2,494 research outputs found

    Crop conditional Convolutional Neural Networks for massive multi-crop plant disease classification over cell phone acquired images taken on real field conditions

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    Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) have demonstrated their capabilities on the agronomical field, especially for plant visual symptoms assessment. As these models grow both in the number of training images and in the number of supported crops and diseases, there exist the dichotomy of (1) generating smaller models for specific crop or, (2) to generate a unique multi-crop model in a much more complex task (especially at early disease stages) but with the benefit of the entire multiple crop image dataset variability to enrich image feature description learning. In this work we first introduce a challenging dataset of more than one hundred-thousand images taken by cell phone in real field wild conditions. This dataset contains almost equally distributed disease stages of seventeen diseases and five crops (wheat, barley, corn, rice and rape-seed) where several diseases can be present on the same picture. When applying existing state of the art deep neural network methods to validate the two hypothesised approaches, we obtained a balanced accuracy (BAC=0.92) when generating the smaller crop specific models and a balanced accuracy (BAC=0.93) when generating a single multi-crop model. In this work, we propose three different CNN architectures that incorporate contextual non-image meta-data such as crop information onto an image based Convolutional Neural Network. This combines the advantages of simultaneously learning from the entire multi-crop dataset while reducing the complexity of the disease classification tasks. The crop-conditional plant disease classification network that incorporates the contextual information by concatenation at the embedding vector level obtains a balanced accuracy of 0.98 improving all previous methods and removing 71% of the miss-classifications of the former methods

    Advancements in Deep Learning for Early Detection of Plant Diseases: Techniques, Challenges, and Opportunities in Precision Agriculture

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    Deep learning (DL) has emerged as a transformative technology in the field of agriculture, revolutionizing various applications such as disease recognition, plant classification, and fruit counting. Compared to traditional image processing techniques, deep learning has demonstrated a remarkable ability to achieve significantly higher accuracy, surpassing the performance of conventional methods.One of the primary advantages of leveraging deep learning in agriculture is its unparalleled capacity to provide more precise predictions, enabling farmers and researchers to make better-informed decisions that lead to improved outcomes. Deep learning models have consistently exhibited impressive performance across a wide range of tasks, including visual recognition, language processing, and speech detection, making them highly suitable for diverse agricultural applications. Furthermore, the success of deep learning in medical imaging has been successfully extended to the agricultural domain. By applying deep learning's powerful capabilities, stakeholders in the agricultural sector can now accurately classify plant species, detect diseases, and identify pests with unprecedented precision. This advancement has the potential to drive significant improvements in productivity, reduce crop losses, and optimize resource allocation, ultimately transforming the way we approach agricultural practices

    GrapeNet: A Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network Model for Identification of Grape Leaf Diseases

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    Most convolutional neural network (CNN) models have various difficulties in identifying crop diseases owing to morphological and physiological changes in crop tissues, and cells. Furthermore, a single crop disease can show different symptoms. Usually, the differences in symptoms between early crop disease and late crop disease stages include the area of disease and color of disease. This also poses additional difficulties for CNN models. Here, we propose a lightweight CNN model called GrapeNet for the identification of different symptom stages for specific grape diseases. The main components of GrapeNet are residual blocks, residual feature fusion blocks (RFFBs), and convolution block attention modules. The residual blocks are used to deepen the network depth and extract rich features. To alleviate the CNN performance degradation associated with a large number of hidden layers, we designed an RFFB module based on the residual block. It fuses the average pooled feature map before the residual block input and the high-dimensional feature maps after the residual block output by a concatenation operation, thereby achieving feature fusion at different depths. In addition, the convolutional block attention module (CBAM) is introduced after each RFFB module to extract valid disease information. The obtained results show that the identification accuracy was determined as 82.99%, 84.01%, 82.74%, 84.77%, 80.96%, 82.74%, 80.96%, 83.76%, and 86.29% for GoogLeNet, Vgg16, ResNet34, DenseNet121, MobileNetV2, MobileNetV3_large, ShuffleNetV2_×1.0, EfficientNetV2_s, and GrapeNet. The GrapeNet model achieved the best classification performance when compared with other classical models. The total number of parameters of the GrapeNet model only included 2.15 million. Compared with DenseNet121, which has the highest accuracy among classical network models, the number of parameters of GrapeNet was reduced by 4.81 million, thereby reducing the training time of GrapeNet by about two times compared with that of DenseNet121. Moreover, the visualization results of Grad-cam indicate that the introduction of CBAM can emphasize disease information and suppress irrelevant information. The overall results suggest that the GrapeNet model is useful for the automatic identification of grape leaf diseases

