417 research outputs found

    Practical Fine-grained Privilege Separation in Multithreaded Applications

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    An inherent security limitation with the classic multithreaded programming model is that all the threads share the same address space and, therefore, are implicitly assumed to be mutually trusted. This assumption, however, does not take into consideration of many modern multithreaded applications that involve multiple principals which do not fully trust each other. It remains challenging to retrofit the classic multithreaded programming model so that the security and privilege separation in multi-principal applications can be resolved. This paper proposes ARBITER, a run-time system and a set of security primitives, aimed at fine-grained and data-centric privilege separation in multithreaded applications. While enforcing effective isolation among principals, ARBITER still allows flexible sharing and communication between threads so that the multithreaded programming paradigm can be preserved. To realize controlled sharing in a fine-grained manner, we created a novel abstraction named ARBITER Secure Memory Segment (ASMS) and corresponding OS support. Programmers express security policies by labeling data and principals via ARBITER's API following a unified model. We ported a widely-used, in-memory database application (memcached) to ARBITER system, changing only around 100 LOC. Experiments indicate that only an average runtime overhead of 5.6% is induced to this security enhanced version of application

    Retrofitting privacy controls to stock Android

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    Android ist nicht nur das beliebteste Betriebssystem für mobile Endgeräte, sondern auch ein ein attraktives Ziel für Angreifer. Um diesen zu begegnen, nutzt Androids Sicherheitskonzept App-Isolation und Zugangskontrolle zu kritischen Systemressourcen. Nutzer haben dabei aber nur wenige Optionen, App-Berechtigungen gemäß ihrer Bedürfnisse einzuschränken, sondern die Entwickler entscheiden über zu gewährende Berechtigungen. Androids Sicherheitsmodell kann zudem nicht durch Dritte angepasst werden, so dass Nutzer zum Schutz ihrer Privatsphäre auf die Gerätehersteller angewiesen sind. Diese Dissertation präsentiert einen Ansatz, Android mit umfassenden Privatsphäreeinstellungen nachzurüsten. Dabei geht es konkret um Techniken, die ohne Modifikationen des Betriebssystems oder Zugriff auf Root-Rechte auf regulären Android-Geräten eingesetzt werden können. Der erste Teil dieser Arbeit etabliert Techniken zur Durchsetzung von Sicherheitsrichtlinien für Apps mithilfe von inlined reference monitors. Dieser Ansatz wird durch eine neue Technik für dynamic method hook injection in Androids Java VM erweitert. Schließlich wird ein System eingeführt, das prozessbasierte privilege separation nutzt, um eine virtualisierte App-Umgebung zu schaffen, um auch komplexe Sicherheitsrichtlinien durchzusetzen. Eine systematische Evaluation unseres Ansatzes konnte seine praktische Anwendbarkeit nachweisen und mehr als eine Million Downloads unserer Lösung zeigen den Bedarf an praxisgerechten Werkzeugen zum Schutz der Privatsphäre.Android is the most popular operating system for mobile devices, making it a prime target for attackers. To counter these, Android’s security concept uses app isolation and access control to critical system resources. However, Android gives users only limited options to restrict app permissions according to their privacy preferences but instead lets developers dictate the permissions users must grant. Moreover, Android’s security model is not designed to be customizable by third-party developers, forcing users to rely on device manufacturers to address their privacy concerns. This thesis presents a line of work that retrofits comprehensive privacy controls to the Android OS to put the user back in charge of their device. It focuses on developing techniques that can be deployed to stock Android devices without firmware modifications or root privileges. The first part of this dissertation establishes fundamental policy enforcement on thirdparty apps using inlined reference monitors to enhance Android’s permission system. This approach is then refined by introducing a novel technique for dynamic method hook injection on Android’s Java VM. Finally, we present a system that leverages process-based privilege separation to provide a virtualized application environment that supports the enforcement of complex security policies. A systematic evaluation of our approach demonstrates its practical applicability, and over one million downloads of our solution confirm user demand for privacy-enhancing tools

    Native Code Security for Java Grid Services

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    SandTrap: Securing JavaScript-driven Trigger-Action Platforms

