22,126 research outputs found

    Incremental (1-?)-Approximate Dynamic Matching in O(poly(1/?)) Update Time

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    In the dynamic approximate maximum bipartite matching problem we are given bipartite graph G undergoing updates and our goal is to maintain a matching of G which is large compared the maximum matching size ?(G). We define a dynamic matching algorithm to be ? (respectively (?, ?))-approximate if it maintains matching M such that at all times |M | ? ?(G) ? ? (respectively |M| ? ?(G) ? ? - ?). We present the first deterministic (1-?)-approximate dynamic matching algorithm with O(poly(?^{-1})) amortized update time for graphs undergoing edge insertions. Previous solutions either required super-constant [Gupta FSTTCS\u2714, Bhattacharya-Kiss-Saranurak SODA\u2723] or exponential in 1/? [Grandoni-Leonardi-Sankowski-Schwiegelshohn-Solomon SODA\u2719] update time. Our implementation is arguably simpler than the mentioned algorithms and its description is self contained. Moreover, we show that if we allow for additive (1, ??n)-approximation our algorithm seamlessly extends to also handle vertex deletions, on top of edge insertions. This makes our algorithm one of the few small update time algorithms for (1-?)-approximate dynamic matching allowing for updates both increasing and decreasing the maximum matching size of G in a fully dynamic manner. Our algorithm relies on the weighted variant of the celebrated Edge-Degree-Constrained-Subgraph (EDCS) datastructure introduced by [Bernstein-Stein ICALP\u2715]. As far as we are aware we introduce the first application of the weighted-EDCS for arbitrarily dense graphs. We also present a significantly simplified proof for the approximation ratio of weighed-EDCS as a matching sparsifier compared to [Bernstein-Stein], as well as simple descriptions of a fractional matching and fractional vertex cover defined on top of the EDCS. Considering the wide range of applications EDCS has found in settings such as streaming, sub-linear, stochastic and more we hope our techniques will be of independent research interest outside of the dynamic setting

    Towards Distributed Two-Stage Stochastic Optimization

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    The weighted vertex cover problem is concerned with selecting a subset of the vertices that covers a target set of edges with the objective of minimizing the total cost of the selected vertices. We consider a variant of this classic combinatorial optimization problem where the target edge set is not fully known; rather, it is characterized by a probability distribution. Adhering to the model of two-stage stochastic optimization, the execution is divided into two stages so that in the first stage, the decision maker selects some of the vertices based on the probabilistic forecast of the target edge set. Then, in the second stage, the edges in the target set are revealed and in order to cover them, the decision maker can augment the vertex subset selected in the first stage with additional vertices. However, in the second stage, the vertex cost increases by some inflation factor, so the second stage selection becomes more expensive. The current paper studies the two-stage stochastic vertex cover problem in the realm of distributed graph algorithms, where the decision making process (in both stages) is distributed among the vertices of the graph. By combining the stochastic optimization toolbox with recent advances in distributed algorithms for weighted vertex cover, we develop an algorithm that runs in time O(log (?) / ?), sends O(m) messages in total, and guarantees to approximate the optimal solution within a (3 + ?)-ratio, where m is the number of edges in the graph, ? is its maximum degree, and 0 < ? < 1 is a performance parameter

    Optimal Distributed Covering Algorithms

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    We present a time-optimal deterministic distributed algorithm for approximating a minimum weight vertex cover in hypergraphs of rank f. This problem is equivalent to the Minimum Weight Set Cover problem in which the frequency of every element is bounded by f. The approximation factor of our algorithm is (f+epsilon). Let Delta denote the maximum degree in the hypergraph. Our algorithm runs in the congest model and requires O(log{Delta} / log log Delta) rounds, for constants epsilon in (0,1] and f in N^+. This is the first distributed algorithm for this problem whose running time does not depend on the vertex weights nor the number of vertices. Thus adding another member to the exclusive family of provably optimal distributed algorithms. For constant values of f and epsilon, our algorithm improves over the (f+epsilon)-approximation algorithm of [Fabian Kuhn et al., 2006] whose running time is O(log Delta + log W), where W is the ratio between the largest and smallest vertex weights in the graph. Our algorithm also achieves an f-approximation for the problem in O(f log n) rounds, improving over the classical result of [Samir Khuller et al., 1994] that achieves a running time of O(f log^2 n). Finally, for weighted vertex cover (f=2) our algorithm achieves a deterministic running time of O(log n), matching the randomized previously best result of [Koufogiannakis and Young, 2011]. We also show that integer covering-programs can be reduced to the Minimum Weight Set Cover problem in the distributed setting. This allows us to achieve an (f+epsilon)-approximate integral solution in O((1+f/log n)* ((log Delta)/(log log Delta) + (f * log M)^{1.01}* log epsilon^{-1}* (log Delta)^{0.01})) rounds, where f bounds the number of variables in a constraint, Delta bounds the number of constraints a variable appears in, and M=max {1, ceil[1/a_{min}]}, where a_{min} is the smallest normalized constraint coefficient. This improves over the results of [Fabian Kuhn et al., 2006] for the integral case, which combined with rounding achieves the same guarantees in O(epsilon^{-4}* f^4 * log f * log(M * Delta)) rounds
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