, and these interfaces can be asynchronous or synchronous. Conventionally, the asynchronous interfaces are described at the Register Transfer Logic (RTL) or system level. Such designs are susceptible to certain design constraints that cannot be addressed at higher abstraction levels; crosstalk glitch is one such constraint. This thesis initially identifies, using an analytical model, the possibility of asynchronous interface malfunction due to crosstalk glitch propagation. Next, we characterize crosstalk glitch propagation under normal operating conditions for two different classes of asynchronous protocols, namely bundled data protocol based and delay insensitive asynchronous designs. Subsequently, we propose a logic abstraction level modeling technique, which provides a framework to the designer to verify the asynchronous protocols against crosstalk glitches. The utility of this modeling technique is demonstrated experimentally on a Xilinx Virtex-II Pro FPGA. Furthermore, a novel methodology is proposed to quench such crosstalk glitch propagation through gating the asynchronous interface from sending the signal during potential glitch vulnerable instances. This methodology is termed as crosstalk glitch gating. This technique is successfully applied to obtain crosstalk glitch quenching in the representative interfaces. This thesis also addresses the dock skew challenges faced by high-performance synchronous interfacing methodologies in modem DSM technologies. The proposed methodology allows communicating modules to run at a frequency that is independent of the dock skew. Leveraging a novel clock-scheduling algorithm, our technique permits a faster module to communicate safely with a slower module without slowing down. Safe data communications for mesochronous schemes and for the cases when communicating modules have dock frequency ratios of integer or coprime numbers are theoretically explained and experimentally demonstrated. A clock-scheduling technique to dynamically accommodate phase variations is also proposed. These methods are implemented to the Xilinx Virtex II Pro technology. Experiments prove that the proposed interfacing scheme allows modules to communicate data safely, for mesochronous schemes, at 350 MHz, which is the limit of the technology used, under a dock skew of more than twice the time period (i.e. a dock skew of 12 ns

    Synchronizer-Free Digital Link Controller

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    This work presents a producer-consumer link between two independent clock domains. The link allows for metastability-free, low-latency, high-throughput communication by slight adjustments to the clock frequencies of the producer and consumer domains steered by a controller circuit. Any such controller cannot deterministically avoid, detect, nor resolve metastability. Typically, this is addressed by synchronizers, incurring a larger dead time in the control loop. We follow the approach of Friedrichs et al. (TC 2018) who proposed metastability-containing circuits. The result is a simple control circuit that may become metastable, yet deterministically avoids buffer underrun or overflow. More specifically, the controller output may become metastable, but this may only affect oscillator speeds within specific bounds. In contrast, communication is guaranteed to remain metastability-free. We formally prove correctness of the producer-consumer link and a possible implementation that has only small overhead. With SPICE simulations of the proposed implementation we further substantiate our claims. The simulation uses 65nm process running at roughly 2GHz.Comment: 12 page journal articl

    Design of variation-tolerant synchronizers for multiple clock and voltage domains

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    PhD ThesisParametric variability increasingly affects the performance of electronic circuits as the fabrication technology has reached the level of 32nm and beyond. These parameters may include transistor Process parameters (such as threshold voltage), supply Voltage and Temperature (PVT), all of which could have a significant impact on the speed and power consumption of the circuit, particularly if the variations exceed the design margins. As systems are designed with more asynchronous protocols, there is a need for highly robust synchronizers and arbiters. These components are often used as interfaces between communication links of different timing domains as well as sampling devices for asynchronous inputs coming from external components. These applications have created a need for new robust designs of synchronizers and arbiters that can tolerate process, voltage and temperature variations. The aim of this study was to investigate how synchronizers and arbiters should be designed to tolerate parametric variations. All investigations focused mainly on circuit-level and transistor level designs and were modeled and simulated in the UMC90nm CMOS technology process. Analog simulations were used to measure timing parameters and power consumption along with a “Monte Carlo” statistical analysis to account for process variations. Two main components of synchronizers and arbiters were primarily investigated: flip-flop and mutual-exclusion element (MUTEX). Both components can violate the input timing conditions, setup and hold window times, which could cause metastability inside their bistable elements and possibly end in failures. The mean-time between failures is an important reliability feature of any synchronizer delay through the synchronizer. The MUTEX study focused on the classical circuit, in addition to a number of tolerance, based on increasing internal gain by adding current sources, reducing the capacitive loading, boosting the transconductance of the latch, compensating the existing Miller capacitance, and adding asymmetry to maneuver the metastable point. The results showed that some circuits had little or almost no improvements, while five techniques showed significant improvements by reducing τ and maintaining high tolerance. Three design approaches are proposed to provide variation-tolerant synchronizers. wagging synchronizer proposed to First, the is significantly increase reliability over that of the conventional two flip-flop synchronizer. The robustness of the wagging technique can be enhanced by using robust τ latches or adding one more cycle of synchronization. The second approach is the Metastability Auto-Detection and Correction (MADAC) latch which relies on swiftly detecting a metastable event and correcting it by enforcing the previously stored logic value. This technique significantly reduces the resolution time down from uncertain synchronization technique is proposed to transfer signals between Multiple- Voltage Multiple-Clock Domains (MVD/MCD) that do not require conventional level-shifters between the domains or multiple power supplies within each domain. This interface circuit uses a synchronous set and feedback reset protocol which provides level-shifting and synchronization of all signals between the domains, from a wide range of voltage-supplies and clock frequencies. Overall, synchronizer circuits can tolerate variations to a greater extent by employing the wagging technique or using a MADAC latch, while MUTEX tolerance can suffice with small circuit modifications. Communication between MVD/MCD can be achieved by an asynchronous handshake without a need for adding level-shifters.The Saudi Arabian Embassy in London, Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabi

