51 research outputs found

    Research on high performance LDPC decoder

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲3272号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2011/3/15 ; 早大学位記番号:新557

    VLSI algorithms and architectures for non-binary-LDPC decoding

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    Tesis por compendio[EN] This thesis studies the design of low-complexity soft-decision Non-Binary Low-Density Parity-Check (NB-LDPC) decoding algorithms and their corresponding hardware architectures suitable for decoding high-rate codes at high throughput (hundreds of Mbps and Gbps). In the first part of the thesis the main aspects concerning to the NB-LDPC codes are analyzed, including a study of the main bottlenecks of conventional softdecision decoding algorithms (Q-ary Sum of Products (QSPA), Extended Min-Sum (EMS), Min-Max and Trellis-Extended Min-Sum (T-EMS)) and their corresponding hardware architectures. Despite the limitations of T-EMS algorithm (high complexity in the Check Node (CN) processor, wiring congestion due to the high number of exchanged messages between processors and the inability to implement decoders over high-order Galois fields due to the high decoder complexity), it was selected as starting point for this thesis due to its capability to reach high-throughput. Taking into account the identified limitations of the T-EMS algorithm, the second part of the thesis includes six papers with the results of the research made in order to mitigate the T-EMS disadvantages, offering solutions that reduce the area, the latency and increase the throughput compared to previous proposals from literature without sacrificing coding gain. Specifically, five low-complexity decoding algorithms are proposed, which introduce simplifications in different parts of the decoding process. Besides, five complete decoder architectures are designed and implemented on a 90nm Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) technology. The results show an achievement in throughput higher than 1Gbps and an area less than 10 mm2. The increase in throughput is 120% and the reduction in area is 53% compared to previous implementations of T-EMS, for the (837,726) NB-LDPC code over GF(32). The proposed decoders reduce the CN area, latency, wiring between CN and Variable Node (VN) processor and the number of storage elements required in the decoder. Considering that these proposals improve both area and speed, the efficiency parameter (Mbps / Million NAND gates) is increased in almost five times compared to other proposals from literature. The improvements in terms of area allow us to implement NB-LDPC decoders over high-order fields which had not been possible until now due to the highcomplexity of decoders previously proposed in literature. Therefore, we present the first post-place and route report for high-rate codes over high-order fields higher than Galois Field (GF)(32). For example, for the (1536,1344) NB-LDPC code over GF(64) the throughput is 1259Mbps occupying an area of 28.90 mm2. On the other hand, a decoder architecture is implemented on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) device achieving 630 Mbps for the high-rate (2304,2048) NB-LDPC code over GF(16). To the best knowledge of the author, these results constitute the highest ones presented in literature for similar codes and implemented on the same technologies.[ES] En esta tesis se aborda el estudio del diseño de algoritmos de baja complejidad para la decodificación de códigos de comprobación de paridad de baja densidad no binarios (NB-LDPC) y sus correspondientes arquitecturas apropiadas para decodificar códigos de alta tasa a altas velocidades (cientos de Mbps y Gbps). En la primera parte de la tesis los principales aspectos concernientes a los códigos NB-LDPC son analizados, incluyendo un estudio de los principales cuellos de botella presentes en los algoritmos de decodificación convencionales basados en decisión blanda (QSPA, EMS, Min-Max y T-EMS) y sus correspondientes arquitecturas hardware. A pesar de las limitaciones del algoritmo T-EMS (alta complejidad en el procesador del nodo de chequeo de paridad (CN), congestión en el rutado debido al intercambio de mensajes entre procesadores y la incapacidad de implementar decodificadores para campos de Galois de orden elevado debido a la elevada complejidad), éste fue seleccionado como punto de partida para esta tesis debido a su capacidad para alcanzar altas velocidades. Tomando en cuenta las limitaciones identificadas en el algoritmo T-EMS, la segunda parte de la tesis incluye seis artículos con los resultados de la investigación realizada con la finalidad de mitigar las desventajas del algoritmo T-EMS, ofreciendo soluciones que reducen el área, la latencia e incrementando la velocidad comparado con propuestas previas de la literatura sin sacrificar la ganancia de codificación. Especificamente, cinco algoritmos de decodificación de baja complejidad han sido propuestos, introduciendo simplificaciones en diferentes partes del proceso de decodificación. Además, arquitecturas completas de