155,535 research outputs found

    A Hybrid of Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm and Simulated Annealing for Classification Rules

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    Ant colony optimization (ACO) is a metaheuristic approach inspired from the behaviour of natural ants and can be used to solve a variety of combinatorial optimization problems. Classification rule induction is one of the problems solved by the Ant-miner algorithm, a variant of ACO, which was initiated by Parpinelli in 2001. Previous studies have shown that ACO is a promising machine learning technique to generate classification rules. However, the Ant-miner is less class focused since the rule’s class is assigned after the rule was constructed. There is also the case where the Ant-miner cannot find any optimal solution for some data sets. Thus, this thesis proposed two variants of hybrid ACO with simulated annealing (SA) algorithm for solving problem of classification rule induction. In the first proposed algorithm, SA is used to optimize the rule's discovery activity by an ant. Benchmark data sets from various fields were used to test the proposed algorithms. Experimental results obtained from this proposed algorithm are comparable to the results of the Ant-miner and other well-known rule induction algorithms in terms of rule accuracy, but are better in terms of rule simplicity. The second proposed algorithm uses SA to optimize the terms selection while constructing a rule. The algorithm fixes the class before rule's construction. Since the algorithm fixed the class before each rule's construction, a much simpler heuristic and fitness function is proposed. Experimental results obtained from the proposed algorithm are much higher than other compared algorithms, in terms of predictive accuracy. The successful work on hybridization of ACO and SA algorithms has led to the improved learning ability of ACO for classification. Thus, a higher predictive power classification model for various fields could be generated

    Scalable discovery of hybrid process models in a cloud computing environment

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    Process descriptions are used to create products and deliver services. To lead better processes and services, the first step is to learn a process model. Process discovery is such a technique which can automatically extract process models from event logs. Although various discovery techniques have been proposed, they focus on either constructing formal models which are very powerful but complex, or creating informal models which are intuitive but lack semantics. In this work, we introduce a novel method that returns hybrid process models to bridge this gap. Moreover, to cope with today’s big event logs, we propose an efficient method, called f-HMD, aims at scalable hybrid model discovery in a cloud computing environment. We present the detailed implementation of our approach over the Spark framework, and our experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method is efficient and scalabl

    Rough Sets Clustering and Markov model for Web Access Prediction

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    Discovering user access patterns from web access log is increasing the importance of information to build up adaptive web server according to the individual user’s behavior. The variety of user behaviors on accessing information also grows, which has a great impact on the network utilization. In this paper, we present a rough set clustering to cluster web transactions from web access logs and using Markov model for next access prediction. Using this approach, users can effectively mine web log records to discover and predict access patterns. We perform experiments using real web trace logs collected from www.dusit.ac.th servers. In order to improve its prediction ration, the model includes a rough sets scheme in which search similarity measure to compute the similarity between two sequences using upper approximation

    An enhanced intelligent database engine by neural network and data mining

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    An Intelligent Database Engine (IDE) is developed to solve any classification problem by providing two integrated features: decision-making by a backpropagation (BP) neural network (NN) and decision support by Apriori, a data mining (DM) algorithm. Previous experimental results show the accuracy of NN (90%) and DM (60%) to be drastically distinct. Thus, efforts to improve DM accuracy is crucial to ensure a well-balanced hybrid architecture. The poor DM performance is caused by either too few rules or too many poor rules which are generated in the classifier. Thus, the first problem is curbed by generating multiple level rules, by incorporating multiple attribute support and level confidence to the initial Apriori. The second problem is tackled by implementing two strengthening procedures, confidence and Bayes verification to filter out the unpredictive rules. Experiments with more datasets are carried out to compare the performance of initial and improved Apriori. Great improvement is obtained for the latte

    Incorporating feature ranking and evolutionary methods for the classification of high-dimensional DNA microarray gene expression data

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    Background: DNA microarray gene expression classification poses a challenging task to the machine learning domain. Typically, the dimensionality of gene expression data sets could go from several thousands to over 10,000 genes. A potential solution to this issue is using feature selection to reduce the dimensionality. Aim The aim of this paper is to investigate how we can use feature quality information to improve the precision of microarray gene expression classification tasks. Method: We propose two evolutionary machine learning models based on the eXtended Classifier System (XCS) and a typical feature selection methodology. The first one, which we call FS-XCS, uses feature selection for feature reduction purposes. The second model is GRD-XCS, which uses feature ranking to bias the rule discovery process of XCS. Results: The results indicate that the use of feature selection/ranking methods is essential for tackling high-dimensional classification tasks, such as microarray gene expression classification. However, the results also suggest that using feature ranking to bias the rule discovery process performs significantly better than using the feature reduction method. In other words, using feature quality information to develop a smarter learning procedure is more efficient than reducing the feature set. Conclusion: Our findings have shown that extracting feature quality information can assist the learning process and improve classification accuracy. On the other hand, relying exclusively on the feature quality information might potentially decrease the classification performance (e.g., using feature reduction). Therefore, we recommend a hybrid approach that uses feature quality information to direct the learning process by highlighting the more informative features, but at the same time not restricting the learning process to explore other features

    On the role of pre and post-processing in environmental data mining

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    The quality of discovered knowledge is highly depending on data quality. Unfortunately real data use to contain noise, uncertainty, errors, redundancies or even irrelevant information. The more complex is the reality to be analyzed, the higher the risk of getting low quality data. Knowledge Discovery from Databases (KDD) offers a global framework to prepare data in the right form to perform correct analyses. On the other hand, the quality of decisions taken upon KDD results, depend not only on the quality of the results themselves, but on the capacity of the system to communicate those results in an understandable form. Environmental systems are particularly complex and environmental users particularly require clarity in their results. In this paper some details about how this can be achieved are provided. The role of the pre and post processing in the whole process of Knowledge Discovery in environmental systems is discussed