541 research outputs found

    Campus Event App - New Exploration for Mobile Augmented Reality

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    Applying Augmented Reality to Outdoors Industrial Use

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    Augmented Reality (AR) is currently gaining popularity in multiple different fields. However, the technology for AR still requires development in both hardware and software when considering industrial use. In order to create immersive AR applications, more accurate pose estimation techniques to define virtual camera location are required. The algorithms for pose estimation often require a lot of processing power, which makes robust pose estimation a difficult task when using mobile devices or designated AR tools. The difficulties are even larger in outdoor scenarios where the environment can vary a lot and is often unprepared for AR. This thesis aims to research different possibilities for creating AR applications for outdoor environments. Both hardware and software solutions are considered, but the focus is more on software. The majority of the thesis focuses on different visual pose estimation and tracking techniques for natural features. During the thesis, multiple different solutions were tested for outdoor AR. One commercial AR SDK was tested, and three different custom software solutions were developed for an Android tablet. The custom software solutions were an algorithm for combining data from magnetometer and a gyroscope, a natural feature tracker and a tracker based on panorama images. The tracker based on panorama images was implemented based on an existing scientific publication, and the presented tracker was further developed by integrating it to Unity 3D and adding a possibility for augmenting content. This thesis concludes that AR is very close to becoming a usable tool for professional use. The commercial solutions currently available are not yet ready for creating tools for professional use, but especially for different visualization tasks some custom solutions are capable of achieving a required robustness. The panorama tracker implemented in this thesis seems like a promising tool for robust pose estimation in unprepared outdoor environments.Lisätyn todellisuuden suosio on tällä hetkellä kasvamassa usealla eri alalla. Saatavilla olevat ohjelmistot sekä laitteet eivät vielä riitä lisätyn todellisuuden soveltamiseen ammattimaisessa käytössä. Erityisesti posen estimointi vaatii tarkempia menetelmiä, jotta immersiivisten lisätyn todellisuuden sovellusten kehittäminen olisi mahdollista. Posen estimointiin (laitteen asennon- sekä paikan arviointiin) käytetyt algoritmit ovat usein monimutkaisia, joten ne vaativat merkittävästi laskentatehoa. Laskentatehon vaatimukset ovat usein haasteellisia varsinkin mobiililaitteita sekä lisätyn todellisuuden laitteita käytettäessä. Lisäongelmia tuottaa myös ulkotilat, jossa ympäristö voi muuttua usein ja ympäristöä ei ole valmisteltu lisätyn todellisuuden sovelluksille. Diplomityön tarkoituksena on tutkia mahdollisuuksia lisätyn todellisuuden sovellusten kehittämiseen ulkotiloihin. Sekä laitteisto- että ohjelmistopohjaisia ratkaisuja käsitellään. Ohjelmistopohjaisia ratkaisuja käsitellään työssä laitteistopohjaisia ratkaisuja laajemmin. Suurin osa diplomityöstä keskittyy erilaisiin visuaalisiin posen estimointi tekniikoihin, jotka perustuvat kuvasta tunnistettujen luonnollisten piirteiden seurantaan. Työn aikana testattiin useita ratkaisuja ulkotiloihin soveltuvaan lisättyyn todellisuuteen. Yhtä kaupallista työkalua testattiin, jonka lisäksi toteutettiin kolme omaa sovellusta Android tableteille. Työn aikana kehitetyt sovellukset olivat yksinkertainen algoritmi gyroskoopin ja magnetometrin datan yhdistämiseen, luonnollisen piirteiden seuranta-algoritmi sekä panoraamakuvaan perustuva seuranta-algoritmi. Panoraamakuvaan perustuva seuranta-algoritmi on toteuteutettu toisen tieteellisen julkaisun pohjalta, ja algoritmia jatkokehitettiin integroimalla se Unity 3D:hen. Unity 3D-integrointi mahdollisti myös sisällön esittämisen lisätyn todellisuuden avulla. Työn lopputuloksena todetaan, että lisätyn todellisuuden teknologia on lähellä pistettä, jossa lisätyn todellisuuden työkaluja voitaisiin käyttää ammattimaisessa käytössä. Tällä hetkellä saatavilla olevat kaupalliset työkalut eivät vielä pääse ammattikäytön vaatimalle tasolle, mutta erityisesti visualisointitehtäviin soveltuvia ei-kaupallisia ratkaisuja on jo olemassa. Lisäksi työn aikana toteutetun panoraamakuviin perustuvan seuranta-algoritmin todetaan olevan lupaava työkalu posen estimointiin ulkotiloissa.Siirretty Doriast

    Vision-based Navigation and Mapping Using Non-central Catadioptric Omnidirectional Camera

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    Omnidirectional catadioptric cameras find their use in navigation and mapping, owing to their wide field of view. Having a wider field of view, or rather a potential 360 degree field of view, allows the user to see and move more freely in the navigation space. A catadioptric camera system is a low cost system which consists of a mirror and a camera. A calibration method was developed in order to obtain the relative position and orientation between the two components so that they can be considered as one monolithic system. The position of the system was determined, for an environment using the conditions obtained from the reflective properties of the mirror. Object control points were set up and experiments were performed at different sites to test the mathematical models and the achieved location and mapping accuracy of the system. The obtained positions were then used to map the environment