decodificadores han sido diseñadas e implementadas en una tecnologia CMOS de 90nm consiguiéndose una velocidad mayor a 1Gbps con un área menor a 10 mm2, aumentando la velocidad en 120% y reduciendo el área en 53% comparado con previas implementaciones del algoritmo T-EMS para el código (837,726) implementado sobre campo de Galois GF(32). Las arquitecturas propuestas reducen el área del CN, latencia, número de mensajes intercambiados entre el nodo de comprobación de paridad (CN) y el nodo variable (VN) y el número de elementos de almacenamiento en el decodificador. Considerando que estas propuestas mejoran tanto el área comola velocidad, el parámetro de eficiencia (Mbps / Millones de puertas NAND) se ha incrementado en casi cinco veces comparado con otras propuestas de la literatura. Las mejoras en términos de área nos ha permitido implementar decodificadores NBLDPC sobre campos de Galois de orden elevado, lo cual no habia sido posible hasta ahora debido a la alta complejidad de los decodificadores anteriormente propuestos en la literatura. Por lo tanto, en esta tesis se presentan los primeros resultados incluyendo el emplazamiento y rutado para códigos de alta tasa sobre campos finitos de orden mayor a GF(32). Por ejemplo, para el código (1536,1344) sobre GF(64) la velocidad es 1259 Mbps ocupando un área de 28.90 mm2. Por otro lado, una arquitectura de decodificador ha sido implementada en un dispositivo FPGA consiguiendo 660 Mbps de velocidad para el código de alta tasa (2304,2048) sobre GF(16). Estos resultados constituyen, según el mejor conocimiento del autor, los mayores presentados en la literatura para códigos similares implementados para las mismas tecnologías.[CA] En esta tesi s'aborda l'estudi del disseny d'algoritmes de baixa complexitat per a la descodificació de codis de comprovació de paritat de baixa densitat no binaris (NB-LDPC), i les seues corresponents arquitectures per a descodificar codis d'alta taxa a altes velocitats (centenars de Mbps i Gbps). En la primera part de la tesi els principals aspectes concernent als codis NBLDPC són analitzats, incloent un estudi dels principals colls de botella presents en els algoritmes de descodificació convencionals basats en decisió blana (QSPA, EMS, Min-Max i T-EMS) i les seues corresponents arquitectures. A pesar de les limitacions de l'algoritme T-EMS (alta complexitat en el processador del node de revisió de paritat (CN), congestió en el rutat a causa de l'intercanvi de missatges entre processadors i la incapacitat d'implementar descodificadors per a camps de Galois d'orde elevat a causa de l'elevada complexitat), este va ser seleccionat com a punt de partida per a esta tesi degut a la seua capacitat per a aconseguir altes velocitats. Tenint en compte les limitacions identificades en l'algoritme T-EMS, la segona part de la tesi inclou sis articles amb els resultats de la investigació realitzada amb la finalitat de mitigar els desavantatges de l'algoritme T-EMS, oferint solucions que redueixen l'àrea, la latència i incrementant la velocitat comparat amb propostes prèvies de la literatura sense sacrificar el guany de codificació. Específicament, s'han proposat cinc algoritmes de descodificació de baixa complexitat, introduint simplificacions en diferents parts del procés de descodificació. A més, s'han dissenyat arquitectures completes de descodificadors i s'han implementat en una tecnologia CMOS de 90nm aconseguint-se una velocitat major a 1Gbps amb una àrea menor a 10 mm2, augmentant la velocitat en 120% i reduint l'àrea en 53% comparat amb prèvies implementacions de l'algoritme T-EMS per al codi (837,726) implementat sobre camp de Galois GF(32). Les arquitectures proposades redueixen l'àrea del CN, la latència, el nombre de missatges intercanviats entre el node de comprovació de paritat (CN) i el node variable (VN) i el nombre d'elements d'emmagatzemament en el descodificador. Considerant que estes propostes milloren tant l'àrea com la velocitat, el paràmetre d'eficiència (Mbps / Milions deportes NAND) s'ha incrementat en quasi cinc vegades comparat amb altres propostes de la literatura. Les millores en termes d'àrea ens ha permès implementar descodificadors NBLDPC sobre camps de Galois d'orde elevat, la qual cosa no havia sigut possible fins ara a causa de l'alta complexitat dels descodificadors anteriorment proposats en la literatura. Per tant, nosaltres presentem els primers reports després de l'emplaçament i rutat per a codis d'alta taxa sobre camps finits d'orde major a GF(32). Per exemple, per al codi (1536,1344) sobre GF(64) la velocitat és 1259 Mbps ocupant una àrea de 28.90 mm2. D'altra banda, una arquitectura de descodificador ha sigut implementada en un dispositiu FPGA aconseguint 660 Mbps de velocitat per al codi d'alta taxa (2304,2048) sobre GF(16). Estos resultats constitueixen, per al millor coneixement de l'autor, els millors presentats en la literatura per a codis semblants implementats per a les mateixes tecnologies.Lacruz Jucht, JO. (2016). VLSI algorithms and architectures for non-binary-LDPC decoding [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/73266TESISCompendi

