1,913 research outputs found

    Poor Man's Content Centric Networking (with TCP)

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    A number of different architectures have been proposed in support of data-oriented or information-centric networking. Besides a similar visions, they share the need for designing a new networking architecture. We present an incrementally deployable approach to content-centric networking based upon TCP. Content-aware senders cooperate with probabilistically operating routers for scalable content delivery (to unmodified clients), effectively supporting opportunistic caching for time-shifted access as well as de-facto synchronous multicast delivery. Our approach is application protocol-independent and provides support beyond HTTP caching or managed CDNs. We present our protocol design along with a Linux-based implementation and some initial feasibility checks

    An Experimental Nexos Laboratory Using Virtual Xinu

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    The Nexos Project is a joint effort between Marquette University, the University of Buffalo, and the University of Mississippi to build curriculum materials and a supporting experimental laboratory for hands-on projects in computer systems courses. The approach focuses on inexpensive, flexible, commodity embedded hardware, freely available development and debugging tools, and a fresh implementation of a classic operating system, Embedded Xinu, that is ideal for student exploration. This paper describes an extension to the Nexos laboratory that includes a new target platform composed of Qemu virtual machines. Virtual Xinu addresses two challenges that limit the effectiveness of Nexos. First, potential faculty adopters have clearly indicated that even with the current minimal monetary cost of installation, the hardware modifications, and time investment remain troublesome factors that scare off interested educators. Second, overcoming the inherent complications that arise due to the shared subnet that result in students\u27 projects interfering with each other in ways that are difficult to recreate, debug, and understand. Specifically, this paper discusses porting the Xinu operating systems to Qemu virtual hardware, developing the virtual networking platform, and results showing success using Virtual Xinu in the classroom during one semester of Operating Systems at the University of Mississippi

    Architectures for the Future Networks and the Next Generation Internet: A Survey

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    Networking research funding agencies in the USA, Europe, Japan, and other countries are encouraging research on revolutionary networking architectures that may or may not be bound by the restrictions of the current TCP/IP based Internet. We present a comprehensive survey of such research projects and activities. The topics covered include various testbeds for experimentations for new architectures, new security mechanisms, content delivery mechanisms, management and control frameworks, service architectures, and routing mechanisms. Delay/Disruption tolerant networks, which allow communications even when complete end-to-end path is not available, are also discussed

    Blockchain for economically sustainable wireless mesh networks

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Kabbinale, AR, Dimogerontakis, E, Selimi, M, et al. Blockchain for economically sustainable wireless mesh networks. Concurrency Computat Pract Exper. 2020; 32:e5349, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/cpe.5349. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.Decentralization, in the form of mesh networking and blockchain, two promising technologies, is coming to the telecommunications industry. Mesh networking allows wider low-cost Internet access with infrastructures built from routers contributed by diverse owners, whereas blockchain enables transparency and accountability for investments, revenue, or other forms of economic compensations from sharing of network traffic, content, and services. Crowdsourcing network coverage, combined with crowdfunding costs, can create economically sustainable yet decentralized Internet access. This means that every participant can invest in resources and pay or be paid for usage to recover the costs of network devices and maintenance. While mesh networks and mesh routing protocols enable self-organized networks that expand organically, cryptocurrencies and smart contracts enable the economic coordination among network providers and consumers. We explore and evaluate two existing blockchain software stacks, Hyperledger Fabric (HLF) and Ethereum geth with Proof of Authority (PoA) intended as a local lightweight distributed ledger, deployed in a real city-wide production mesh network and in laboratory network. We quantify the performance and bottlenecks and identify the current limitations and opportunities for improvement to serve locally the needs of wireless mesh networks, without the privacy and economic cost of relying on public blockchains.This paper has been supported by the AmmbrTech Group, the Spanish Government TIN2016‐77836‐C2‐2‐R and the European Community H2020 Programme netCommons (H2020‐688768). The authors would like to thank the people from the Guifi.net (Guifi‐Sants) community network for hosting the servers and supporting the experiments.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Design and implementation of architectures for the deployment of secure community wireless networks

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    Recientes avances en las tecnologías de la comunicación, así como la proliferación de nuevos dispositivos de computación, están plasmando nuestro entorno hacia un Internet ubicuo. Internet ofrece una plataforma global para acceder con bajo coste a una vasta gama de servicios de telecomunicaciones, como el correo electrónico, comercio electrónico, tele-educación, tele-salud y tele-medicina a bajo coste. Sin embargo, incluso en los países más desarrollados, un gran número de áreas rurales todavía están pobremente equipadas con una infraestructura básica de telecomunicaciones. Hoy en día, existen algunos esfuerzos para resolver esta falta de infraestructura, pero resultan todavía insuficientes. Con este objetivo presentamos en esta tesis RuralNet, una red comunitaria inalámbrica para proveer acceso a Internet de forma personalizada a los subscriptores de un área rural. Los objetivos de este estudio han sido el desarrollo de una nueva arquitectura para ofrecer un acceso a Internet flexible y seguro para zonas rurales aisladas. RuralNet combina el paradigma de las redes mesh y el uso de los dispositivos inalámbricos embebidos más económicos para ofrecer un gran número de servicios y aplicaciones basados en Internet. La solución desarrollada por RuralNet es capaz de cubrir grandes áreas a bajo coste, y puede también ser fácilmente desplegado y extendido tanto en términos de cobertura como de servicios ofrecidos. Dado que la implementación y la evaluación de RuralNet requiere un alto coste y una gran cantidad de mano de obra, hemos considerado que la simulación y la emulación eran una alternativa válida para ahorrar costes. Con este objetivo hemos desarrollado Castadiva, un emulador flexible proyectado para la evaluación de redes MANET y mesh. Castadiva es un emulador basado en dispositivos de bajo coste, utilizado para evaluar los protocolos y las aplicaciones desarrolladas.Hortelano Otero, J. (2011). Design and implementation of architectures for the deployment of secure community wireless networks [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/10079Palanci

    Reducing Internet Latency : A Survey of Techniques and their Merit

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    Bob Briscoe, Anna Brunstrom, Andreas Petlund, David Hayes, David Ros, Ing-Jyh Tsang, Stein Gjessing, Gorry Fairhurst, Carsten Griwodz, Michael WelzlPeer reviewedPreprin