1,436 research outputs found

    An analytical performance model for the Spidergon NoC

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    Networks on chip (NoC) emerged as a promising alternative to bus-based interconnect networks to handle the increasing communication requirements of the large systems on chip. Employing an appropriate topology for a NoC is of high importance mainly because it typically trade-offs between cross-cutting concerns such as performance and cost. The spidergon topology is a novel architecture which is proposed recently for NoC domain. The objective of the spidergon NoC has been addressing the need for a fixed and optimized topology to realize cost effective multi-processor SoC (MPSoC) development [7]. In this paper we analyze the traffic behavior in the spidergon scheme and present an analytical evaluation of the average message latency in the architecture. We prove the validity of the analysis by comparing the model against the results produced by a discreteevent simulator

    Cost Effective Routing Implementations for On-chip Networks

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    Arquitecturas de múltiples núcleos como multiprocesadores (CMP) y soluciones multiprocesador para sistemas dentro del chip (MPSoCs) actuales se basan en la eficacia de las redes dentro del chip (NoC) para la comunicación entre los diversos núcleos. Un diseño eficiente de red dentro del chip debe ser escalable y al mismo tiempo obtener valores ajustados de área, latencia y consumo de energía. Para diseños de red dentro del chip de propósito general se suele usar topologías de malla 2D ya que se ajustan a la distribución del chip. Sin embargo, la aparición de nuevos retos debe ser abordada por los diseñadores. Una mayor probabilidad de defectos de fabricación, la necesidad de un uso optimizado de los recursos para aumentar el paralelismo a nivel de aplicación o la necesidad de técnicas eficaces de ahorro de energía, puede ocasionar patrones de irregularidad en las topologías. Además, el soporte para comunicación colectiva es una característica buscada para abordar con eficacia las necesidades de comunicación de los protocolos de coherencia de caché. En estas condiciones, un encaminamiento eficiente de los mensajes se convierte en un reto a superar. El objetivo de esta tesis es establecer las bases de una nueva arquitectura para encaminamiento distribuido basado en lógica que es capaz de adaptarse a cualquier topología irregular derivada de una estructura de malla 2D, proporcionando así una cobertura total para cualquier caso resultado de soportar los retos mencionados anteriormente. Para conseguirlo, en primer lugar, se parte desde una base, para luego analizar una evolución de varios mecanismos, y finalmente llegar a una implementación, que abarca varios módulos para alcanzar el objetivo mencionado anteriormente. De hecho, esta última implementación tiene por nombre eLBDR (effective Logic-Based Distributed Routing). Este trabajo cubre desde el primer mecanismo, LBDR, hasta el resto de mecanismos que han surgido progresivamente.Rodrigo Mocholí, S. (2010). Cost Effective Routing Implementations for On-chip Networks [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8962Palanci

    Analysis of Different Routing Algorithm for 2D-Torus Topology NoC Architecture under Load Variation

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    The recital of Network-on-Chip (NoC) depends on the underlying routing techniques. There are a lot of requirements that has to be met. Such performance metrics are minimum latency, least power and maximum throughput. This paper deals with XY route, PROM routing, FTXY routing and DyAD routing on 5x5 2D torus topology. The simulation is performed on nirgam NoC simulator version 2.1 for constant bit rate traffic condition. The simulation results reveals the dominance of XY, PROM, FTXY and DyAD algorithms depicting the minimum values of overall average latency per channel (in clock cycles per flit) as 0.409836 overall average latency per channel (in clock cycles per packet) as 6.2535, average throughput as 16.68, and total network power as 35.6768 mw, achieved for FTXY routing algorithm

    LBDR: An efficient unicast routing support for CMPs

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    LBDR is a routing distributed layer based on minimum logic that removes the need for routing tables at switches on network-on-chips (NoCs) in CMPs and enables the implementation of many routing algorithms on most of regular and irregular toplogies we may find in the near future in a multi-core system.Rodrigo Mocholí, S. (2008). LBDR: An efficient unicast routing support for CMPs. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/13476Archivo delegad

    Design and Performance Analysis of Low Latency Routing Algorithm based NoC for MPSoC

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    The Network on Chip is appropriate where System-on-Chip technology is scalable and adaptable. The Network on Chip is a new communication architecture with a number of benefits, including scalability, flexibility, and reusability, for applications built on Multiprocessor System on a Chip (MPSoC). However, the design of efficient NoC fabric with high performance is critically complex because of its architectural parameters. Identifying a suitable scheduling algorithm to resolve arbitration among ports to obtain high-speed data transfer in the router is one of the most significant phases while designing a Network on chip based Multiprocessor System on a Chip. Low latency, throughput, space utilization, energy consumption, and reliability for Network on chip fabric are all determined by the router. The performance of the NoC system is hampered by the deadlock issues that plague conventional routing algorithms. This work develops a novel routing algorithm to address the deadlock problem. In this paper, a deterministic shortest path deadlock-free routing method is developed based on the analysis of the Turn Model. In the 2D-mesh structure, the algorithm uses separate routing methods for the odd and even columns. This minimizes the number of paths for a single channel, congestion, and latency. Two test scenarios—one with and one without a load test—were used to evaluate the proposed model. For a zero-load network, three clock cycles are utilized to transfer the packets. For the load network, five clocks are utilized to transfer the packets. The latency is measured for both cases without load and with load test and the corresponding latency is 3ns and 7ns respectively.The proposed method has an 18.57Mbps throughput.  The area and power utilization for the proposed method are 69% (IO utilization) and 0.128W respectively. In order to validate the proposed method, the latency is compared with existing work and 50% latency is reduced both with and without congestion load

    On the Potential of NoC Virtualization for Multicore Chips

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    An Energy Conscious Topology Augmentation Methodology for On-Chip Interconnection Networks

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    On-chip communication, modular, scalable packet-switched micro-network of interconnects, generally known as Network-on-Chip (NoC) architecture can be designed as regular or application-specific (irregular) network topologies. Application specific custom network topologies are advantageous in terms of optimized design according to given performance metrics and regular network topologies are advantageous in terms of its modularity, lower design time and efforts required and thus are suitable for mass production. So to offer the advantages of both the topologies this paper proposes a methodology to augment the regular topology according to the application characteristics. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed methodology can reduce dynamic communication energy consumption by on average of 32.79% and reduction in average per flit latency by on average of 16.22% over regular 2D NoC architecture