    Deep Learning based Tomato Disease Detection and Remedy Suggestions using Mobile Application

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    We have developed a comprehensive computer system to assist farmers who practice traditional farming methods and have limited access to agricultural experts for addressing crop diseases. Our system utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) to identify and provide remedies for vegetable diseases. To ensure ease of use, we have created a mobile application that offers a user-friendly interface, allowing farmers to inquire about vegetable diseases and receive suitable solutions in their local language. The developed system can be utilized by any farmer with a basic understanding of a smartphone. Specifically, we have designed an AI-enabled mobile application for identifying and suggesting remedies for vegetable diseases, focusing on tomato diseases to benefit the local farming community in Nepal. Our system employs state-of-the-art object detection methodology, namely You Only Look Once (YOLO), to detect tomato diseases. The detected information is then relayed to the mobile application, which provides remedy suggestions guided by domain experts. In order to train our system effectively, we curated a dataset consisting of ten classes of tomato diseases. We utilized various data augmentation methods to address overfitting and trained a YOLOv5 object detector. The proposed method achieved a mean average precision of 0.76 and offers an efficient mobile interface for interacting with the AI system. While our system is currently in the development phase, we are actively working towards enhancing its robustness and real-time usability by accumulating more training samples

    A Lightweight Deep Learning-Based Model for Tomato Leaf Disease Classification

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    © 2023 Tech Science Press. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Tomato leaf diseases significantly impact crop production, necessitating early detection for sustainable farming. Deep Learning (DL) has recently shown excellent results in identifying and classifying tomato leaf diseases. However, current DL methods often require substantial computational resources, hindering their application on resource-constrained devices. We propose the Deep Tomato Detection Network (DTomatoDNet), a lightweight DL-based framework comprising 19 learnable layers for efficient tomato leaf disease classification to overcome this. The Convn kernels used in the proposed (DTomatoDNet) framework is 1 × 1, which reduces the number of parameters and helps in more detailed and descriptive feature extraction for classification. The proposed DTomatoDNet model is trained from scratch to determine the classification success rate. 10,000 tomato leaf images (1000 images per class) from the publicly accessible dataset, covering one healthy category and nine disease categories, are utilized in training the proposed DTomatoDNet approach. More specifically, we classified tomato leaf images into Target Spot (TS), Early Blight (EB), Late Blight (LB), Bacterial Spot (BS), Leaf Mold (LM), Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (YLCV), Septoria Leaf Spot (SLS), Spider Mites (SM), Tomato Mosaic Virus (MV), and Tomato Healthy (H). The proposed DTomatoDNet approach obtains a classification accuracy of 99.34%, demonstrating excellent accuracy in differentiating between tomato diseases. The model could be used on mobile platforms because it is lightweight and designed with fewer layers. Tomato farmers can utilize the proposed DTomatoDNet methodology to detect disease more quickly and easily once it has been integrated into mobile platforms by developing a mobile application.Peer reviewe

