3,486 research outputs found

    A high-temperature fiber sensor using a low cost interrogation scheme

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    Regenerated Fibre Bragg Gratings have the potential for high-temperature monitoring. In this paper, the inscription of Fibre Bragg Gratings (FBGs) and the later regeneration process to obtain Regenerated Fiber Bragg Gratings (RFBGs) in high-birefringence optical fiber is reported. The obtained RFBGs show two Bragg resonances corresponding to the slow and fast axis that are characterized in temperature terms. As the temperature increases the separation between the two Bragg resonances is reduced, which can be used for low cost interrogation. The proposed interrogation setup is based in the use of optical filters in order to convert the wavelength shift of each of the Bragg resonances into optical power changes. The design of the optical filters is also studied in this article. In first place, the ideal filter is calculated using a recursive method and defining the boundary conditions. This ideal filter linearizes the output of the interrogation setup but is limited by the large wavelength shift of the RFBG with temperature and the maximum attenuation. The response of modal interferometers as optical filters is also analyzed. They can be easily tuned shifting the optical spectrum. The output of the proposed interrogation scheme is simulated in these conditions improving the sensitivity.The authors wish to acknowledge the financial support of the Infraestructura FEDER UPVOV08-3E-008, FEDER UPVOV10-3E-492, the Spanish MCINN through the project TEC2011-29120-C05-05 and the Valencia Government through the Ayuda Complementaria ACOMP/2013/146. The authors also acknowledge the collaboration of Alvarez from Fibercore for providing the high birefringence optical fiber.Barrera Vilar, D.; Sales Maicas, S. (2013). A high-temperature fiber sensor using a low cost interrogation scheme. Sensors. 13(9):11653-11659. https://doi.org/10.3390/s130911653S1165311659139Erdogan, T., Mizrahi, V., Lemaire, P. J., & Monroe, D. (1994). Decay of ultraviolet‐induced fiber Bragg gratings. Journal of Applied Physics, 76(1), 73-80. doi:10.1063/1.357062Butov, O. V., Dianov, E. M., & Golant, K. M. (2006). Nitrogen-doped silica-core fibres for Bragg grating sensors operating at elevated temperatures. Measurement Science and Technology, 17(5), 975-979. doi:10.1088/0957-0233/17/5/s06Grobnic, D., Mihailov, S. J., Smelser, C. W., & Ding, H. (2004). Sapphire Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor Made Using Femtosecond Laser Radiation for Ultrahigh Temperature Applications. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 16(11), 2505-2507. doi:10.1109/lpt.2004.834920Canning, J., Stevenson, M., Bandyopadhyay, S., & Cook, K. (2008). Extreme Silica Optical Fibre Gratings. Sensors, 8(10), 6448-6452. doi:10.3390/s8106448Cook, K., Shao, L.-Y., & Canning, J. (2012). Regeneration and helium: regenerating Bragg gratings in helium-loaded germanosilicate optical fibre. Optical Materials Express, 2(12), 1733. doi:10.1364/ome.2.001733Lindner, E., Canning, J., Chojetzki, C., Brückner, S., Becker, M., Rothhardt, M., & Bartelt, H. (2011). Post-hydrogen-loaded draw tower fiber Bragg gratings and their thermal regeneration. Applied Optics, 50(17), 2519. doi:10.1364/ao.50.002519Trpkovski, S., Kitcher, D. J., Baxter, G. W., Collins, S. F., & Wade, S. A. (2005). High-temperature-resistant chemical composition Bragg gratings in Er^3+-doped optical fiber. Optics Letters, 30(6), 607. doi:10.1364/ol.30.000607Wang, T., Shao, L.-Y., Canning, J., & Cook, K. (2013). Regeneration of fiber Bragg gratings under strain. Applied Optics, 52(10), 2080. doi:10.1364/ao.52.002080Barrera, D., Finazzi, V., Villatoro, J., Sales, S., & Pruneri, V. (2012). Packaged Optical Sensors Based on Regenerated Fiber Bragg Gratings for High Temperature Applications. IEEE Sensors Journal, 12(1), 107-112. doi:10.1109/jsen.2011.2122254Fernandez-Ruiz, M. R., Carballar, A., & Azana, J. (2013). Design of Ultrafast All-Optical Signal Processing Devices Based on Fiber Bragg Gratings in Transmission. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 31(10), 1593-1600. doi:10.1109/jlt.2013.2254467Barrera, D., Villatoro, J., Finazzi, V. P., Cárdenas-Sevilla, G. A., Minkovich, V. P., Sales, S., & Pruneri, V. (2010). Low-Loss Photonic Crystal Fiber Interferometers for Sensor Networks. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 28(24), 3542-3547. doi:10.1109/jlt.2010.209086

    Efficient fiber Bragg grating and fiber Fabry-Pe'rot sensor multiplexing scheme using a broadband pulsed mode-locked laser

