24 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Performance Analysis of Hardware Implementations of CAESAR Candidates

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    Authenticated encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) plays a significant role in cryptography because of its ability to provide integrity, confidentiality and authenticity at the same time. Due to the emergence of security at the edge of computing fabric, such as, sensors and smartphone devices, there is a growing need of lightweight AEAD ciphers. Currently, a worldwide contest, titled CAESAR, is being held to decide on a set of AEAD ciphers, which are distinguished by their security, run-time performance, energy-efficiency and low area budget. For accurate evaluation of CAESAR candidates, it is of utmost importance to have independent and thorough optimization for each of the ciphers both for their corresponding hardware and software implementations. In this paper, we have carried out an evaluation of the optimized hardware implementation of AEAD ciphers selected in CAESAR third round. We specifically focus on manual optimization of the micro-architecture, evaluations for ASIC technology libraries and the effect of CAESAR APIs on the performances. While these has been studied for FPGA platforms and standalone cipher implementation - to the best of our knowledge, this is the first detailed ASIC benchmarking of CAESAR candidates including manual optimization. In this regard, we benchmarked all prior reported designs, including the code generated by high-level synthesis flows. Detailed optimization studies are reported for NORX, CLOC and Deoxys-I. Our pre-layout results using commercial ASIC technology library and synthesis tools show that optimized NORX is 40.81% faster and 18.02% smaller, optimized CLOC is 38.30% more energy efficient and 20.65% faster and optimized Deoxys-I is 35.16% faster, with respect to the best known results. Similar or better performance results are also achieved for FPGA platforms

    SPAE un schéma opératoire pour l'AES sur du matériel bas-coût.

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    We propose SPAE, a single pass, patent free, authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD) for AES. The algorithm has been developped to address the needs of a growing trend in IoT systems: storing code and data on a low cost flash memory external to the main SOC. Existing AEAD algorithms such as OCB, GCM, CCM, EAX , SIV, provide the required functionality however in practice each of them suffer from various drawbacks for this particular use case. Academic contributions such as ASCON and AEGIS-128 are suitable and efficient however they require the development of new hardware accelerators and they use primitives which are not 'approved' by governemental institutions such as NIST, BSI, ANSSI. From a silicon manufacturer point of view, an efficient AEAD which use existing AES hardware is much more enticing: the AES is required already by most industry standards invovling symmetric encryption (GSMA, EMVco, FIDO, Bluetooth, ZigBee to name few). This paper expose the properties of an ideal AEAD for external memory encryption, present the SPAE algorithm and analyze various security aspects. Performances of SPAE on actual hardware are better than OCB, GCM and CCM.Nous présentons SPAE, un schéma en une passe, libre de droit, d'encryption authentifiée avec données associées (AEAD) appliqué à l'AES. Cet algorithme a été développé afin de répondre à une tendance grandissante dans l'internet des objets: stocker du code et des données sur une mémoire flash à bas coût externe au système sur puce (SOC). Des algorithmes AEAD existent déjà tels que OCB, GCM, CCM, EAX, SIV, ils répondent à l'usage demandé cependant en pratique chacun de ces algorithmes présente des désavantages pour cet usage particulier. Les contributions académique telles que ASCON et AEGIS-128 sont appropriés et efficaces cependant ils nécessitent le développement de nouveaux accélérateurs matériels et ils utilisent des primitives qui ne sont pas approuvés par les instituions gouvernementales telles que le NIST, BSI ANSSI. Du point de vue du fabricant de silicone, un AEAD efficace qui utilise du matériel AES existant est beaucoup plus attirant: l'AES est déjà requis par la plupart des standards industriels utilisant de l’encryption symétrique (GSMA, EMVco, FIDO, Bluetooth, ZigBee par exemple). Cet article montre les propriétés d'un AEAD idéal pour de la mémoire encryptée externe, présente l'algorithme SPAE et analyse plusieurs aspects de sécurité. Les performances de SPAE sur du matériel actuel sont meilleures que sur OCB, GCM, et CCM