    A Review on Tomato Leaf Disease Detection using Deep Learning Approaches

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    Agriculture is one of the major sectors that influence the India economy due to the huge population and ever-growing food demand. Identification of diseases that affect the low yield in food crops plays a major role to improve the yield of a crop. India holds the world's second-largest share of tomato production. Unfortunately, tomato plants are vulnerable to various diseases due to factors such as climate change, heavy rainfall, soil conditions, pesticides, and animals. A significant number of studies have examined the potential of deep learning techniques to combat the leaf disease in tomatoes in the last decade. However, despite the range of applications, several gaps within tomato leaf disease detection are yet to be addressed to support the tomato leaf disease diagnosis. Thus, there is a need to create an information base of existing approaches and identify the challenges and opportunities to help advance the development of tools that address the needs of tomato farmers. The review is focussed on providing a detailed assessment and considerations for developing deep learning-based Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) architectures like Dense Net, ResNet, VGG Net, Google Net, Alex Net, and LeNet that are applied to detect the disease in tomato leaves to identify 10 classes of diseases affecting tomato plant leaves, with distinct trained disease datasets. The performance of architecture studies using the data from plantvillage dataset, which includes healthy and diseased classes, with the assistance of several different architectural designs. This paper helps to address the existing research gaps by guiding further development and application of tools to support tomato leaves disease diagnosis and provide disease management support to farmers in improving the crop

    A Hybrid Machine Learning Model to Recognize and Detect Plant Diseases in Early Stages

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    This paper presents an improved Inception module to recognise and detect plant illnesses substituting the original convolutions with architecture based on modified-Xception (m-Xception). In addition, ResNet extracts features by prioritising logarithm calculations over softmax calculations to get more consistent classification outcomes. The model’s training utilised a two-stage transfer learning process to produce an effective model. The results of the experiments reveal that the suggested approach is capable of achieving the specified level of performance, with an average recognition fineness of 99.73 on the public dataset and 98.05 on the domestic dataset, respectively

    Innovative Solutions for Agriculture: Sensor-Driven Soil Parameter Monitoring and Deep Learning in Potato Disease Detection

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    The primary obstacle facing modern agriculture is the lack of advanced technologies capable of efficiently and proactively identifying crop diseases, a gap that is most noticeable while the crop is at the key stem stage. Taking note of this difficulty, the suggested solution calls for the deliberate insertion of cutting-edge sensors at the root level straight into the soil. The objective of this integration is to offer a comprehensive and in-depth evaluation of crucial factors that are necessary for plant health, including temperature dynamics, moisture content, and nutrient levels of soil. While the temperature sensors serve a dual purpose by monitoring the external environment and evaluating the condition of mechanical assets vital to agricultural operations, the soil moisture and index sensors are essential for precisely determining irrigation needs and assessing soil nutrient levels. The project incorporates a cutting-edge Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) deep learning algorithm designed especially for the identification of potato leaf diseases, which represents a significant improvement to disease detection capabilities. This sophisticated algorithm improves the accuracy and efficiency of disease identification by using deep learning to analyze and comprehend complex patterns found in the leaf of the plant. This comprehensive initiative's main goal is to create a seamlessly integrated sensor system that can monitor crop health dynamically, provide real-time insights into critical soil characteristics, and use state-of-the-art CNN deep learning technology to detect potato leaf diseases in the agricultural landscape with extreme precision

    An Improved MobileNet for Disease Detection on Tomato Leaves

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    Tomatoes are widely grown vegetables, and farmers face challenges in caring for them, particularly regarding plant diseases. The MobileNet architecture is renowned for its simplicity and compatibility with mobile devices. This study introduces MobileNet as a deep learning model to enhance disease detection efficiency in tomato plants. The model is evaluated on a dataset of 2,064 tomato leaf images, encompassing early blight, leaf spot, yellow curl, and healthy leaves. Results demonstrate promising accuracy, exceeding 0.980 for disease classification and 0.975 for distinguishing between diseases and healthy cases. Moreover, the proposed model outperforms existing approaches in terms of accuracy and training time for plant leaf disease detection