88 research outputs found

    Finding 2-Edge and 2-Vertex Strongly Connected Components in Quadratic Time

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    We present faster algorithms for computing the 2-edge and 2-vertex strongly connected components of a directed graph, which are straightforward generalizations of strongly connected components. While in undirected graphs the 2-edge and 2-vertex connected components can be found in linear time, in directed graphs only rather simple O(mn)O(m n)-time algorithms were known. We use a hierarchical sparsification technique to obtain algorithms that run in time O(n2)O(n^2). For 2-edge strongly connected components our algorithm gives the first running time improvement in 20 years. Additionally we present an O(m2/logn)O(m^2 / \log{n})-time algorithm for 2-edge strongly connected components, and thus improve over the O(mn)O(m n) running time also when m=O(n)m = O(n). Our approach extends to k-edge and k-vertex strongly connected components for any constant k with a running time of O(n2log2n)O(n^2 \log^2 n) for edges and O(n3)O(n^3) for vertices

    Strong Connectivity in Directed Graphs under Failures, with Application

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    In this paper, we investigate some basic connectivity problems in directed graphs (digraphs). Let GG be a digraph with mm edges and nn vertices, and let GeG\setminus e be the digraph obtained after deleting edge ee from GG. As a first result, we show how to compute in O(m+n)O(m+n) worst-case time: (i)(i) The total number of strongly connected components in GeG\setminus e, for all edges ee in GG. (ii)(ii) The size of the largest and of the smallest strongly connected components in GeG\setminus e, for all edges ee in GG. Let GG be strongly connected. We say that edge ee separates two vertices xx and yy, if xx and yy are no longer strongly connected in GeG\setminus e. As a second set of results, we show how to build in O(m+n)O(m+n) time O(n)O(n)-space data structures that can answer in optimal time the following basic connectivity queries on digraphs: (i)(i) Report in O(n)O(n) worst-case time all the strongly connected components of GeG\setminus e, for a query edge ee. (ii)(ii) Test whether an edge separates two query vertices in O(1)O(1) worst-case time. (iii)(iii) Report all edges that separate two query vertices in optimal worst-case time, i.e., in time O(k)O(k), where kk is the number of separating edges. (For k=0k=0, the time is O(1)O(1)). All of the above results extend to vertex failures. All our bounds are tight and are obtained with a common algorithmic framework, based on a novel compact representation of the decompositions induced by the 11-connectivity (i.e., 11-edge and 11-vertex) cuts in digraphs, which might be of independent interest. With the help of our data structures we can design efficient algorithms for several other connectivity problems on digraphs and we can also obtain in linear time a strongly connected spanning subgraph of GG with O(n)O(n) edges that maintains the 11-connectivity cuts of GG and the decompositions induced by those cuts.Comment: An extended abstract of this work appeared in the SODA 201

    An Optimal Dual Fault Tolerant Reachability Oracle

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    Let G=(V,E) be an n-vertices m-edges directed graph. Let s inV be any designated source vertex. We address the problem of reporting the reachability information from s under two vertex failures. We show that it is possible to compute in polynomial time an O(n) size data structure that for any query vertex v, and any pair of failed vertices f_1, f_2, answers in O(1) time whether or not there exists a path from s to v in G{f_1,f_2}. For the simpler case of single vertex failure such a data structure can be obtained using the dominator-tree from the celebrated work of Lengauer and Tarjan [TOPLAS 1979, Vol. 1]. However, no efficient data structure was known in the past for handling more than one failures. We, in addition, also present a labeling scheme with O(log^3(n))-bit size labels such that for any f_1, f_2, v in Vit is possible to determine in poly-logarithmic time if v is reachable from s in G{f_1,f_2} using only the labels of f1, f_2 and v. Our data structure can also be seen as an efficient mechanism for verifying double-dominators. For any given x, y, v in V we can determine in O(1) time if the pair (x,y) is a double-dominator of v. Earlier the best known method for this problem was using dominator chain from which verification of double-dominators of only a single vertex was possible

    Distributed Dominating Set Approximations beyond Planar Graphs

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    The Minimum Dominating Set (MDS) problem is one of the most fundamental and challenging problems in distributed computing. While it is well-known that minimum dominating sets cannot be approximated locally on general graphs, over the last years, there has been much progress on computing local approximations on sparse graphs, and in particular planar graphs. In this paper we study distributed and deterministic MDS approximation algorithms for graph classes beyond planar graphs. In particular, we show that existing approximation bounds for planar graphs can be lifted to bounded genus graphs, and present (1) a local constant-time, constant-factor MDS approximation algorithm and (2) a local O(logn)\mathcal{O}(\log^*{n})-time approximation scheme. Our main technical contribution is a new analysis of a slightly modified variant of an existing algorithm by Lenzen et al. Interestingly, unlike existing proofs for planar graphs, our analysis does not rely on direct topological arguments.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1602.0299

    Topology Control Multi-Objective Optimisation in Wireless Sensor Networks: Connectivity-Based Range Assignment and Node Deployment

