135 research outputs found

    Motion Scalability for Video Coding with Flexible Spatio-Temporal Decompositions

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    PhDThe research presented in this thesis aims to extend the scalability range of the wavelet-based video coding systems in order to achieve fully scalable coding with a wide range of available decoding points. Since the temporal redundancy regularly comprises the main portion of the global video sequence redundancy, the techniques that can be generally termed motion decorrelation techniques have a central role in the overall compression performance. For this reason the scalable motion modelling and coding are of utmost importance, and specifically, in this thesis possible solutions are identified and analysed. The main contributions of the presented research are grouped into two interrelated and complementary topics. Firstly a flexible motion model with rateoptimised estimation technique is introduced. The proposed motion model is based on tree structures and allows high adaptability needed for layered motion coding. The flexible structure for motion compensation allows for optimisation at different stages of the adaptive spatio-temporal decomposition, which is crucial for scalable coding that targets decoding on different resolutions. By utilising an adaptive choice of wavelet filterbank, the model enables high compression based on efficient mode selection. Secondly, solutions for scalable motion modelling and coding are developed. These solutions are based on precision limiting of motion vectors and creation of a layered motion structure that describes hierarchically coded motion. The solution based on precision limiting relies on layered bit-plane coding of motion vector values. The second solution builds on recently established techniques that impose scalability on a motion structure. The new approach is based on two major improvements: the evaluation of distortion in temporal Subbands and motion search in temporal subbands that finds the optimal motion vectors for layered motion structure. Exhaustive tests on the rate-distortion performance in demanding scalable video coding scenarios show benefits of application of both developed flexible motion model and various solutions for scalable motion coding

    Multi-loop quality scalability based on high efficiency video coding

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    Scalable video coding performance largely depends on the underlying single layer coding efficiency. In this paper, the quality scalability capabilities are evaluated on a base of the new High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard under development. To enable the evaluation, a multi-loop codec has been designed using HEVC. Adaptive inter-layer prediction is realized by including the lower layer in the reference list of the enhancement layer. As a result, adaptive scalability on frame level and on prediction unit level is accomplished. Compared to single layer coding, 19.4% Bjontegaard Delta bitrate increase is measured over approximately a 30dB to 40dB PSNR range. When compared to simulcast, 20.6% bitrate reduction can be achieved. Under equivalent conditions, the presented technique achieves 43.8% bitrate reduction over Coarse Grain Scalability of the SVC - H.264/AVC-based standard

    Improved quality block-based low bit rate video coding.

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    The aim of this research is to develop algorithms for enhancing the subjective quality and coding efficiency of standard block-based video coders. In the past few years, numerous video coding standards based on motion-compensated block-transform structure have been established where block-based motion estimation is used for reducing the correlation between consecutive images and block transform is used for coding the resulting motion-compensated residual images. Due to the use of predictive differential coding and variable length coding techniques, the output data rate exhibits extreme fluctuations. A rate control algorithm is devised for achieving a stable output data rate. This rate control algorithm, which is essentially a bit-rate estimation algorithm, is then employed in a bit-allocation algorithm for improving the visual quality of the coded images, based on some prior knowledge of the images. Block-based hybrid coders achieve high compression ratio mainly due to the employment of a motion estimation and compensation stage in the coding process. The conventional bit-allocation strategy for these coders simply assigns the bits required by the motion vectors and the rest to the residual image. However, at very low bit-rates, this bit-allocation strategy is inadequate as the motion vector bits takes up a considerable portion of the total bit-rate. A rate-constrained selection algorithm is presented where an analysis-by-synthesis approach is used for choosing the best motion vectors in term of resulting bit rate and image quality. This selection algorithm is then implemented for mode selection. A simple algorithm based on the above-mentioned bit-rate estimation algorithm is developed for the latter to reduce the computational complexity. For very low bit-rate applications, it is well-known that block-based coders suffer from blocking artifacts. A coding mode is presented for reducing these annoying artifacts by coding a down-sampled version of the residual image with a smaller quantisation step size. Its applications for adaptive source/channel coding and for coding fast changing sequences are examined

