17 research outputs found

    OHE2LM: A Hybrid Approach Towards Heart Attack Prediction using One-Hot Encoding based Extreme Learning Machine Model

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    Predicting heart attacks stands as a significant concern contributing to global morbidity. Within clinical data analysis, cardiovascular disease emerges as a pivotal focus for forecasting, wherein Data Science and machine learning (ML) offer invaluable tools. These methodologies aid in predicting heart attacks by considering various risk factors Just like high blood pressure, increased cholesterol levels, irregular pulse rates, and diabetes, this research aims to enhance the accuracy of predicting heart disease through machine learning techniques.This study introduces a MLdriven approach, termed ML-ELM, dedicated to forecasting heart attacks by analysing diverse risk factors. The proposed ML-ELM model is compared with alternative Utilizing machine learning techniques like Support Vector Machines, Logistic Regression, Naïve Bayes, and XGBoost is a key aspect of this exploration into different approaches for predictive modeling., is part of the research strategy. The dataset utilized for heart disease symptoms is sourced from the UCI ML Repository. The outcomes reveal that our proposed ML-ELM model has demonstrated superior predictive performance among the ML techniques tested. ML models show notable efficiency in identifying heart attack symptoms, particularly with boosting algorithms. Accuracy assessments were employed to gauge the predictive ability, Our suggested model demonstrated an outstanding accuracy rate of 96.77%

    A hybrid approach to medical decision-making: diagnosis of heart disease with machine-learning model

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    Heart disease is one of the most widely spreading and deadliest diseases across the world. In this study, we have proposed hybrid model for heart disease prediction by employing random forest and support vector machine. With random forest, iterative feature elimination is carried out to select heart disease features that improves predictive outcome of support vector machine for heart disease prediction. Experiment is conducted on the proposed model using test set and the experimental result evidently appears to prove that the performance of the proposed hybrid model is better as compared to an individual random forest and support vector machine. Overall, we have developed more accurate and computationally efficient model for heart disease prediction with accuracy of 98.3%. Moreover, experiment is conducted to analyze the effect of regularization parameter (C) and gamma on the performance of support vector machine. The experimental result evidently reveals that support vector machine is very sensitive to C and gamma

    Expert cancer model using supervised algorithms with a LASSO selection approach

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    One of the most critical issues of the mortality rate in the medical field in current times is breast cancer. Nowadays, a large number of men and women is facing cancer-related deaths due to the lack of early diagnosis systems and proper treatment per year. To tackle the issue, various data mining approaches have been analyzed to build an effective model that helps to identify the different stages of deadly cancers. The study successfully proposes an early cancer disease model based on five different supervised algorithms such as logistic regression (henceforth LR), decision tree (henceforth DT), random forest (henceforth RF), Support vector machine (henceforth SVM), and K-nearest neighbor (henceforth KNN). After an appropriate preprocessing of the dataset, least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) was used for feature selection (FS) using a 10-fold cross-validation (CV) approach. Employing LASSO with 10-fold cross-validation has been a novel steps introduced in this research. Afterwards, different performance evaluation metrics were measured to show accurate predictions based on the proposed algorithms. The result indicated top accuracy was received from RF classifier, approximately 99.41% with the integration of LASSO. Finally, a comprehensive comparison was carried out on Wisconsin breast cancer (diagnostic) dataset (WBCD) together with some current works containing all features

    Supervised Learning Based Classification of Cardiovascular Diseases

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    Detecting cardiovascular disease (CVD) in the early stage is a difficult and crucial process. The objective of this study is to test the capability of machine learning (ML) methods for accurately diagnosing the CVD outcomes. For this study, the efficiency and effectiveness of four well renowned ML classifiers, i.e., support vector machine (SVM), logistics regression (LR), naive Bayes (NB), and decision tree (J48), are measured in terms of precision, sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC), correctly and incorrectly classified instances, and model building time. These ML classifiers are applied on publically available CVD dataset. In accordance with the measured result, J48 performs better than its competitor classifiers, providing significant assistance to the cardiologists

    Deep Featured Adaptive Dense Net Convolutional Neural Network Based Cardiac Risk Prediction in Big Data Healthcare Environment

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    In recent days, cardiac vascular disease has been one of the deadliest health-affecting factors causing sudden death. So, the importance of early risk prediction through feature analysis has become a big problem in data analysis because more nonlinear time series data increase the feature dimension. Irrelevant feature dimension scaling affects the prediction accuracy and leads to classification inaccuracy. To resolve this problem, we propose an Enhanced Healthcare data analysis model for cardiac data prediction using an adaptive Deep Featured Adaptive Convolution Neural Network for early risk identification. Initially, the preprocessing was augmented to formalize the time series data collected from the CVD-DS dataset. Then the feature evaluation was carried out with the Relative Subset Clustering (RSC) approach. The Cardiac Deficiency Prediction rate (CDPr) was estimated to identify the relational feature to subset margins. Based on the CDPr weight the feature is extracted using Cross-Over Mutual Scaling Feature Selection Model (CMSFS). The selected features get with a deep neural classifier based on logical neurons. They are then constructed into a Dense Net Convolution Neural Network (DN-CNN) classifier to feed forward the feature values and predict the Disease Affection Rate (DAR) by class category. The proposed system produces high prediction accuracy in classification, precision, and recall rate to support premature treatment for early cardiac disease risk prediction.

    Cardiovascular Disorder Detection with a PSO-Optimized Bi-LSTM Recurrent Neural Network Model

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    The medical community is facing ever-increasing difficulties in identifying and treating cardiovascular diseases. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that despite the availability of numerous high-priced medical remedies for persons with heart problems, CVDs continue to be the main cause of mortality globally, accounting for over 21 million deaths annually. When cardiovascular diseases are identified and treated early on, they cause far fewer deaths. Deep learning models have facilitated automated diagnostic methods for early detection of these diseases. Cardiovascular diseases often present insidious symptoms that are difficult to identify in a timely manner. Prompt diagnosis of individuals with CVD and related conditions, such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol, is crucial to initiate appropriate treatment. Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) with gated recurrent units (GRUs) have recently emerged as a more advanced variant, capable of surpassing Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) models in several applications. When compared to LSTMs, GRUs have the advantages of faster calculation and less memory usage. When it comes to CVD prediction, the bio-inspired Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm provides a straightforward method of getting the best possible outcomes with minimal effort. This stochastic optimization method requires neither the gradient nor any differentiated form of the objective function and emulates the behaviour and intelligence of swarms. PSO employs a swarm of agents, called particles, that navigate the search space to find the best prediction type.This study primarily focuses on predicting cardiovascular diseases using effective feature selection and classification methods. For CVD forecasting, we offer a GRU model built on recurrent neural networks and optimized with particle swarms (RNN-GRU-PSO). We find that the proposed model significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art models (98.2% accuracy in predicting cardiovascular diseases) in a head-to-head comparison

    Improved sparse autoencoder based artificial neural network approach for prediction of heart disease

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    Abstract:In this paper a two stage method is proposed to effectively predict heart disease. The first stage involves training an improved sparse autoencoder (SAE), an unsupervised neural network, to learn the best representation of the training data. The second stage involves using an artificial neural network (ANN) to predict the health status based on the learned records. The SAE was optimized so as to train an efficient model. The experimental result shows that the proposed method improves the performance of the ANN classifier, and is more robust as compared to other methods and similar scholarly works