220 research outputs found

    Joint Optimization of Illumination and Communication for a Multi-Element VLC Architecture

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    Because of the ever increasing demand wireless data in the modern era, the Radio Frequency (RF) spectrum is becoming more congested. The remaining RF spectrum is being shrunk at a very heavy rate, and spectral management is becoming more difficult. Mobile data is estimated to grow more than 10 times between 2013 and 2019, and due to this explosion in data usage, mobile operators are having serious concerns focusing on public Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) and other alternative technologies. Visible Light Communication (VLC) is a recent promising technology complementary to RF spectrum which operates at the visible light spectrum band (roughly 400 THz to 780 THz) and it has 10,000 times bigger size than radio waves (roughly 3 kHz to 300 GHz). Due to this tremendous potential, VLC has captured a lot of interest recently as there is already an extensive deployment of energy efficient Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs). The advancements in LED technology with fast nanosecond switching times is also very encouraging. In this work, we present hybrid RF/VLC architecture which is capable of providing simultaneous lighting and communication coverage in an indoor setting. The architecture consists of a multi-element hemispherical bulb design, where it is possible to transmit multiple data streams from the multi-element hemispherical bulb using LED modules. We present the detailed components of the architecture and make simulations considering various VLC transmitter configurations. Also, we devise an approach for an efficient bulb design mechanism to maintain both illumination and communication at a satisfactory rate, and analyze it in the case of two users in a room. The approach involves formulating an optimization problem and tackling the problem using a simple partitioning algorithm. The results indicate that good link quality and high spatial reuse can be maintained in a typical indoor communication setting

    Visible Light Communication Survey

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    Sensing, communication and illumination with LED lighting systems

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    Towards an optical wireless communication based Vehicle to Vehicle Communication System

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    Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) Communication is a developing technology that aims to make road transportation systems intelligent, to avoid accidents and traffic congestions. This thesis presents Optical Wireless Communication (OWC) as a solution that will drive the next generation of V2V systems. The current standards for V2V and vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) communication, based on radio frequency techniques, are revised. Also, the current standard for Visible Light Communication (VLC), IEEE 802.15.7 is analyzed. This project also shows the first steps towards a cost-effective implementation of V2V VLC taking advantage of already available hardware in vehicles. Finally, a transmission system is presented aiming to demonstrate an adaptation of current VLC standards for V2V and V2I communication. Another system based on IR communication is also presented. These are presented as an alternative for V2V and V2I solutions based on radio frequency techniques, opening the door to a relevant industrial application of optical wireless communication

    Interference Suppression in Massive MIMO VLC Systems

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    The focus of this dissertation is on the development and evaluation of methods and principles to mitigate interference in multiuser visible light communication (VLC) systems using several transmitters. All components of such a massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system are considered and transformed into a communication system model, while also paying particular attention to the hardware requirements of different modulation schemes. By analyzing all steps in the communication process, the inter-channel interference between users is identified as the most critical aspect. Several methods of suppressing this kind of interference, i.e. to split the MIMO channel into parallel single channels, are discussed, and a novel active LCD-based interference suppression principle at the receiver side is introduced as main aspect of this work. This technique enables a dynamic adaption of the physical channel: compared to solely software-based or static approaches, the LCD interference suppression filter achieves adaptive channel separation without altering the characteristics of the transmitter lights. This is especially advantageous in dual-use scenarios with illumination requirements. Additionally, external interferers, like natural light or transmitter light sources of neighboring cells in a multicell setting, can also be suppressed without requiring any control over them. Each user's LCD filter is placed in front of the corresponding photodetector and configured in such a way that only light from desired transmitters can reach the detector by setting only the appropriate pixels to transparent, while light from unwanted transmitters remains blocked. The effectiveness of this method is tested and benchmarked against zero-forcing (ZF) precoding in different scenarios and applications by numerical simulations and also verified experimentally in a large MIMO VLC testbed created specifically for this purpose

    Beyond solid-state lighting: Miniaturization, hybrid integration, and applications og GaN nano- and micro-LEDs