    Solutions and application areas of flip-flop metastability

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    PhD ThesisThe state space of every continuous multi-stable system is bound to contain one or more metastable regions where the net attraction to the stable states can be infinitely-small. Flip-flops are among these systems and can take an unbounded amount of time to decide which logic state to settle to once they become metastable. This problematic behavior is often prevented by placing the setup and hold time conditions on the flip-flop’s input. However, in applications such as clock domain crossing where these constraints cannot be placed flip-flops can become metastable and induce catastrophic failures. These events are fundamentally impossible to prevent but their probability can be significantly reduced by employing synchronizer circuits. The latter grant flip-flops longer decision time at the expense of introducing latency in processing the synchronized input. This thesis presents a collection of research work involving the phenomenon of flip-flop metastability in digital systems. The main contributions include three novel solutions for the problem of synchronization. Two of these solutions are speculative methods that rely on duplicate state machines to pre-compute data-dependent states ahead of the completion of synchronization. Speculation is a core theme of this thesis and is investigated in terms of its functional correctness, cost efficacy and fitness for being automated by electronic design automation tools. It is shown that speculation can outperform conventional synchronization solutions in practical terms and is a viable option for future technologies. The third solution attempts to address the problem of synchronization in the more-specific context of variable supply voltages. Finally, the thesis also identifies a novel application of metastability as a means of quantifying intra-chip physical parameters. A digital sensor is proposed based on the sensitivity of metastable flip-flops to changes in their environmental parameters and is shown to have better precision while being more compact than conventional digital sensors

    How to speedup fault-tolerant clock generation in VLSI systems-on-chip via pipelining

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    Fault-tolerant clocking schemes become inevitable when it comes to highly-reliable chip designs. Because of the additional hardware overhead, existing solutions are considerably slower than their non-reliable counterparts. In this paper, we demonstrate that pipelining is a viable approach to speed up the distributed fault-tolerant DARTS clock generation approach introduced in (Függer, Schmid, Fuchs, Kempf, EDCC'06), where a distributed Byzantine fault-tolerant tick generation algorithm has been used to replace the traditional quartz oscillator and highly balanced clock tree in VLSI Systems-on-Chip (SoCs). We provide a pipelined version of the original DARTS algorithm, termed pDARTS, together with a novel modeling and analysis framework for hardware-implemented asynchronous fault-tolerant distributed algorithms, which is employed for rigorously analyzing its correctness & performance. Our results, which have also been confirmed by the experimental evaluation of an FPGA prototype implementation, reveal that pipelining indeed allows to entirely remove the adverse effect of large interconnect delays on the achievable clock frequency, and demonstrate again that methods and results from distributed algorithms research can successfully be applied in the VLSI context

    Asynchronous Bypass Channels Improving Performance for Multi-synchronous Network-on-chips

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    Dr. Paul V. Gratz Network-on-Chip (NoC) designs have emerged as a replacement for traditional shared-bus designs for on-chip communications. As with all current VLSI design, however, reducing power consumption in NoCs is a critical challenge. One approach to reduce power is to dynamically scale the voltage and frequency of each network node or groups of nodes (DVFS). Another approach to reduce power consumption is to replace the balanced clock tree with a globally-asynchronous, locally-synchronous (GALS) clocking scheme. NoCs implemented with either of these schemes, however, tend to have high latencies as packets must be synchronized at the intermediate nodes between source and destination. In this work, we propose a novel router microarchitecture which offers superior performance versus typical synchroniz- ing router designs. Our approach features Asynchronous Bypass Channels (ABCs) at intermediate nodes thus avoiding synchronization delay. We also propose a new network topology and routing algorithm that leverage the advantages of the bypass channel offered by our router design. Our experiments show that our design improves the performance of a conventional synchronizing design with similar resources by up to 26 percent at low loads and increases saturation throughput by up to 50 percent