4,226 research outputs found

    Advances on CMOS image sensors

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    This paper offers an introduction to the technological advances of image sensors designed using complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) processes along the last decades. We review some of those technological advances and examine potential disruptive growth directions for CMOS image sensors and proposed ways to achieve them. Those advances include breakthroughs on image quality such as resolution, capture speed, light sensitivity and color detection and advances on the computational imaging. The current trend is to push the innovation efforts even further as the market requires higher resolution, higher speed, lower power consumption and, mainly, lower cost sensors. Although CMOS image sensors are currently used in several different applications from consumer to defense to medical diagnosis, product differentiation is becoming both a requirement and a difficult goal for any image sensor manufacturer. The unique properties of CMOS process allows the integration of several signal processing techniques and are driving the impressive advancement of the computational imaging. With this paper, we offer a very comprehensive review of methods, techniques, designs and fabrication of CMOS image sensors that have impacted or might will impact the images sensor applications and markets

    On evolution of CMOS image sensors

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    CMOS Image Sensors have become the principal technology in majority of digital cameras. They started replacing the film and Charge Coupled Devices in the last decade with the promise of lower cost, lower power requirement, higher integration and the potential of focal plane processing. However, the principal factor behind their success has been the ability to utilise the shrinkage in CMOS technology to make smaller pixels, and thereby have more resolution without increasing the cost. With the market of image sensors exploding courtesy their inte- gration with communication and computation devices, technology developers improved the CMOS processes to have better optical performance. Nevertheless, the promises of focal plane processing as well as on-chip integration have not been fulfilled. The market is still being pushed by the desire of having higher number of pixels and better image quality, however, differentiation is being difficult for any image sensor manufacturer. In the paper, we will explore potential disruptive growth directions for CMOS Image sensors and ways to achieve the same

    Design Of Neural Network Circuit Inside High Speed Camera Using Analog CMOS 0.35 ¼m Technology

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    Analog VLSI on-chip learning Neural Networks represent a mature technology for a large number of applications involving industrial as well as consumer appliances. This is particularly the case when low power consumption, small size and/or very high speed are required. This approach exploits the computational features of Neural Networks, the implementation efficiency of analog VLSI circuits and the adaptation capabilities of the on-chip learning feedback schema. High-speed video cameras are powerful tools for investigating for instance the biomechanics analysis or the movements of mechanical parts in manufacturing processes. In the past years, the use of CMOS sensors instead of CCDs has enabled the development of high-speed video cameras offering digital outputs , readout flexibility, and lower manufacturing costs. In this paper, we propose a high-speed smart camera based on a CMOS sensor with embedded Analog Neural Network

    A versatile sensor interface for programmable vision systems-on-chip

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    This paper describes an optical sensor interface designed for a programmable mixed-signal vision chip. This chip has been designed and manufactured in a standard 0.35μm n-well CMOS technology with one poly layer and five metal layers. It contains a digital shell for control and data interchange, and a central array of 128 × 128 identical cells, each cell corresponding to a pixel. Die size is 11.885 × 12.230mm2 and cell size is 75.7μm × 73.3μm. Each cell contains 198 transistors dedicated to functions like processing, storage, and sensing. The system is oriented to real-time, single-chip image acquisition and processing. Since each pixel performs the basic functions of sensing, processing and storage, data transferences are fully parallel (image-wide). The programmability of the processing functions enables the realization of complex image processing functions based on the sequential application of simpler operations. This paper provides a general overview of the system architecture and functionality, with special emphasis on the optical interface.European Commission IST-1999-19007Office of Naval Research (USA) N00014021088

    Form Factor Improvement of Smart-Pixels for Vision Sensors through 3-D Vertically- Integrated Technologies

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    While conventional CMOS active pixel sensors embed only the circuitry required for photo-detection, pixel addressing and voltage buffering, smart pixels incorporate also circuitry for data processing, data storage and control of data interchange. This additional circuitry enables data processing be realized concurrently with the acquisition of images which is instrumental to reduce the number of data needed to carry to information contained into images. This way, more efficient vision systems can be built at the cost of larger pixel pitch. Vertically-integrated 3D technologies enable to keep the advnatges of smart pixels while improving the form factor of smart pixels.Office of Naval Research N000141110312Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación IPT-2011-1625-43000

