5,188 research outputs found

    End-to-End QoS Support for a Medical Grid Service Infrastructure

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    Quality of Service support is an important prerequisite for the adoption of Grid technologies for medical applications. The GEMSS Grid infrastructure addressed this issue by offering end-to-end QoS in the form of explicit timeliness guarantees for compute-intensive medical simulation services. Within GEMSS, parallel applications installed on clusters or other HPC hardware may be exposed as QoS-aware Grid services for which clients may dynamically negotiate QoS constraints with respect to response time and price using Service Level Agreements. The GEMSS infrastructure and middleware is based on standard Web services technology and relies on a reservation based approach to QoS coupled with application specific performance models. In this paper we present an overview of the GEMSS infrastructure, describe the available QoS and security mechanisms, and demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods with a Grid-enabled medical imaging service

    Grid simulation services for the medical community

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    The first part of this paper presents a selection of medical simulation applications, including image reconstruction, near real-time registration for neuro-surgery, enhanced dose distribution calculation for radio-therapy, inhaled drug delivery prediction, plastic surgery planning and cardio-vascular system simulation. The latter two topics are discussed in some detail. In the second part, we show how such services can be made available to the clinical practitioner using Grid technology. We discuss the developments and experience made during the EU project GEMSS, which provides reliable, efficient, secure and lawful medical Grid services

    A service-oriented Grid environment with on-demand QoS support

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    Grid Computing entstand aus der Vision für eine neuartige Recheninfrastruktur, welche darauf abzielt, Rechenkapazität so einfach wie Elektrizität im Stromnetz (power grid) verfügbar zu machen. Der entsprechende Zugriff auf global verteilte Rechenressourcen versetzt Forscher rund um den Globus in die Lage, neuartige Herausforderungen aus Wissenschaft und Technik in beispiellosem Ausmaß in Angriff zu nehmen. Die rasanten Entwicklungen im Grid Computing begünstigten auch Standardisierungsprozesse in Richtung Harmonisierung durch Service-orientierte Architekturen und die Anwendung kommerzieller Web Services Technologien. In diesem Kontext ist auch die Sicherung von Qualität bzw. entsprechende Vereinbarungen über die Qualität eines Services (QoS) wichtig, da diese vor allem für komplexe Anwendungen aus sensitiven Bereichen, wie der Medizin, unumgänglich sind. Diese Dissertation versucht zur Entwicklung im Grid Computing beizutragen, indem eine Grid Umgebung mit Unterstützung für QoS vorgestellt wird. Die vorgeschlagene Grid Umgebung beinhaltet eine sichere Service-orientierte Infrastruktur, welche auf Web Services Technologien basiert, sowie bedarfsorientiert und automatisiert HPC Anwendungen als Grid Services bereitstellen kann. Die Grid Umgebung zielt auf eine kommerzielle Nutzung ab und unterstützt ein durch den Benutzer initiiertes, fallweises und dynamisches Verhandeln von Serviceverträgen (SLAs). Das Design der QoS Unterstützung ist generisch, jedoch berücksichtigt die Implementierung besonders die Anforderungen von rechenintensiven und zeitkritischen parallelen Anwendungen, bzw. Garantien f¨ur deren Ausführungszeit und Preis. Daher ist die QoS Unterstützung auf Reservierung, anwendungsspezifische Abschätzung und Preisfestsetzung von Ressourcen angewiesen. Eine entsprechende Evaluation demonstriert die Möglichkeiten und das rationale Verhalten der QoS Infrastruktur. Die Grid Infrastruktur und insbesondere die QoS Unterstützung wurde in Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekten der EU eingesetzt, welche verschiedene Anwendungen aus dem medizinischen und bio-medizinischen Bereich als Services zur Verfügung stellen. Die EU Projekte GEMSS und Aneurist befassen sich mit fortschrittlichen HPC Anwendungen und global verteilten Daten aus dem Gesundheitsbereich, welche durch Virtualisierungstechniken als Services angeboten werden. Die Benutzung von Gridtechnologie als Basistechnologie im Gesundheitswesen ermöglicht Forschern und Ärzten die Nutzung von Grid Services in deren Arbeitsumfeld, welche letzten Endes zu einer Verbesserung der medizinischen Versorgung führt.Grid computing emerged as a vision for a new computing infrastructure that aims to make computing resources available as easily as electric power through the power grid. Enabling seamless access to globally distributed IT resources allows dispersed users to tackle large-scale problems in science and engineering in unprecedented ways. The rapid development of Grid computing also encouraged standardization, which led to the adoption of a service-oriented paradigm and an increasing use of commercial Web services technologies. Along these lines, service-level agreements and Quality of Service are essential characteristics of the Grid and specifically mandatory for Grid-enabling complex applications from certain domains such as the health sector. This PhD thesis aims to contribute to the development of Grid technologies by proposing a Grid environment with support for Quality of Service. The proposed environment comprises a secure service-oriented Grid infrastructure based on standard Web services technologies which enables the on-demand provision of native HPC applications as Grid services in an automated way and subject to user-defined QoS constraints. The Grid environment adopts a business-oriented approach and supports a client-driven dynamic negotiation of service-level agreements on a case-by-case basis. Although the design of the QoS support is generic, the implementation emphasizes the specific requirements of compute-intensive and time-critical parallel applications, which necessitate on-demand QoS guarantees such as execution time limits and price constraints. Therefore, the QoS infrastructure relies on advance resource reservation, application-specific resource capacity estimation, and resource pricing. An experimental evaluation demonstrates the capabilities and rational behavior of the QoS infrastructure. The presented Grid infrastructure and in particular the QoS support has been successfully applied and demonstrated in EU projects for various applications from the medical and bio-medical domains. The EU projects GEMSS and Aneurist are concerned with advanced e-health applications and globally distributed data sources, which are virtualized by Grid services. Using Grid technology as enabling technology in the health domain allows medical practitioners and researchers to utilize Grid services in their clinical environment which ultimately results in improved healthcare

