2 research outputs found


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    Perumahan ideal tergantung dari persepsi konsumen. Masalah pemilihan tipe rumah merupakan kajian yang menarik bagi pihak developer. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menentukan skala prioritas pemilihan rumah berdasarkan tingkat kepentingannya dan mengurutkan faktor dari bobot tertinggi sampai terendah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode AHP. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada enam variabel yang diteliti yaitu faktor keamanan, lingkungan hijau, kemudahan akses transportasi, desain rumah, sarana olah raga dan dekat tempat layanan kesehatan. Berdasarkan uji konsistensi, tingkat prioritas tertinggi adalah rumah yang dekat dengan tempat layanan kesehatan.Ideal housing depends on consumer perceptions. The problem of choosing the type of house is an interesting study for the developer. The purpose of this study was to determine the priority scale of house selection based on the level of importance and to sort the factors from highest to lowest weight. This study uses the Analytical Hierarchy Process method. The results showed that there were six variables studied, namely the factor of safety, green environment, easy access to transportation, design of houses, sports facilities, and proximity to health services. Based on the consistency test, the highest priority level is houses that are close to health care facilities

    Ontology-based context-sensitive software security knowledge management modeling

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    The disconcerting increase in the number of security attacks on software calls for an imminent need for including secure development practices within the software development life cycle. The software security management system has received considerable attention lately and various efforts have been made in this direction. However, security is usually only considered in the early stages of the development of software. Thus, this leads to stating other vulnerabilities from a security perspective. Moreover, despite the abundance of security knowledge available online and in books, the systems that are being developed are seldom sufficiently secure. In this paper, we have highlighted the need for including application context sensitive modeling within a case-based software security management system. Furthermore, we have taken the context-driven and ontology-based frameworks and prioritized their attributes according to their weights which were achieved by using the Fuzzy AHP methodology