    A Framework for Facilitating Secure Design and Development of IoT Systems

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    The term Internet of Things (IoT) describes an ever-growing ecosystem of physical objects or things interconnected with each other and connected to the Internet. IoT devices consist of a wide range of highly heterogeneous inanimate and animate objects. Thus, a thing in the context of the IoT can even mean a person with blood pressure or heart rate monitor implant or a pet with a biochip transponder. IoT devices range from ordinary household appliances, such as smart light bulbs or smart coffee makers, to sophisticated tools for industrial automation. IoT is currently leading a revolutionary change in many industries and, as a result, a lot of industries and organizations are adopting the paradigm to gain a competitive edge. This allows them to boost operational efficiency and optimize system performance through real-time data management, which results in an optimized balance between energy usage and throughput. Another important application area is the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), which is the application of the IoT in industrial settings. This is also referred to as the Industrial Internet or Industry 4.0, where Cyber- Physical Systems (CPS) are interconnected using various technologies to achieve wireless control as well as advanced manufacturing and factory automation. IoT applications are becoming increasingly prevalent across many application domains, including smart healthcare, smart cities, smart grids, smart farming, and smart supply chain management. Similarly, IoT is currently transforming the way people live and work, and hence the demand for smart consumer products among people is also increasing steadily. Thus, many big industry giants, as well as startup companies, are competing to dominate the market with their new IoT products and services, and hence unlocking the business value of IoT. Despite its increasing popularity, potential benefits, and proven capabilities, IoT is still in its infancy and fraught with challenges. The technology is faced with many challenges, including connectivity issues, compatibility/interoperability between devices and systems, lack of standardization, management of the huge amounts of data, and lack of tools for forensic investigations. However, the state of insecurity and privacy concerns in the IoT are arguably among the key factors restraining the universal adoption of the technology. Consequently, many recent research studies reveal that there are security and privacy issues associated with the design and implementation of several IoT devices and Smart Applications (smart apps). This can be attributed, partly, to the fact that as some IoT device makers and smart apps development companies (especially the start-ups) reap business value from the huge IoT market, they tend to neglect the importance of security. As a result, many IoT devices and smart apps are created with security vulnerabilities, which have resulted in many IoT related security breaches in recent years. This thesis is focused on addressing the security and privacy challenges that were briefly highlighted in the previous paragraph. Given that the Internet is not a secure environ ment even for the traditional computer systems makes IoT systems even less secure due to the inherent constraints associated with many IoT devices. These constraints, which are mainly imposed by cost since many IoT edge devices are expected to be inexpensive and disposable, include limited energy resources, limited computational and storage capabilities, as well as lossy networks due to the much lower hardware performance compared to conventional computers. While there are many security and privacy issues in the IoT today, arguably a root cause of such issues is that many start-up IoT device manufacturers and smart apps development companies do not adhere to the concept of security by design. Consequently, some of these companies produce IoT devices and smart apps with security vulnerabilities. In recent years, attackers have exploited different security vulnerabilities in IoT infrastructures which have caused several data breaches and other security and privacy incidents involving IoT devices and smart apps. These have attracted significant attention from the research community in both academia and industry, resulting in a surge of proposals put forward by many researchers. Although research approaches and findings may vary across different research studies, the consensus is that a fundamental prerequisite for addressing IoT security and privacy challenges is to build security and privacy protection into IoT devices and smart apps from the very beginning. To this end, this thesis investigates how to bake security and privacy into IoT systems from the onset, and