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    Trigger-Action Platforms (TAPs) seamlessly connect a wide variety of otherwise unconnected devices and services, ranging from IoT devices to cloud services and social networks. TAPs raise critical security and privacy concerns because a TAP is effectively a “person-in-the-middle” between trigger and action services. Third-party code, routinely deployed as “apps” on TAPs, further exacerbates these concerns. This paper focuses on JavaScript-driven TAPs. We show that the popular IFTTT and Zapier platforms and an open-source alternative Node-RED are susceptible to attacks ranging from exfiltrating data from unsuspecting users to taking over the entire platform. We report on the changes by the platforms in response to our findings and present an empirical study to assess the implications for Node-RED. Motivated by the need for a secure yet flexible way to integrate third-party JavaScript apps, we propose SandTrap, a novel JavaScript monitor that securely combines the Node.js vm module with fully structural proxy-based two-sided membranes to enforce fine-grained access control policies. To aid developers, SandTrap includes a policy generation mechanism. We instantiate SandTrap to IFTTT, Zapier, and Node-RED and illustrate on a set of benchmarks how SandTrap enforces a variety of policies while incurring a tolerable runtime overhead

    Isolation Without Taxation: {N}ear-Zero-Cost Transitions for {WebAssembly} and {SFI}

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    Software sandboxing or software-based fault isolation (SFI) is a lightweight approach to building secure systems out of untrusted components. Mozilla, for example, uses SFI to harden the Firefox browser by sandboxing third-party libraries, and companies like Fastly and Cloudflare use SFI to safely co-locate untrusted tenants on their edge clouds. While there have been significant efforts to optimize and verify SFI enforcement, context switching in SFI systems remains largely unexplored: almost all SFI systems use \emph{heavyweight transitions} that are not only error-prone but incur significant performance overhead from saving, clearing, and restoring registers when context switching. We identify a set of \emph{zero-cost conditions} that characterize when sandboxed code has sufficient structured to guarantee security via lightweight \emph{zero-cost} transitions (simple function calls). We modify the Lucet Wasm compiler and its runtime to use zero-cost transitions, eliminating the undue performance tax on systems that rely on Lucet for sandboxing (e.g., we speed up image and font rendering in Firefox by up to 29.7\% and 10\% respectively). To remove the Lucet compiler and its correct implementation of the Wasm specification from the trusted computing base, we (1) develop a \emph{static binary verifier}, VeriZero, which (in seconds) checks that binaries produced by Lucet satisfy our zero-cost conditions, and (2) prove the soundness of VeriZero by developing a logical relation that captures when a compiled Wasm function is semantically well-behaved with respect to our zero-cost conditions. Finally, we show that our model is useful beyond Wasm by describing a new, purpose-built SFI system, SegmentZero32, that uses x86 segmentation and LLVM with mostly off-the-shelf passes to enforce our zero-cost conditions; our prototype performs on-par with the state-of-the-art Native Client SFI system


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    The pervasiveness of Android devices in today’s interconnected world emphasizes the importance of mobile security in protecting user privacy and digital assets. Android’s current security model primarily enforces application-level mechanisms, which fail to address component-level (e.g., Activity, Service, and Content Provider) security concerns. Consequently, third-party code may exploit an application’s permissions, and security features like MDM or BYOD face limitations in their implementation. To address these concerns, we propose a novel Android component context-aware access control mechanism that enforces layered security at multiple Exception Levels (ELs), including EL0, EL1, and EL3. This approach effectively restricts component privileges and controls resource access as needed. Our solution comprises Flasa at EL0, extending SELinux policies for inter-component interactions and SQLite content control; Compac, spanning EL0 and EL1, which enforces component-level permission controls through Android runtime and kernel modifications; and TzNfc, leveraging TrustZone technologies to secure third-party services and limit system privileges via Trusted Execution Environment (TEE). Our evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed solution in containing component privileges, controlling inter-component interactions and protecting component level resource access. This enhanced solution, complementing Android’s existing security architecture, provides a more comprehensive approach to Android security, benefiting users, developers, and the broader mobile ecosystem

    Stop Hiding The Sharp Knives: The WebAssembly Linux Interface

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    WebAssembly is gaining popularity as a portable binary format targetable from many programming languages. With a well-specified low-level virtual instruction set, minimal memory footprint and many high-performance implementations, it has been successfully adopted for lightweight in-process memory sandboxing in many contexts. Despite these advantages, WebAssembly lacks many standard system interfaces, making it difficult to reuse existing applications. This paper proposes WALI: The WebAssembly Linux Interface, a thin layer over Linux's userspace system calls, creating a new class of virtualization where WebAssembly seamlessly interacts with native processes and the underlying operating system. By virtualizing the lowest level of userspace, WALI offers application portability with little effort and reuses existing compiler backends. With WebAssembly's control flow integrity guarantees, these modules gain an additional level of protection against remote code injection attacks. Furthermore, capability-based APIs can themselves be virtualized and implemented in terms of WALI, improving reuse and robustness through better layering. We present an implementation of WALI in a modern WebAssembly engine and evaluate its performance on a number of applications which we can now compile with mostly trivial effort.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Practical and effective sandboxing for Linux containers

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