5 research outputs found

    A Gossip Protocol for Dynamic Resource Management in Large Cloud Environments

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    Research on Multiple Complex Data Processing Methods Based on OpenStack Cloud Platform

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    OpenStack is an open source cloud computing management platform project that supports almost all types of cloud environment. It can achieve data processing services among the interactive information storages, and it can also be stored in the virtual machine of cloud computing platform in various services. When performing complex data combination processing, each service cooperates with other services according to the interaction information, and finally completes the processing of complex data

    Enabling virtualization technologies for enhanced cloud computing

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    Cloud Computing is a ubiquitous technology that offers various services for individual users, small businesses, as well as large scale organizations. Data-center owners maintain clusters of thousands of machines and lease out resources like CPU, memory, network bandwidth, and storage to clients. For organizations, cloud computing provides the means to offload server infrastructure and obtain resources on demand, which reduces setup costs as well as maintenance overheads. For individuals, cloud computing offers platforms, resources and services that would otherwise be unavailable to them. At the core of cloud computing are various virtualization technologies and the resulting Virtual Machines (VMs). Virtualization enables cloud providers to host multiple VMs on a single Physical Machine (PM). The hallmark of VMs is the inability of the end-user to distinguish them from actual PMs. VMs allow cloud owners such essential features as live migration, which is the process of moving a VM from one PM to another while the VM is running, for various reasons. Features of the cloud such as fault tolerance, geographical server placement, energy management, resource management, big data processing, parallel computing, etc. depend heavily on virtualization technologies. Improvements and breakthroughs in these technologies directly lead to introduction of new possibilities in the cloud. This thesis identifies and proposes innovations for such underlying VM technologies and tests their performance on a cluster of 16 machines with real world benchmarks. Specifically the issues of server load prediction, VM consolidation, live migration, and memory sharing are attempted. First, a unique VM resource load prediction mechanism based on Chaos Theory is introduced that predicts server workloads with high accuracy. Based on these predictions, VMs are dynamically and autonomously relocated to different PMs in the cluster in an attempt to conserve energy. Experimental evaluations with a prototype on real world data- center load traces show that up to 80% of the unused PMs can be freed up and repurposed, with Service Level Objective (SLO) violations as little as 3%. Second, issues in live migration of VMs are analyzed, based on which a new distributed approach is presented that allows network-efficient live migration of VMs. The approach amortizes the transfer of memory pages over the life of the VM, thus reducing network traffic during critical live migration. The prototype reduces network usage by up to 45% and lowers required time by up to 40% for live migration on various real-world loads. Finally, a memory sharing and management approach called ACE-M is demonstrated that enables VMs to share and utilize all the memory available in the cluster remotely. Along with predictions on network and memory, this approach allows VMs to run applications with memory requirements much higher than physically available locally. It is experimentally shown that ACE-M reduces the memory performance degradation by about 75% and achieves a 40% lower network response time for memory intensive VMs. A combination of these innovations to the virtualization technologies can minimize performance degradation of various VM attributes, which will ultimately lead to a better end-user experience

    Scalable and Distributed Resource Management Protocols for Cloud and Big Data Clusters

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    Cloud data centers require an operating system to manage resources and satisfy operational requirements and management objectives. The growth of popularity in cloud services causes the appearance of a new spectrum of services with sophisticated workload and resource management requirements. Also, data centers are growing by addition of various type of hardware to accommodate the ever-increasing requests of users. Nowadays a large percentage of cloud resources are executing data-intensive applications which need continuously changing workload fluctuations and specific resource management. To this end, cluster computing frameworks are shifting towards distributed resource management for better scalability and faster decision making. Such systems benefit from the parallelization of control and are resilient to failures. Throughout this thesis we investigate algorithms, protocols and techniques to address these challenges in large-scale data centers. We introduce a distributed resource management framework which consolidates virtual machine to as few servers as possible to reduce the energy consumption of data center and hence decrease the cost of cloud providers. This framework can characterize the workload of virtual machines and hence handle trade-off energy consumption and Service Level Agreement (SLA) of customers efficiently. The algorithm is highly scalable and requires low maintenance cost with dynamic workloads and it tries to minimize virtual machines migration costs. We also introduce a scalable and distributed probe-based scheduling algorithm for Big data analytics frameworks. This algorithm can efficiently address the problem job heterogeneity in workloads that has appeared after increasing the level of parallelism in jobs. The algorithm is massively scalable and can reduce significantly average job completion times in comparison with the-state of-the-art. Finally, we propose a probabilistic fault-tolerance technique as part of the scheduling algorithm

    A Gossip Protocol for Dynamic Resource Management in Large Cloud Environments

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    We address the problem of dynamic resource management for a large-scale cloud environment. Our contribution includes outlining a distributed middleware architecture and presenting one of its key elements: a gossip protocol that (1) ensures fair resource allocation among sites/applications, (2) dynamically adapts the allocation to load changes and (3) scales both in the number of physical machines and sites/applications. We formalize the resource allocation problem as that of dynamically maximizing the cloud utility under CPU and memory constraints. We first present a protocol that computes an optimalsolution without considering memory constraints and prove correctness and convergence properties. Then, we extend that protocol to provide an efficient heuristic solution for the complete problem, which includes minimizing the cost for adapting an allocation. The protocol continuously executes on dynamic, local input and does not require global synchronization, as other proposed gossip protocols do. We evaluate the heuristic protocol through simulation and find its performance to be well-aligned with our design goals.© 2012 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.QC 20120611</p