    Grid-enabled Workflows for Industrial Product Design

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    This paper presents a generic approach for developing and using Grid-based workflow technology for enabling cross-organizational engineering applications. Using industrial product design examples from the automotive and aerospace industries we highlight the main requirements and challenges addressed by our approach and describe how it can be used for enabling interoperability between heterogeneous workflow engines

    Overlay networks for smart grids

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    An infrastructure service recommendation system for cloud applications with real-time QoS requirement constraints

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    The proliferation of cloud computing has revolutionized the hosting and delivery of Internet-based application services. However, with the constant launch of new cloud services and capabilities almost every month by both big (e.g., Amazon Web Service and Microsoft Azure) and small companies (e.g., Rackspace and Ninefold), decision makers (e.g., application developers and chief information officers) are likely to be overwhelmed by choices available. The decision-making problem is further complicated due to heterogeneous service configurations and application provisioning QoS constraints. To address this hard challenge, in our previous work, we developed a semiautomated, extensible, and ontology-based approach to infrastructure service discovery and selection only based on design-time constraints (e.g., the renting cost, the data center location, the service feature, etc.). In this paper, we extend our approach to include the real-time (run-time) QoS (the end-to-end message latency and the end-to-end message throughput) in the decision-making process. The hosting of next-generation applications in the domain of online interactive gaming, large-scale sensor analytics, and real-time mobile applications on cloud services necessitates the optimization of such real-time QoS constraints for meeting service-level agreements. To this end, we present a real-time QoS-aware multicriteria decision-making technique that builds over the well-known analytic hierarchy process method. The proposed technique is applicable to selecting Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud offers, and it allows users to define multiple design-time and real-time QoS constraints or requirements. These requirements are then matched against our knowledge base to compute the possible best fit combinations of cloud services at the IaaS layer. We conducted extensive experiments to prove the feasibility of our approach