68 research outputs found

    Endoscopic Vision Augmentation Using Multiscale Bilateral-Weighted Retinex for Robotic Surgery

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    医疗机器人手术视觉是微创外科手术成功与否的关键所在。由于手术器械医学电子内镜自身内在的局限性,导致了手术视野不清晰、光照不均、多烟雾等诸多问题,使得外科医生无法准确快速感知与识别人体内部器官中的神经血管以及病灶位置等结构信息,这无疑增加了手术风险和手术时间。针对这些手术视觉问题,本论文提出了一种基于双边滤波权重分析的多尺度Retinex模型方法,对达芬奇医疗机器人手术过程中所采集到的病患视频进行处理与分析。经过外科医生对实验结果的主观评价,一致认为该方法能够大幅度地增强手术视野质量;同时客观评价实验结果表明本论文所提出方法优于目前计算机视觉领域内的图像增强与恢复方法。 厦门大学信息科学与技术学院计算机科学系罗雄彪教授为本文第一作者。【Abstract】Endoscopic vision plays a significant role in minimally invasive surgical procedures. The visibility and maintenance of such direct in-situ vision is paramount not only for safety by preventing inadvertent injury, but also to improve precision and reduce operating time. Unfortunately, endoscopic vision is unavoidably degraded due to illumination variations during surgery. This work aims to restore or augment such degraded visualization and quantitatively evaluate it during robotic surgery. A multiscale bilateral-weighted retinex method is proposed to remove non-uniform and highly directional illumination and enhance surgical vision, while an objective noreference image visibility assessment method is defined in terms of sharpness, naturalness, and contrast, to quantitatively and objectively evaluate endoscopic visualization on surgical video sequences. The methods were validated on surgical data, with the experimental results showing that our method outperforms existent retinex approaches. In particular, the combined visibility was improved from 0.81 to 1.06, while three surgeons generally agreed that the results were restored with much better visibility.The authors thank the assistance of Dr. Stephen Pautler for facilitating the data acquisition, Dr. A. Jonathan McLeod and Dr.Uditha Jayarathne for helpful discussions

    Lighting up NeRF via Unsupervised Decomposition and Enhancement

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    Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) is a promising approach for synthesizing novel views, given a set of images and the corresponding camera poses of a scene. However, images photographed from a low-light scene can hardly be used to train a NeRF model to produce high-quality results, due to their low pixel intensities, heavy noise, and color distortion. Combining existing low-light image enhancement methods with NeRF methods also does not work well due to the view inconsistency caused by the individual 2D enhancement process. In this paper, we propose a novel approach, called Low-Light NeRF (or LLNeRF), to enhance the scene representation and synthesize normal-light novel views directly from sRGB low-light images in an unsupervised manner. The core of our approach is a decomposition of radiance field learning, which allows us to enhance the illumination, reduce noise and correct the distorted colors jointly with the NeRF optimization process. Our method is able to produce novel view images with proper lighting and vivid colors and details, given a collection of camera-finished low dynamic range (8-bits/channel) images from a low-light scene. Experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms existing low-light enhancement methods and NeRF methods.Comment: ICCV 2023. Project website: https://whyy.site/paper/llner

    Enhancement by Your Aesthetic: An Intelligible Unsupervised Personalized Enhancer for Low-Light Images

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    Low-light image enhancement is an inherently subjective process whose targets vary with the user's aesthetic. Motivated by this, several personalized enhancement methods have been investigated. However, the enhancement process based on user preferences in these techniques is invisible, i.e., a "black box". In this work, we propose an intelligible unsupervised personalized enhancer (iUPEnhancer) for low-light images, which establishes the correlations between the low-light and the unpaired reference images with regard to three user-friendly attributions (brightness, chromaticity, and noise). The proposed iUP-Enhancer is trained with the guidance of these correlations and the corresponding unsupervised loss functions. Rather than a "black box" process, our iUP-Enhancer presents an intelligible enhancement process with the above attributions. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed algorithm produces competitive qualitative and quantitative results while maintaining excellent flexibility and scalability. This can be validated by personalization with single/multiple references, cross-attribution references, or merely adjusting parameters.Comment: Accepted to ACM MM 202

    Holistic Dynamic Frequency Transformer for Image Fusion and Exposure Correction

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    The correction of exposure-related issues is a pivotal component in enhancing the quality of images, offering substantial implications for various computer vision tasks. Historically, most methodologies have predominantly utilized spatial domain recovery, offering limited consideration to the potentialities of the frequency domain. Additionally, there has been a lack of a unified perspective towards low-light enhancement, exposure correction, and multi-exposure fusion, complicating and impeding the optimization of image processing. In response to these challenges, this paper proposes a novel methodology that leverages the frequency domain to improve and unify the handling of exposure correction tasks. Our method introduces Holistic Frequency Attention and Dynamic Frequency Feed-Forward Network, which replace conventional correlation computation in the spatial-domain. They form a foundational building block that facilitates a U-shaped Holistic Dynamic Frequency Transformer as a filter to extract global information and dynamically select important frequency bands for image restoration. Complementing this, we employ a Laplacian pyramid to decompose images into distinct frequency bands, followed by multiple restorers, each tuned to recover specific frequency-band information. The pyramid fusion allows a more detailed and nuanced image restoration process. Ultimately, our structure unifies the three tasks of low-light enhancement, exposure correction, and multi-exposure fusion, enabling comprehensive treatment of all classical exposure errors. Benchmarking on mainstream datasets for these tasks, our proposed method achieves state-of-the-art results, paving the way for more sophisticated and unified solutions in exposure correction