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    A pulsed broadband mode-locked laser (MLL) combined with interferometric interrogation is shown to yield an efficient means of multiplexing a large number of fiber Bragg grating (FBG) or fiber Fabry-Perot (FFP) strain sensors with high performance. System configurations utilizing time division multiplexing (TDM) permit high resolution, accuracy, and bandwidth strain measurements along with high sensor densities. Strain resolutions of 23-60 n epsilon/Hz(1/2) at frequencies up to 800 Hz (expandable to 139 kHz) and a differential strain-measurement accuracy of +/- 1 mu epsilon are demonstrated. Interrogation of a low-finesse FFP sensor is also demonstrated, from which a strain resolution of 2 n epsilon/Hz(1/2) and strain-measurement accuracy of +/- 31 n epsilon are achieved. The system has the capability of interrogating well in excess of 50 sensors per fiber depending on crosstalk requirements. A discussion on sensor spacing, bandwidth, dynamic range, and measurement accuracy is also given

    Efficient large-scale multiplexing of fiber Bragg grating and fiber Fabry-Perot sensors for structural health monitoring applications

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    Fiber Bragg gratings have been demonstrated as a versatile sensor for structural health monitoring. We present an efficient and cost effective multiplexing method for fiber Bragg grating and fiber Fabry-Perot sensors based on a broadband mode-locked fiber laser source and interferometric interrogation. The broadband, pulsed laser source permits time and wavelength division multiplexing to be employed to achieve very high sensor counts. Interferometric interrogation also permits high strain resolutions over large frequency ranges to be achieved. The proposed system has the capability to interrogate several hundred fiber Bragg gratings or fiber Fabry-Perot sensors on a single fiber, whilst achieving sub-microstrain resolution over bandwidths greater than 100 kHz. Strain resolutions of 30n epsilon/Hz(1/2) and 2 n epsilon/Hz(1/2) are demonstrated with the fiber Bragg grating and fiber Fabry-Perot sensor respectively. The fiber Fabry-Perot sensor provides an increase in the strain resolution over the fiber Bragg grating sensor of greater than a factor of 10. The fiber Bragg gratings are low reflectivity and could be fabricated during the fiber draw process providing a cost effective method for array fabrication. This system would find applications in several health monitoring applications where large sensor counts are necessary, in particular acoustic emission

    Nanoscale resolution interrogation scheme for simultaneous static and dynamic fiber Bragg grating strain sensing

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    A combined interrogation and signal processing technique which facilitates high-speed simultaneous static and dynamic strain demodulation of multiplexed fiber Bragg grating sensors is described. The scheme integrates passive, interferometric wavelength-demodulation and fast optical switching between wavelength division multiplexer channels with signal extraction via a software lock-in amplifier and fast Fourier transform. Static and dynamic strain measurements with noise floors of 1 nanostrain and 10 nanostrain/sqrt(Hz), between 5 mHz and 2 kHz were obtained. An inverse analysis applied to a cantilever beam set up was used to characterise and verify strain measurements using finite element modeling. By providing distributed measurements of both ultahigh-resolution static and dynamic strain, the proposed scheme will facilitate advanced structural health monitoring

    Solid-state interferometric interrogator and multiplexer for high-speed dynamic and absolute FBG wavelength measurement

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    We present a solid-state FBG array interrogator and multiplexer capable of determining absolute FBG wavelengths and of providing high-speed, high-resolution static and dynamic measurements. Using a described procedure, deployable on multiplexing passive-interferometric schemes, the system is able to determine initial sensor wavelengths and thereafter track wavelength changes with interferometric resolution. The scheme allows high-resolution interrogation of FBG sensor arrays to be applied to many industrial applications, where previously the lack of combined absolute and quasi-static wavelength measurement precluded the use of interferometric techniques. Using a preliminary laboratory embodiment, we demonstrate a wavelength determination accuracy of <0.3 nm and a measurement resolution of 10 fm/√Hz, and propose pathways to improved performance and miniaturisation

    Distributed photonic instrumentation for smart grids

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    Photonic sensor networks possess the unique potential to provide the instrumentation infrastructure required in future smart grids by simultaneously addressing the issues of metrology and communications. In contrast to established optical CT/VT technology, recent developments at the University of Strathclyde in distributed point sensors for electrical and mechanical parameters demonstrate an enormous potential for realizing novel and effective monitoring and protection strategies for intelligent electrical networks and systems. In this paper, we review this technology and its capabilities, and describe recent work in power system monitoring and protection using hybrid electro-optical sensors. We show that wide-area visibility of multiple electrical and mechanical parameters from a single central location may be achieved using this technology, and discuss the implications for smart grid instrumentation

    High-speed interferometric FBG interrogator with dynamic and absolute wavelength measurement capability

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    A passive, interferometric wavelength demodulation technique has been extended to measure the absolute wavelengths of a multiplexed array of fiber Bragg grating sensors. The scheme retains its original strain resolution of 10 nε/√{Hz}. A proof-of-concept interrogation system was able to determine the absolute wavelength of Bragg peaks to within 20 pm (17 με). Static and dynamic Bragg grating strains were accurately demodulated in both absolute and relative wavelength measurement modes. This demonstration indicates that interferometric techniques are able to provide absolute, static and dynamic measurements of strain within a single platform

    New multiplexing scheme for monitoring fiber optic Bragg grating sensors in the coherence domain

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    A new multiplexing scheme for monitoring fiber optic Bragg gratings in the coherence domain has been developed. Grating pairs with different grating distances are distributed along a fiber line, and interference between their reflections is monitored with a scanning Michelson interferometer. The Bragg wavelength of the individual sensor elements is determined from the interference signal frequency