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    In this paper, we present a method for visual localization and pose estimation based on 3D image spaces. The method works in indoor and outdoor environments and does not require the presence of control points or markers. The method is evaluated with different sensors in an outdoor and an indoor test field. The results of our research show the viability of single image localization with absolute position accuracies at the decimetre level for outdoor environments and 5 cm or better for indoor environments. However, the evaluation also revealed a number of limitations of single image visual localization in real-world environments. Some of them could be addressed by an alternative AR-based localization approach, which we also present and compare in this paper. We then discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the two approaches and show possibilities for combining them to obtain accurate and robust visual localization in an absolute coordinate frame

    Enhancing the museum experience with a sustainable solution based on contextual information obtained from an on-line analysis of users’ behaviour

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    Human computer interaction has evolved in the last years in order to enhance users’ experiences and provide more intuitive and usable systems. A major leap through in this scenario is obtained by embedding, in the physical environment, sensors capable of detecting and processing users’ context (position, pose, gaze, ...). Feeded by the so collected information flows, user interface paradigms may shift from stereotyped gestures on physical devices, to more direct and intuitive ones that reduce the semantic gap between the action and the corresponding system reaction or even anticipate the user’s needs, thus limiting the overall learning effort and increasing user satisfaction. In order to make this process effective, the context of the user (i.e. where s/he is, what is s/he doing, who s/he is, what are her/his preferences and also actual perception and needs) must be properly understood. While collecting data on some aspects can be easy, interpreting them all in a meaningful way in order to improve the overall user experience is much harder. This is more evident when we consider informal learning environments like museums, i.e. places that are designed to elicit visitor response towards the artifacts on display and the cultural themes proposed. In such a situation, in fact, the system should adapt to the attention paid by the user choosing the appropriate content for the user’s purposes, presenting an intuitive interface to navigate it. My research goal is focused on collecting, in a simple,unobtrusive, and sustainable way, contextual information about the visitors with the purpose of creating more engaging and personalized experiences

    Map-Based Localization for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Navigation

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    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) require precise pose estimation when navigating in indoor and GNSS-denied / GNSS-degraded outdoor environments. The possibility of crashing in these environments is high, as spaces are confined, with many moving obstacles. There are many solutions for localization in GNSS-denied environments, and many different technologies are used. Common solutions involve setting up or using existing infrastructure, such as beacons, Wi-Fi, or surveyed targets. These solutions were avoided because the cost should be proportional to the number of users, not the coverage area. Heavy and expensive sensors, for example a high-end IMU, were also avoided. Given these requirements, a camera-based localization solution was selected for the sensor pose estimation. Several camera-based localization approaches were investigated. Map-based localization methods were shown to be the most efficient because they close loops using a pre-existing map, thus the amount of data and the amount of time spent collecting data are reduced as there is no need to re-observe the same areas multiple times. This dissertation proposes a solution to address the task of fully localizing a monocular camera onboard a UAV with respect to a known environment (i.e., it is assumed that a 3D model of the environment is available) for the purpose of navigation for UAVs in structured environments. Incremental map-based localization involves tracking a map through an image sequence. When the map is a 3D model, this task is referred to as model-based tracking. A by-product of the tracker is the relative 3D pose (position and orientation) between the camera and the object being tracked. State-of-the-art solutions advocate that tracking geometry is more robust than tracking image texture because edges are more invariant to changes in object appearance and lighting. However, model-based trackers have been limited to tracking small simple objects in small environments. An assessment was performed in tracking larger, more complex building models, in larger environments. A state-of-the art model-based tracker called ViSP (Visual Servoing Platform) was applied in tracking outdoor and indoor buildings using a UAVs low-cost camera. The assessment revealed weaknesses at large scales. Specifically, ViSP failed when tracking was lost, and needed to be manually re-initialized. Failure occurred when there was a lack of model features in the cameras field of view, and because of rapid camera motion. Experiments revealed that ViSP achieved positional accuracies similar to single point positioning solutions obtained from single-frequency (L1) GPS observations standard deviations around 10 metres. These errors were considered to be large, considering the geometric accuracy of the 3D model used in the experiments was 10 to 40 cm. The first contribution of this dissertation proposes to increase the performance of the localization system by combining ViSP with map-building incremental localization, also referred to as simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). Experimental results in both indoor and outdoor environments show sub-metre positional accuracies were achieved, while reducing the number of tracking losses throughout the image sequence. It is shown that by integrating model-based tracking with SLAM, not only does SLAM improve model tracking performance, but the model-based tracker alleviates the computational expense of SLAMs loop closing procedure to improve runtime performance. Experiments also revealed that ViSP was unable to handle occlusions when a complete 3D building model was used, resulting in large errors in its pose estimates. The second contribution of this dissertation is a novel map-based incremental localization algorithm that improves tracking performance, and increases pose estimation accuracies from ViSP. The novelty of this algorithm is the implementation of an efficient matching process that identifies corresponding linear features from the UAVs RGB image data and a large, complex, and untextured 3D model. The proposed model-based tracker improved positional accuracies from 10 m (obtained with ViSP) to 46 cm in outdoor environments, and improved from an unattainable result using VISP to 2 cm positional accuracies in large indoor environments. The main disadvantage of any incremental algorithm is that it requires the camera pose of the first frame. Initialization is often a manual process. The third contribution of this dissertation is a map-based absolute localization algorithm that automatically estimates the camera pose when no prior pose information is available. The method benefits from vertical line matching to accomplish a registration procedure of the reference model views with a set of initial input images via geometric hashing. Results demonstrate that sub-metre positional accuracies were achieved and a proposed enhancement of conventional geometric hashing produced more correct matches - 75% of the correct matches were identified, compared to 11%. Further the number of incorrect matches was reduced by 80%