316 research outputs found

    Speech coding for Bluetooth with CVSD algorithm

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    Speech coding is a procedure used to represent a digital speech signal by as minimum bits as possible, maintaining at the same time a reasonable level of speech quality. Due to increasing demand for speech communications, speech coding technology has received a lot o f researcher's interests. Speech coding is performed using numerous steps or operations specified as an algorithm. This paper presents the Continuously Variable Slope Delta (CVSD) speech coding method which is widely used in Bluetooth applications. It is a nonlinear sampled data feedback system which accepts a band limited analog signal and encodes it into binary form for transmission through a digital channel. At the receiver, the binary signal is decoded into a close approximation of original analog signal. This coding technique is implemented in Matlab Simulink and the simulation results shown coding has good noise immunity. Further, shown in this work is the fact that damaged packets are discarded straight away without having a serious impact on the speech quality making it more suitable for two way audio communications

    Automated Pilot Advisory System

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    An Automated Pilot Advisory System (APAS) was developed and operationally tested to demonstrate the concept that low cost automated systems can provide air traffic and aviation weather advisory information at high density uncontrolled airports. The system was designed to enhance the see and be seen rule of flight, and pilots who used the system preferred it over the self announcement system presently used at uncontrolled airports

    Inflectional morphology in cri du chat syndrome - A case study

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    This study examined morphological skills in a girl with cri du chat syndrome, addressing three questions: (1) To what extent does the subject inflect words? (2) To what extent are words inflected correctly? (3) To what extent do the inflected words reflect productive morphological rules, and to what extent can they be considered to be rote-learned? The study draws on two sources of data: a corpus of spontaneous utterances collected when the subject was 14 years old and her performance on a past tense elicitation test at 11;10 and 16;5. It was found that most inflectional forms in the nominal, verbal, pronominal and adjectival paradigms of the target language were attested in the corpus. These forms were in all but a few instances inflected correctly. The most frequent inflection errors were infinitive for present, past or past participle in verbs and wrong gender in determiners. Furthermore, performance on the elicitation test indicated some knowledge of productive inflectional rules of the target language, despite relatively poor phonetic, phonological and syntactic skills. Copyright 2012 Informa UK Ltd

    Digital Signal Processing

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    Contains an introduction and reports on twenty research projects.National Science Foundation (Grant ECS 84-07285)U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research (Contract N00014-81-K-0742)National Science Foundation FellowshipSanders Associates, Inc.U.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research (Contract F19628-85-K-0028)Canada, Bell Northern Research ScholarshipCanada, Fonds pour la Formation de Chercheurs et l'Aide a la Recherche Postgraduate FellowshipCanada, Natural Science and Engineering Research Council Postgraduate FellowshipU.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research (Contract N00014-81-K-0472)Fanny and John Hertz Foundation FellowshipCenter for Advanced Television StudiesAmoco Foundation FellowshipU.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research (Contract F19628-85-K-0028

    Speech coding for Bluetooth with CVSD algorithm

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    Abstmci-Speech coding is a procedure used to represent a digital speech signal by as minimum bits as possible, maintaining at the same time a reasonable level of speech quality. Due to increasing demand for speech communications, speech coding technology has received a lot of researcher's interests. Speech coding is performed using numerous steps or operations specified as an algorithm. This paper presents the Continuously Variable Slope Delta (CVSD) speech coding method which is widely used in Bluetooth applications. It is a nonlinear sampled data feedback system which accepts a band limited analog signal and encodes it into binary form for transmission through a digital channel. At the receiver, the binary signal is decoded into a close approximation of original analog signal. This coding technique is implemented in Matlab Simulink and the simulation results shown coding has good noise immunity. Further, shown in this work is the fact that damaged packets are discarded straight away without having a serious impact on the speech quality making it more suitable for two way audio communications

    Perceptual techniques in audio quality assessment

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    Learning by Learning To Communicate

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    PhD thesisHuman intelligence is a product of cooperation among many different specialists. Much of this cooperation must be learned, but we do not yet have a mechanism that explains how this might happen for the "high-level" agile cooperation that permeates our daily lives.I propose that the various specialists learn to cooperate by learning to communicate, basing this proposal on the phenomenon of "communication bootstrapping," in which shared experiences form a basis for agreement on a system of signals. In this dissertation, I lay out a roadmap for investigating this hypothesis, identifying problems that must be overcome in order to understand the capabilities of communication bootstrapping and in order to test whether it is exploited by human intelligence.I then demonstrate progress along the course of investigation laid out in my roadmap:* I establish a measure of "developmental cost" that allows me to eliminate many possible designs* I develop a method of engineering devices for use in models of intelligence, including characterizing their behavior under a wide variety of conditions and compensating for their misbehavior using "failure simplification."* I develop mechanisms that reliably produce communication bootstrapping such that it can be used to connect specialists in an engineered system.* I construct a demonstration system including a simulated world and pair of observers that learn world dynamics via communication bootstrapping