    Simplified trellis min-max decoder architecture for nonbinary low-density parity-check codes

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    © 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Nonbinary low-density parity-check (NB-LDPC) codes have become an efficient alternative to their binary counterparts in different scenarios, such as moderate codeword lengths, high-order modulations, and burst error correction. Unfortunately, the complexity of NB-LDPC decoders is still too high for practical applications, especially for the check node (CN) processing, which limits the maximum achievable throughput. Although a great effort has been made in the recent literature to overcome this disadvantage, the proposed decoders are still not ready for high-speed implementations for high-order fields. In this paper, a simplified trellis min max algorithm is proposed, where the CN messages are computed in a parallel way using only the most reliable information. The proposed CN algorithm is implemented using a horizontal layered schedule. The overall decoder architecture has been implemented in a 90-nm CMOS process for a ((N=837) and (K=726)) NB-LDPC code over GF(32), achieving a throughput of 660 Mb/s at nine iterations based on postlayout results. This decoder increases hardware efficiency compared with the existing recent solutions for the same code.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion under Grant TEC2011-27916; in part by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Gandia, Spain, under Grant PAID-06-2012-SP20120625; and in part by the Institut Universitaire de France, Rennes, France. The work of F. Garcia-Herrero was supported in part by the Spanish Ministerio de Educacion under Grant AP2010-5178 and in part by the Institute Universitaire de France.Lacruz Jucht, JO.; García Herrero, FM.; Declercq, D.; Valls Coquillat, J. (2015). Simplified trellis min-max decoder architecture for nonbinary low-density parity-check codes. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems. 23(9):1783-1792. https://doi.org/10.1109/TVLSI.2014.2344113S1783179223

    High-Performance NB-LDPC Decoder With Reduction of Message Exchange

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    © 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper presents a novel algorithm based on trellis min-max for decoding non-binary low-density parity-check (NB-LDPC) codes. This decoder reduces the number of messages exchanged between check node and variable node processors, which decreases the storage resources and the wiring congestion and, thus, increases the throughput of the decoder. Our frame error rate performance simulations show that the proposed algorithm has a negligible performance loss for high-rate codes with GF(16) and GF(32), and a performance loss smaller than 0.07 dB for high-rate codes over GF(64). In addition, a layered decoder architecture is presented and implemented on a 90-nm CMOS process for the following high-rate NB-LDPC codes: (2304, 2048) over GF(16), (837, 726) over GF(32), and (1536, 1344) over GF(64). In all cases, the achieved throughput is higher than 1 Gb/s.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion under Grant TEC2011-27916 and Grant TEC2012-38558-C02-02, and in part by Generalitat Valenciana under Grant GV/2014/011.Lacruz, JO.; García Herrero, FM.; Canet Subiela, MJ.; Valls Coquillat, J. (2016). High-Performance NB-LDPC Decoder With Reduction of Message Exchange. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems. 24(5):1950-1961. https://doi.org/10.1109/TVLSI.2015.2493041S1950196124

    Reduced-complexity Non-Binary LDPC decoder for high-order Galois fields based on Trellis Min-Max algorithm

