895 research outputs found

    Performance and Memory Space Optimizations for Embedded Systems

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    Embedded systems have three common principles: real-time performance, low power consumption, and low price (limited hardware). Embedded computers use chip multiprocessors (CMPs) to meet these expectations. However, one of the major problems is lack of efficient software support for CMPs; in particular, automated code parallelizers are needed. The aim of this study is to explore various ways to increase performance, as well as reducing resource usage and energy consumption for embedded systems. We use code restructuring, loop scheduling, data transformation, code and data placement, and scratch-pad memory (SPM) management as our tools in different embedded system scenarios. The majority of our work is focused on loop scheduling. Main contributions of our work are: We propose a memory saving strategy that exploits the value locality in array data by storing arrays in a compressed form. Based on the compressed forms of the input arrays, our approach automatically determines the compressed forms of the output arrays and also automatically restructures the code. We propose and evaluate a compiler-directed code scheduling scheme, which considers both parallelism and data locality. It analyzes the code using a locality parallelism graph representation, and assigns the nodes of this graph to processors.We also introduce an Integer Linear Programming based formulation of the scheduling problem. We propose a compiler-based SPM conscious loop scheduling strategy for array/loop based embedded applications. The method is to distribute loop iterations across parallel processors in an SPM-conscious manner. The compiler identifies potential SPM hits and misses, and distributes loop iterations such that the processors have close execution times. We present an SPM management technique using Markov chain based data access. We propose a compiler directed integrated code and data placement scheme for 2-D mesh based CMP architectures. Using a Code-Data Affinity Graph (CDAG) to represent the relationship between loop iterations and array data, it assigns the sets of loop iterations to processing cores and sets of data blocks to on-chip memories. We present a memory bank aware dynamic loop scheduling scheme for array intensive applications.The goal is to minimize the number of memory banks needed for executing the group of loop iterations

    Parallel Hierarchical Affinity Propagation with MapReduce

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    The accelerated evolution and explosion of the Internet and social media is generating voluminous quantities of data (on zettabyte scales). Paramount amongst the desires to manipulate and extract actionable intelligence from vast big data volumes is the need for scalable, performance-conscious analytics algorithms. To directly address this need, we propose a novel MapReduce implementation of the exemplar-based clustering algorithm known as Affinity Propagation. Our parallelization strategy extends to the multilevel Hierarchical Affinity Propagation algorithm and enables tiered aggregation of unstructured data with minimal free parameters, in principle requiring only a similarity measure between data points. We detail the linear run-time complexity of our approach, overcoming the limiting quadratic complexity of the original algorithm. Experimental validation of our clustering methodology on a variety of synthetic and real data sets (e.g. images and point data) demonstrates our competitiveness against other state-of-the-art MapReduce clustering techniques

    Data locality and parallelism optimization using a constraint-based approach

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Embedded applications are becoming increasingly complex and processing ever-increasing datasets. In the context of data-intensive embedded applications, there have been two complementary approaches to enhancing application behavior, namely, data locality optimizations and improving loop-level parallelism. Data locality needs to be enhanced to maximize the number of data accesses satisfied from the higher levels of the memory hierarchy. On the other hand, compiler-based code parallelization schemes require a fresh look for chip multiprocessors as interprocessor communication is much cheaper than off-chip memory accesses. Therefore, a compiler needs to minimize the number of off-chip memory accesses. This can be achieved by considering multiple loop nests simultaneously. Although compilers address these two problems, there is an inherent difficulty in optimizing both data locality and parallelism simultaneously. Therefore, an integrated approach that combines these two can generate much better results than each individual approach. Based on these observations, this paper proposes a constraint network (CN)-based formulation for data locality optimization and code parallelization. The paper also presents experimental evidence, demonstrating the success of the proposed approach, and compares our results with those obtained through previously proposed approaches. The experiments from our implementation indicate that the proposed approach is very effective in enhancing data locality and parallelization. © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Scalable and fault-tolerant data stream processing on multi-core architectures

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    With increasing data volumes and velocity, many applications are shifting from the classical “process-after-store” paradigm to a stream processing model: data is produced and consumed as continuous streams. Stream processing captures latency-sensitive applications as diverse as credit card fraud detection and high-frequency trading. These applications are expressed as queries of algebraic operations (e.g., aggregation) over the most recent data using windows, i.e., finite evolving views over the input streams. To guarantee correct results, streaming applications require precise window semantics (e.g., temporal ordering) for operations that maintain state. While high processing throughput and low latency are performance desiderata for stateful streaming applications, achieving both poses challenges. Computing the state of overlapping windows causes redundant aggregation operations: incremental execution (i.e., reusing previous results) reduces latency but prevents parallelization; at the same time, parallelizing window execution for stateful operations with precise semantics demands ordering guarantees and state access coordination. Finally, streams and state must be recovered to produce consistent and repeatable results in the event of failures. Given the rise of shared-memory multi-core CPU architectures and high-speed networking, we argue that it is possible to address these challenges in a single node without compromising window semantics, performance, or fault-tolerance. In this thesis, we analyze, design, and implement stream processing engines (SPEs) that achieve high performance on multi-core architectures. To this end, we introduce new approaches for in-memory processing that address the previous challenges: (i) for overlapping windows, we provide a family of window aggregation techniques that enable computation sharing based on the algebraic properties of aggregation functions; (ii) for parallel window execution, we balance parallelism and incremental execution by developing abstractions for both and combining them to a novel design; and (iii) for reliable single-node execution, we enable strong fault-tolerance guarantees without sacrificing performance by reducing the required disk I/O bandwidth using a novel persistence model. We combine the above to implement an SPE that processes hundreds of millions of tuples per second with sub-second latencies. These results reveal the opportunity to reduce resource and maintenance footprint by replacing cluster-based SPEs with single-node deployments.Open Acces