11,913 research outputs found

    Maturity Model for Interoperability Potential Measurement

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    Interoperability potential concerns the preparation level of an enterprise to establish an efficient collaboration with possible part- ners. In order to improve their interoperability, enterprises need to know witch level of maturity they have achieved. This article pro- poses a complete maturity model composed by a methodology and a reference set of parameters to measure interoperability potential. In order to clarify the proposal, an example of application in a real case is described.Campos, C.; Chalmeta, R.; Grangel, R.; Poler Escoto, R. (2013). Maturity Model for Interoperability Potential Measurement. Information Systems Management. 30(3):218-234. doi:10.1080/10580530.2013.794630S218234303Alfaro, J. J., Rodriguez-Rodriguez, R., Verdecho, M. J., & Ortiz, A. (2009). Business process interoperability and collaborative performance measurement. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 22(9), 877-889. doi:10.1080/09511920902866112Sabucedo, L. Á., & Rifón, L. A. (2010). Managing Citizen Profiles in the Domain of e-Government: The cPortfolio Project. Information Systems Management, 27(4), 309-319. doi:10.1080/10580530.2010.514181Berre, A.-J., Elvesæter, B., Figay, N., Guglielmina, C., Johnsen, S. G., Karlsen, D., … Lippe, S. (s. f.). The ATHENA Interoperability Framework. Enterprise Interoperability II, 569-580. doi:10.1007/978-1-84628-858-6_62Blanc, S., Ducq, Y., & Vallespir, B. (2007). Evolution management towards interoperable supply chains using performance measurement. Computers in Industry, 58(7), 720-732. doi:10.1016/j.compind.2007.05.011Campos, C., Martí, I., Grangel, R., Mascherpa, A. and Chalmeta, R. A methodological proposal for the development of an interoperability framework.Model Driven Interoperability for Sustainable Information Systems (MDISIS′08) (CAiSE′08). Vol. 340, pp.47–57. CEUR-WS. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-340/paper04.pdfChalmeta, R., & Grangel, R. (2005). Performance measurement systems for virtual enterprise integration. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 18(1), 73-84. doi:10.1080/0951192042000213164Doumeingts, G. and Chen, D. Basic concepts and approaches to develop interoperability of enterprise applications.PRO-VE,IFIP Conference Proceedings. Edited by: Camarinha-Matos, L. M. and Afsarmanesh, H. Vol. 262, pp.323–330. Norwell, MA: Kluwer.Duque, A., Campos, C., Jimenez-Ruiz, E. and Chalmeta, R. An ontological solution to supprot interoperability in the textile industry.Second IFIP WG 5.8 International Workshop, IWEI 2009. Edited by: Poler, M. V. S. R. Vol. 38, pp.38–51. New York: Springer.Guédria, W., Naudet, Y., & Chen, D. (2008). Interoperability Maturity Models – Survey and Comparison –. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 273-282. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-88875-8_48Hoving, R. (2007). Information Technology Leadership Challenges — Past, Present, and Future. Information Systems Management, 24(2), 147-153. doi:10.1080/10580530701221049Palomares, N., Campos, C., & Palomero, S. (2010). How to Develop a Questionnaire in Order to Measure Interoperability Levels in Enterprises. Enterprise Interoperability IV, 387-396. doi:10.1007/978-1-84996-257-5_36Walsham, G. (1995). Interpretive case studies in IS research: nature and method. European Journal of Information Systems, 4(2), 74-81. doi:10.1057/ejis.1995.

    A Space Acquisition Leading Indicator Based on System Interoperation Maturity

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    The Department of Defense‘s space acquisition enterprise has experienced numerous challenges since the advent of space power. Space borne capabilities are needed more than ever, but space acquisition frequently fails to meet its goals. The decades of space acquisition experience form a rich history that can be used to build a leading indicator of success to enable effective program execution. First, the space acquisition areas of greatest concern were determined to be cost, schedule and requirements. These areas are considered as systems composed of the people, processes and products that execute the program. Second, the vital interoperation characteristics, or attributes that each system must possess to be successful, can be extracted from past space acquisition lessons learned and placed into an interoperability maturity model. The maturity model can then be used to capture the relative maturity of the program‘s major systems and their ability to interoperate within the context of each critical characteristic. Third, the maturity model forms the basis for an interoperability measurement using the method developed by Dr. Thomas Ford, where higher levels of interoperability maturity will result in a higher interoperability score. The process is demonstrated with three recent space programs with interpretive analysis provided


