20 research outputs found

    Sistem Informasi Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (Umkm) Di Surakarta Berbasis Web Dengan Php

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    Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Surakarta is one important part of the economy in Surakarta. Changing times, a lot of people can make their own efforts. Along with the many businesses in the city of Surakarta so many businesses doing promotions for their business continuity. In line with this web-based information system that can hold information about the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Based Web can be a mass promotion for SMEs in Surakarta. In addition to the MSMEs of information systems can be exploited ordinary people both in and outside the city of Surakarta to find the location of SMEs as the information system is equipped with a Geographic Systems (GIS) in the form of maps the location of SMEs. Making the web using PHP programming language. Testing is done by using a questionnaire filled out by several respondents, respondents were divided into 3 of the Department, from SMEs and from the general public. From the test results, it can be concluded that the SME web-based information system to help the promotion of MSMEs in bulk and helps the Department to determine the development of SMEs in Surakarta

    Crossing the Communication Barrier in Global Software Development Projects via Global Software Development Brokers

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    As the key stakeholders in Global Software Development (GSD) projects are distributed across geographical locations, many GSD projects suffer from a communication barrier, which exists due to language-, cultural-, time zone (and possibly other) differences among key stakeholders. This barrier not only increases communication cost, it also decreases the efficiency and quality of stakeholder communication, adding extra risks to these projects, and decreasing the probability of success. So far, there is no simple solution to this problem. Using the Collaborative Networks paradigm, this paper introduces the concept of ‘Global Software Development Collaborative Network’ (GSD-CN) as a formal model to analyse communication cost and quality. The paper proposes a new entity (role) called Global Software Development Broker (GSDB). We argue and demonstrate in an example that the proposed GSDBs will (a) simplify the network structure, (b) decrease communication cost, and (c) improve communication quality – consequently increasing the probability of success of GSD projects

    Simplified Methodology for the Practice of Business Architecture in SMEs

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    The current context of organizations has meant that their business models have been continually evolving, creating opportunities for technological innovations. Business strategies become a significant challenge, mainly if organizations are small or medium-sized, with all the constraints typically associated with them. The most used digital transformation frameworks are centered on large organizations and those that until now have been proposed for application in smaller organizations present some questions. In this article, a new methodology proposal, SimpliSMEEA, is presented and its application to a specific company is described and evaluated

    Research Perspective in Enterprise Architecture

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    The challenges of aligning IT with business triggered the attention towards Enterprise Architecture (EA). Despite the increase interest of academic scholars in EA, there is scarcity of studies that provide an up to date comprehensive research perspective view. The purpose of this study is to examine the research methodologies and theories utilized in EA studies from 2010 to 2016. The study employed Systematic Literature Review (SLR) as method to explore and analyze the literature of EA. The study revealed the research approaches and data collection methods utilized in EA. It shows that case study approach and interviews are the highly used compared to other research approaches and data collection instruments. Furthermore, it pointed out the low employment of theories in EA studies. The study is contributing to the body of knowledge by providing a foundation for novice researchers in the area of EA through detailed discussions of research methodologies and theories which are expected to support them in designing future studies

    A Case Study on Enterprise Content Management using Agile Methodology

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    Every organization has the need to create, classify, manage and archive information so that it is accessible when they need it. The amount of data or information needed for an organization to build their business and for them to be more positive in today’s business world is increasing exponentially, which also includes unstructured data or unstructured content. It is not appropriate only to “manage” content, but whether the correct version of the data or document or record can be accessed. Enterprise Content Management is an efficient collection and planning of information that is to be used by a very particular type of audience for pure business objectives. It is neither a single type of technology nor a process, it is a combination of strategies, methods and tools used to preserve, store and deliver information supporting key enterprise processes through its entire lifecycle. This research is classified into a case study research because it takes a particular focus on a certain area, i.e., the ECM implementation in XYZ organization where I completed my summer internship this year. Besides research, this study also helped me understand the in-depth implementation of ECM in an enterprise which directly depicts the working environment and methodologies in XYZ

    Enterprise architecture for small and medium-sized enterprises : CHOOSE

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    Enterprise architecture (EA) is a coherent whole of principles, methods, and models that are used in the design and realization of an enterprise’s organizational structure, business processes, information systems, and IT infrastructure. EA is used as a holistic approach to keep things aligned in a company. Some emphasize the use of EA to align IT with the business, others see it broader and use it to also keep the processes aligned with the strategy. Recent research indicates the need for EA in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), important drivers of the economy, as they struggle with problems related to a lack of structure and overview of their business. However, existing EA frameworks are perceived as too complex and, to date, none of the EA approaches are sufficiently adapted to the SME context. Therefore, in this PhD, we present the CHOOSE approach for EA for SMEs. The approach consists of four artifacts: a metamodel, a method, software tool support, and a visualization. The approach is kept simple so that it may be applied in an SME context and is based on the essential dimensions of EA frameworks. Five steps were taken: first, the problem of EA in SMEs was extensively analyzed. Next, the CHOOSE metamodel was developed during action research in SMEs. Then, action research in six companies was used to develop an adequate method (consisting of guidelines, a roadmap, and stop criteria) and to further refine this CHOOSE metamodel, while different types of software tools (PC, iPad, Android, ...) were developed to enable the evaluation rounds. Finally, a proper visualization was established

    Toward an Adaptive Enterprise Modelling Platform

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    For the past three decades, enterprise modelling (EM) has been emerging as a significant yet complex paradigm to tackle holistic systematic enterprise analysis and design. With a high fluctuation in the global economy, industrial stability and technology shift, the necessity of such paradigms becomes crucial in determining the decisions that an enterprise can make for surviving in such a highly dynamic business ecosystem. EM practices have focused for a long time, on the design-time of enterprise systems. Recently, there has been a rapid development in data analytics, machine learning and intelligent systems from which an EM platform can benefit. EM needs to cope with the new changes in both business and technology; it should also help architects to determine optimum decisions and reduce complexity in technical infrastructure. In this paper, the author discusses several challenges facing enterprise modelling practices and offers an architectural notion for future development focusing on the requirements of a platform that can be called intelligent and adaptive

    Evaluating Enterprise Architecture Frameworks Using Essential Elements

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    Enterprise architecture (EA) frameworks offer principles, models, and guidance to help one develop an EA program. Due to EA’s flexible and abstract nature, there is a proliferation of EA frameworks in practice. Yet, comparison studies to make sense of them are far from satisfactory in that they lack a theoretical foundation for comparison criteria and do not meaningfully interpret the differences. In this paper, I propose a comparison approach using EA essential elements—the underlying key features of EA programs—to distinguish EA frameworks. Based on the extant literature, I identify eight elements, each with its own theoretical justification and empirical evidence. I illustrate how to use these elements to evaluate eight popular EA frameworks. The results show three ideal types of EA frameworks: technical, operational, and strategic EA. Each type has a different focus, set of assumptions, and historical context. The essential elements offer a more systematic way to evaluate EA frameworks. In addition, they shift attention from the maturity models often used in EA development to focus on particular EA elements being implemented by organizations