as its main objective, this thesis particularly focuses on providing a solution that can foster the design and development of secure IoT devices and smart apps, namely the IoT Hardware Platform Security Advisor (IoT-HarPSecA) framework. The security framework is expected to provide support to designers and developers in IoT start-up companies during the design and implementation of IoT systems. IoT-HarPSecA framework is also expected to facilitate the implementation of security in existing IoT systems. To accomplish the previously mentioned objective as well as to affirm the aforementioned assertion, the following step-by-step problem-solving approach is followed. The first step is an exhaustive survey of different aspects of IoT security and privacy, including security requirements in IoT architecture, security threats in IoT architecture, IoT application domains and their associated cyber assets, the complexity of IoT vulnerabilities, and some possible IoT security and privacy countermeasures; and the survey wraps up with a brief overview of IoT hardware development platforms. The next steps are the identification of many challenges and issues associated with the IoT, which narrowed down to the abovementioned fundamental security/privacy issue; followed by a study of different aspects of security implementation in the IoT. The remaining steps are the framework design thinking process, framework design and implementation, and finally, framework performance evaluation. IoT-HarPSecA offers three functionality features, namely security requirement elicitation security best practice guidelines for secure development, and above all, a feature that recommends specific Lightweight Cryptographic Algorithms (LWCAs) for both software and hardware implementations. Accordingly, IoT-HarPSecA is composed of three main components, namely Security Requirements Elicitation (SRE) component, Security Best Practice Guidelines (SBPG) component, and Lightweight Cryptographic Algorithms Recommendation (LWCAR) component, each of them servicing one of the aforementioned features. The author has implemented a command-line tool in C++ to serve as an interface between users and the security framework. This thesis presents a detailed description, design, and implementation of the SRE, SBPG, and LWCAR components of the security framework. It also presents real-world practical scenarios that show how IoT-HarPSecA can be used to elicit security requirements, generate security best practices, and recommend appropriate LWCAs based on user inputs. Furthermore, the thesis presents performance evaluation of the SRE, SBPG, and LWCAR components framework tools, which shows that IoT-HarPSecA can serve as a roadmap for secure IoT development.O termo Internet das coisas (IoT) é utilizado para descrever um ecossistema, em expansão, de objetos físicos ou elementos interconetados entre si e à Internet. Os dispositivos IoT consistem numa gama vasta e heterogénea de objetos animados ou inanimados e, neste contexto, podem pertencer à IoT um indivíduo com um implante que monitoriza a frequência cardíaca ou até mesmo um animal de estimação que tenha um biochip. Estes dispositivos variam entre eletrodomésticos, tais como máquinas de café ou lâmpadas inteligentes, a ferramentas sofisticadas de uso na automatização industrial. A IoT está a revolucionar e a provocar mudanças em várias indústrias e muitas adotam esta tecnologia para incrementar as suas vantagens competitivas. Este paradigma melhora a eficiência operacional e otimiza o desempenho de sistemas através da gestão de dados em tempo real, resultando num balanço otimizado entre o uso energético e a taxa de transferência. Outra área de aplicação é a IoT Industrial (IIoT) ou internet industrial ou Indústria 4.0, ou seja, uma aplicação de IoT no âmbito industrial, onde os sistemas ciberfísicos estão interconectados a diversas tecnologias de forma a obter um controlo de rede sem fios, bem como fabricações avançadas e automatização fabril. As aplicações da IoT estão a crescer e a tornarem-se predominantes em muitos domínios de aplicação inteligentes como sistemas de saúde, cidades, redes, agricultura e sistemas de fornecimento. Da mesma forma, a IoT está a transformar estilos de vida e de trabalho e assim, a procura por produtos inteligentes está constantemente a aumentar. As grandes indústrias e startups competem entre si de forma a dominar o mercado com os seus novos serviços e produtos IoT, desbloqueando o valor de negócio da IoT. Apesar da sua crescente popularidade, benefícios e capacidades comprovadas, a IoT está ainda a dar os seus primeiros passos e é confrontada com muitos desafios. Entre eles, problemas de conectividade, compatibilidade/interoperabilidade entre dispositivos e sistemas, falta de padronização, gestão das enormes quantidades de dados e ainda falta de ferramentas para investigações