24 research outputs found

    Оптимизация прямых продаж гостиницы на базе концепции управления бизнес-процессами

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    В статье описано моделирование бизнес-процессов и использование реинжиниринга в индустрии гостеприимства с акцентом на улучшение прямых телефонных продаж за счет применения CRM-систем

    Implementasi Business Process Modeling dalam Workflow Aplikasi Monitoring Electronic Data Capturer

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    Business Process Modeling (BPM) is a data-based visual representation to model business workflows to optimize business processes. BPM notations make the model easy to understand for all stakeholders who play a role in developing business processes. This paper will describe implementing BPM in the Electronic Data Capturer (EDC) Monitoring Application (EDCMA) workflow. The workflow modeling process uses Bonitasoft software that includes business process creation for user interface and process engine. EDCMA is a process to solve the problems in the EDC terminal repair process and the submission as a new merchant. Based on the existing manual procedure of EDCMA, the new EDCMA process model uses electronic form and semi-automatic processing that implement some Bonitasoft BPM features to develop a high-fidelity application prototype. In the evaluation process, we develop some scenarios with data tests that occur in manual procedures. Based on the evaluation, the prototype has successfully represented the entire process that occurs on each feature. In the future, developing EDCMA that uses web and mobile application frameworks will provide the EDCMA system for end-users.Business Process Modeling (BPM) adalah representasi visual berbasis data untuk memodelkan alur kerja bisnis untuk mengoptimalkan proses bisnis. Notasi BPM membuat model mudah dipahami oleh semua pemangku kepentingan yang berperan dalam mengembangkan proses bisnis. Makalah ini akan menjelaskan penerapan BPM dalam alur kerja Electronic Data Capturer (EDC) Monitoring Application (EDCMA). Proses pemodelan alur kerja menggunakan perangkat lunak Bonitasoft yang mencakup pembuatan proses bisnis untuk antarmuka pengguna dan mesin proses. EDCMA merupakan proses untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan pada proses perbaikan terminal EDC dan pengajuan sebagai merchant baru. Berdasarkan prosedur manual EDCMA yang ada, model proses EDCMA yang baru menggunakan bentuk elektronik dan pemrosesan semi-otomatis yang mengimplementasikan beberapa fitur Bonitasoft BPM untuk mengembangkan prototipe aplikasi dengan ketelitian tinggi. Dalam proses evaluasi, kami mengembangkan beberapa skenario dengan pengujian data yang terjadi pada prosedur manual. Berdasarkan evaluasi, prototype telah berhasil merepresentasikan seluruh proses yang terjadi pada setiap fitur. Di masa depan, pengembangan EDCMA yang menggunakan kerangka kerja aplikasi web dan seluler akan menyediakan sistem EDCMA untuk pengguna akhir

    Modelagem de processos e diretrizes de compreensibilidade: uma aplicação em um processo de matrícula em cursos superiores de um Instituto Federal

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    Process Management is an important tool to increase the efficiency of organizations. Process modeling is one of the most crucial aspects of this approach, through which processes can be graphically represented (diagrammatic modeling), enabling the expansion of knowledge, analysis, and the proposal of improvements. This technique has been widely used in Brazilian public institutions, with many documented benefits such as process optimization, waste reduction, support for decision-making, and proposal of improvements. However, ensuring the quality of models is essential for the modeling efforts to achieve their objectives. One of the most important aspects of the pragmatic quality of models (related to the use of models by organizations) is comprehensibility. An important tool for building more understandable models is the application of modeling guidelines; however, the number of guidelines scattered throughout the literature is high, with some studies reporting up to 50 different guidelines. Additionally, complex processes may require a higher level of detail, which can make the model more difficult to understand. Considering this, this research sought to answer how to model processes with a high level of detail, with the support of modeling guidelines to ensure that the models are understandable to their users. To achieve this, the modeling of a process was carried out considering comprehensibility guidelines found in the scientific literature. The research procedure adopted was Modeling, based on the scheme proposed by Mitroff et al. (1974). The modeled process was the analysis of enrollment requests in higher education courses at a federal institute. To assess compliance with comprehensibility guidelines, the Understandability Verifier for Business Process Models (BEBOP) tool proposed by Corradini et al. (2018) was used. Based on this evaluation, adjustments were made to the model based on recommendations found in the literature. A verification and validation procedure for models called Verification and Validation of Diagrammatic Models (V&V-DM) was also applied. As a result, the research presented an integrative systematic review on the subject, the enrollment process model constructed based on the guidelines, and a report on the procedures adopted for the evaluation and redesign of the model. The integrative review provided an overview of scientific studies on the subject, emphasizing what has already been studied and the existing gaps. The produced models represent the enrollment process comprehensively and enable process management and knowledge transmission at the federal institute. The report on the evaluation and redesign procedure of the model can support other research on the subject and contribute to improving the process modeling of public and private organizations. As a technical product, in addition to the process model, a Best Practices in Modeling Manual was also developed, considering the guidelines found in the literature to provide practical solutions for building more understandable models.A Gestão de Processos é uma importante ferramenta para aumentar a eficiência das organizações. A modelagem de processos é uma das partes mais importantes dessa abordagem, por meio da qual os processos podem ser representados de forma gráfica (modelagem diagramática), possibilitando a ampliação do conhecimento, a análise e a proposição de melhorias. Esta técnica tem sido amplamente utilizada nas instituições públicas brasileiras, com muitos benefícios documentados (otimização dos processos, redução de desperdícios, apoio à tomada de decisão e proposição de melhorias). Contudo, a garantia da qualidade dos modelos é essencial para que os esforços de modelagem alcancem seus objetivos. Um dos aspectos mais importantes da qualidade pragmática dos modelos (relativos à utilização dos modelos pelas organizações) é a compreensibilidade. Uma importante ferramenta para a construção de modelos mais compreensíveis é a aplicação das diretrizes de modelagem, entretanto, o número de diretrizes espalhadas pela literatura é alto, com alguns trabalhos relatando até 50 diretrizes diferentes. Além disso, processos complexos podem exigir um nível maior de detalhamento, o que pode tornar o modelo mais difícil de compreender. Diante disso, esta pesquisa buscou responder como modelar processos com alto nível de detalhamento, com apoio das diretrizes de modelagem a fim de garantir que os modelos sejam compreensíveis para seus usuários. Para isso, realizou-se a modelagem de um processo considerando as diretrizes de compreensibilidade encontradas na literatura científica. O procedimento de pesquisa adotado foi a Modelagem, baseado no esquema proposto por Mitroff et al. (1974). O processo modelado foi o de análise de solicitação de matrícula em cursos superiores de um Instituto Federal. Para avaliar o atendimento às diretrizes de compreensibilidade, utilizou-se a ferramenta Verificador de Compreensibilidade para Modelos de Processos de Negócios (Understandability Verifier For Business Process Models - BEBOP) proposta por Corradini et al. (2018). A partir dessa avaliação foram realizados ajustes no modelo com base nas recomendações encontradas na literatura. Aplicou-se também um procedimento de verificação e validação de modelos denominado Verificação e Validação de Modelos Diagramáticos (Verification and Validation of Diagrammatic Models - V&V-DM). Como resultado, a pesquisa apresentou uma revisão sistemática integrativa sobre o tema, o modelo do processo de matrículas construído com base nas diretrizes e o relato sobre os procedimentos adotados para a avaliação e redesenho do modelo. A revisão integrativa forneceu um panorama dos estudos científicos sobre o tema, enfatizando o que já foi estudado e as lacunas ainda existentes. Os modelos produzidos representam o processo de matrículas de forma completa e possibilitam a gestão do processo e a transmissão do conhecimento no Instituto Federal. E o relato do procedimento de avaliação e redesenho do modelo pode subsidiar outras pesquisas sobre o tema e colaborar com a melhoria da modelagem de processos das organizações públicas e privadas. Como produto técnico, além do modelo do processo, foi elaborado também um Manual de Boas Práticas em Modelagem, que considerou as diretrizes encontradas na literatura para fornecer soluções práticas para a construção de modelos mais compreensíveis