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    Open software platforms are a recent innovation in the healthcare sector to foster integrated care scenarios. An important quality feature to facilitate innovation and to create an active platform ecosystem is openness. The openness is strongly influenced by the interoperability potential of the platforms. Hence, the assessment of the interoperability potential is a crucial task for evaluating the quality of platforms. However, there is a need for methodological support fostering the evaluation of eHealth platforms. Based on a design science research approach, the article shows, how the Maturity Model for Enterprise Interoperability (ISO 11353-2) can be instantiated in the healthcare domain. We describe a quantitative evaluation model which operationalizes the evaluation process of eHealth platforms. The contribution purposes to improve the transparency and reliability of the evaluation process. Furthermore, the introduced approach reduces the dependence on an evaluation team and facilitates the implementation of assessments

    Impact Evaluation of Interoperability Decision Variables on P2P Collaboration Performances

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    This article deals with the impact evaluation of interoperability decision variables on performance indicators of business processes. The case of partner companies is studied to show the interest of an Interoperability Service Utility (ISU) on business processes in a peer to peer (P2P) collaboration. Information described in the format and the ontology of a broadcasting entity is transformed by ISU into information with the format and the ontology of the receiving entity depending on the available resources of interoperation. These resources can be human operators with defined skill level or software modules of transformation in predefined languages. A design methodology of a global simulation model for estimating the impact of interoperability decision variables on performance indicators of business processes is proposed. Its implementation in an industrial case of collaboration shows its efficiency and its interest to motivate an investment in the technologies of enterprise interoperability

    From service-oriented architecture to service-oriented enterprise

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    Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) was originally motivated by enterprise demands for better business-technology alignment and higher flexibility and reuse. SOA evolved from an initial set of ideas and principles to Web services (WS) standards now widely accepted by industry. The next phase of SOA development is concerned with a scalable, reliable and secure infrastructure based on these standards, and guidelines, methods and techniques for developing and maintaining service delivery in dynamic enterprise settings. In this paper we discuss the principles and main elements of SOA. We then present an overview of WS standards. And finally we come back to the original motivation for SOA, and how these can be realized

    Information sharing performance management: a semantic interoperability assessment in the maritime surveillance domain

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    Information Sharing (IS) is essential for organizations to obtain information in a cost-effective way. If the existing information is not shared among the organizations that hold it, the alternative is to develop the necessary capabilities to acquire, store, process and manage it, which will lead to duplicated costs, especially unwanted if governmental organizations are concerned. The European Commission has elected IS among public administrations as a priority, has launched several IS initiatives, such as the EUCISE2020 project within the roadmap for developing the maritime Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE), and has defined the levels of interoperability essential for IS, which entail Semantic Interoperability (SI). An open question is how can IS performance be managed? Specifically, how can IS as-is, and to-be states and targets be defined, and how can organizations progress be monitored and controlled? In this paper, we propose 11 indicators for assessing SI that contribute to answering these questions. They have been demonstrated and evaluated with the data collected through a questionnaire, based on the CISE information model proposed during the CoopP project, which was answered by five public authorities that require maritime surveillance information and are committed to share information with each other.Postprint (published version

    On the use of an Interoperability Framework in Coopetition Context

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    The simultaneous cooperation and competition between companies referred to as coopetition in the strategy literature is becoming a recurring theme in the business settings. Companies cooperate with their competitors to gain access to supplementary and complementary resources and capabilities in order to create more value for the customers in order to achieve sustainable value creation and distribution. To coopete, the companies need to be interoperable. Growing globalization, competitiveness and rising environmental awareness are driving many companies to prepare and control their interoperability strategy in order to enhance their ability to interoperate. In this paper, we use an interoperability model called the Maturity Model for Enterprise Interoperability (MMEI) to the coopetition context and we present some initial thoughts on the use of this maturity model in the coopetition context