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    © 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Non-binary LDPC codes outperform its binary counterparts in different scenarios. However, they require a considerable increase in complexity, especially in the check-node processor, for high-order Galois fields higher than GF(16). To overcome this drawback, we propose an approximation for the Trellis Min-Max algorithm which allows us to reduce the number of exchanged messages between check node and variable node compared to previous proposals from literature. On the other hand, we reduce the complexity in the check-node processor, keeping the parallel computation of messages. We implemented a layered scheduled decoder, based on this algorithm, in a 90nm CMOS technology for the (837,723) NB-LDPC code over GF(32) and the (1536,1344) over GF(64), achieving an area saving of 16% and 36% for the check-node and 10% and 12% for the whole decoder, respectively. The throughput is 1.07 Gbps and 1.26 Gbps, which outperforms the state-of-the-art of high-rate decoders with high GF order from literature.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion under Grant TEC2011-27916 and Grant TEC2012-38558-C02-02 and in part by Generalitat Valenciana under Grant GV/2014/011.Lacruz, JO.; García Herrero, FM.; Canet Subiela, MJ.; Valls Coquillat, J. (2016). Reduced-complexity Non-Binary LDPC decoder for high-order Galois fields based on Trellis Min-Max algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems. 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1109/TVLSI.2016.2514484S11

    Channel Hardening-Exploiting Message Passing (CHEMP) Receiver in Large-Scale MIMO Systems

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    In this paper, we propose a MIMO receiver algorithm that exploits {\em channel hardening} that occurs in large MIMO channels. Channel hardening refers to the phenomenon where the off-diagonal terms of the HHH{\bf H}^H{\bf H} matrix become increasingly weaker compared to the diagonal terms as the size of the channel gain matrix H{\bf H} increases. Specifically, we propose a message passing detection (MPD) algorithm which works with the real-valued matched filtered received vector (whose signal term becomes HTHx{\bf H}^T{\bf H}{\bf x}, where x{\bf x} is the transmitted vector), and uses a Gaussian approximation on the off-diagonal terms of the HTH{\bf H}^T{\bf H} matrix. We also propose a simple estimation scheme which directly obtains an estimate of HTH{\bf H}^T{\bf H} (instead of an estimate of H{\bf H}), which is used as an effective channel estimate in the MPD algorithm. We refer to this receiver as the {\em channel hardening-exploiting message passing (CHEMP)} receiver. The proposed CHEMP receiver achieves very good performance in large-scale MIMO systems (e.g., in systems with 16 to 128 uplink users and 128 base station antennas). For the considered large MIMO settings, the complexity of the proposed MPD algorithm is almost the same as or less than that of the minimum mean square error (MMSE) detection. This is because the MPD algorithm does not need a matrix inversion. It also achieves a significantly better performance compared to MMSE and other message passing detection algorithms using MMSE estimate of H{\bf H}. We also present a convergence analysis of the proposed MPD algorithm. Further, we design optimized irregular low density parity check (LDPC) codes specific to the considered large MIMO channel and the CHEMP receiver through EXIT chart matching. The LDPC codes thus obtained achieve improved coded bit error rate performance compared to off-the-shelf irregular LDPC codes

    Factor Graph Based Detection Schemes for Mobile Terrestrial DVB Systems with Long OFDM Blocks

