5 research outputs found

    An Isolated Bidirectional Single-Stage Inverter Without Electrolytic Capacitor for Energy Storage Systems

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    Analysis and Design of Series LC Resonant-Pulse Assisted Soft-Switching Current-Fed DC/DC Converters

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    The accelerating pace of electrification via renewable energy sources is shifting focus towards de-carbonization and distributed generation with the potential to combat increasing environmental crisis and to promote sustainable development. Renewable technologies have the potential to fulfil the electricity demand locally which eliminates the unwanted conversion stages, promoting DC microgrid concept, ultimately lowering the energy costs and easy energy access. Alternative energy sources such as solar photovoltaic (PV) and fuel cell along with energy storage systems are promising for DC microgrid applications. However, the effective integration of these alternative energy sources still remains a challenge due to their low voltage output, unregulated and intermittent characteristics issuing a requirement of a dedicated power conditioning unit. To revolutionize the way these alternative sources are interfaced with a high voltage DC microgrid or to the conventional ac grid, dc/dc converters are expected to be power-dense, compact and extremely efficient. Current-fed dc/dc converters have strong application potential owing to their inherent merits. Accomplishing the abovementioned objectives together with distinct merits offered by current-fed circuits, this thesis aims to exploit the quasi-resonance concept for achieving soft-switching and smooth commutation of the semiconductor switching devices. The proposed quasi resonant approach that utilizes the leakage inductance of transformer and a high frequency series resonant capacitor for a short period also termed as ‘resonant-pulse’, has been investigated in various current-fed converter topologies. Proposed converter class emphasize on simple and efficient design, without the use of additional snubber circuits and eliminates device turn-off voltage spike, which is a historical problem with traditional current-fed converters. In this thesis, at first the proposed series resonant-pulse concept is implemented in single-phase current-fed push-pull and half-bridge configuration. The converter operation, control and performance are investigated for low voltage high current specifications. These converter configurations demonstrate good efficiency and compact structure with only two switching devices and simpler gate control requirement because devices having common ground with power supply. The idea has then been extended to modular current-fed full-bridge topology. The proposed series resonant-pulse assisted converter enables wide range ZCS and turn-off spike elimination across the semiconductor switches. Modularity of this converter allows easy scalability for high power and voltage levels with significantly lower current and voltage stress, making it suitable for relatively higher power industrial applications. Lastly, to achieve high power capability with high density, three-phase current sharing current-fed topology utilizing series resonant-pulse feature has been studied and investigated in detail. The proposed three-phase topology combines the benefits of current-sharing primary and load adaptive series resonant-pulse. As a result, these converters demonstrate promising attributes such as wide ZCS operation, reduced filtering requirement, lower component count, lower conduction losses etc

    Efficient, High Power Density, Modular Wide Band-gap Based Converters for Medium Voltage Application

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    Recent advances in semiconductor technology have accelerated developments in medium-voltage direct-current (MVDC) power system transmission and distribution. A DC-DC converter is widely considered to be the most important technology for future DC networks. Wide band-gap (WBG) power devices (i.e. Silicon Carbide (SiC) and Gallium Nitride (GaN) devices) have paved the way for improving the efficiency and power density of power converters by means of higher switching frequencies with lower conduction and switching losses compared to their Silicon (Si) counterparts. However, due to rapid variation of the voltage and current, di/dt and dv/dt, to fully utilize the advantages of the Wide-bandgap semiconductors, more focus is needed to design the printed circuit boards (PCB) in terms of minimizing the parasitic components, which impacts efficiency. The aim of this dissertation is to study the technical challenges associated with the implementation of WBG devices and propose different power converter topologies for MVDC applications. Ship power system with MVDC distribution is attracting widespread interest due to higher reliability and reduced fuel consumption. Also, since the charging time is a barrier for adopting the electric vehicles, increasing the voltage level of the dc bus to achieve the fast charging is considered to be the most important solution to address this concern. Moreover, raising the voltage level reduces the size and cost of cables in the car. Employing MVDC system in the power grid offers secure, flexible and efficient power flow. It is shown that to reach optimal performance in terms of low package inductance and high slew rate of switches, designing a PCB with low common source inductance, power loop inductance, and gate-driver loop are essential. Compared with traditional power converters, the proposed circuits can reduce the voltage stress on switches and diodes, as well as the input current ripple. A lower voltage stress allows the designer to employ the switches and diodes with lower on-resistance RDS(ON) and forward voltage drop, respectively. Consequently, more efficient power conversion system can be achieved. Moreover, the proposed converters offer a high voltage gain that helps the power switches with smaller duty-cycle, which leads to lower current and voltage stress across them. To verify the proposed concept and prove the correctness of the theoretical analysis, the laboratory prototype of the converters using WBG devices were implemented. The proposed converters can provide energy conversion with an efficiency of 97% feeding the nominal load, which is 2% more than the efficiency of the-state-of-the-art converters. Besides the efficiency, shrinking the current ripple leads to 50% size reduction of the input filter inductors

    Analysis and Design of High Voltage Gain Three-Elements Resonant Soft-Switching Current-fed DC/DC Converters

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    Transportation electrification and distributed generation are proven effective strategies to counter climate change. Modern generation and transportation aim to bring down the carbon footprint by transforming the fossil fuel-driven society with alternate energy sources and electric propulsion, respectively. However, harnessing energy from renewable sources is not straight forward but demands a suitable power electronic interface. Similarly, electric transportation propulsion system demands for specific power conversion stages. These power electronic conversion systems include dc-dc converter and dc-ac inverter. Cost, efficiency, power density, and weight are the major requirements of these converters. To obtain these merits, high-frequency soft-switching converters are selected and designed. Resonant converters with a suitable resonance have been usually explored for voltage-fed switching converters to obtain soft-switching of the semiconductor devices at high-frequency. However, owing to the high voltage gain requirements of the solar/fuel cells/batteries, this thesis explores current-fed topologies with different resonant circuits with natural voltage gain. In traditional voltage-fed resonant converters, it is observed that the converter characteristics can be fine-tuned to design the requirements by proper selection of resonant tank. In addition, the resonant tank can integrate the transformer non-idealities and circuit/device parasitic in circuit operation thereby suppressing the consequent voltage spikes across the semiconductor devices. Since voltage-fed converters is fundamentally not suitable for high voltage gain and low voltage applications, this thesis attempts to improve current-fed dc/dc converter characteristics with resonant tanks. In this thesis, a current-fed load resonant DC/DC converter topology is proposed whose characteristics are tuneable with the adopted resonant tank. Further, this thesis proposes a simple technique to ease and improve accuracy of the Fundamental Harmonic Analysis (FHA), which would have been complex otherwise due to capacitive termination of proposed converter. Initially, the characteristics of the proposed converter topology with a parallel resonance derived LCC-T resonant tank is studied to implement zero voltage switching (ZVS) and zero current switching (ZCS) of the semiconductor devices. Three-phase topology of the same has been investigated and analysed. Following the study and a need to further improve the characteristics of resonant dc/dc converter, a series resonance based LCL resonant converter, a dual of the parallel resonance tank is studied and analysed. The load resonant converters are redeemed for integration of PV/fuel cells. Further, for high power applications, suitability of load resonant converters is verified by adopting resonant tank in three-phase topology. Proof-of-concept hardware prototypes are designed and developed in the laboratory to demonstrate the performance and the merits of the proposed soft-switching resonant converter topologies as well as to prove the proposed theory and the claims