    Measuring the Cognitive Complexity in the Comprehension of Modular Process Models

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    Modularization in process models is a method to cope with the inherent complexity in such models (e.g., model size reduction). Modularization is capable to increase the quality, the ease of reuse, and the scalability of process models. Prior conducted research studied the effects of modular process models to enhance their comprehension. However, the effects of modularization on cognitive factors during process model comprehension are less understood so far. Therefore, this paper presents the results of two exploratory studies (i.e., a survey research study with N = 95 participants; a follow-up eye tracking study with N = 19 participants), in which three types of modularization (i.e., horizontal, vertical, orthogonal) were applied to process models expressed in terms of the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) 2.0. Further, the effects of modularization on the cognitive load, the level of acceptability, and the performance in process model comprehension were investigated. In general, the results revealed that participants were confronted with challenges during the comprehension of modularized process models. Further, performance in the comprehension of modularized process models showed only a few significant differences, however, the results obtained regarding the cognitive load revealed that the complexity and concept of modularization in process models were misjudged initially. The insights unraveled that the attitude towards the application and the behavioral intention to apply modularization in process model is still not clear. In this context, horizontal modularization appeared to be the best comprehensible modularization approach leading to a more fine-grained comprehension of respective process models. The findings indicate that alterations in modular process models (e.g., change in the representation) are important to foster and enable their comprehension. Finally, based on our results, implications for research and practice as well as directions for future work are discussed in this paper

    Design principles for ensuring compliance in business processes

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    In this thesis, we evaluate the complexity and understandability of compliance languages. First, to calculate the complexity, we apply established software metrics and interpret the results with respect to the languages’ expressiveness. Second, to investigate the languages’ understandability, we use a cognitive model of the human problem-solving process and analyze how efficiently users perform a compliance modeling task. Our results have theoretical and practical implications that give directions for the development of compliance languages, and rule-based languages in general.Diese Arbeit beurteilt die Komplexität und Verständlichkeit von Compliance-Sprachen. Zur Messung der Komplexität wenden wir etablierte Software-Metriken an und interpretieren die Ergebnisse in Hinblick auf die Aussagekraft der Sprachen. Zur Untersuchung der Verständlichkeit verwenden wir ein kognitives Modell und analysieren, wie effizient eine Compliance-Sprache zur Lösung eines Modellierungsproblems eingesetzt wird. Unsere Ergebnisse haben theoretische und praktische Implikationen für die Entwicklung von Compliance-Sprachen und anderen regelbasierten Sprachen

    From BPMN process models to DMN decision models

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    The interplay between process and decision models plays a crucial role in business process management, as decisions may be based on running processes and affect process outcomes. Often process models include decisions that are encoded through process control flow structures and data flow elements, thus reducing process model maintainability. The Decision Model and Notation (DMN) was proposed to achieve separation of concerns and to possibly complement the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) for designing decisions related to process models. Nevertheless, deriving decision models from process models remains challenging, especially when the same data underlie both process and decision models. In this paper, we explore how and to which extent the data modeled in BPMN processes and used for decision-making may be represented in the corresponding DMN decision models. To this end, we identify a set of patterns that capture possible representations of data in BPMN processes and that can be used to guide the derivation of decision models related to existing process models. Throughout the paper we refer to real-world healthcare processes to show the applicability of the proposed approach