1,135 research outputs found

    Optimal Wideband LPDA Design for Efficient Multimedia Content Delivery over Emerging Mobile Computing Systems

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    An optimal synthesis of a wideband Log-Periodic Dipole Array (LPDA) is introduced in the present study. The LPDA optimization is performed under several requirements concerning the standing wave ratio, the forward gain, the gain flatness, the front-to-back ratio and the side lobe level, over a wide frequency range. The LPDA geometry that complies with the above requirements is suitable for efficient multimedia content delivery. The optimization process is accomplished by applying a recently introduced method called Invasive Weed Optimization (IWO). The method has already been compared to other evolutionary methods and has shown superiority in solving complex non-linear problems in telecommunications and electromagnetics. In the present study, the IWO method has been chosen to optimize an LPDA for operation in the frequency range 800-3300 MHz. Due to its excellent performance, the LPDA can effectively be used for multimedia content reception over future mobile computing systems

    Inverse Design of Three-Dimensional Frequency Selective Structures and Metamaterials using Multi-Objective Lazy Ant Colony Optimization

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    With the rise of big data and the “internet of things,” wireless signals permeate today’s environment more than ever before. As the demand for information and security continues to expand, the need for filtering a crowded signal space will become increasingly important. Although existing devices can achieve this with additional components, such as in-line filters and low noise amplifiers, these approaches introduce additional bulk, cost and complexity. An alternative, low-cost solution to filtering these signals can be achieved through the use of Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSSs), which are commonly used in antennas, polarizers, radomes, and intelligent architecture. FSSs typically consist of a doubly-periodic array of unit cells, which acts as a spatial electromagnetic filter that selectively rejects or transmits electromagnetic waves, based on the unit cell’s geometry and material properties. Unlike traditional analog filters, spatial filters must also account for the polarization and incidence angle of signals; thus, an ideal FSS maintains a given frequency response for all polarizations and incidence angles. Traditional FSS designs have ranged from planar structures with canonical shapes to miniaturized and multi-layer designs using fractals and other space-filling geometries. More recently, FSS research has expanded into three-dimensional (3D) designs, which have demonstrated enhanced fields of view over traditional planar and multi-layer designs. To date, nearly all FSSs still suffer from significant shifts in resonant frequencies or onset of grating lobes at incidence angles beyond 60 degrees in one or more polarizations. Additionally, while recent advances in additive manufacturing techniques have made fully 3D FSS designs increasingly popular, design tools to exploit these fabrication methods to develop FSSs with ultra-wide Fields of View (FOV) do not currently exist. In this dissertation, a Multi-Objective Lazy Ant Colony Optimization (MOLACO) scheme will be introduced and applied to the problem of 3D FSS design for extreme FOVs. The versatility of this algorithm will further be demonstrated through application to the design of meander line antennas, optical antennas, and phase-gradient metasurfaces

    Combining rough and fuzzy sets for feature selection

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    Bio-inspired route estimation in cognitive radio networks

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    Cognitive radio is a technique that was originally created for the proper use of the radio electric spectrum due its underuse. A few methods were used to predict the network traffic to determine the occupancy of the spectrum and then use the ‘holes’ between the transmissions of primary users. The goal is to guarantee a complete transmission for the second user while not interrupting the trans-mission of primary users. This study seeks the multifractal generation of traffic for a specific radio electric spectrum as well as a bio-inspired route estimation for secondary users. It uses the MFHW algorithm to generate multifractal traces and two bio-inspired algo-rithms: Ant Colony Optimization and Max Feeding to calculate the secondary user’s path. Multifractal characteristics offer a predic-tion, which is 10% lower in comparison with the original traffic values and a complete transmission for secondary users. In fact, a hybrid strategy combining both bio-inspired algorithms promise a reduction in handoff. The purpose of this research consists on deriving future investigation in the generation of multifractal traffic and a mobility spectrum using bio-inspired algorithms

    Fractal feature selection model for enhancing high-dimensional biological problems

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    The integration of biology, computer science, and statistics has given rise to the interdisciplinary field of bioinformatics, which aims to decode biological intricacies. It produces extensive and diverse features, presenting an enormous challenge in classifying bioinformatic problems. Therefore, an intelligent bioinformatics classification system must select the most relevant features to enhance machine learning performance. This paper proposes a feature selection model based on the fractal concept to improve the performance of intelligent systems in classifying high-dimensional biological problems. The proposed fractal feature selection (FFS) model divides features into blocks, measures the similarity between blocks using root mean square error (RMSE), and determines the importance of features based on low RMSE. The proposed FFS is tested and evaluated over ten high-dimensional bioinformatics datasets. The experiment results showed that the model significantly improved machine learning accuracy. The average accuracy rate was 79% with full features in machine learning algorithms, while FFS delivered promising results with an accuracy rate of 94%

    Selecting embedding delays: An overview of embedding techniques and a new method using persistent homology

