888 research outputs found

    Construction of Capacity-Achieving Lattice Codes: Polar Lattices

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    In this paper, we propose a new class of lattices constructed from polar codes, namely polar lattices, to achieve the capacity \frac{1}{2}\log(1+\SNR) of the additive white Gaussian-noise (AWGN) channel. Our construction follows the multilevel approach of Forney \textit{et al.}, where we construct a capacity-achieving polar code on each level. The component polar codes are shown to be naturally nested, thereby fulfilling the requirement of the multilevel lattice construction. We prove that polar lattices are \emph{AWGN-good}. Furthermore, using the technique of source polarization, we propose discrete Gaussian shaping over the polar lattice to satisfy the power constraint. Both the construction and shaping are explicit, and the overall complexity of encoding and decoding is O(NlogN)O(N\log N) for any fixed target error probability.Comment: full version of the paper to appear in IEEE Trans. Communication

    Channel Coding at Low Capacity

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    Low-capacity scenarios have become increasingly important in the technology of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the next generation of mobile networks. Such scenarios require efficient and reliable transmission of information over channels with an extremely small capacity. Within these constraints, the performance of state-of-the-art coding techniques is far from optimal in terms of either rate or complexity. Moreover, the current non-asymptotic laws of optimal channel coding provide inaccurate predictions for coding in the low-capacity regime. In this paper, we provide the first comprehensive study of channel coding in the low-capacity regime. We will investigate the fundamental non-asymptotic limits for channel coding as well as challenges that must be overcome for efficient code design in low-capacity scenarios.Comment: 39 pages, 5 figure

    Construction of Polar Codes with Sublinear Complexity

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    Consider the problem of constructing a polar code of block length NN for the transmission over a given channel WW. Typically this requires to compute the reliability of all the NN synthetic channels and then to include those that are sufficiently reliable. However, we know from [1], [2] that there is a partial order among the synthetic channels. Hence, it is natural to ask whether we can exploit it to reduce the computational burden of the construction problem. We show that, if we take advantage of the partial order [1], [2], we can construct a polar code by computing the reliability of roughly a fraction 1/log3/2N1/\log^{3/2} N of the synthetic channels. In particular, we prove that N/log3/2NN/\log^{3/2} N is a lower bound on the number of synthetic channels to be considered and such a bound is tight up to a multiplicative factor loglogN\log\log N. This set of roughly N/log3/2NN/\log^{3/2} N synthetic channels is universal, in the sense that it allows one to construct polar codes for any WW, and it can be identified by solving a maximum matching problem on a bipartite graph. Our proof technique consists of reducing the construction problem to the problem of computing the maximum cardinality of an antichain for a suitable partially ordered set. As such, this method is general and it can be used to further improve the complexity of the construction problem in case a new partial order on the synthetic channels of polar codes is discovered.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, presented at ISIT'17 and submitted to IEEE Trans. Inform. Theor

    Polar Codes: Robustness of the Successive Cancellation Decoder with Respect to Quantization

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    Polar codes provably achieve the capacity of a wide array of channels under successive decoding. This assumes infinite precision arithmetic. Given the successive nature of the decoding algorithm, one might worry about the sensitivity of the performance to the precision of the computation. We show that even very coarsely quantized decoding algorithms lead to excellent performance. More concretely, we show that under successive decoding with an alphabet of cardinality only three, the decoder still has a threshold and this threshold is a sizable fraction of capacity. More generally, we show that if we are willing to transmit at a rate δ\delta below capacity, then we need only clog(1/δ)c \log(1/\delta) bits of precision, where cc is a universal constant.Comment: In ISIT 201

    Rate-Equivocation Optimal Spatially Coupled LDPC Codes for the BEC Wiretap Channel

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    We consider transmission over a wiretap channel where both the main channel and the wiretapper's channel are Binary Erasure Channels (BEC). We use convolutional LDPC ensembles based on the coset encoding scheme. More precisely, we consider regular two edge type convolutional LDPC ensembles. We show that such a construction achieves the whole rate-equivocation region of the BEC wiretap channel. Convolutional LDPC ensemble were introduced by Felstr\"om and Zigangirov and are known to have excellent thresholds. Recently, Kudekar, Richardson, and Urbanke proved that the phenomenon of "Spatial Coupling" converts MAP threshold into BP threshold for transmission over the BEC. The phenomenon of spatial coupling has been observed to hold for general binary memoryless symmetric channels. Hence, we conjecture that our construction is a universal rate-equivocation achieving construction when the main channel and wiretapper's channel are binary memoryless symmetric channels, and the wiretapper's channel is degraded with respect to the main channel.Comment: Working pape

    From Polar to Reed-Muller Codes: a Technique to Improve the Finite-Length Performance

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    We explore the relationship between polar and RM codes and we describe a coding scheme which improves upon the performance of the standard polar code at practical block lengths. Our starting point is the experimental observation that RM codes have a smaller error probability than polar codes under MAP decoding. This motivates us to introduce a family of codes that "interpolates" between RM and polar codes, call this family Cinter={Cα:α[0,1]}{\mathcal C}_{\rm inter} = \{C_{\alpha} : \alpha \in [0, 1]\}, where Cαα=1C_{\alpha} \big |_{\alpha = 1} is the original polar code, and Cαα=0C_{\alpha} \big |_{\alpha = 0} is an RM code. Based on numerical observations, we remark that the error probability under MAP decoding is an increasing function of α\alpha. MAP decoding has in general exponential complexity, but empirically the performance of polar codes at finite block lengths is boosted by moving along the family Cinter{\mathcal C}_{\rm inter} even under low-complexity decoding schemes such as, for instance, belief propagation or successive cancellation list decoder. We demonstrate the performance gain via numerical simulations for transmission over the erasure channel as well as the Gaussian channel.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, in IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2014 and in ISIT'1