6,306 research outputs found

    Energy efficiency parametric design tool in the framework of holistic ship design optimization

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    Recent International Maritime Organization (IMO) decisions with respect to measures to reduce the emissions from maritime greenhouse gases (GHGs) suggest that the collaboration of all major stakeholders of shipbuilding and ship operations is required to address this complex techno-economical and highly political problem efficiently. This calls eventually for the development of proper design, operational knowledge, and assessment tools for the energy-efficient design and operation of ships, as suggested by the Second IMO GHG Study (2009). This type of coordination of the efforts of many maritime stakeholders, with often conflicting professional interests but ultimately commonly aiming at optimal ship design and operation solutions, has been addressed within a methodology developed in the EU-funded Logistics-Based (LOGBASED) Design Project (2004–2007). Based on the knowledge base developed within this project, a new parametric design software tool (PDT) has been developed by the National Technical University of Athens, Ship Design Laboratory (NTUA-SDL), for implementing an energy efficiency design and management procedure. The PDT is an integral part of an earlier developed holistic ship design optimization approach by NTUA-SDL that addresses the multi-objective ship design optimization problem. It provides Pareto-optimum solutions and a complete mapping of the design space in a comprehensive way for the final assessment and decision by all the involved stakeholders. The application of the tool to the design of a large oil tanker and alternatively to container ships is elaborated in the presented paper

    Problem decomposition by mutual information and force-based clustering

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    The scale of engineering problems has sharply increased over the last twenty years. Larger coupled systems, increasing complexity, and limited resources create a need for methods that automatically decompose problems into manageable sub-problems by discovering and leveraging problem structure. The ability to learn the coupling (inter-dependence) structure and reorganize the original problem could lead to large reductions in the time to analyze complex problems. Such decomposition methods could also provide engineering insight on the fundamental physics driving problem solution. This work forwards the current state of the art in engineering decomposition through the application of techniques originally developed within computer science and information theory. The work describes the current state of automatic problem decomposition in engineering and utilizes several promising ideas to advance the state of the practice. Mutual information is a novel metric for data dependence and works on both continuous and discrete data. Mutual information can measure both the linear and non-linear dependence between variables without the limitations of linear dependence measured through covariance. Mutual information is also able to handle data that does not have derivative information, unlike other metrics that require it. The value of mutual information to engineering design work is demonstrated on a planetary entry problem. This study utilizes a novel tool developed in this work for planetary entry system synthesis. A graphical method, force-based clustering, is used to discover related sub-graph structure as a function of problem structure and links ranked by their mutual information. This method does not require the stochastic use of neural networks and could be used with any link ranking method currently utilized in the field. Application of this method is demonstrated on a large, coupled low-thrust trajectory problem. Mutual information also serves as the basis for an alternative global optimizer, called MIMIC, which is unrelated to Genetic Algorithms. Advancement to the current practice demonstrates the use of MIMIC as a global method that explicitly models problem structure with mutual information, providing an alternate method for globally searching multi-modal domains. By leveraging discovered problem inter-dependencies, MIMIC may be appropriate for highly coupled problems or those with large function evaluation cost. This work introduces a useful addition to the MIMIC algorithm that enables its use on continuous input variables. By leveraging automatic decision tree generation methods from Machine Learning and a set of randomly generated test problems, decision trees for which method to apply are also created, quantifying decomposition performance over a large region of the design space.PhDCommittee Co-Chair: Braun, Robert D.; Committee Co-Chair: Clark, Ian G.; Committee Member: Chen, George T.; Committee Member: Clarke, John-Paul; Committee Member: Isbell, Charles L

    Improving Knowledge Management Programs Using Marginal Utility in a Metric Space Generated by Conceptual Graphs