    ACE16K: The Third Generation of Mixed-Signal SIMD-CNN ACE Chips Toward VSoCs

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    Today, with 0.18-μm technologies mature and stable enough for mixed-signal design with a large variety of CMOS compatible optical sensors available and with 0.09-μm technologies knocking at the door of designers, we can face the design of integrated systems, instead of just integrated circuits. In fact, significant progress has been made in the last few years toward the realization of vision systems on chips (VSoCs). Such VSoCs are eventually targeted to integrate within a semiconductor substrate the functions of optical sensing, image processing in space and time, high-level processing, and the control of actuators. The consecutive generations of ACE chips define a roadmap toward flexible VSoCs. These chips consist of arrays of mixed-signal processing elements (PEs) which operate in accordance with single instruction multiple data (SIMD) computing architectures and exhibit the functional features of CNN Universal Machines. They have been conceived to cover the early stages of the visual processing path in a fully-parallel manner, and hence more efficiently than DSP-based systems. Across the different generations, different improvements and modifications have been made looking to converge with the newest discoveries of neurobiologists regarding the behavior of natural retinas. This paper presents considerations pertaining to the design of a member of the third generation of ACE chips, namely to the so-called ACE16k chip. This chip, designed in a 0.35-μm standard CMOS technology, contains about 3.75 million transistors and exhibits peak computing figures of 330 GOPS, 3.6 GOPS/mm2 and 82.5 GOPS/W. Each PE in the array contains a reconfigurable computing kernel capable of calculating linear convolutions on 3×3 neighborhoods in less than 1.5 μs, imagewise Boolean combinations in less than 200 ns, imagewise arithmetic operations in about 5 μs, and CNN-like temporal evolutions with a time constant of about 0.5 μs. Unfortunately, the many ideas underlying the design of this chip cannot be covered in a single paper; hence, this paper is focused on, first, placing the ACE16k in the ACE chip roadmap and, then, discussing the most significant modifications of ACE16K versus its predecessors in the family.LOCUST IST2001—38 097VISTA TIC2003—09 817 - C02—01Office of Naval Research N000 140 210 88

    CMOS Vision Sensors: Embedding Computer Vision at Imaging Front-Ends

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    CMOS Image Sensors (CIS) are key for imaging technol-ogies. These chips are conceived for capturing opticalscenes focused on their surface, and for delivering elec-trical images, commonly in digital format. CISs may incor-porate intelligence; however, their smartness basicallyconcerns calibration, error correction and other similartasks. The term CVISs (CMOS VIsion Sensors) definesother class of sensor front-ends which are aimed at per-forming vision tasks right at the focal plane. They havebeen running under names such as computational imagesensors, vision sensors and silicon retinas, among others. CVIS and CISs are similar regarding physical imple-mentation. However, while inputs of both CIS and CVISare images captured by photo-sensors placed at thefocal-plane, CVISs primary outputs may not be imagesbut either image features or even decisions based on thespatial-temporal analysis of the scenes. We may hencestate that CVISs are more “intelligent” than CISs as theyfocus on information instead of on raw data. Actually,CVIS architectures capable of extracting and interpretingthe information contained in images, and prompting reac-tion commands thereof, have been explored for years inacademia, and industrial applications are recently ramp-ing up.One of the challenges of CVISs architects is incorporat-ing computer vision concepts into the design flow. Theendeavor is ambitious because imaging and computervision communities are rather disjoint groups talking dif-ferent languages. The Cellular Nonlinear Network Univer-sal Machine (CNNUM) paradigm, proposed by Profs.Chua and Roska, defined an adequate framework forsuch conciliation as it is particularly well suited for hard-ware-software co-design [1]-[4]. This paper overviewsCVISs chips that were conceived and prototyped at IMSEVision Lab over the past twenty years. Some of them fitthe CNNUM paradigm while others are tangential to it. Allthem employ per-pixel mixed-signal processing circuitryto achieve sensor-processing concurrency in the quest offast operation with reduced energy budget.Junta de Andalucía TIC 2012-2338Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC 2015-66878-C3-1-R y TEC 2015-66878-C3-3-

    A digital high-dynamic-range CMOS image sensor with multi-integration and pixel readout request

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    A novel principle has been developed to build an ultra wide dynamic range digital CMOS image sensor. Multiple integrations are used to achieve the required dynamic. Its innovative readout system allows a direct capture of the final image from the different exposure time with no need of external reconstruction. The sensor readout system is entirely digital, implementing an in-pixel ADC. Realized in the STMicroelectronics 0.13μm CMOS standard technology, the 10μm x 10μm pixels contain 42 transistors with a fill factor of 25%. The sensor is able to capture more than 120dB dynamic range scenes at video rate

    CMOS Image Sensors for High Speed Applications

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    Recent advances in deep submicron CMOS technologies and improved pixel designs have enabled CMOS-based imagers to surpass charge-coupled devices (CCD) imaging technology for mainstream applications. The parallel outputs that CMOS imagers can offer, in addition to complete camera-on-a-chip solutions due to being fabricated in standard CMOS technologies, result in compelling advantages in speed and system throughput. Since there is a practical limit on the minimum pixel size (4∼5 μm) due to limitations in the optics, CMOS technology scaling can allow for an increased number of transistors to be integrated into the pixel to improve both detection and signal processing. Such smart pixels truly show the potential of CMOS technology for imaging applications allowing CMOS imagers to achieve the image quality and global shuttering performance necessary to meet the demands of ultrahigh-speed applications. In this paper, a review of CMOS-based high-speed imager design is presented and the various implementations that target ultrahigh-speed imaging are described. This work also discusses the design, layout and simulation results of an ultrahigh acquisition rate CMOS active-pixel sensor imager that can take 8 frames at a rate of more than a billion frames per second (fps)