6 research outputs found

    Continuous viscosity solutions to linear-quadratic stochastic control problems with singular terminal state constraint

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    This paper establishes the existence of a unique nonnegative continuous viscosity solution to the HJB equation associated with a Markovian linear-quadratic control problems with singular terminal state constraint and possibly unbounded cost coefficients. The existence result is based on a novel comparison principle for semi-continuous viscosity sub- and supersolutions for PDEs with singular terminal value. Continuity of the viscosity solution is enough to carry out the verification argument

    A Bank Salvage Model by Impulse Stochastic Controls

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    The present paper is devoted to the study of a bank salvage model with a finite time horizon that is subjected to stochastic impulse controls. In our model, the bank\u2019s default time is a completely inaccessible random quantity generating its own filtration, then reflecting the unpredictability of the event itself. In this framework the main goal is to minimize the total cost of the central controller, which can inject capitals to save the bank from default. We address the latter task, showing that the corresponding quasi-variational inequality (QVI) admits a unique viscosity solution\u2014Lipschitz continuous in space and H\uf6lder continuous in time. Furthermore, under mild assumptions on the dynamics the smooth-fit W(1,2),ploc property is achieved for any 1<+ 1e

    Impulse Control in Finance: Numerical Methods and Viscosity Solutions

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    The goal of this thesis is to provide efficient and provably convergent numerical methods for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) coming from impulse control problems motivated by finance. Impulses, which are controlled jumps in a stochastic process, are used to model realistic features in financial problems which cannot be captured by ordinary stochastic controls. The dynamic programming equations associated with impulse control problems are Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman quasi-variational inequalities (HJBQVIs) Other than in certain special cases, the numerical schemes that come from the discretization of HJBQVIs take the form of complicated nonlinear matrix equations also known as Bellman problems. We prove that a policy iteration algorithm can be used to compute their solutions. In order to do so, we employ the theory of weakly chained diagonally dominant (w.c.d.d.) matrices. As a byproduct of our analysis, we obtain some new results regarding a particular family of Markov decision processes which can be thought of as impulse control problems on a discrete state space and the relationship between w.c.d.d. matrices and M-matrices. Since HJBQVIs are nonlocal PDEs, we are unable to directly use the seminal result of Barles and Souganidis (concerning the convergence of monotone, stable, and consistent numerical schemes to the viscosity solution) to prove the convergence of our schemes. We address this issue by extending the work of Barles and Souganidis to nonlocal PDEs in a manner general enough to apply to HJBQVIs. We apply our schemes to compute the solutions of various classical problems from finance concerning optimal control of the exchange rate, optimal consumption with fixed and proportional transaction costs, and guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefits in variable annuities

    Impulse Control in Finance: Numerical Methods and Viscosity Solutions

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    The goal of this thesis is to provide efficient and provably convergent numerical methods for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) coming from impulse control problems motivated by finance. Impulses, which are controlled jumps in a stochastic process, are used to model realistic features in financial problems which cannot be captured by ordinary stochastic controls. The dynamic programming equations associated with impulse control problems are Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman quasi-variational inequalities (HJBQVIs) Other than in certain special cases, the numerical schemes that come from the discretization of HJBQVIs take the form of complicated nonlinear matrix equations also known as Bellman problems. We prove that a policy iteration algorithm can be used to compute their solutions. In order to do so, we employ the theory of weakly chained diagonally dominant (w.c.d.d.) matrices. As a byproduct of our analysis, we obtain some new results regarding a particular family of Markov decision processes which can be thought of as impulse control problems on a discrete state space and the relationship between w.c.d.d. matrices and M-matrices. Since HJBQVIs are nonlocal PDEs, we are unable to directly use the seminal result of Barles and Souganidis (concerning the convergence of monotone, stable, and consistent numerical schemes to the viscosity solution) to prove the convergence of our schemes. We address this issue by extending the work of Barles and Souganidis to nonlocal PDEs in a manner general enough to apply to HJBQVIs. We apply our schemes to compute the solutions of various classical problems from finance concerning optimal control of the exchange rate, optimal consumption with fixed and proportional transaction costs, and guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefits in variable annuities