378,154 research outputs found

    Intelligent feature based resource selection and process planning

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    Lien vers la version éditeur: https://www.inderscience.com/books/index.php?action=record&rec_id=755&chapNum=3&journalID=1022&year=2010This paper presents an intelligent knowledge-based integrated manufacturing system using the STEP feature-based modeling and rule based intelligent techniques to generate suitable process plans for prismatic parts. The system carries out several stages of process planning, such as identification of the pairs of feature/tool that satisfy the required conditions, generation of the possible process plans from identified tools/machine pairs, and selection of the most interesting process plans considering the economical or timing indicators. The suitable processes plans are selected according to the acceptable range of quality, time and cost factors. Each process plan is represented in the tree format by the information items corresponding to their CNC Machine, required tools characteristics, times (machining, setup, preparatory) and the required machining sequences. The process simulation module is provided to demonstrate the different sequences of machining. After selection of suitable process plan, the G-code language used by CNC machines is generated automatically. This approach is validated through a case

    A Human-Centric Approach to Group-Based Context-Awareness

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    The emerging need for qualitative approaches in context-aware information processing calls for proper modeling of context information and efficient handling of its inherent uncertainty resulted from human interpretation and usage. Many of the current approaches to context-awareness either lack a solid theoretical basis for modeling or ignore important requirements such as modularity, high-order uncertainty management and group-based context-awareness. Therefore, their real-world application and extendability remains limited. In this paper, we present f-Context as a service-based context-awareness framework, based on language-action perspective (LAP) theory for modeling. Then we identify some of the complex, informational parts of context which contain high-order uncertainties due to differences between members of the group in defining them. An agent-based perceptual computer architecture is proposed for implementing f-Context that uses computing with words (CWW) for handling uncertainty. The feasibility of f-Context is analyzed using a realistic scenario involving a group of mobile users. We believe that the proposed approach can open the door to future research on context-awareness by offering a theoretical foundation based on human communication, and a service-based layered architecture which exploits CWW for context-aware, group-based and platform-independent access to information systems

    UML-based DEMO Profiles as Metaconcepts for Interlocking Institutional Worlds

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    An information system supporting an organisation is based on concepts from the organisation\u27s institutional world. An institutional world consists of a collection of speech acts and institutional facts . For a group of information systems to interoperate, the organizations responsible for these systems must first agree on what the words mean in the interoperation. This agreement is called an ontology. The ontology is generally defined as an explicit specification of a conceptualization . One of the major uses of ontology is to support interoperation of information systems. Many institutions whose systems are to interoperate are not fully autonomous; they do sometimes cooperate with each other, so that their institutional worlds will interlock therefore interlocking ontologies . Modeling interlocking institutional worlds (IWs) requires a dedicated representation system that gives a formal model which is the specification of institutional facts as well as the specification of speech acts . The ontology is the specification of institutional facts. However, we do not have a system that can give a formal model for the speech acts. Therefore, this paper adopts a synthesis approach to propose the UML extension for modeling speech acts in the context of interlocking institutional worlds. DEMO is one of the most popular Language Action Paradigms (LAP)-based methodologies based on speech act theory so is close to the concept of IWs. The UML is a standard modelling language in the world of information system development and currently there is a growing interest in its adoption as a language for conceptual modeling and business process representation. Taking advantage of the fact that UML is an OMG standard and its use is growing quickly, this paper proposes UML-based DEMO profiles purposely for modelling IWs

    Event-based Compositional Reasoning of Information-Flow Security for Concurrent Systems

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    High assurance of information-flow security (IFS) for concurrent systems is challenging. A promising way for formal verification of concurrent systems is the rely-guarantee method. However, existing compositional reasoning approaches for IFS concentrate on language-based IFS. It is often not applicable for system-level security, such as multicore operating system kernels, in which secrecy of actions should also be considered. On the other hand, existing studies on the rely-guarantee method are basically built on concurrent programming languages, by which semantics of concurrent systems cannot be completely captured in a straightforward way. In order to formally verify state-action based IFS for concurrent systems, we propose a rely-guarantee-based compositional reasoning approach for IFS in this paper. We first design a language by incorporating ``Event'' into concurrent languages and give the IFS semantics of the language. As a primitive element, events offer an extremely neat framework for modeling system and are not necessarily atomic in our language. For compositional reasoning of IFS, we use rely-guarantee specification to define new forms of unwinding conditions (UCs) on events, i.e., event UCs. By a rely-guarantee proof system of the language and the soundness of event UCs, we have that event UCs imply IFS of concurrent systems. In such a way, we relax the atomicity constraint of actions in traditional UCs and provide a compositional reasoning way for IFS in which security proof of systems can be discharged by independent security proof on individual events. Finally, we mechanize the approach in Isabelle/HOL and develop a formal specification and its IFS proof for multicore separation kernels as a study case according to an industrial standard -- ARINC 653

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi untuk Mendukung Sistem Peringatan Dini suatu Manajemen Persediaan pada Perusahaan Grosir

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    Abstract In this paper, we concerned about improving inefficiences of the business processes at store room areagrocery products in a grocery company. Due to inefficiencies of the inventory management, it is necessary to improve them related with providing good information and data management. The main problem is miss information related with early warning system of lifetime products. They often have unsold inventory grocery products as impact of expired date. This journal analyzes a system to find out the need for system, then designs the system based on the system requirement obtained from the analysis. The information system of store room area grocery product is designed by using an object-oriented approach and UML modeling language to identify the actor, to make the system use case, to model the business process using the activity chart, to make interaction scheme using sequence diagram and to identify class. In the designing stage, this database and interface design is made. After database and interface design, the next stage is to make the program code by considering the use case and interaction diagrams that are made previously in modeling the object-oriented system. The result of this research consists of input constituting login form, product, suppliers, unit, category, action, location, and personnel data, addition, withdrawal, and action transactions, searching for product data, personnel data, location data and report input. Meanwhile the output constitutes withdrawal list, increment, product early earning reports approaching the expired date, product list, location list, personnel list, stock op name checklist, and the product master label. The outputs of the information system are reports and documents in monitor screen view and in printing. The validation showed that the information system designed can support the early warning system of expired date of grocery products in store room area. Keywords: information system, object oriented, early warning, inventory management, expired dat

