4 research outputs found

    Internet of things platform for manage multiple message queuing telemetry transport broker server

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    This study proposed the Internet of Things (IoT) monitoring platform model to manage multiple Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) broker server. The Broker is a part of the MQTT protocol system to deliver the message from publisher to subscriber. The single MQTT protocol that setup in a server just have one broker system. However, many users used more than one broker to develop their system. One of the problems with the user that use more than one MQTT broker to develop their system is no recording system that helps users to record configurations from multi brokers and connected devices. This can cause to slow the deployment process of the device because the configuration of the device and broker not properly managed. The platform built is expected to solve the problem. This proposed platform can manage multiple MQTT broker server and device configuration from different product or vendor. The platform also can manage the topic that connects to a registered broker on the platform. The other advantages of this platform are open source and can modify to a specific business process. After usability testing and response time testing, the proposed platform can manage multiple MQTT broker server, functional to use, and an average of response time from the platform page is not more than 10 seconds

    Water quality monitoring system with IOT

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    This project proposed an improved method to provide an early detection system at Semangar water treatment plant as many pollution cases occurred within the past years had left many housing area without water supply for days. The solution is based on the idea of developing an alert system, and also a real time database that can store data ammonia, turbidity and pH. The approach has several notable merits, namely cost efficient, not changing the existing system as it only act as an additional feature and higher safety. The idea is proven based on two subsystems. First the early detection system is based on notification through a mobile application. It provides user with notification every time the ammonia reading is above 2 parts per million threshold. Second, The real time database saves the ammonia parameter reading data every 10 seconds in Google Spreadsheet. The current reading of the chemicals can also be viewed using a web server which can then be connected through a mobile application. Database application is not only by Google Spreadsheet but also using Firebase application which can also be viewed through the mobile application. The method proposed in this project can be used for any water treatment plant in Malaysia that’s requires data to be stored and view at any given time

    Plataforma baseada em serviços web para controle e monitoramento de transdutores em agricultura de precisão para irrigação automática

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    This work aims the creation of an embedded application server for data management and control of microcontroled modules in a Wireless Sensor Network. The microcontroled modules will be responsible for the control of transducers in a plantation for efficient irrigation in precision agriculture, and the server will interact with them through user requisitions and crop profile creation. Therefore, there will be the joining of two areas in great expansion: Internet of Things and precision agriculture. The IoT applications development is due to the increasing integration of various objects, televisions, refrige rators, lighting, doors etc., with web services. Agriculture is of great interest based on the agricultural characteristic of the Tocantins state. Because it is an extensive project, the present graduation project will be limited to the development of the embedded ap plication server for data management, developed through the MEAN stack (composed by the MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS and Node.js frameworks, respectively). It will be embedded on an Intel Edison for the low cost of SoC devices and low power consumption. At the end of the project, we present the server as a solution to be used in the monitoring and interaction of users in the automatic control of irrigation systems in order to obtain the controlled use of water resources, besides discussing their viability.Este trabalho visa a criação de um servidor de aplicação embarcado para gerenciamento de dados e controle de m´módulos microcontrolados em uma rede de sensores sem fio. Os m´módulos microcontrolados são responsáveis pelo controle de transdutores em uma plantação para irrigação eficiente em agricultura de precisão, e o servidor interage com eles através de requisições do usuário e da criação de perfis de cultivo. Portanto, há a junção de duas áreas em grande expansão: Internet das Coisas e Agricultura de Precisão. O desenvolvimento de aplicações de Internet das Coisas se d´a pela crescente integração de vários objetos, televisores, geladeiras, iluminação, portas etc., com serviços web. Por se tratar de um projeto extenso, o presente projeto de graduação se limita ao desenvolvimento do servidor de aplicação embarcado para gerenciamento dos dados, desenvolvido através da pilha MEAN (composto pelos frameworks MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS e Node.js, respectivamente). Ele será embarcado em um Intel Edison pelo baixo custo de dispositivos SoC e baixo consumo de energia. Ao final do projeto, apresentamos o servidor como solução a ser usada no monitoramento e interação de usuários no controle automático de sistemas de irrigação de modo a se obter o uso controlado de recursos hídricos, além de discutirmos sua viabilidade

    Exploring the confluence of IoT and metaverse: Future opportunities and challenges

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) and the metaverse are two rapidly evolving technologies that have the potential to shape the future of our digital world. IoT refers to the network of physical devices, vehicles, buildings, and other objects that are connected to the internet and capable of collecting and sharing data. The metaverse, on the other hand, is a virtual world where users can interact with each other and digital objects in real time. In this research paper, we aim to explore the intersection of the IoT and metaverse and the opportunities and challenges that arise from their convergence. We will examine how IoT devices can be integrated into the metaverse to create new and immersive experiences for users. We will also analyse the potential use cases and applications of this technology in various industries such as healthcare, education, and entertainment. Additionally, we will discuss the privacy, security, and ethical concerns that arise from the use of IoT devices in the metaverse. A survey is conducted through a combination of a literature review and a case study analysis. This review will provide insights into the potential impact of IoT and metaverse on society and inform the development of future technologies in this field