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    Knowledge management has emerged as a field of endeavor that blends a systems approach with methods drawn from organizational management and learning. In contrast, knowledge representation, a branch of artificial intelligence, is grounded in formal methods. Research in the separate behavioral and the structural disciplines – knowledge management and knowledge engineering - has not traditionally cross-pollinated. This has prevented the development of many practical practices useful in organizations. Organization managers - line and senior - lack guidance in where to direct improvement efforts targeted at specific groups of company knowledge workers. Demonstrated here is Knowledge Improvement Measurement Space (KIMS), a model providing a solution to that improvement problem. It employs marginal utility theory in a metric space, with formal reasoning via software agents realized in Sowa\u27s conceptual graphs, operating over a knowledge management conceptual structure. These components allow repeated evaluation of knowledge improvement measurements. Knowledge representation technology was applied to organize and encourage knowledge sharing, to achieve competitive advantage, and to measure progress toward that achievement. The KlMS reentrant process, a method of using the KIMS model, was shown to consist of metrics data calculated by executing joined conceptual graphs, consolidated into a distance variable to be estimated via a Minkowski metrics space. The metric space was shown to be equivalent to a marginal utility, which may be evaluated to determine the new level of knowledge capability. The procedure may be repeated until knowledge management goals are achieved. The solution took into account the body of knowledge related human understanding and learning, and formal methods of knowledge organization. These were shown to include surface ontologies based in a knowledge management program, principles of business strategy, and organizational learning. KIMS was validated through a demonstration based on empirical data collected over a five-year program in a large aerospace company during its progress in applying the Software Engineering Institute Capability Maturity Model

    SoK: Chasing Accuracy and Privacy, and Catching Both in Differentially Private Histogram Publication

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    Histograms and synthetic data are of key importance in data analysis. However, researchers have shown that even aggregated data such as histograms, containing no obvious sensitive attributes, can result in privacy leakage. To enable data analysis, a strong notion of privacy is required to avoid risking unintended privacy violations.Such a strong notion of privacy is differential privacy, a statistical notion of privacy that makes privacy leakage quantifiable. The caveat regarding differential privacy is that while it has strong guarantees for privacy, privacy comes at a cost of accuracy. Despite this trade-off being a central and important issue in the adoption of differential privacy, there exists a gap in the literature regarding providing an understanding of the trade-off and how to address it appropriately. Through a systematic literature review (SLR), we investigate the state-of-the-art within accuracy improving differentially private algorithms for histogram and synthetic data publishing. Our contribution is two-fold: 1) we identify trends and connections in the contributions to the field of differential privacy for histograms and synthetic data and 2) we provide an understanding of the privacy/accuracy trade-off challenge by crystallizing different dimensions to accuracy improvement. Accordingly, we position and visualize the ideas in relation to each other and external work, and deconstruct each algorithm to examine the building blocks separately with the aim of pinpointing which dimension of accuracy improvement each technique/approach is targeting. Hence, this systematization of knowledge (SoK) provides an understanding of in which dimensions and how accuracy improvement can be pursued without sacrificing privacy

    The total assessment profile, volume 2

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    Appendices are presented which include discussions of interest formulas, factors in regionalization, parametric modeling of discounted benefit-sacrifice streams, engineering economic calculations, and product innovation. For Volume 1, see

    Fairness and Diversity in Recommender Systems: A Survey

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    Recommender systems are effective tools for mitigating information overload and have seen extensive applications across various domains. However, the single focus on utility goals proves to be inadequate in addressing real-world concerns, leading to increasing attention to fairness-aware and diversity-aware recommender systems. While most existing studies explore fairness and diversity independently, we identify strong connections between these two domains. In this survey, we first discuss each of them individually and then dive into their connections. Additionally, motivated by the concepts of user-level and item-level fairness, we broaden the understanding of diversity to encompass not only the item level but also the user level. With this expanded perspective on user and item-level diversity, we re-interpret fairness studies from the viewpoint of diversity. This fresh perspective enhances our understanding of fairness-related work and paves the way for potential future research directions. Papers discussed in this survey along with public code links are available at https://github.com/YuyingZhao/Awesome-Fairness-and-Diversity-Papers-in-Recommender-Systems
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