    Towards Multi-modal Interpretable Video Understanding

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    This thesis introduces an innovative approach to video comprehension, which simulates human perceptual mechanisms and establishes a comprehensible and coherent narrative representation of video content. At the core of this approach lies the creation of a Visual-Linguistic (VL) feature for an interpretable video portrayal and an adaptive attention mechanism (AAM) aimed at concentrating solely on principal actors or pertinent objects while modeling their interconnections. Taking cues from the way humans disassemble scenes into visual and non-visual constituents, the proposed VL feature characterizes a scene via three distinct modalities: (i) a global visual environment, providing a broad contextual comprehension of the scene; (ii) local visual key entities, focusing on pivotal elements within the video; and (iii) linguistic scene elements, incorporating semantically pertinent language-based information for an all-encompassing grasp of the scene. Through the integration of these multimodal traits, the VL representation presents an extensive, diverse, and explicable perspective of video content, effectively bridging the divide between visual perception and linguistic depiction. In our study, we suggest a method for modeling these interactions using a multi-modal representation network. This network consists of two main components: a perception-based multi-modal representation (PMR) and a boundary-matching module (BMM). Additionally, we introduce an adaptive attention mechanism (AAM) within the PMR to focus on primary actors or relevant objects while showing their connections. The PMR module represents each video segment by combining visual and linguistic features. It represents primary actors and their immediate surroundings with visual elements and conveys information about relevant objects through language attributes, using an image-text model. The BMM module takes a sequence of these visual-linguistic features as input and generates action recommendations. Extensive experiments and thorough investigations were carried out on the ActivityNet-1.3 and THUMOS-14 datasets to showcase the superiority of our proposed network over previous cutting-edge methods. It displayed impressive performance and adaptability in both Temporal Action Proposal Generation (TAPG) and temporal action detection. These findings provide strong evidence for the effectiveness of our approach. To demonstrate the robustness and efficiency of our network, we conducted an additional ablation study on egocentric videos, focusing on the EPIC-KITCHENS 100 dataset. This underscores the network\u27s potential to advance the field of video comprehension.s In conclusion, this thesis delineates a promising path toward the development of interpretable video comprehension models. By emulating human perceptual processes and harnessing multimodal attributes, we contribute a fresh perspective to the discipline, opening the door for more advanced and intuitive video comprehension systems in the future

    Intelligent feature based resource selection and process planning

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    Lien vers la version éditeur: https://www.inderscience.com/books/index.php?action=record&rec_id=755&chapNum=3&journalID=1022&year=2010This paper presents an intelligent knowledge-based integrated manufacturing system using the STEP feature-based modeling and rule based intelligent techniques to generate suitable process plans for prismatic parts. The system carries out several stages of process planning, such as identification of the pairs of feature/tool that satisfy the required conditions, generation of the possible process plans from identified tools/machine pairs, and selection of the most interesting process plans considering the economical or timing indicators. The suitable processes plans are selected according to the acceptable range of quality, time and cost factors. Each process plan is represented in the tree format by the information items corresponding to their CNC Machine, required tools characteristics, times (machining, setup, preparatory) and the required machining sequences. The process simulation module is provided to demonstrate the different sequences of machining. After selection of suitable process plan, the G-code language used by CNC machines is generated automatically. This approach is validated through a case

    On relating functional modeling approaches: abstracting functional models from behavioral models

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    This paper presents a survey of functional modeling approaches and describes a strategy to establish functional knowledge exchange between them. This survey is focused on a comparison of function meanings and representations. It is argued that functions represented as input-output flow transformations correspond to behaviors in the approaches that characterize functions as intended behaviors. Based on this result a strategy is presented to relate the different meanings of function between the approaches, establishing functional knowledge exchange between them. It is shown that this strategy is able to preserve more functional information than the functional knowledge exchange methodology of Kitamura, Mizoguchi, and co-workers. The strategy proposed here consists of two steps. In step one, operation-on-flow functions are translated into behaviors. In step two, intended behavior functions are derived from behaviors. The two-step strategy and its benefits are demonstrated by relating functional models of a power screwdriver between methodologies

    Refinement of SDBC Business Process Models Using ISDL

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    Aiming at aligning business process modeling and software specification, the SDBC approach considers a multi-viewpoint modeling where static, dynamic, and data business process aspect models have to be mapped adequately to corresponding static, dynamic, and data software specification aspect models. Next to that, the approach considers also a business process modeling viewpoint which concerns real-life communication and coordination issues, such as meanings, intentions, negotiations, commitments, and obligations. Hence, in order to adequately align communication and dynamic aspect models, SDBC should use at least two modeling techniques. However, the transformation between two techniques unnecessarily complicates the modeling process. Next to that, different techniques use different modeling formalisms whose reflection sometimes causes limitations. For this reason, we explore in the current paper the value which the (modeling) language ISDL could bring to SDBC in the alignment of communication and behavioral (dynamic) business process aspect models; ISDL can usefully refine dynamic process models. Thus, it is feasible to expect that ISDL can complement the SDBC approach, allowing refinement of dynamic business process aspect models, by adding communication and coordination actions. Furthermore, SDBC could benefit from ISDL-related methods assessing whether a realized refinement conforms to the original process model. Our studies in the paper are supported by an illustrative example
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