301 research outputs found

    Simplicial Homology for Future Cellular Networks

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    Simplicial homology is a tool that provides a mathematical way to compute the connectivity and the coverage of a cellular network without any node location information. In this article, we use simplicial homology in order to not only compute the topology of a cellular network, but also to discover the clusters of nodes still with no location information. We propose three algorithms for the management of future cellular networks. The first one is a frequency auto-planning algorithm for the self-configuration of future cellular networks. It aims at minimizing the number of planned frequencies while maximizing the usage of each one. Then, our energy conservation algorithm falls into the self-optimization feature of future cellular networks. It optimizes the energy consumption of the cellular network during off-peak hours while taking into account both coverage and user traffic. Finally, we present and discuss the performance of a disaster recovery algorithm using determinantal point processes to patch coverage holes

    A Cooja-based tool for coverage and fifetime evaluation in an in-building sensor network.

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    Contiki’s Cooja is a very popular wireless sensor network (WSN) simulator, but it lacks support for modelling sensing coverage, focusing instead on network connectivity and protocol performance. However, in practice, it is the ability of a sensor network to provide a satisfactory level of coverage that defines its ultimate utility for end-users. We introduce WSN-Maintain, a Cooja-based tool for coverage and network lifetime evaluation in an in-building WSN. To extend the network lifetime, but still maintain the required quality of coverage, the tool finds coverage redundant nodes, puts them to sleep and automatically turns them on when active nodes fail and coverage quality decreases. WSN-Maintain together with Cooja allow us to evaluate different approaches to maintain coverage. As use cases to the tool, we implement two redundant node algorithms: greedy-maintain, a centralised algorithm, and local-maintain, a localised algorithm to configure the initial network and to turn on redundant nodes. Using data from five real deployments, we show that our tool with simple redundant node algorithms and reading correlation can improve energy efficiency by putting more nodes to sleep

    CHOP: Maximum Coverage Optimization and Resolve Hole Healing Problem using Sleep and Wake-up Technique for WSN

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    The Sensor Nodes (SN) play an important role in various hazardous applications environments such as military surveillance, forests, battlefield, etc. The Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) comprised multiple numbers of sensor nodes which are used to perform sensing the physical conditions and subsequently transmitting data to the Base Station (BS). The nodes have limited batteries. The random distribution of nodes in the hazardous areas causes overlapping of nodes and coverage hole issues in the network. The Coverage Optimization and Resolve Hole Healing (CHOP) Protocol is proposed to optimize the network's overlapping and resolve the coverage hole problem. The working phases of the proposed protocol are network initialization, formation of the cluster, Selection of Cluster Head, and sleep and wake-up phase. The issues are optimized, and maximum coverage is achieved for a specific sensing range. Using statistics and probability theory, a link is established between the radius of the node and the coverage area. The protocol used the sleep and wake phase to select optimal nodes active to achieve maximum coverage. The proposed protocol outperformed and showed improvements in the network's performance and lifetime compared to LEACH, TEEN, SEP, and DEEC protocols


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    Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks (WSANs) are gaining an increased interest because of their suitability for mission-critical applications that require autonomous and intelligent interaction with the environment. Hazardous application environments such as forest fire monitoring, disaster management, search and rescue, homeland security, battlefield reconnaissance, etc. make actors susceptible to physical damage. Failure of a critical (i.e. cut-vertex) actor partitions the inter-actor network into disjointed segments while leaving a coverage hole. Maintaining inter-actor connectivity is extremely important in mission-critical applications of WSANs where actors have to quickly plan an optimal coordinated response to detected events. Some proactive approaches pursued in the literature deploy redundant nodes to provide fault tolerance; however, this necessitates a large actor count that leads to higher cost and becomes impractical. On the other hand, the harsh environment strictly prohibits an external intervention to replace a failed node. Meanwhile, reactive approaches might not be suitable for time-sensitive applications. The autonomous and unattended nature of WSANs necessitates a self-healing and agile recovery process that involves existing actors to mend the severed inter-actor connectivity by reconfiguring the topology. Moreover, though the possibility of simultaneous multiple actor failure is rare, it may be precipitated by a hostile environment and disastrous events. With only localized information, recovery from such failures is extremely challenging. Furthermore, some applications may impose application-level constraints while recovering from a node failure. In this dissertation, we address the challenging connectivity restoration problem while maintaining minimal network state information. We have exploited the controlled movement of existing (internal) actors to restore the lost connectivity while minimizing the impact on coverage. We have pursued distributed greedy heuristics. This dissertation presents four novel approaches for recovering from node failure. In the first approach, volunteer actors exploit their partially utilized transmission power and reposition themselves in such a way that the connectivity is restored. The second approach identifies critical actors in advance, designates them preferably as noncritical backup nodes that replace the failed primary if such contingency arises in the future. In the third approach, we design a distributed algorithm that recovers from a special case of multiple simultaneous failures. The fourth approach factors in application-level constraints on the mobility of actors while recovering from node failure and strives to minimize the impact of critical node failure on coverage and connectivity. The performance of proposed approaches is analyzed and validated through extensive simulations. Simulation results confirm the effectiveness of proposed approaches that outperform the best contemporary schemes found in literature

    Balancing the trade-off between cost and reliability for wireless sensor networks: a multi-objective optimized deployment method

