4 research outputs found

    Symbolic model generation for graph properties

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    Graphs are ubiquitous in Computer Science. For this reason, in many areas, it is very important to have the means to express and reason about graph properties. In particular, we want to be able to check automatically if a given graph property is satisfiable. Actually, in most application scenarios it is desirable to be able to explore graphs satisfying the graph property if they exist or even to get a complete and compact overview of the graphs satisfying the graph property. We show that the tableau-based reasoning method for graph properties as introduced by Lambers and Orejas paves the way for a symbolic model generation algorithm for graph properties. Graph properties are formulated in a dedicated logic making use of graphs and graph morphisms, which is equivalent to first-order logic on graphs as introduced by Courcelle. Our parallelizable algorithm gradually generates a finite set of so-called symbolic models, where each symbolic model describes a set of finite graphs (i.e., finite models) satisfying the graph property. The set of symbolic models jointly describes all finite models for the graph property (complete) and does not describe any finite graph violating the graph property (sound). Moreover, no symbolic model is already covered by another one (compact). Finally, the algorithm is able to generate from each symbolic model a minimal finite model immediately and allows for an exploration of further finite models. The algorithm is implemented in the new tool AutoGraph.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Articulating design-time uncertainty with DRUIDE

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    Les modélisateurs rencontrent souvent des incertitudes sur la manière de concevoir un modèle logiciel particulier. Les recherches existantes ont montré comment les modélisateurs peuvent travailler en présence de ce type d' ''incertitude au moment de la conception''. Cependant, le processus par lequel les développeurs en viennent à exprimer leurs incertitudes reste flou. Dans cette thèse, nous prenons des pas pour combler cette lacune en proposant de créer un langage de modélisation d'incertitude et une approche pour articuler l'incertitude au moment de la conception. Nous illustrons notre proposition sur un exemple et l'évaluons non seulement sur deux scénarios d'ingénierie logicielle, mais aussi sur une étude de cas réel basée sur les incertitudes causées par la pandémie COVID-19. Nous menons également un questionnaire post-étude avec les chercheurs qui ont participé à l'étude de cas. Afin de prouver la faisabilité de notre approche, nous fournissons deux outils et les discutons. Enfin, nous soulignons les avantages et discutons des limites de notre travail actuel.Modellers often encounter uncertainty about how to design a particular software model. Existing research has shown how modellers can work in the presence of this type of ''design-time uncertainty''. However, the process by which developers come to elicit and express their uncertainties remains unclear. In this thesis, we take steps to address this gap by proposing to create an uncertainty modelling language and an approach for articulating design-time uncertainty. We illustrate our proposal on a worked example and evaluate it not only on two software engineering scenarios, but also on a real case study based on uncertainties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. We also conduct a post-study questionnaire with the researchers who participated in the case study. In order to prove the feasibility of our approach, we provide two tool supports and discuss them. Finally, we highlight the benefits and discuss the limitations of our current work