    Rate-constrained coder control and comparison of video coding standards

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    Contributions in image and video coding

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    Orientador: Max Henrique Machado CostaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: A comunidade de codificação de imagens e vídeo vem também trabalhando em inovações que vão além das tradicionais técnicas de codificação de imagens e vídeo. Este trabalho é um conjunto de contribuições a vários tópicos que têm recebido crescente interesse de pesquisadores na comunidade, nominalmente, codificação escalável, codificação de baixa complexidade para dispositivos móveis, codificação de vídeo de múltiplas vistas e codificação adaptativa em tempo real. A primeira contribuição estuda o desempenho de três transformadas 3-D rápidas por blocos em um codificador de vídeo de baixa complexidade. O codificador recebeu o nome de Fast Embedded Video Codec (FEVC). Novos métodos de implementação e ordens de varredura são propostos para as transformadas. Os coeficiente 3-D são codificados por planos de bits pelos codificadores de entropia, produzindo um fluxo de bits (bitstream) de saída totalmente embutida. Todas as implementações são feitas usando arquitetura com aritmética inteira de 16 bits. Somente adições e deslocamentos de bits são necessários, o que reduz a complexidade computacional. Mesmo com essas restrições, um bom desempenho em termos de taxa de bits versus distorção pôde ser obtido e os tempos de codificação são significativamente menores (em torno de 160 vezes) quando comparados ao padrão H.264/AVC. A segunda contribuição é a otimização de uma recente abordagem proposta para codificação de vídeo de múltiplas vistas em aplicações de video-conferência e outras aplicações do tipo "unicast" similares. O cenário alvo nessa abordagem é fornecer vídeo com percepção real em 3-D e ponto de vista livre a boas taxas de compressão. Para atingir tal objetivo, pesos são atribuídos a cada vista e mapeados em parâmetros de quantização. Neste trabalho, o mapeamento ad-hoc anteriormente proposto entre pesos e parâmetros de quantização é mostrado ser quase-ótimo para uma fonte Gaussiana e um mapeamento ótimo é derivado para fonte típicas de vídeo. A terceira contribuição explora várias estratégias para varredura adaptativa dos coeficientes da transformada no padrão JPEG XR. A ordem de varredura original, global e adaptativa do JPEG XR é comparada com os métodos de varredura localizados e híbridos propostos neste trabalho. Essas novas ordens não requerem mudanças nem nos outros estágios de codificação e decodificação, nem na definição da bitstream A quarta e última contribuição propõe uma transformada por blocos dependente do sinal. As transformadas hierárquicas usualmente exploram a informação residual entre os níveis no estágio da codificação de entropia, mas não no estágio da transformada. A transformada proposta neste trabalho é uma técnica de compactação de energia que também explora as similaridades estruturais entre os níveis de resolução. A idéia central da técnica é incluir na transformada hierárquica um número de funções de base adaptativas derivadas da resolução menor do sinal. Um codificador de imagens completo foi desenvolvido para medir o desempenho da nova transformada e os resultados obtidos são discutidos neste trabalhoAbstract: The image and video coding community has often been working on new advances that go beyond traditional image and video architectures. This work is a set of contributions to various topics that have received increasing attention from researchers in the community, namely, scalable coding, low-complexity coding for portable devices, multiview video coding and run-time adaptive coding. The first contribution studies the performance of three fast block-based 3-D transforms in a low complexity video codec. The codec has received the name Fast Embedded Video Codec (FEVC). New implementation methods and scanning orders are proposed for the transforms. The 3-D coefficients are encoded bit-plane by bit-plane by entropy coders, producing a fully embedded output bitstream. All implementation is performed using 16-bit integer arithmetic. Only additions and bit shifts are necessary, thus lowering computational complexity. Even with these constraints, reasonable rate versus distortion performance can be achieved and the encoding time is significantly smaller (around 160 times) when compared to the H.264/AVC standard. The second contribution is the optimization of a recent approach proposed for multiview video coding in videoconferencing applications or other similar unicast-like applications. The target scenario in this approach is providing realistic 3-D video with free viewpoint video at good compression rates. To achieve such an objective, weights are computed for each view and mapped into quantization parameters. In this work, the previously proposed ad-hoc mapping between weights and quantization parameters is shown to be quasi-optimum for a Gaussian source and an optimum mapping is derived for a typical video source. The third contribution exploits several strategies for adaptive scanning of transform coefficients in the JPEG XR standard. The original global adaptive scanning order applied in JPEG XR is compared with the localized and hybrid scanning methods proposed in this work. These new orders do not require changes in either the other coding and decoding stages or in the bitstream definition. The fourth and last contribution proposes an hierarchical signal dependent block-based transform. Hierarchical transforms usually exploit the residual cross-level information at the entropy coding step, but not at the transform step. The transform proposed in this work is an energy compaction technique that can also exploit these cross-resolution-level structural similarities. The core idea of the technique is to include in the hierarchical transform a number of adaptive basis functions derived from the lower resolution of the signal. A full image codec is developed in order to measure the performance of the new transform and the obtained results are discussed in this workDoutoradoTelecomunicações e TelemáticaDoutor em Engenharia Elétric

