1,469 research outputs found

    Real-time and portable microwave imaging system

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    Microwave and millimeter wave imaging has shown tremendous utility in a wide variety of applications. These techniques are primarily based on measuring coherent electric field distribution on the target being imaged. Mechanically scanned systems are the simple and low cost solution in microwave imaging. However, these systems are typically bulky and slow. This dissertation presents a design for a 2D switched imaging array that utilizes modulated scattering techniques for spatial multiplexing of the signal. The system was designed to be compact, coherent, possessing high dynamic range, and capable of video frame rate imaging. Various aspects of the system design were optimized to achieve the design objectives. The 2D imaging system as designed and described in this dissertation utilized PIN diode loaded resonant elliptical slot antennas as array elements. The slot antennas allow for incorporating the switching into the antennas thus reducing the cost and size of the array. Furthermore, these slots are integrated in a simple low loss waveguide network. Moreover, the sensitivity and dynamic range of this system is improved by utilizing a custom designed heterodyne receiver and matched filter. This dissertation also presents an analysis on the properties of this system. The performance of the multiplexing scheme, the noise floor and the dynamic range of the receivers are investigated. Furthermore, sources of errors such as mutual coupling and array response dispersion are also investigated. Finally, utilizing this imaging system for various applications such as 2D electric field mapping, scatterer localization, and nondestructive imaging is demonstrated --Abstract, Page iii

    Technology Needs Assessment of an Atmospheric Observation System for Multidisciplinary Air Quality/Meteorology Missions, Part 2

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    The technology advancements that will be necessary to implement the atmospheric observation systems are considered. Upper and lower atmospheric air quality and meteorological parameters necessary to support the air quality investigations were included. The technology needs were found predominantly in areas related to sensors and measurements of air quality and meteorological measurements

    Development of microwave and millimeter-wave integrated-circuit stepped-frequency radar sensors for surface and subsurface profiling

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    Two new stepped-frequency continuous wave (SFCW) radar sensor prototypes, based on a coherent super-heterodyne scheme, have been developed using Microwave Integrated Circuits (MICs) and Monolithic Millimeter-Wave Integrated Circuits (MMICs) for various surface and subsurface applications, such as profiling the surface and subsurface of pavements, detecting and localizing small buried Anti-Personnel (AP) mines and measuring the liquid level in a tank. These sensors meet the critical requirements for subsurface and surface measurements including small size, light weight, good accuracy, fine resolution and deep penetration. In addition, two novel wideband microstrip quasi-TEM horn antennae that are capable of integration with a seamless connection have also been designed. Finally, a simple signal processing algorithm, aimed to acquire the in-phase (I) and quadrature (Q) components and to compensate for the I/Q errors, was developed using LabView. The first of the two prototype sensors, named as the microwave SFCW radar sensor operating from 0.6-5.6-GHz, is primarily utilized for assessing the subsurface of pavements. The measured thicknesses of the asphalt and base layers of a pavement sample were very much in agreement with the actual data with less than 0.1-inch error. The measured results on the actual roads showed that the sensor accurately detects the 5-inch asphalt layer of the pavement with a minimal error of 0.25 inches. This sensor represents the first SFCW radar sensor operating from 0.6-5.6-GHz. The other sensor, named as the millimeter-wave SFCW radar sensor, operates in the 29.72-35.7-GHz range. Measurements were performed to verify its feasibility as a surface and sub-surface sensor. The measurement results showed that the sensor has a lateral resolution of 1 inch and a good accuracy in the vertical direction with less than  0.04-inch error. The sensor successfully detected and located AP mines of small sizes buried under the surface of sand with less than 0.75 and 0.08 inches of error in the lateral and vertical directions, respectively. In addition, it also verified that the vertical resolution is not greater than 0.75 inches. This sensor is claimed as the first Ka-band millimeter-wave SFCW radar sensor ever developed for surface and subsurface sensing applications

    Polarization Imperfections of Light in Interferometry

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    Disertační práce pojednává o polarizačních nedokonalostech optických komponentů, které jsou využívány ke kontrole a k transformaci polarizačního stavu světla. Získané teoretické výsledky jsou pak využity ve vybraných aplikacích, jež ke své činnosti využívají právě polarizace světla. Konkrétně se jedná o zařízení měřící vibrace oscilujících objektů, dále o interferenční měření dvojlomu v transparentních materiálech a konečně, o vybraná témata z optické kvantové komunikace.The emphasis of the dissertation is put on the investigating of polarization imperfections of optical components which are used to control and transform polarization of light. The theoretical results of this investigation are then applied to different applications which exploit light polarization, namely to the arrangements for high-resolution measurement of vibrating targets, to interferometric measurements for the determination of stress-induced birefringence in transparent materials and to the selected topics in quantum optical communication.