forenses. No entanto, preocupações quanto ao estado de segurança e privacidade ainda estão entre os fatores adversos à adesão universal desta tecnologia. Estudos recentes revelaram que existem questões de segurança e privacidade associadas ao design e implementação de vários dispositivos IoT e aplicações inteligentes (smart apps.), isto pode ser devido ao facto, em parte, de que alguns fabricantes e empresas de desenvolvimento de dispositivos (especialmente startups) IoT e smart apps., recolham o valor de negócio dos grandes mercados IoT, negligenciando assim a importância da segurança, resultando em dispositivos IoT e smart apps. com carências e violações de segurança da IoT nos últimos anos. Esta tese aborda os desafios de segurança e privacidade que foram supra mencionados. Visto que a Internet e os sistemas informáticos tradicionais são por vezes considerados inseguros, os sistemas IoT tornam-se ainda mais inseguros, devido a restrições inerentes a tais dispositivos. Estas restrições são impostas devido ao custo, uma vez que se espera que muitos dispositivos de ponta sejam de baixo custo e descartáveis, com recursos energéticos limitados, bem como limitações na capacidade de armazenamento e computacionais, e redes com perdas devido a um desempenho de hardware de qualidade inferior, quando comparados com computadores convencionais. Uma das raízes do problema é o facto de que muitos fabricantes, startups e empresas de desenvolvimento destes dispositivos e smart apps não adiram ao conceito de segurança por construção, ou seja, logo na conceção, não preveem a proteção da privacidade e segurança. Assim, alguns dos produtos e dispositivos produzidos apresentam vulnerabilidades na segurança. Nos últimos anos, hackers maliciosos têm explorado diferentes vulnerabilidades de segurança nas infraestruturas da IoT, causando violações de dados e outros incidentes de privacidade envolvendo dispositivos IoT e smart apps. Estes têm atraído uma atenção significativa por parte das comunidades académica e industrial, que culminaram num grande número de propostas apresentadas por investigadores científicos. Ainda que as abordagens de pesquisa e os resultados variem entre os diferentes estudos, há um consenso e pré-requisito fundamental para enfrentar os desafios de privacidade e segurança da IoT, que buscam construir proteção de segurança e privacidade em dispositivos IoT e smart apps. desde o fabrico. Para esta finalidade, esta tese investiga como produzir segurança e privacidade destes sistemas desde a produção, e como principal objetivo, concentra-se em fornecer soluções que possam promover a conceção e o desenvolvimento de dispositivos IoT e smart apps., nomeadamente um conjunto de ferramentas chamado Consultor de Segurança da Plataforma de Hardware da IoT (IoT-HarPSecA). Espera-se que o conjunto de ferramentas forneça apoio a designers e programadores em startups durante a conceção e implementação destes sistemas ou que facilite a integração de mecanismos de segurança nos sistemas préexistentes. De modo a alcançar o objetivo proposto, recorre-se à seguinte abordagem. A primeira fase consiste num levantamento exaustivo de diferentes aspetos da segurança e privacidade na IoT, incluindo requisitos de segurança na arquitetura da IoT e ameaças à sua segurança, os seus domínios de aplicação e os ativos cibernéticos associados, a complexidade das vulnerabilidades da IoT e ainda possíveis contramedidas relacionadas com a segurança e privacidade. Evolui-se para uma breve visão geral das plataformas de desenvolvimento de hardware da IoT. As fases seguintes consistem na identificação dos desafios e questões associadas à IoT, que foram restringidos às questões de segurança e privacidade. As demais etapas abordam o processo de pensamento de conceção (design thinking), design e implementação e, finalmente, a avaliação do desempenho. O IoT-HarPSecA é composto por três componentes principais: a Obtenção de Requisitos de Segurança (SRE), Orientações de Melhores Práticas de Segurança (SBPG) e a recomendação de Componentes de Algoritmos Criptográficos Leves (LWCAR) na implementação de software e hardware. O autor implementou uma ferramenta em linha de comandos usando linguagem C++ que serve como interface entre os utilizadores e a IoT-HarPSecA. Esta tese apresenta ainda uma descrição detalhada, desenho e implementação das componentes SRE, SBPG, e LWCAR. Apresenta ainda cenários práticos do mundo real que demostram como o IoT-HarPSecA pode ser utilizado para elicitar requisitos de segurança, gerar boas práticas de segurança (em termos de recomendações de implementação) e recomendar algoritmos criptográficos leves apropriados com base no contributo dos utilizadores. De igual forma, apresenta-se a avaliação do desempenho destes três componentes, demonstrando que o IoT-HarPSecA pode servir como um roteiro para o desenvolvimento seguro da IoT

