80 research outputs found

    A graph based data structure for efficient implementation of main memory DBMS's

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    Deep Space Network information system architecture study

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    The purpose of this article is to describe an architecture for the Deep Space Network (DSN) information system in the years 2000-2010 and to provide guidelines for its evolution during the 1990s. The study scope is defined to be from the front-end areas at the antennas to the end users (spacecraft teams, principal investigators, archival storage systems, and non-NASA partners). The architectural vision provides guidance for major DSN implementation efforts during the next decade. A strong motivation for the study is an expected dramatic improvement in information-systems technologies, such as the following: computer processing, automation technology (including knowledge-based systems), networking and data transport, software and hardware engineering, and human-interface technology. The proposed Ground Information System has the following major features: unified architecture from the front-end area to the end user; open-systems standards to achieve interoperability; DSN production of level 0 data; delivery of level 0 data from the Deep Space Communications Complex, if desired; dedicated telemetry processors for each receiver; security against unauthorized access and errors; and highly automated monitor and control

    The combination of spatial access methods and computational geometry in geographic database systems

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    Geographic database systems, known as geographic information systems (GISs) particularly among non-computer scientists, are one of the most important applications of the very active research area named spatial database systems. Consequently following the database approach, a GIS hag to be seamless, i.e. store the complete area of interest (e.g. the whole world) in one database map. For exhibiting acceptable performance a seamless GIS hag to use spatial access methods. Due to the complexity of query and analysis operations on geographic objects, state-of-the-art computational geomeny concepts have to be used in implementing these operations. In this paper, we present GIS operations based on the compuational geomeny technique plane sweep. Specifically, we show how the two ingredients spatial access methods and computational geomeny concepts can be combined für improving the performance of GIS operations. The fruitfulness of this combination is based on the fact that spatial access methods efficiently provide the data at the time when computational geomeny algorithms need it für processing. Additionally, this combination avoids page faults and facilitates the parallelization of the algorithms.

    ETL and analysis of IoT data using OpenTSDB, Kafka, and Spark

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    Master's thesis in Computer scienceThe Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming increasingly prevalent in today's society. Innovations in storage and processing methodologies enable the processing of large amounts of data in a scalable manner, and generation of insights in near real-time. Data from IoT are typically time-series data but they may also have a strong spatial correlation. In addition, many time-series data are deployed in industries that still place the data in inappropriate relational databases. Many open-source time-series databases exist today with inspiring features in terms of storage, analytic representation, and visualization. Finding an efficient method to migrate data into a time-series database is the first objective of the thesis. In recent decades, machine learning has become one of the backbones of data innovation. With the constantly expanding amounts of information available, there is good reason to expect that smart data analysis will become more pervasive as an essential element for innovative progress. Methods for modeling time-series data in machine learning and migrating time-series data from a database to a big data machine learning framework, such as Apache Spark, is explored in this thesis

    Data storage hierarchy systems for data base computers.

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    Thesis. 1979. Ph.D.--Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Alfred P. Sloan School of Management.MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND DEWEY.Vita.Bibliography: p. 241-248.Ph.D

    Data base management system analysis and performance testing with respect to NASA requirements

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    Several candidate Data Base Management Systems (DBM's) that could support the NASA End-to-End Data System's Integrated Data Base Management System (IDBMS) Project, later rescoped and renamed the Packet Management System (PMS) were evaluated. The candidate DBMS systems which had to run on the Digital Equipment Corporation VAX 11/780 computer system were ORACLE, SEED and RIM. Oracle and RIM are both based on the relational data base model while SEED employs a CODASYL network approach. A single data base application which managed stratospheric temperature profiles was studied. The primary reasons for using this application were an insufficient volume of available PMS-like data, a mandate to use actual rather than simulated data, and the abundance of available temperature profile data
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