    A generalized risk approach to path inference based on hidden Markov models

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    Motivated by the unceasing interest in hidden Markov models (HMMs), this paper re-examines hidden path inference in these models, using primarily a risk-based framework. While the most common maximum a posteriori (MAP), or Viterbi, path estimator and the minimum error, or Posterior Decoder (PD), have long been around, other path estimators, or decoders, have been either only hinted at or applied more recently and in dedicated applications generally unfamiliar to the statistical learning community. Over a decade ago, however, a family of algorithmically defined decoders aiming to hybridize the two standard ones was proposed (Brushe et al., 1998). The present paper gives a careful analysis of this hybridization approach, identifies several problems and issues with it and other previously proposed approaches, and proposes practical resolutions of those. Furthermore, simple modifications of the classical criteria for hidden path recognition are shown to lead to a new class of decoders. Dynamic programming algorithms to compute these decoders in the usual forward-backward manner are presented. A particularly interesting subclass of such estimators can be also viewed as hybrids of the MAP and PD estimators. Similar to previously proposed MAP-PD hybrids, the new class is parameterized by a small number of tunable parameters. Unlike their algorithmic predecessors, the new risk-based decoders are more clearly interpretable, and, most importantly, work "out of the box" in practice, which is demonstrated on some real bioinformatics tasks and data. Some further generalizations and applications are discussed in conclusion.Comment: Section 5: corrected denominators of the scaled beta variables (pp. 27-30), => corrections in claims 1, 3, Prop. 12, bottom of Table 1. Decoder (49), Corol. 14 are generalized to handle 0 probabilities. Notation is more closely aligned with (Bishop, 2006). Details are inserted in eqn-s (43); the positivity assumption in Prop. 11 is explicit. Fixed typing errors in equation (41), Example

    Parallel task in Subjective Audio Quality and Speech Intelligibility Assessments

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    Tato disertační práce se zabývá subjektivním testováním jak kvality řeči, tak i srozumitelnosti řeči, prozkoumává existující metody, určuje jejich základní principy a podstaty a porovnává jejich výhody a nevýhody. Práce také porovnává testy z hlediska různých parametrů a poskytuje moderní řešení pro již existující metody testování. První část práce se zabývá opakovatelností subjektivních testování provedených v ideálních laboratorních podmínkách. Takové úlohy opakovatelnosti se provádí použitím Pearsonové korelace, porovnání po párech a jinými matematickými analýzami. Tyto úlohy dokazují správnost postupů provedených subjektivních testů. Z tohoto důvodu byly provedeny čtyři subjektivní testy kvality řeči ve třech různých laboratořích. Získané výsledky potvrzují, že provedené testy byly vysoce opakovatelné a testovací požadavky byly striktně dodrženy. Dále byl proveden výzkum pro ověření významnosti subjektivních testování kvality řeči a srozumitelnosti řeči v komunikačních systémech. Za tímto účelem bylo analyzováno více než 16 miliónů záznamů živých hovorů přes VoIP telekomunikační sítě. Výsledky potvrdily základní předpoklad, že lepší uživatelská zkušenost působí delší trvání hovorů. Kromě dosažených hlavních výsledků však byly učiněny další důležité závěry. Dalším krokem disertační práce bylo prozkoumat techniku paralelních zátěží, existující přístupy a jejich výhody a nevýhody. Ukázalo se, že většina paralelních zátěží používaných v testech byla buď fyzicky, nebo mentálně orientovaná. Jelikož subjekty ve většině případů nejsou stejně fyzicky nebo mentálně zdatní, jejich výkony během úkolů nejsou stejné, takže výsledky nelze správně porovnat. V této disertační práci je navržen nový přístup, kdy jsou podmínky pro všechny subjekty stejné. Tento přístup představuje celou řadu úkolů, které zahrnují kombinaci mentálních a fyzických zátěží (simulátor laserové střelby, simulátor řízení auta, třídění předmětů apod.). Tyto metody byly použity v několika subjektivních testech kvality řeči a srozumitelnosti řeči. Závěry naznačují, že testy s paralelními zátěží mají realističtější výsledky než ty, které jsou prováděny v laboratorních podmínkách. Na základě výzkumu, zkušeností a dosažených výsledků byl Evropskému institutu pro normalizaci v telekomunikacích předložen nový standard s přehledem, příklady a doporučeními pro zajištění subjektivních testování kvality řeči a srozumitelnosti řeči. Standard byl přijat a publikován pod číslem ETSI TR 103 503.This thesis deals with the subjective testing of both speech quality and speech intelligibility, investigates the existing methods, record their main features, as well as advantages and disadvantages. The work also compares different tests in terms of various parameters and provides a modern solution for existing subjective testing methods. The first part of the research deals with the repeatability of subjective speech quality tests provided in perfect laboratory conditions. Such repeatability tasks are performed using Pearson correlations, pairwise comparison, and other mathematical analyses, and are meant to prove the correctness of procedures of provided subjective tests. For that reason, four subjective speech quality tests were provided in three different laboratories. The obtained results confirmed that the provided tests were highly repeatable, and the test requirements were strictly followed. Another research was done to verify the significance of speech quality and speech intelligibility tests in communication systems. To this end, more than 16 million live call records over VoIP telecommunications networks were analyzed. The results confirmed the primary assumption that better user experience brings longer call durations. However, alongside the main results, other valuable conclusions were made. The next step of the thesis was to investigate the parallel task technique, existing approaches, their advantages, and disadvantages. It turned out that the majority of parallel tasks used in tests were either physically or mentally oriented. As the subjects in most cases are not equally trained or intelligent, their performances during the tasks are not equal either, so the results could not be compared correctly. In this thesis, a novel approach is proposed where the conditions for all subjects are equal. The approach presents a variety of tasks, which include a mix of mental and physical tasks (laser-shooting simulator, car driving simulator, objects sorting, and others.). Afterward, the methods were used in several subjective speech quality and speech intelligibility tests. The results indicate that the tests with parallel tasks have more realistic values than the ones provided in laboratory conditions. Based on the research, experience, and achieved results, a new standard was submitted to the European Telecommunications Standards Institute with an overview, examples, and recommendations for providing subjective speech quality and speech intelligibility tests. The standard was accepted and published under the number ETSI TR 103 503