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    The deployment of the sensor nodes (SNs) always plays a decisive role in the system performance of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In this work, we propose an optimal deployment method for practical heterogeneous WSNs which gives a deep insight into the trade-off between the reliability and deployment cost. Specifically, this work aims to provide the optimal deployment of SNs to maximize the coverage degree and connection degree, and meanwhile minimize the overall deployment cost. In addition, this work fully considers the heterogeneity of SNs (i.e. differentiated sensing range and deployment cost) and three-dimensional (3-D) deployment scenarios. This is a multi-objective optimization problem, non-convex, multimodal and NP-hard. To solve it, we develop a novel swarm-based multi-objective optimization algorithm, known as the competitive multi-objective marine predators algorithm (CMOMPA) whose performance is verified by comprehensive comparative experiments with ten other stateof-the-art multi-objective optimization algorithms. The computational results demonstrate that CMOMPA is superior to others in terms of convergence and accuracy and shows excellent performance on multimodal multiobjective optimization problems. Sufficient simulations are also conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the CMOMPA based optimal SNs deployment method. The results show that the optimized deployment can balance the trade-off among deployment cost, sensing reliability and network reliability. The source code is available on https://github.com/iNet-WZU/CMOMPA.Comment: 25 page

    Topologie algébrique appliquée aux réseaux de capteurs

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    Simplicial complex representation gives a mathematical description of the topology of a wireless sensor network, i.e., its connectivity and coverage. In these networks, sensors are randomly deployed in bulk in order to ensure perfect connectivity and coverage. We propose an algorithm to discover which sensors are to be switched off, without modification of the topology, in order to reduce energy consumption. Our reduction algorithm can be applied to any type of simplicial complex and reaches an optimum solution. For random geometric simplicial complexes, we find boundaries for the number of removed vertices, as well as mathematical properties for the resulting simplicial complex. The complexity of our reduction algorithm boils down to the computation of the asymptotical behavior of the clique number of a random geometric graph. We provide almost sure asymptotical behavior for the clique number in all three percolation regimes of the geometric graph. In the second part, we apply the simplicial complex representation to cellular networks and improve our reduction algorithm to fit new purposes. First, we provide a frequency auto-planning algorithm for self-configuration of SON in future cellular networks. Then, we propose an energy conservation fot the self-optimization of wireless networks. Finally, we present a disaster recovery algorithm for any type of damaged wireless network. In this last chapter, we also introduce the simulation of determinantal point processes in wireless networks.Simplicial complex representation gives a mathematical description of the topology of a wireless sensor network, i.e., its connectivity and coverage. In these networks, sensors are randomly deployed in bulk in order to ensure perfect connectivity and coverage. We propose an algorithm to discover which sensors are to be switched off, without modification of the topology, in order to reduce energy consumption. Our reduction algorithm can be applied to any type of simplicial complex and reaches an optimum solution. For random geometric simplicial complexes, we find boundaries for the number of removed vertices, as well as mathematical properties for the resulting simplicial complex. The complexity of our reduction algorithm boils down to the computation of the asymptotical behavior of the clique number of a random geometric graph. We provide almost sure asymptotical behavior for the clique number in all three percolation regimes of the geometric graph. In the second part, we apply the simplicial complex representation to cellular networks and improve our reduction algorithm to fit new purposes. First, we provide a frequency auto-planning algorithm for self-configuration of SON in future cellular networks. Then, we propose an energy conservation fot the self-optimization of wireless networks. Finally, we present a disaster recovery algorithm for any type of damaged wireless network. In this last chapter, we also introduce the simulation of determinantal point processes in wireless networks.La représentation par complexes simpliciaux fournit une description mathématique de la topologie d’un réseau de capteurs, c’est-à-dire sa connectivité et sa couverture. Dans ces réseaux, les capteurs sont déployés aléatoirement en grand nombre afin d’assurer une connectivité et une couverture parfaite. Nous proposons un algorithme qui permet de déterminer quels capteurs mettre en veille, sans modification de topologie, afin de réduire la consommation d’énergie. Notre algorithme de réduction peut être appliqué à tous les types de complexes simpliciaux, et atteint un résultat optimal. Pour les complexes simpliciaux aléatoires géométriques, nous obtenons des bornes pour le nombre de sommets retirés, et trouvons des propriétés mathématiques pour le complexe simplicial obtenu. En cherchant la complexité de notre algorithme, nous sommes réduits à calculer le comportement asymptotique de la taille de la plus grande clique dans un graphe géométrique aléatoire. Nous donnons le comportement presque sûr de la taille de la plus grande clique pour les trois régimes de percolation du graphe géométrique. Dans la deuxième partie, nous appliquons la représentation par complexes simpliciaux aux réseaux cellulaires, et améliorons notre algorithme de réduction pour répondre à de nouvelles demandes. Tout d’abord, nous donnons un algorithme pour la planification automatique de fréquences, pour la configuration automatique des réseaux cellulaires de la nouvelle génération bénéficiant de la technologie SON. Puis, nous proposons un algorithme d’économie d’énergie pour l’optimisation des réseaux sans fil. Enfin, nous présentons un algorithme pour le rétablissement des réseaux sans fil endommagés après une catastrophe. Dans ce dernier chapitre, nous introduisons la simulation des processus ponctuelsdéterminantaux dans les réseaux sans fil
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