    An approach to summarize video data in compressed domain

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Izmir, 2007Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 54-56)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishx, 59 leavesThe requirements to represent digital video and images efficiently and feasibly have collected great efforts on research, development and standardization over past 20 years. These efforts targeted a vast area of applications such as video on demand, digital TV/HDTV broadcasting, multimedia video databases, surveillance applications etc. Moreover, the applications demand more efficient collections of algorithms to enable lower bit rate levels, with acceptable quality depending on application requirements. In our time, most of the video content either stored, transmitted is in compressed form. The increase in the amount of video data that is being shared attracted interest of researchers on the interrelated problems of video summarization, indexing and abstraction. In this study, the scene cut detection in emerging ISO/ITU H264/AVC coded bit stream is realized by extracting spatio-temporal prediction information directly in the compressed domain. The syntax and semantics, parsing and decoding processes of ISO/ITU H264/AVC bit-stream is analyzed to detect scene information. Various video test data is constructed using Joint Video Team.s test model JM encoder, and implementations are made on JM decoder. The output of the study is the scene information to address video summarization, skimming, indexing applications that use the new generation ISO/ITU H264/AVC video

    Compressed-domain transcoding of H.264/AVC and SVC video streams

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    High-Level Synthesis Based VLSI Architectures for Video Coding

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    High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) is state-of-the-art video coding standard. Emerging applications like free-viewpoint video, 360degree video, augmented reality, 3D movies etc. require standardized extensions of HEVC. The standardized extensions of HEVC include HEVC Scalable Video Coding (SHVC), HEVC Multiview Video Coding (MV-HEVC), MV-HEVC+ Depth (3D-HEVC) and HEVC Screen Content Coding. 3D-HEVC is used for applications like view synthesis generation, free-viewpoint video. Coding and transmission of depth maps in 3D-HEVC is used for the virtual view synthesis by the algorithms like Depth Image Based Rendering (DIBR). As first step, we performed the profiling of the 3D-HEVC standard. Computational intensive parts of the standard are identified for the efficient hardware implementation. One of the computational intensive part of the 3D-HEVC, HEVC and H.264/AVC is the Interpolation Filtering used for Fractional Motion Estimation (FME). The hardware implementation of the interpolation filtering is carried out using High-Level Synthesis (HLS) tools. Xilinx Vivado Design Suite is used for the HLS implementation of the interpolation filters of HEVC and H.264/AVC. The complexity of the digital systems is greatly increased. High-Level Synthesis is the methodology which offers great benefits such as late architectural or functional changes without time consuming in rewriting of RTL-code, algorithms can be tested and evaluated early in the design cycle and development of accurate models against which the final hardware can be verified

    Improved compression performance for distributed video coding

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