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    This PhD dissertation analyzes the performance of second generation digital video broadcasting (DVB) systems in mobile terrestrial environments and proposes an iterative detection algorithm based on factor graphs (FG) to reduce the distortion caused by the time variation of the channel, providing error-free communication in very severe mobile conditions. The research work focuses on mobile scenarios where the intercarrier interference (ICI) is very high: high vehicular speeds when long orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) blocks are used. As a starting point, we provide the theoretical background on the main topics behind the transmission and reception of terrestrial digital television signals in mobile environments, along with a general overview of the main signal processing techniques included in last generation terrestrial DVB systems. The proposed FG-based detector design is then assessed over a simpli ed bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM)-OFDM communication scheme for a wide variety of mobile environments. Extensive simulation results show the e ectiveness of the proposed belief propagation (BP) algorithm over the channels of interest in this research work. Moreover, assuming that low density parity-check (LDPC) codes are decoded by means of FG-based algorithms, a high-order FG is de ned in order to accomplish joint signal detection and decoding into the same FG framework, o ering a fully parallel structure very suitable when long OFDM blocks are employed. Finally, the proposed algorithms are analyzed over the physical layer of DVB-T2 speci cation. Two reception schemes are proposed which exploit the frequency and time-diversity inherent in time-varying channels with the aim of achieving a reasonable trade-o among performance, complexity and latency.Doktoretza tesi honek bigarren belaunaldiko telebista digitalaren eraginkortasuna aztertzen du eskenatoki mugikorrean, eta faktoreen grafoetan oinarritzen den hartzaile iteratibo bat proposatzen du denboran aldakorra den kanalak sortzen duen distortsioa leundu eta seinalea errorerik gabe hartzea ahalbidetzen duena. Proposatutako detektorea BICM-OFDM komunikazio eskema orokor baten gainean ebaluatu da lurreko broadcasting kanalaren baldintzak kontutan hartuz. Simulazio emaitzek algoritmo honen eraginkortasuna frogatzen dute Doppler frekuentzia handietan. Ikerketa lanaren bigarren zatian, faktoreen grafoetan oinarritutako detektorea eskema turbo zabalago baten baitan txertatu da LDPC dekodi katzaile batekin batera. Hartzaile diseinu honen abantaila nagusia da OFDM simbolo luzeetara ondo egokitzen dela. Azkenik, proposatutako algoritmoa DVB-T2 katearen baitan inplementatu da, bi hartzaile eskema proposatu direlarik seinaleak duen dibertsitate tenporal eta frekuentziala probesteko, beti ere eraginkortasunaren, konplexutasunaren eta latentziaren arteko konpromisoa mantenduz.Este trabajo de tesis analiza el rendimiento de la segunda generación de la televisión digital terreste en escenarios móviles y propone un algoritmo iterativo basado en grafos de factores para la detección de la señal y la reducción de la distorsión causada por la variación temporal del canal, permitiendo así recibir la señal libre de errores. El detector basado en grafos de factores propuesto es evaluado sobre un esquema de comunicaciones general BICM-OFDM en condiciones de transmisión propios de canales de difusión terrestres. Los resultados de simulación presentados muestran la e ciencia del algoritmo de detección propuesto en presencia de frecuencias Doppler muy altas. En una segunda parte del trabajo de investigación, el detector propuesto es incorporado a un esquema turbo junto con un decodi cador LDPC, dando lugar a un receptor iterativo que presenta características especialmente apropiadas para su implementación en sistemas OFDM con longitudes de símbolo elevadas. Por último, se analiza la implementación del algoritmo propuesto sobre la cadena de recepción de DVB-T2. Se presentan dos esquemas de recepción que explotan la diversidad temporal y frecuencial presentes en la señal afectada por canales variantes en el tiempo, consiguiendo un compromiso razonable entre rendimiento, complejidad y latencia

    Hardware implementation aspects of polar decoders and ultra high-speed LDPC decoders

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    The goal of channel coding is to detect and correct errors that appear during the transmission of information. In the past few decades, channel coding has become an integral part of most communications standards as it improves the energy-efficiency of transceivers manyfold while only requiring a modest investment in terms of the required digital signal processing capabilities. The most commonly used channel codes in modern standards are low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes and Turbo codes, which were the first two types of codes to approach the capacity of several channels while still being practically implementable in hardware. The decoding algorithms for LDPC codes, in particular, are highly parallelizable and suitable for high-throughput applications. A new class of channel codes, called polar codes, was introduced recently. Polar codes have an explicit construction and low-complexity encoding and successive cancellation (SC) decoding algorithms. Moreover, polar codes are provably capacity achieving over a wide range of channels, making them very attractive from a theoretical perspective. Unfortunately, polar codes under standard SC decoding cannot compete with the LDPC and Turbo codes that are used in current standards in terms of their error-correcting performance. For this reason, several improved SC-based decoding algorithms have been introduced. The most prominent SC-based decoding algorithm is the successive cancellation list (SCL) decoding algorithm, which is powerful enough to approach the error-correcting performance of LDPC codes. The original SCL decoding algorithm was described in an arithmetic domain that is not well-suited for hardware implementations and is not clear how an efficient SCL decoder architecture can be implemented. To this end, in this thesis, we re-formulate the SCL decoding algorithm in two distinct arithmetic domains, we describe efficient hardware architectures to implement the resulting SCL decoders, and we compare the decoders with existing LDPC and Turbo decoders in terms of their error-correcting performance and their implementation efficiency. Due to the ongoing technology scaling, the feature sizes of integrated circuits keep shrinking at a remarkable pace. As transistors and memory cells keep shrinking, it becomes increasingly difficult and costly (in terms of both area and power) to ensure that the implemented digital circuits always operate correctly. Thus, manufactured digital signal processing circuits, including channel decoder circuits, may not always operate correctly. Instead of discarding these faulty dies or using costly circuit-level fault mitigation mechanisms, an alternative approach is to try to live with certain malfunctions, provided that the algorithm implemented by the circuit is sufficiently fault-tolerant. In this spirit, in this thesis we examine decoding of polar codes and LDPC codes under the assumption that the memories that are used within the decoders are not fully reliable. We show that, in both cases, there is inherent fault-tolerance and we also propose some methods to reduce the effect of memory faults on the error-correcting performance of the considered decoders