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    Delay embedding methods are a staple tool in the field of time series analysis and prediction. However, the selection of embedding parameters can have a big impact on the resulting analysis. This has led to the creation of a large number of methods to optimise the selection of parameters such as embedding lag. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals of embedding theory for readers who are new to the subject. We outline a collection of existing methods for selecting embedding lag in both uniform and non-uniform delay embedding cases. Highlighting the poor dynamical explainability of existing methods of selecting non-uniform lags, we provide an alternative method of selecting embedding lags that includes a mixture of both dynamical and topological arguments. The proposed method, {\em Significant Times on Persistent Strands} (SToPS), uses persistent homology to construct a characteristic time spectrum that quantifies the relative dynamical significance of each time lag. We test our method on periodic, chaotic and fast-slow time series and find that our method performs similar to existing automated non-uniform embedding methods. Additionally, nn-step predictors trained on embeddings constructed with SToPS was found to outperform other embedding methods when predicting fast-slow time series

    Chaotic-based particle swarm optimization algorithm for optimal PID tuning in automatic voltage regulator systems

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    Introduction. In an electrical power system, the output of the synchronous generators varies due to disturbances or sudden load changes. These variations in output severely affect power system stability and power quality. The synchronous generator is equipped with an automatic voltage regulator to maintain its terminal voltage at rated voltage. Several control techniques utilized to improve the response of the automatic voltage regulator system, however, proportional integral derivative (PID) controller is the most frequently used controller but its parameters require optimization. Novelty. In this paper, the chaotic sequence based on the logistic map is hybridized with particle swarm optimization to find the optimal parameters of the PID for the automatic voltage regulator system. The logistic map chaotic sequence-based initialization and global best selection enable the algorithm to escape from local minima stagnation and improve its convergence rate resulting in best optimal parameters. Purpose. The main objective of the proposed approach is to improve the transient response of the automatic voltage regulator system by minimizing the maximum overshoot, settling time, rise time, and peak time values of the terminal voltage, and eliminating the steady-state error. Methods. In the process of parameter tuning, the Chaotic particle swarm optimization technique was run several times through the proposed hybrid objective function, which accommodates the advantages of the two most commonly used objective functions with a minimum number of iterations, and an optimal PID gain value was found. The proposed algorithm is compared with current metaheuristic algorithms including conventional particle swarm optimization, improved kidney algorithm, and others. Results. For performance evaluation, the characteristics of the integral of time multiplied squared error and Zwe-Lee Gaing objective functions are combined. Furthermore, the time-domain analysis, frequency-domain analysis, and robustness analysis are carried out to show the better performance of the proposed algorithm. The result shows that automatic voltage regulator tuned with the chaotic particle swarm optimization based PID yield improvement in overshoot, settling time, and function value of 14.41 %, 37.91 %, 1.73 % over recently proposed IKA, and 43.55 %, 44.5 %, 16.67 % over conventional particle swarm optimization algorithms. The improvement in transient response further improves the automatic voltage regulator system stability for electrical power systems.Вступ. В електроенергетичній системі потужність синхронних генераторів змінюється внаслідок збурень або різких змін навантаження. Ці зміни в потужності серйозно впливають на стабільність енергетичної системи та якість електроенергії. Синхронний генератор оснащений автоматичним регулятором напруги для підтримання напруги на його клемах на рівні номінальної напруги. Декілька методів управління використовуються для поліпшення реакції системи автоматичного регулятора напруги, однак пропорційний інтегральний похідний контролер (PID-контролер) є найбільш часто використовуваним контролером, але його параметри вимагають оптимізації. Новизна. У цій роботі хаотична послідовність, заснована на логістичній схемі, гібридизується за допомогою оптимізації рою частинок, щоб знайти оптимальні параметри PID для системи автоматичного регулятора напруги. Ініціалізація на основі хаотичної послідовності логістичної схеми та найкращий глобальний вибір дозволяють алгоритму вийти із локальної мінімальної стагнації та покращити швидкість збіжності, що дає найкращі оптимальні параметри. Мета. Основною метою запропонованого підходу є поліпшення перехідної реакції системи автоматичного регулятора напруги шляхом мінімізації максимального перевищення, часу встановлення, часу наростання та пікових значень напруги на клемах і усунення помилки у стаціонарного стані. Методи. У процесі настройки параметрів техніку оптимізації рою хаотичних частинок кілька разів пропускали через запропоновану гібридну цільову функцію, яка враховує переваги двох найбільш часто використовуваних цільових функцій з мінімальною кількістю ітерацій,і знайдено оптимальне значення коефіцієнту підсилення PID. Запропонований алгоритм порівнюється з сучасними метаевристичними алгоритмами, включаючи звичайну оптимізацію рою частинок, вдосконалений алгоритм нирок та інші. Результати. Для оцінки ефективності об'єднуються характеристики інтеграла у часі, помноженого на похибки у квадраті, та цільових функцій Цве-Лі Гейнга. Крім того, проводяться аналіз у часовій області, аналіз у частотної області та аналіз стійкості, щоб показати кращу ефективність запропонованого алгоритму. Результат показує, що автоматичний регулятор напруги, налаштований на хаотичну оптимізацію рою частинок, заснований на поліпшенні виходу PID в перевищеннях,часі налаштування та значенні функції перевищує на 14,41 %, 37,91 %, 1,73 % нещодавно запропонований нирковий алгоритм та на 43,55 %, 44,5 %, 16,67 % перевищує звичайні алгоритми оптимізації рою частинок. Поліпшення перехідної реакції ще більше покращує стабільність автоматичного регулятора напруги для систем електроенергетики