    Parallel Verification of Serial MAC and AE Modes

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    A large number of the symmetric-key mode of operations, such as classical CBC-MAC, have serial structures. While a serial mode gives an implementation advantage in terms of required memory or footprint compared to the parallel counterparts, it wastes the capability of parallel process even when it is available. The problem is becoming more relevant as lightweight cryptography is going to be deployed in the real world. In this article, we propose an alternative implementation strategy for serial MAC modes and serial authenticated encryption (AE) modes that allows 2-block parallel operation for verification/decryption. Our proposal maintains the original functionality and security. It is simple yet novel, and generally applicable to a wide range of existing modes including two NIST recommendations, CMAC and CCM. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposal by showing several case studies with software implementations

    Implementação em software de cifradores autenticados para processadores ARM

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    Orientador: Julio César López HernándezDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Algoritmos de cifração autenticada são ferramentas usadas para proteger dados, de forma a garantir tanto sigilo quanto autenticidade e integridade. Implementações criptográficas não possuem apenas exatidão e eficiência como seus principais objetivos: sistemas computacionais podem vazar informação sobre seu com- portamento interno, de forma que uma má implementação pode comprometer a segu- rança de um bom algoritmo. Dessa forma, esta dissertação tem o objetivo de estudar as formas de implementar corretamente algoritmos criptográficos e os métodos para optimizá-los sem que percam suas características de segurança. Um aspecto impor- tante a ser levado em consideração quando implementando algoritmos é a arquitetura alvo. Nesta dissertação concentra-se na família de processadores ARM. ARM é uma das arquiteturas mais utilizadas no mundo, com mais de 100 bilhões de chips vendidos. Esta dissertação foca em estudar e implementar duas famílias de cifradores auten- ticados: NORX e Ascon, especificamente para processadores ARM Cortex-A de 32 e 64 bits. Descrevemos uma técnica de optimização orientada a pipeline para NORX que possui desempenho melhor que o atual estado da arte, e discutimos técnicas utilizadas em uma implementação vetorial do NORX. Também analisamos as características de uma implementação vetorial do Ascon, assim como uma implementação vetorial de múltiplas mensagensAbstract: Authenticated encryption algorithms are tools used to protect data, in a way that guar- antees both its secrecy, authenticity, and integrity. Cryptographic implementations do not have only correctness and efficiency as its main goals: computer systems can leak information about their internal behavior, and a bad implementation can compromise the security of a good algorithm. Therefore, this dissertation aims to study the forms of correctly and efficiently implementing crypto- graphic algorithms and the methods of optimizing them without losing security char- acteristics. One important aspect to take into account during implementation and opti- mization is the target architecture. In this dissertation, the focus is on the ARM family of processors. ARM is one of the most widespread architectures in the world, with more than 100 billion chips deployed. This dissertation focus on studying and implementing two different families of au- thenticated encryption algorithms: NORX and Ascon, targeting 32-bits and 64-bits ARM Cortex-A processors. We show a pipeline oriented technique to implement NORX that¿s faster than the current state-of-art; and we also discuss the techniques used on a vectorial implementation of NORX. We also describe and analyze the characteristics of a vectorial implementation of Ascon, as well as a multiple message vectorial imple- mentationMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computaçã

    CPA on Hardware Implementation of COLM Authenticated Cipher and Protect it with DOM Masking Scheme

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    Authenticated encryption schemes provide both confidentiality and integrity services, simultaneously. Correlation power analysis (CPA) can be a thread for authenticated ciphers, like all physical implementations of any cryptographic system. In this paper, for the first time, a three-steps CPA attack against COLM, one of the winners of CAESAR, is presented to indicate its vulnerability. For this purpose, in this research paper, this authenticated encryption scheme is implemented on the FPGA of the SAKURA-G board and, by measuring and collecting 1,800 power traces, a successful CPA attack with zero value power model has been mounted on it. In addition, a protected hardware architecture for the COLM is proposed to make this design secure against first-order CPA attacks. To this end, a domain-oriented masking (DOM) scheme with two inputs/outputs share is used to protect the COLM. To verify the security of these countermeasures, we mounted a first and second-order CPA attack and a non-specified t-test on the protected COLM

    Remote attestation of SEV-SNP confidential VMs using e-vTPMs

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    Departing from "your data is safe with us" model where the cloud infrastructure is trusted, cloud tenants are shifting towards a model in which the cloud provider is not part of the trust domain. Both silicon and cloud vendors are trying to address this shift by introducing confidential computing - an umbrella term that provides mechanisms for protecting the data in-use through encryption below the hardware boundary of the CPU, e.g., Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX), AMD secure encrypted virtualization (SEV), Intel trust domain extensions (TDX), etc. In this work, we design and implement a virtual trusted platform module (vTPM) that virtualizes the hardware root-of-trust without requiring to trust the cloud provider. To ensure the security of a vTPM in a provider-controlled environment, we leverage unique isolation properties of the SEV-SNP hardware and a novel approach to ephemeral TPM state management. Specifically, we develop a stateless ephemeral vTPM that supports remote attestation without persistent state. This allows us to pair each confidential VM with a private instance of a vTPM that is completely isolated from the provider-controlled environment and other VMs. We built our prototype entirely on open-source components - Qemu, Linux, and Keylime. Though our work is AMD-specific, a similar approach could be used to build remote attestation protocol on other trusted execution environments (TEE).Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Design and Analysis of Symmetric Primitives

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