    Digital pulse processing

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2012.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 71-74).This thesis develops an exact approach for processing pulse signals from an integrate-and-fire system directly in the time-domain. Processing is deterministic and built from simple asynchronous finite-state machines that can perform general piecewise-linear operations. The pulses can then be converted back into an analog or fixed-point digital representation through a filter-based reconstruction. Integrate-and-fire is shown to be equivalent to the first-order sigma-delta modulation used in oversampled noise-shaping converters. The encoder circuits are well known and have simple construction using both current and next-generation technologies. Processing in the pulse-domain provides many benefits including: lower area and power consumption, error tolerance, signal serialization and simple conversion for mixed-signal applications. To study these systems, discrete-event simulation software and an FPGA hardware platform are developed. Many applications of pulse-processing are explored including filtering and signal processing, solving differential equations, optimization, the minsum / Viterbi algorithm, and the decoding of low-density parity-check codes (LDPC). These applications often match the performance of ideal continuous-time analog systems but only require simple digital hardware. Keywords: time-encoding, spike processing, neuromorphic engineering, bit-stream, delta-sigma, sigma-delta converters, binary-valued continuous-time, relaxation-oscillators.by Martin McCormick.S.M

    Advanced receivers for distributed cooperation in mobile ad hoc networks

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    Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are rapidly deployable wireless communications systems, operating with minimal coordination in order to avoid spectral efficiency losses caused by overhead. Cooperative transmission schemes are attractive for MANETs, but the distributed nature of such protocols comes with an increased level of interference, whose impact is further amplified by the need to push the limits of energy and spectral efficiency. Hence, the impact of interference has to be mitigated through with the use PHY layer signal processing algorithms with reasonable computational complexity. Recent advances in iterative digital receiver design techniques exploit approximate Bayesian inference and derivative message passing techniques to improve the capabilities of well-established turbo detectors. In particular, expectation propagation (EP) is a flexible technique which offers attractive complexity-performance trade-offs in situations where conventional belief propagation is limited by computational complexity. Moreover, thanks to emerging techniques in deep learning, such iterative structures are cast into deep detection networks, where learning the algorithmic hyper-parameters further improves receiver performance. In this thesis, EP-based finite-impulse response decision feedback equalizers are designed, and they achieve significant improvements, especially in high spectral efficiency applications, over more conventional turbo-equalization techniques, while having the advantage of being asymptotically predictable. A framework for designing frequency-domain EP-based receivers is proposed, in order to obtain detection architectures with low computational complexity. This framework is theoretically and numerically analysed with a focus on channel equalization, and then it is also extended to handle detection for time-varying channels and multiple-antenna systems. The design of multiple-user detectors and the impact of channel estimation are also explored to understand the capabilities and limits of this framework. Finally, a finite-length performance prediction method is presented for carrying out link abstraction for the EP-based frequency domain equalizer. The impact of accurate physical layer modelling is evaluated in the context of cooperative broadcasting in tactical MANETs, thanks to a flexible MAC-level simulato