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    Gallium Nitride (GaN) light-emitting-diode (LED) technology has been the revolution in modern lighting. In the last decade, a huge global market of efficient, long-lasting and ubiquitous white light sources has developed around the inception of the Nobel-price-winning blue GaN LEDs. Today GaN optoelectronics is developing beyond lighting, leading to new and innovative devices, e.g. for micro-displays, being the core technology for future augmented reality and visualization, as well as point light sources for optical excitation in communications, imaging, and sensing. This explosion of applications is driven by two main directions: the ability to produce very small GaN LEDs (microLEDs and nanoLEDs) with high efficiency and across large areas, in combination with the possibility to merge optoelectronic-grade GaN microLEDs with silicon microelectronics in a fully hybrid approach. GaN LED technology today is even spreading into the realm of display technology, which has been occupied by organic LED (OLED) and liquid crystal display (LCD) for decades. In this review, the technological transition towards GaN micro- and nanodevices beyond lighting is discussed including an up-to-date overview on the state of the art

    Throughput and Link Design Choices for Communication over LED Optical Wireless Channels

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    Communications par Lumière Visible et Radio pour la Conduite Coopéraive Autonome: application à la conduite en convois.

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    By realizing both low-cost implementationand dual functionality, VLC has becomean outstanding intriguing supportivetechnology by using the vehicular existedinfrastructure.This thesis aims to contribute to theautonomous vehicular communicationand urban mobility improvements. Thework addresses the main radio-basedV2V communication limitations and challengesfor ITS hard-safety applicationsand intends to deploy the vehicular lightingsystem as a supportive communicationsolution for platooning of IVCenabledautonomous vehicles. The ultimateobjectives of this Ph.D. researchare to integrate the VLC system withinthe existing C-ITS architecture by developinga VLC prototype, together withsufficient hand-over algorithms enablingVLC, RF, and perception-based solutionsin order to ensure the maximumsafety requirements and the continuousinformation exchange between vehicles.The feasibility and efficiency of thesystem implementation and hand-overalgorithms were subjects to deep investigationsusing computer simulators andtest-bed that considers applications ofautomated driving. In addition to the improvementin road capacity when platoonformations are used. The carried outsimulations followed-up by experimentalresults proved that the integration of VLCwith the existed RF solutions lead to adefinite benefit in the communicationchannel quality and safety requirementsof a platooning system when a properhand-over algorithm is used.La communication par lumière visibleVLC est devenue une technologie attractivevu qu’elle assure une implémentationà faible coût et une doublefonctionnalité. En effet, elle permetd’utiliser l’infrastructure déjà existantesur le véhicule à savoir les lampesd’arrière et frontales comme des unitésde transmission. Cette thèse s’intéresseà rendre plus efficace les communicationsdes véhicules autonomes ainsi quela gestion de la mobilité urbaine. Nousnous intéressons tout d’abord aux principaleslimitations des communicationsradio sans fil dans le contexte des applicationsde sécurité routière à hautes exigences.Nous nous concentrons ensuiteau déploiement d’un système d’éclairagesur les véhicules dans le but de fournir unmoyen de communication de soutien auxcommunications radio pour l’applicationde peloton. L’objectif primordial decette thèse est d’intégrer la technologieVLC dans l’architecture de communicationITS en implémentant un prototypede communication VLC et en concevantde nouveaux algorithmes de handoverpermettant une transition transparenteentre différents moyens de communicationinter-véhiculaires (VLC, communicationsans fil et techniques de perception).Le but est d’assurer les exigencesde sécurité requises par les applicationset l’échange continue de l’informationentre véhicules. L’efficacité de ces algorithmesa été validée à travers de nombreusessimulations et test-bed réels aucours desquels nous avons considérél’application de conduite automatisée.Ces différentes méthodes de validationont démontré que l’intégration de la technologieVLC avec les solutions de communicationsradio permet d’améliorer laqualité du canal de transmission ainsique la satisfaction des exigences de sécuritérelatives à l’application de peloton

    Plastic Optical Fibers as Passive Optical Front-Ends for Visible Light Communication

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