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    The distinguishing characteristic that sets topology control apart from other methods, whose motivation is to achieve effects of energy minimisation and an increased network capacity, is its network-wide perspective. In other words, local choices made at the node-level always have the goal in mind of achieving a certain global, network-wide property, while not excluding the possibility for consideration of more localised factors. As such, our approach is marked by being a centralised computation of the available location-based data and its reduction to a set of non-homogeneous transmitting range assignments, which elicit a certain network-wide property constituted as a whole, namely, strong connectedness and/or biconnectedness. As a means to effect, we propose a variety of GA which by design is multi-morphic, where dependent upon model parameters that can be dynamically set by the user, the algorithm, acting accordingly upon either single or multiple objective functions in response. In either case, leveraging the unique faculty of GAs for finding multiple optimal solutions in a single pass. Wherefore it is up to the designer to select the singular solution which best meets requirements. By means of simulation, we endeavour to establish its relative performance against an optimisation typifying a standard topology control technique in the literature in terms of the proportion of time the network exhibited the property of strong connectedness. As to which, an analysis of the results indicates that such is highly sensitive to factors of: the effective maximum transmitting range, node density, and mobility scenario under observation. We derive an estimate of the optimal constitution thereof taking into account the specific conditions within the domain of application in that of a WSN, thereby concluding that only GA optimising for the biconnected components in a network achieves the stated objective of a sustained connected status throughout the duration.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Strong Connectivity in Directed Graphs under Failures, with Applications *

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    An extended abstract of this work appeared in the SODA '17: Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete AlgorithmsInternational audienceIn this paper, we investigate some basic connectivity problems in directed graphs (digraphs). Let G be a digraph with m edges and n vertices, and let G \ e (resp., G \ v) be the digraph obtained after deleting edge e (resp., vertex v) from G. As a first result, we show how to compute in O(m + n) worst-case time: • The total number of strongly connected components in G \ e (resp., G \ v), for all edges e (resp., for all vertices v) in G. • The size of the largest and of the smallest strongly connected components in G \ e (resp., G \ v), for all edges e (resp., for all vertices v) in G. Let G be strongly connected. We say that edge e (resp., vertex v) separates two vertices x and y, if x and y are no longer strongly connected in G \ e (resp., G \ v). As a second set of results, we show how to build in O(m + n) time O(n)-space data structures that can answer in optimal time the following basic connectivity queries on digraphs: • Report in O(n) worst-case time all the strongly connected components of G \ e (resp., G \ v), for a query edge e (resp., vertex v). • Test whether an edge or a vertex separates two query vertices in O(1) worst-case time. • Report all edges (resp., vertices) that separate two query vertices in optimal worst-case time, i.e., in time O(k), where k is the number of separating edges (resp., separating vertices). (For k = 0, the time is O(1)). All our bounds are tight and are obtained with a common algorithmic framework, based on a novel compact representation of the decompositions induced by the 1-connectivity (i.e., 1-edge and 1-vertex) cuts in digraphs, which might be of independent interest. With the help of our data structures we can design efficient algorithms for several other connectivity problems on digraphs and we can also obtain in linear time a strongly connected spanning subgraph of G with O(n) edges that maintains the 1-connectivity cuts of G and the decompositions induced by those cuts

    Predictors of Ransomware From Binary Analysis

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    Ransomware, a type of malware that extorts payment from a victim by encrypting her data, is a growing threat that is becoming more sophisticated with each generation. Attackers have shifted from targeting individuals to entire organizations, raising extortions from hundreds of dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars. In this work, we analyze a variety of ransomware and benign software binaries in order to identify indicators that may be used to detect ransomware. We find that several combinations of strings, cryptographic constants, and a large number loops are key indicators useful for detecting ransomware

    On 2-strong connectivity orientations of mixed graphs and related problems

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    A mixed graph GG is a graph that consists of both undirected and directed edges. An orientation of GG is formed by orienting all the undirected edges of GG, i.e., converting each undirected edge {u,v}\{u,v\} into a directed edge that is either (u,v)(u,v) or (v,u)(v,u). The problem of finding an orientation of a mixed graph that makes it strongly connected is well understood and can be solved in linear time. Here we introduce the following orientation problem in mixed graphs. Given a mixed graph GG, we wish to compute its maximal sets of vertices C1,C2,,CkC_1,C_2,\ldots,C_k with the property that by removing any edge ee from GG (directed or undirected), there is an orientation RiR_i of GeG\setminus{e} such that all vertices in CiC_i are strongly connected in RiR_i. We discuss properties of those sets, and we show how to solve this problem in linear time by reducing it to the computation of the 22-edge twinless strongly connected components of a directed graph. A directed graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) is twinless strongly connected if it contains a strongly connected spanning subgraph without any pair of antiparallel (or twin) edges. The twinless strongly connected components (TSCCs) of a directed graph GG are its maximal twinless strongly connected subgraphs. A 22-edge twinless strongly connected component (2eTSCC) of GG is a maximal subset of vertices CC such that any two vertices u,vCu, v \in C are in the same twinless strongly connected component of GeG \setminus e, for any edge ee. These concepts are motivated by several diverse applications, such as the design of road and telecommunication networks, and the structural stability of buildings